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To All the Boys premiered in 2018.
That's a decade ago
in Hollywood years.
Today, we'll be asking the cast a question to see
how well they remember their own movies.
This should be fun.
I can't even remember
if I put on underwear this morning.
[rings bell]
I did.
Well done, Fortune!
Okay, Janel,
the first question is for you.
Are you ready?
I think so.
I'm nervous.
Whew! Okay, Janel.
In the original, Margot got a stack of
magazines from her dad right before she got on
the plane to go to Scotland.
What was the name of the magazine,
he specifically mentioned?
Look at Lana.
They don't know!
You guys know?
I don't know!
Look, Lana doesn't know.
It's for Janel.
First of all, wow.
Real hard.
I watched all three movies.
I did a lot of digging.
Pottery Barn?
Did you say Pottery Barn?
It seemed like something Margot would like.
I mean…
Was it something about, like, automobiles?
And like…
Oh, here comes Anna.
I think, like, tractor...
Something about a tractor.
Track and…
Track and Road?!
Track and Field!
Janel, what'd you say?
Was it Track and Field?
Well, let's find out!
With this clip…
We couldn't decide,
so we got you all of them.
That's, uh, Road and Track--
The answer…
The answer…
was Road and Track.
Well done!
Those are…
Road and track.
Those are two things I hate running on. So…
Anna, you're up.
Let's see how good you are at this one!
In the last movie,
LJ, Margot, and Kitty went to the
lock bridge in Korea with their dad
and found the lock their mom left there,
which would never happen.
"Look! This is from 20 years ago!"
They looked for a while.
They did!
what was written
on the lock?
You know this Anna.
No, I think I know this.
"For the rest of my life."
All right. Let's check out the video.
Oh! It has--
You got part of it.
It's "Eve and Dan".
And then on the back,
"For the rest of my life."
I'll give you a bell.
[rings bell]
There's the bell. Okay.
All right.
Noah, this one's for you, bud,
are you ready?
In the first movie, Peter surprised L.J.
at her house and invited her to a party.
When he asked Dr. Covey for permission,
what were the three things
he told Peter he couldn't do?
I'm going to go with,
no touching, no drugs and…
no alcohol.
And Janel and Anna added no drinking…
All right.
No drinking? Oh okay, no alcohol.
All right. Let's see what the answer is!
No drinking.
No drugs.
No hands.
You got it.
Oh, no hands!
Well done!
[rings bell]
You gave him that one, right Fortune?
No kissing, I guess.
Yeah, you give it to him.
All right, Lana!
Lana, the last question
is all yours.
Are you ready?
Lana, you got this!
In movie number two,
what was the bingo prize
at the retirement home?
A wheel of Gouda.
Well, let's check it out!
Yeah it was. She's right.
It's Gouda!
That was the fastest answer!
[rings bell]
You are very Gouda at that game.
You're like,
"What's the prize? How about a vaccine?"
All right. Well, thank you guys.
That was really fun.
And it's also
the last time they're ever going to let me have
a prop.
[rings bell]