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  • Hello my factoholic friends! Today we are talking about everyone's favorite candy coated chocolate treats – M&M's!

  • The two M's represent the names of Forrest Mars and Bruce Murrie, the co-creators of the candy.

  • M&M's were first sold in 1941, but when World War II began, they were sold exclusively to the U.S. military.

  • Because the sugar coating prevented the candy from melting in warm climates like the Pacific, M&M's were issued in cardboard tubes as part of the soldier's rations.

  • During this time, the M&M factory in Newark, New Jersey produced 200,000 pounds of M&M's per week.

  • As the advertisements of the period maintained, M&M's were "100% at War.”

  • When the war ended in 1945, the candy again became available to the general publicincluding the returning American soldiers who had developed a taste for M&M's during their service.

  • M&M's continued to package the chocolate in tubes until 1948, when the bag we know today was introduced.

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Hello my factoholic friends! Today we are talking about everyone's favorite candy coated chocolate treats – M&M's!

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M&M's Surprising History

  • 2535 60
    たらこ posted on 2021/02/25
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