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we disagree, but we don't have Thio Gettinto spat about it.
It's simple for me, like it really boils down to the example you made in basketball.
If LeBron and Jordan bet in the finals in Jordan, beat LeBron as an older player, LeBron wouldn't be in the gold conversation.
Now we would talk about him being the most talented and one of the best to ever do it.
But when we got this matchup head to head, I firmly believe that Patrick Mahomes needed toe win this game in order to be in the gold conversation.
When we start talking about the longevity of a career, there's a lot of things Patrick Mahomes it's still going to do.
He's going toe, win some more Super Bowls.
But we're all going to remember that Tom Brady was 43 when they met in the Super Bowl, and he beat him.
We're also gonna remember in 2018, when Tom Brady beat him in the A F C championship, so Patrick Mahomes needed this game.
In order for this conversation to go further, Patrick Mahomes may break every Tom Brady record when it comes to passing yards and all of those things, which probably will happen with with how the league is now and what they do offensively in Kansas City.
But when we start talking about the goat, we don't talk.
We don't need to have a conversation about Patrick Mahomes and Tom Brady.
Tom Brady is in a league of his own when it comes to go.
And for me, quite frankly, in professional team sports, this is This has become way bigger than Patrick Mahomes.
That's why I go back to the first argument we had about Tom Brady, Um, being the most impressive Super Bowl run.
We don't do these things at 43 years old.
This doesn't happen.
If I told you years ago a 43 year old quarterback that changed teams in the middle of a global pandemic was going to go on and win a Super Bowl against teams in quarterbacks that have been together, that you know who they are, identity wise and have a plan, then you would have told me I was crazy and I shouldn't be on television, period.
So, look, the gold conversation is over for everybody that wants to talk about this in the NFL and compare thing.
Look, we know we Aaron Rodgers is more talented than Tom Brady and has done better things from the optic standpoint, playing the position in Tom Brady.
Patrick Mahomes has taken that to another level.
The bottom line is when we start talking about goat also, LeBron does some things athletically that Jordan couldn't do.
But the reason why people talk about Jordan being the goat is because of the insurmountable accomplishments period like that.
That e do you know You know about Giorgio, man, this ain't about this.
Ain't about yeah, LeBron 68 All of that.
God getting stuff anyway.
Tom Brady beating Patrick Mahomes head to head, I believe not.
Not Patrick Mahomes out of the goat conversation.
If we didn't have totally reasonable way to speculate, then we could both.
All right, that's a totally reasonable position toe have.
And it's probably right.
What I'm saying is the door isn't closed.
And the reason I'm saying this is look, that game was so clearly a line of scrimmage game one guy was running for his life.
The other guy had all the time in the U talk about history like that.
We're not gonna talk about that.
We're not gonna.
History will not talk about that.
Max, don't do it.
Don't do it way.
No history will bring matters going forward.
It depends what happens going forward if, for example, they link up again next season and this time.
And this time no one has a decimated offensive line and Mahomes wins.
What that will demonstrate to a lot of people is well, yeah, because on a level playing field, Mahomes team won.
It depends on what happens going forward.
If Mahomes never wins another Super Bowl or wins one MAWR, he ain't gonna be in the conversation if that happens.
But if he gets him in a rematch and Mahomes winds up with five championships, by the way the odds were against Mahomes winning five championships, it's hard to win even one.
That's why Brady's the go right.
But if Mahomes is able to do that and shatters every record, he'll be back in the conversation.
We disagree, bro.
Like when you get a chance when you get a chance for when you get a chance to be the future goat, when you get a chance to be the future gold and that's the conversation.
We had no chance.
But you actually play the goat and you lose.
You are removed from that conference.
There was no chance, Marcus, Thanks for watching ESPN on YouTube for live streaming sports and premium content subscribed to ESPN plus.