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A 33-year-old woman is not supposed to die of a heart attack. I have a lot to live for.
I’m Elizabeth Hobbie, and this is my story. I've always tried to walk for exercise and
just taking my normal walk I started to feel pain, going up hills especially. Nothing was
really helping, so eventually I did go to my primary care physician and she did an EKG
in the office that day and it was abnormal. She said, "Well, I want you to see a cardiologist."
We initially didn't believe there could be anything seriously wrong because we were young
and (because) we took care of ourselves. The initial coronary arteriogram was very surprising
in that she had a nearly 99% blockage in the main left coronary artery and then we shot
the other coronary artery and found the same thing. When we realized 'angiographically'
that she had this really severe issue going on, the room completely changed. She started to develop rhythm disturbances
and went into what's called ventricular fibrillation...that’s a cardiac arrest situation, so we began the
measures to resuscitate her heart. The problem that we were having was that she wouldn’t
go out of ventricular fibrillation, despite all of our best measures. We placed the stent
in her left main coronary artery and got it fully open. The heart was still fully arrested.
I remember praying with the chaplain and telling our children that momma was very sick but
that I loved them very much. A decision was made that we put her on cardio-pulmonary bypass
in the operating room. CPR was being done down the hallway, in the elevator, up to the
O.R., into the O.R, and kept going in the O.R. for at least an hour until they were
able to put he bypass machine in. The doctor came down afterwards and told me that there
was a very real chance that she was brain dead. I’ve never seen anybody recover after
two hours of CPR. I prayed for Elizabeth and for our family and begged for her life. The
next day I was talking to her and holding her hand and telling her to open her eyes...and
she did. And it only got more incredible over the next 30 days. We thought that her only
recourse was going to be to get a (heart) transplant, so we made arrangements to go
over to California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco. When she got to CPMC after
a couple of days her heart started beating again on its own. I remember waking up in
the hospital room and seeing my extended family around the bed and just thinking, 'wow everyone’s
here, what happened?' I started breathing more on my own each day until eventually they
took the machine off after eleven days. Having Elizabeth health again means everything to
me. I can't thank the doctors, nurses and technicians enough that care for Elizabeth
and saved her life. I think it probably was a miracle that so many pieces came together
the way they did. I’m Elizabeth and that’s my story.