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  • very, very, uh, important contribution, and one, I think everybody climate change is a threat to our collective security and the security of our of our nation's Andi.


  • I know that there are people around the world who will say that this is all kind of green stuff from a bunch of tree hugging tofu munches and not suited toe international diplomacy and international politics.


  • I couldn't disagree Mawr profoundly the causes of climate change we've got to address.


  • But the effects Aziz you've heard from measuring you've heard from Antonio in those in those speeches just now are absolutely clear.


  • I think of a young man forced onto the road when his his home becomes a desert one of 16 million people displaced every year.


  • As a result, off weather related disasters and weather related disasters that are associate ID with climate change, he goes to some camp.


very, very, uh, important contribution, and one, I think everybody climate change is a threat to our collective security and the security of our of our nation's Andi.


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