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  • Whether carrying a brown bag from home, picking up a tray from the lunch person, or serving up the food themselves, lunchtime at school can be one of the most important parts of a child's day.


  • Let's take a look at what kids around the world eat for lunch.


  • French students can expect up to a four-course meal at lunch.


  • They begin with a salad of fresh veg, followed by a quality protein like salmon with a side of roasted broccoli.


  • They wouldn't be French without a course of soft cheeses, jam, and fresh bread.


  • And kids finish with a sweet confection like marzipan before heading back to class.


  • In Japan, kids aren't served healthy meals; they serve them.


  • To teach healthy cooking, kids take turns helping to cook, serve, and clean up for their peers.


  • Meals are heavy on rice, vegetables, and fish.


  • Students in Nigeria are fed well-balanced meals each day.


  • Meals could include smoky, tomato-y jollof rice with chicken and steamed veg.


  • Finland was the first country in the world to provide free lunch to every student, and the law ensures high nutrition standards.


  • Veggies like beetroot salad and roasted turnips take up at least half the plate.


  • Starches and grains such as a crepe topped with slightly tart lingonberry jam take up one quarter, and a protein such as hernekeitto, a split-pea soup topped with smoked ham, takes up the other.


  • Crispbread is served on the side.


  • In South Korea, students eat off steel trays sectioned out for perfect portion sizes.


  • The bigger section is for rice, the circle holds soup, and the smaller portions are for tangy, spicy kimchi, some veggies, and meat like marinated strips of pork shoulder called jaeyook bokum.


  • With a large orthodox population in Ethiopia, meals are largely plant-based.


  • An array of foods like spicy lentils, zucchini, and yellow split-pea soup called kik alicha are eaten with injera, a fermented flatbread.


  • Thanks to the islands' burgeoning Farm to School Program, kids in Hawaii can expect meals made from scratch with local, fresh ingredients, such as a chicken stir-fry with veggies and fresh-baked bread on the side.


  • Ukrainian kids get their lunch in three courses.


  • First, a soup course such as borscht, a hearty beef-based soup with cabbage and red beets to give it a vibrant color,


  • followed by meat and starch like grilled sausages with potato- and cheese-stuffed dumplings called varenyky.


  • They finish sweet with a shortbread biscuit.


  • A lunch tray in the US could include a gooey grilled cheese on crunchy whole-grain bread with creamy tomato soup, carrot sticks, fruit like a box of raisins and an apple,


  • and a brownie for dessert before heading back to class.


  • Italian students run to the cafeteria to receive a two-course meal, and if these kids reside in Rome, the meal must by law be 70% organic.

    義大利的學生們能在學生餐廳中吃到以兩道菜組成的一餐,而如果他們人在羅馬,法律規定餐點必須至少使用 70% 的有機食材。

  • Primo is the pasta course, while protein and a veg, like grilled chicken with a tasty mozzarella and tomato salad, is served for secondo.


  • According to the World Food Program, Thai students receive the most nutritional lunches in all of Asia.


  • Kids can expect a balanced meal like grilled chicken, rice, and an antioxidant-packed, spicy, sweet green papaya salad.


  • Families in China pay a monthly fee of about 70 cents per day for children to receive a box lunch.

    中國的家庭每個月會花費約為 70 美分 (約折合新台幣 21 元) 的費用來購買孩子的午餐便當。

  • Inside, kids can find rice, meat, and vegetables.


  • Food is a constitutional right in Brazil, which means schools are required to provide students with healthy meals with 30% of ingredients sourced from local farmers.

    在巴西,食物是憲法所保障的權利,而這代表學校有義務提供食材有 30% 產自當地農民的健康餐點。

  • Kitchen staff cooks fresh foods like frittatas loaded with veggies, paired with hearty rice and beans and a piece of fruit.


  • Kids in India show up to school with a tiffin box, a stackable metal container filled with a home-cooked meal.


  • What's inside depends on the region.


  • Northern Indian kids might enjoy parathas, seasoned, flaky bread, accompanied with boondi raita, crispy gram-flour balls floating in a sea of spiced yogurt.


  • Kids in Guatemala go home for lunch, where they'll eat dishes like pasta in a tomato sauce with beets and tortillas.


  • With classes six days a week, school in Israel finishes before lunchtime, but kids do bring aruchat eser, a morning meal which could be a small snack like pita with humus and a hard-boiled egg.


  • Kids in Trinidad and Tobago might be served rich and gelatinous oxtail stew for lunch paired with buss up, soft andaky shreds of roti.


  • Students in Hong Kong can expect a veggie like steamed broccoli alongside wok-fried pork slices and white rice.


  • A kid in the UK might be served baked cod fingers with a hot jacket potato, a heaping side of beans, and a handful of chocolate biscuits for dessert.


  • In Mexico, instead of a meal, kids might bring along a morning snack such as a torta layered with spicy bean dip, sliced ham, tomato, and fresh, crisp lettuce.


  • Australian kids eat lunch outside, bringing food from home or buying meals from a cafeteria or street vendor.


  • Food can include classic takeaway comforts like a sausage roll, pork sausage wrapped snugly in puff pastry, with a couple of sweet chocolate biscuits called Tim Tams for dessert.

    這些食物包括了像是香腸捲,一種用酥皮包裹香腸後烘烤的的經典外帶點心,還有叫做 Tim Tam 的巧克力夾心餅乾作為點心。

  • Norwegian schools don't have cafeterias, so kids bring a light lunch from home, which could include an open-face sandwich with liverwurst, a sausage of pork liver blended with bold spices like cardamom, coriander, and mace.


  • The meat's texture is almost spreadable, close to pâté, and is accompanied by toppings like mustard and cheese.


  • Milk and fresh fruit is provided by the school.


  • Although students bring a home-cooked lunch daily, teachers in Pakistan are known to contact parents if meals don't err on the healthy side.


  • Kids might bring aloo gosht, a stew of lamb and potatoes, paired with roti and a sweet and creamy mango lassi in the summer.


  • So, which type of school lunch do you want to try?


  • Are there any we missed?


  • Let us know in the comments below.


Whether carrying a brown bag from home, picking up a tray from the lunch person, or serving up the food themselves, lunchtime at school can be one of the most important parts of a child's day.


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