I'm MarthaStewart, andthisiseverything I eatin a day.
Thefirstthing I dowhen I wakeupischeckmyiPads.
I haveto, and I checkforhowmuchpowerisleftineachofthem.
I plugtheminand I gotake a shower.
It's verydifficultformetostayinbedlater.
Thensay 6.
I wakeupreallyearlywayearlierthanthat.
TheNewYorkTimescovertocoverDonethecrosswordpuzzle, triedtodowordplay, andthen I getupandgoenjoyablutions.
Then I gointothekitchenformygreenjuice.
I thinkit's reallythesecretofgoodskin.
I thinkit's thesecretofgood, healthyhair, and I'vebeenjuicingformanyyears.
I remembergettingthefirstjuicer, whichwaskindof a contraption.
Now I have a reallygreatbrittlebluesir, it's called, but I likejuice.
I liketojuicethevegetables, andthevegetablesprimarilycomefrommyvegetablegreenhouseormygarden.
I'm growingmyownvegetablesbecause I wantorganic.
I wantclean.
I wanttastyand I wanthealthy.
Sothedreamjizzcucumbers, parsley, mint, If I haveit.
A littlepieceofginger, which I donotgrowlike a halfofanorange, includingtheskin.
Whatam I missing?
Oh, I'm missingCelery.
Don't throwthoseleavesaway.
It's extremelyimportanttokeeptheleaveson.
Oh, I mustnotforget a veryimportantingredient.
I don't liketoput a lotoffruitin, and I don't putKaleand I don't putcabbage.
Kalemakesyouburp, givesyou a stomachache, justdoesn't tastegoodin a juice.
Aftermygreenjuice, I generallyrunoutsideandgetinmyPolaris, whichislike a littlefourwheeldrivevehicle, and I drivearoundtheproperty.
I alsocheckedonmyanimals.
I checkonthehorses, I checkonthedonkey's.
I havefiveofSiciliandonkeys.
I checkonthe 20 peacocks, I checkonthe 34 homingpigeons, and I checkonthe 200 pluslayinghensandroostersonthe 17 geesethatcomefromfourdifferentcountries.