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  • Welcome to a brand new edition of CNN 10.

    歡迎收看全新版本的 CNN10。

  • I'm your host, Carl Azus.

    我是主持人,Carl Azus。

  • Hope Your Tuesday is going well.


  • Airlines in several countries have decided to keep certain Boeing passenger planes on the ground.


  • Boeing is among the largest aerospace companies in the world.


  • One of its models currently flies with an engine made by another aerospace company, Pratt and Whitney.


  • And there was a major problem over the weekend with one of these planes powered by one of these engines.


  • On a United Airlines flight from Denver, Colorado, to Honolulu, Hawaii, there was an engine failure on Saturday afternoon.


  • Passengers aboard the plane and people on the ground heard a loud "boom".


  • The pilot immediately radioed a distress signal and turned the plane back toward Denver International Airport.


  • Despite the explosion and the debris that fell from the plane onto some populated areas of Denver, no one was hurt either on the aircraft or on the ground.


  • Several of the 241 people aboard the plane said they held hands and prayed, and after the flight landed safely back at the airport, people cheered before they got off the plane.

    機上的 241 人中有幾人表示,他們牽手祈禱,而當班機安全降落回機場後,人們在下飛機前歡呼。

  • The aircraft was a Boeing 777; the engine was a Pratt and Whitney model 4000.

    這架飛機是一架波音 777,引擎是普惠公司的 4000 機型。

  • As US government investigators tried to find out exactly what went wrong, a source told CNN they believe a fan blade in the engine came off and destroyed another blade, leading to the failure.

    美國政府的調查人員試圖找出到底是什麼問題,有消息告訴 CNN,他們認為引擎中的一個風扇葉片脫落,並破壞了另一個葉片,導致了故障的發生。

  • The Federal Aviation Administration is recommending more frequent inspections of this specific engine, and several airlines in the United States, South Korea, and Japan are following Boeing's recommendation to ground dozens of these aircraft while the new safety measures are put in place.


  • There was a separate incident on Saturday involving a different Boeing aircraft powered by the same Pratt and Whitney engine.


  • One of these engines caught fire on a 747 cargo flight that was flying over the Netherlands.

    其中一個 747 貨運班機的引擎在飛越荷蘭上空時起火。

  • That also happened shortly after take off.


  • The crew also made it back down safely, but the debris that fell from that plane did mildly injure two people on the ground.


  • Boeing has joined the US government in investigating what happened there.


  • Bad news and good news related to coronavirus cases in America.


  • First, the number of deaths in which COVID‑19 was cited as a factor has reached 500,000 since last winter.

    首先,自去年冬天以來,因 COVID‑19 死亡的人數已經達到 50 萬。

  • The number of positive tests recorded in the US has surpassed 28 million.

    在美國記錄的陽性檢測數量已突破 2800 萬。

  • But that's not a record of all cases, since many people who catch coronavirus have no symptoms and may not get tested.


  • The good news is that the number of new infections continues to drop in all but a few states.


  • It's the first time since last fall that the average number of new cases has been less than 65,000 per day.

    這是自去年秋季以來,首次出現日均新案件不足 6.5 萬件的情況。

  • Health officials don't know exactly why there's been such a decline.


  • Theories include the changing seasons.


  • Flu cases have historically decreased after February.

    2 月份以後,流感病例歷來減少。

  • In some places, experts believe enough people have recovered from coronavirus and developed natural immunities to it.


  • Others say increased social distancing, mask wearing, and vaccinations are having an impact,


  • though not every health official agrees with that.


  • One thing they are warning about is that new variants, or mutated versions of coronavirus, could still increase its spread.


  • Viruses mutate naturally, and officials say coronavirus vaccines may not protect as well against variants.


  • I'm Isa Soares in London, where Prime Minister Boris Johnson set to unveil much anticipated road map out of lockdown.

    我是 Isa Soares,目前位在倫敦,首相 Boris Johnson 將在封鎖中公佈備受期待的路線圖。

  • The country has been in lockdown since January, and the prime minister, who wants to avoid a rise in hospitalizations and more pressure on the National Health Service, will be setting out to slow, cautious, and phased opening that he says will be guided by the data and not by dates.


  • The balancing act here is making sure that he doesn't open up too quickly, creating a breeding ground for new variants, putting, of course, pressure on a very successful vaccination program.


  • The expectation is that schools will open on March the 8th, followed by March 29th, when social gatherings will be allowed outdoors.

    期望在 3 月 8 日開學,隨後 3 月 29 日,學校將允許在戶外舉行社交聚會。

  • I'm Delia Gallagher in Rome.

    我是 Delia Gallagher,位在羅馬。

  • Italy is marking one year since the discovery of its first case of coronavirus that happened in the tiny town of Codogno in northern Italy and triggered the first national lockdown in Europe.


  • Since then, Italy has had over 95,000 deaths from the virus, and Italians are still living under travel restrictions and curfews.

    此後,意大利已有超過 9.5 萬人死於該病毒,而意大利人仍生活在旅行限制和宵禁之下。

  • One thing has changedItaly has a new prime minister, Mario Draghi, a well-respected economist.

    但有一件事改變了——意大利有了新的總理,Mario Draghi,他是備受尊敬的經濟學家,

  • And hopes are now pinned on him and his government to speed up the vaccine rollout plan and come up with an economic recovery plan for this country.


  • Ten Second Trivia!

    10 秒問答!

  • Which of these construction projects was completed in 2011?

    這些建設項目中,哪一個是在 2011 年完成的?

  • Beijing Daxing International Airport, International Space Station, One World Trade Center, or Burj Khalifa?


  • International Space Station was officially completed in 2011.

    國際太空站於 2011 年正式建成。

  • Of the 150 billion dollars it's taken to build the International Space Station, the United States has contributed about 100 billion, and it costs America about 3 to 4 billion dollars a year just to operate the orbiting laboratory.

    在建設國際太空站所花費的 1500 億美元中,美國就貢獻了約 1000 億美元,僅用於運行軌道實驗室的費用每年就花費美國 3 到 40 億美元。

  • That's part of the reason why NASA wants private companies to get involved there.

    這也是 NASA (美國國家航空暨太空總署) 希望私營公司參與其中的部分原因。

  • The ISS takes a significant chunk of the agency's budget, and NASA wants to focus more of its efforts in funding on Mars missions like Perseverance and on returning people to the moon.

    ISS (國際太空站) 佔用了該機構很大一部分預算,而 NASA 希望將更多精力集中在為「毅力號」之類的火星任務以及使人們重返月球上的資金。

  • For private astronauts to get to the ISS, the cost will be around 55 million dollars per seat.

    民間的宇航員要想上 ISS 的話,每個座位的費用約為 5500 萬美元。

  • The International Space Station represents the longest continuous human presence in low Earth orbit.


  • As a working laboratory, the astronauts are its researchers.


  • The amazing thing about the space station is that it's a place where we do researchwe're simulating aspects of future space missionsand at the same time, we also have commercial providers that are coming in and becoming part of the space economy.


  • The space economy is, in many ways, the latest form of the space race.


  • Low Earth orbitthe space occupied by the ISSis defined by NASA as the area and Earth's orbit close enough for easy transportation, resupply, and communication.

    ISS 所佔據的空間——低軌道被 NASA 認定該區域和地球軌道足夠相近,便於運輸、補給和通信。

  • Low Earth orbit gives you access to a place where gravity is no longer a dominant force like it is on Earth.


  • It also is a place where you can potentially harness laws of physics in ways you can't on Earth to make products or other things that can't be produced here.


  • If you're gonna have an economy in space, you've gotta have supply and demand, and you have to have the research capabilities that a lot of small companies are now providing.


  • Some commercial companies like Space Tango, which facilitates manufacturing and research in microgravity, already have a presence on board the ISS.

    一些促進微重力製造和研究的商業公司,例如 Space Tango,已經在國際太空站上佔有一席之地。

  • While others have designs on starting their own.


  • On the ISS now government is, uh, the landlord, if you will.

    在 ISS 上,政府目前就是房東,如果你願意的話。

  • We were on the platform with our... with our partners.


  • Um... that's not sustainable in the long run because we have exploration goals.


  • So we need to turn low Earth orbit over to the commercial sector, and then we become a customer in the last year.


  • So NASA has pivoted to starting to enable companies to learn that they can actually produce something in space.

    所以,NASA 已經轉而開始讓企業學會在太空中真的生產一些東西。

  • NASA took a big step in that direction with the announcement that private astronauts with approved research projects can pay their way onto the ISS, and companies can bid to use a port on the station.

    NASA 在這個方向上邁出了一大步,宣布已批准研究項目的民間宇航員可以向國際太空站付款,而企業可以競標使用該站上的港口。

  • More and more, it seems, the human presence in low Earth orbit is set to expand in ways that we've never seen before.


  • Rachel Crane, CNN reporting.

    Rachel Crane,於 CNN 為你進行報導。

  • According to, hiring professionals to move you to a new home costs anywhere from 1,000 to 5,000 dollars on average.

    據,聘請專業人員為你搬到新家,平均費用從 1000 到 5000 美元不等。

  • What about moving a home itself?


  • A 139-year-old Victorian resident measuring 80-feet long.

    一位 139 歲的維多利亞居民,身長 80 英尺。

  • Developers wanted to put apartments in its old location, so the owner spent 400,000 dollars to have it towed six blocks.

    開發商想在其舊址建公寓,於是業主花了 40 萬美金讓人把它拖了六個街區。

  • (It's not every day you see a 139-year-old house move seven blocks)

    (你不是每天都能看到一棟 139 年的老房子移動七個街區)

  • (But that's exactly what happened in San Francisco)


  • (Spectators cheered as this two-story, historic Victorian was moved to a new location)


  • (It's the first move of its kind in 50 years, according to the San Francisco Historical Society)

    (根據舊金山歷史學會,這是 50 年第一次移動這類房屋)

  • (The fees and permissions alone reportedly cost the owner about $200,000)

    (據報導,光這些費用和許可證就花了業主約 20 萬美元)

  • (Squeezing the landmark building down the narrow roads took some prep work)


  • (Crew had to trim trees, move power lines and take down a few road signs)


  • (Eyewitnesses say the move was almost like watching a very slow Mardi Gras parade)


  • It was a moving sight.


  • They must have had to search high in bungalow to find the craftsmen needed for such a non-traditional relocation.


  • We don't know if they had a "tudor", but to get a house "Victorian" to its new home, you need more than mid-century modern ideas.


  • You need a revival of innovation so the project doesn't turn out raunchy.


  • That brings us home for the day on Carl Azus and I'm shouting out Walter McGuinness.

    Carl Azus 今天的節目就到此結束了,而我要向 Walter McGuinness 致意。

  • That's the name of a high school in Red Wing, Minnesota, where folks subscribed and left a comment on our YouTube channel.

    這是明尼蘇達州雷德溫一所高中的名字,他們訂閱我們的 YouTube 頻道上並留言。

  • CNN 10 returns tomorrow.

    CNN10 明天見。

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歡迎收看全新版本的 CNN10。

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