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stocks on Wall Street closed lower on Thursday after a worse than expected report on jobless claims pointed to a fragile recovery in the labor market and a decline in tech Stocks such as Apple and Facebook waited on the S and P 500 the tech heavy NASDAQ, with Facebook shares dropping 1.5% as Wall Street assess the wider ramifications of its move to block all news content.
華爾街股市週四收盤下跌,此前,一份差於預期的失業救濟金申請報告指出,勞動力市場復甦脆弱,科技股下跌 蘋果和Facebook等股票在S和P 500科技重鎮納斯達克上等待,Facebook股價下跌1.5%,因為華爾街評估了其封鎖所有新聞內容的舉動的廣泛影響。
In Australia, the Dow and S and P both closed down about 4/10 of a percent, while the NASDAQ lost 7/10 of a percent.
Progress in the vaccination roll out, plus strong earnings and hopes of a $1.9 trillion federal stimulus package, had helped US stock indexes again hit record highs earlier in the week.
But after a months long rally, Thompson Reuter stocks buzz Analyst Terence Gabriel says the market could now be at a turning point.
但在經歷了長達數月的反彈之後,湯普森路透股票行情分析師Terence Gabriel表示,現在市場可能正處於一個轉捩點。
Conditions air there in terms of overly bullish sentiment, a lot of complacency, very overheated, uh, internal measures and market momentum measures, so the conditions were there for the market to be at an important turning point.
Eso certainly we have to watch the way any kind of decline starts to develop in terms of how broad it is.
Meanwhile, retail giant WalMart slipped 6.5% after missing quarterly profit estimates and forecasting a slowdown in sales and profits for the year.
We always felt comfortable with our liquidity.
Thursday's action on Wall Street came as the heads of online broker Robin Hood and hedge funds were being grilled by lawmakers in Washington over the game Stops saga, which saw retail investors drive up the video game companies stock hitting hedge funds who had been betting against the company.
週四華爾街的行動是在在線經紀商Robin Hood和對沖基金的負責人在華盛頓接受立法者的質詢時發生的,因為遊戲Stops傳奇,散戶投資者推動了視頻遊戲公司股票的上漲,打擊了一直對該公司進行押注的對沖基金。