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From 1995 to 1997 I supervised the prosecution of the perpetrators of the bombing of the Oklahoma City federal building who sought to spark a revolution that would topple the federal government.
If confirmed, I will supervise the prosecution of white supremacists and others who stormed the capital on January 6th.
Attorney General takes an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
It was Oklahoma City, just a one off unrelated to what happened here.
Can you measure based on what you've learned so far, what kind of forces air at work to divide and destroy the American dream?
I don't think that this is necessarily a one off.
We must do everything in the power of the Justice Department to prevent this kind of interference with the policies of American democratic institutions.
And I plan if you now confirm me for Attorney General to do everything in my power to ensure that we are protected Well, Mr Chairman, I certainly agree that we are facing a more dangerous period than we faced in Oklahoma City at that at that time.
如果你現在確認我是司法部長 我計劃盡我所能確保我們受到保護 主席先生,我當然同意我們正面臨一個比當時在俄克拉荷馬城更危險的時期。
I can assure you that This will be my first priority and my first briefing when I return to the department, if I am confirmed.