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  • With bonnets up and hazard lights flashing, cars appeared to be broken down across Me, a Mars largest city of Yangon, on Wednesday.


  • It was the latest creative protests against the military coup from taxi drivers, commuters and even public transportation employees.


  • Their aim was to block military and police from moving in on protesters.


  • Min Chaw joined the demonstration downtown.


  • E think the civil disobedience movement is efficient because the government officers air joining the protest and the junta has to ask them to go back to work.


  • We, the protesters need to keep going.


  • Tens of thousands of demonstrators flooded the streets of Yangon and we're joined by celebrities and veteran activists.


  • On Tuesday at a press conference, a military spokesperson said they would hold a fair election but gave no date.


  • Police filed an additional charge against detained leader on Santucci are violating a natural disaster management law on top of earlier charges off illegally importing six walkie talkie radios.


  • Recently, the army has given itself extensive search and detention powers and there have been penal code amendments aimed at stifling dissent with tough prison terms.


  • Despite this, demonstrations have continued in towns across their ethnically diverse country.


With bonnets up and hazard lights flashing, cars appeared to be broken down across Me, a Mars largest city of Yangon, on Wednesday.


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