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  • Hello everyone.

  • You've heard us again and again talk about how important it is,

  • in terms of living the life that you want to live, to raise your frequency.

  • But I get a lot of emails asking how do you go about raising the frequency.

  • That is what today's video is about.

  • Consciousness and vibrational frequency go hand-in-hand.

  • When you're in a low-frequency, you're in a decreased state of consciousness, your perception is limited.

  • When you're in a high frequency, you're in an increased state of consciousness, and your perception is heightened.

  • The lower your vibrational frequency, the less you are able to comprehend,

  • because your ego is restricting the flow of life-force, and source energy.

  • It's also restricting the flow of intuition and love through your mind and body.

  • The higher your vibrational frequency,

  • the more you are able to comprehend because you are allowing a greater flow of life force,

  • through your mind and body.

  • Holding the high vibration and radiating love, that is unconditional and non-judgmental love,

  • raises the consciousness of all those who come into contact with your energy field.

  • Your emotions are a biochemical feedback system.

  • Your emotions, are created to reflect to you,

  • at all moments of the day, what your vibration is.

  • So you can think of vibration in terms of negative and positive.

  • There are a billion different frequencies within that range.

  • But what's most important, when you're thinking about increasing your vibration,

  • is that you distinguish between what negative vibration is and what a positive vibrations is.

  • And the way you're gonna know that is how you feel.

  • If you feel an emotion which does not feel good, that is a low vibration.

  • If you're in an emotion which feels good,

  • that is your biochemical indication that you are in a high vibration.

  • So increasing your vibration is about causing yourself to feel, positive emotion.

  • So what is it that creates emotion?

  • It's thoughts.

  • Your emotions reflect your thoughts, and thoughts are a vibration.

  • So you in your life are picking thoughts which either vibrate at a high frequency or a lower frequency.

  • Anywhere in between really.

  • But we want to think about what thoughts we're thinking,

  • that cause us to feel good or cause us to feel not so good.

  • If you want to increase your vibration,

  • the absolute trump card is to choose thoughts which cause you to feel emotionally good.

  • Nothing is more important than the thoughts you are thinking and whatever you're paying attention to or focusing on.

  • This is what enables a person to maintain a super high frequency,

  • while interacting with people who hold a super low frequency.

  • You cannot focus on things that cause you to feel bad, and hold a high vibration.

  • You must focus on things that make you feel good to hold a high vibration.

  • I'll give you a personal example.

  • I have many clients which are in the hospitals.

  • I am going absolutely no good for myself or for them if I walk into the room and immediately focus on

  • the injustice that the insurance companies are doing to them,

  • their state of incredible illness,

  • or the deep suffering that they're in.

  • When I do this I am not practicing unconditional love for them I am focusing negatively towards them and their situation.

  • When I do this, not only am I not lending to their health,

  • but I'm also not able to be present for them,

  • which is really what people need when they're in a low vibration. They need you to be totally present, they need you to be reflecting what unconditional love and positivity looks like.

  • If I walk into a hospital room with someone who is suffering, and I focus on their suffering instead of wellness,

  • my frequency will immediately decrease.

  • What do we do instead?

  • We walk into the room and we focus on our vision of them in a perfect state of health.

  • We focus on anything that would bring them more relief.

  • We focus on the truth that they are eternal beings,

  • who are powerful creators and we focus on how good it feels to hold someones hands as they make their transition,

  • potentially even into death,

  • while looking into their eyes and telling them without words there's nothing to be afraid of,

  • and that they are not alone.

  • By doing this you can be fully present for them.

  • You are offering them unconditional love and energy with the high vibration that comes with that kind of focus.

  • If you are currently focused on negative thoughts, one of the best things to do is to meditate.

  • When we are meditating we're stopping thought,

  • and it's much easier to go from a negative space to stopping the thought to positive,

  • than jump the gap of the grand canyon and go from a negative focus to appear positive focus.

  • So meditation works really good.

  • Alternatively you can do what is called stepping into the observing mind.

  • That is without judging, without criticizing your thoughts you just sit there,

  • and remove yourself from them and observe them.

  • Now when you observe something without judgement what you're doing is,

  • you are looking at a thought

  • and not really investing in it.

  • When we invest in a thought what we're doing is attaching to the idea that being true or not true.

  • When you're watching your thoughts it's not about whether they're true or not true.

  • They are just thoughts.

  • So you're watching them go buy a kind of like clouds in the sky.

  • Don't judge what you observe or feel,

  • this is stepping outside the ego mind.

  • Allow your ego to express whatever it needs,

  • whether it's rage, grief self righteousness

  • whatever it is, let it come out.

  • Writing out your feelings could also be helpful, so do that.

  • If you need to cry or yell or punch a pillow or do whatever you need.

  • What you're doing here is discharging the energy.

  • You can't resist anything that comes up on the basis of it not being nice.

  • Just consider this process discharging.

  • You know best what puts you in a high vibrational frequency.

  • In other words you know best what you enjoy, what causes you to feel positive emotion.

  • So you should trust yourself, above all else that I'm about to list.

  • The things we could do to increase our vibration are literally endless.

  • But i'm going to give you some suggestions as to how you can raise your vibrations,

  • based on what I am looking at when I'm watching people vibrationally, in general.

  • One: Make conscious positive changes, in your lifestyle, beliefs, fears and judgments.

  • Use your intuition on this one,

  • because you most likely know what kinds of things you potentially have to change in your life,

  • in order to live in high frequency.

  • 2). Music is one of the most amazing vibrational tools we have.

  • because it crosses all boundaries and it's kinda sidestepping the ego.

  • The ego does not resist the high-frequency of music.

  • So when you use music you're causing your own vibration to entrain with the frequency of the music you're listening to.

  • So then it's all about being really honest about what music makes you feel good.

  • Three: Spend time near people, places, things which hold a high-frequency in and of themselfs.

  • These could be spiritual teachers, they could be friends,

  • it could be animals, it could be crystals.

  • Nature is a good example of something which holds a very high frequency,

  • because nature is in a state of non-resistance.

  • Anytime you're spending time around something with a higher frequency,

  • you were being caused to entrain with that higher frequency.

  • 4; Anything that is inspiring is going to raise your frequency.

  • So read books that cause you to feel good about yourself in the world,

  • watch movies that make you feel good and inspire you and listen to spiritual teachers,

  • that inspire you and cause you to awaken to your own magnificence.

  • 5; Exercise. Physical movement not only causes energy to move through and oxygenate your brain,

  • it stimulates the release of endorphins, which are frequency elevating chemicals,

  • as witnessed by the way that they move you into joy.

  • Make sure that you do an exercise that you like doing,

  • not an exercise that you're forcing yourself to do, because that's going to be counter to raising your frequency.

  • 6; Aromatherapy or color therapy.

  • Just like music causes you to entrain with the frequency of the music.

  • Aromatherapy and color therapy causes you to entrain with the frequency of whatever ingredient went into the aroma

  • or the frequency of the color that you're looking at.

  • 7: Write in a positive aspects journal or a gratitude journal.

  • This doesn't necessarily have to be a journal if you have a difficult time writing,

  • I just found that the writing process is very good at helping you to hold a high frequency,

  • because the effort it takes to put pen to paper is strengthening the vibration of whatever you're focused on.

  • But you can if you'd like just do this via focus.

  • For example when you're driving in your car you could just do a scavenger hunt for positive aspects.

  • So you could drive around and basically approach the world like this.

  • It is my dominant intention to look for things which I'm wishing to see.

  • Which makes me feel good when I look at it.

  • So you might be driving and say: "Oh I like the color of that car."

  • Or you might be driving and say: "I like the fact that that mother was holding her child's hands."

  • Whatever it is that you like that you're looking at.

  • That's focusing positively and it's going to cause your vibration to increase.

  • The reason that it is so important to be an attitude of gratitude or state of appreciation or positive focus,

  • is because the state of appreciation is the exact vibration match to the vibration of source energy.

  • It is pure unconditional love, when you're looking at something with an attitude of appreciation.

  • So anytime you take that kind of focus you are causing yourself to resonate with the highest frequency that there is.

  • 8: Spent time in water.

  • Light is the manifestation which holds the closest vibration to that of pure source energy.

  • Water is only second to that.

  • It's vibration is so close to that of pure source energy,

  • that any time you spent time in water you're going to be resonating in a very close frequency to source itself.

  • This is why it feels so good to take a shower or take a bath.

  • And that's why we had the association of the kind of cleansing us it's because it vibrationally does.

  • 9: Practice random acts of kindness.

  • Many of you saw the video which I released two weeks ago on practicing random acts of kindness.

  • It's my video titled challenge. Anytime you are projecting and radiating love outwards,

  • you are in a high vibration.

  • It's one of the best things you can do to increase your vibration

  • 10: Inquiry

  • Any questioning you do, will bring you to a higher and higher levels of awareness

  • and set you free from the allusion of fear and limits.

  • The more you know yourself and the more you get outside the box by being deeply introspective,

  • the easier it becomes to permanently hold a high frequency.

  • 11: Laugh and smile.

  • Anything you can do or think or say or watch or be around, that causes you to smile or laugh,

  • is automatically going to increase your vibration.

  • Laughter you could think of is the byproduct of an increased vibration.

  • So what happens when the increased vibration, causes you to discharge some of that positive energy.

  • So spend time really trying to seek out those things which cause you to smile and laugh.

  • You're going to have to dedicate yourself to happiness and prioritize your own personal happiness about everything else,

  • if you really care to raise your frequency.

  • If you are dedicated to raising your frequency, you can't afford the luxury of a negative thought.

  • If you have a negative thought however, you should never resist it.

  • By getting frustrated that you had it, you are resisting.

  • Resistance.

  • In other words you're fighting fire with fire.

  • So, just accept that you are where you are.

  • Express it in a healthy way and then move in the direction of feeling better emotionally.

  • Anything that brings you joy is going to help raise your frequency.

  • But I want you to remember something very important.

  • When it comes to raising your frequency, it isn't the other thing that you are spending time around,

  • that's causing your frequency to raise.

  • Because nothing can impose inself on your reality.

  • So all that's happening,

  • when you're introducing something like music,

  • or an aroma, or a person, is that that thing is offering it's high vibration.

  • It is your choice now to assume or adopt that vibration as your own and to entrain with it.

  • That is always a choice,

  • sometimes it doesn't feel conscious that we make that choice,

  • but it is always a choice.

  • You are the one who is ultimately increasing your vibration.

  • Nothing else can cause you to do that.

  • You're simply using that other thing,

  • such as music or a aroma or a person as an excuse to raise your own frequency,

  • by accepting the offering of that higher frequency and then matching it.

  • Raising your frequency is not as hard as it may sound.

  • It doesn't take occult knowledge and mastery.

  • It simply takes the sensitivity to tune into your emotions,

  • continual introspection to become more conscious and aware and the commitment to your own personal happiness.

  • Remember that your emotions are the indicator of what your frequency and your vibration is.

  • So the better you feel the higher your vibration is.

  • It's really as simple as that.

  • Have a good week.

Hello everyone.

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如何提高你的頻率和增加你的振動 - Teal Swan (How to Raise Your Frequency and Increase Your Vibration - Teal Swan)

  • 68 6
    Hhart Budha posted on 2021/01/14
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