Peaceful, unfair, PerfectUnhappycoycrumbsCan I help?
Oh, Cup, cup, cup, cupcupJustwokeupPhonyCupcupcupcupcup A lovelycupofteaOh, oh, youPerhapsif I popoverhereiswell, Oh, e don't want a pup I don't want a cup I don't wantthioup I justwanttogetbackdownOh, pullyouOh, butohohway.
Oh, onceupon a timetherewas a littlered n wholiketosaynoeverynowandthenifyouaskhimhelporhaveagohealwaysansweredNo, hisfavoritewordswereNoAndwaitnotme.
Not a chance.
No, nottoday.
No, notnow.
Buteverybodylefthimanyhowonedayandfound a seedtosowandneededhelptomakeitgrow.
Now, littleseedupyougo.
Butthetinylittlegrainsaidalongcame D and O and G A good e I'm a littleredAndwon't youhelpme?
No, I saidthedogGetdown!
NowaysaidendWell, fancythatThenhere I amsaidgoodold I I couldn't doitLetmetryGooddigDug a hole I plantedthegrainGooddream A bigrainAlongcamesheand a anti a cat a weekGrewtallnowandcouldn't see I'm literateand I wanttoeatWhocanhelpmecutthiswheat?
Not I saidthedog, lovey.
I saidthecatNobodyNooneFancythat a longtimeYouHi, That's me.
Oh, cut!
We'vecuttheweekasyoucouldseeThenalongcame P and I andJeep E OnwhatthemayorsaidHe I'm littlebitinLet's makeitneat.
A bigfancythatGoon.
No, goon.
Can't justsinganyoldthingWeneedtosing a singer.
OhMmSomeeverybodyneeds e o That's morelikeitEverybodyneedstoshineinspring E Everybodyneeds a songtosingalongThioYes.
Everybodyneeds a songtosing a belland a clockcanslapaboutButwithusThebellcanring, ring, ring, ring a birdintheskycanflaponflythe e cansing I cansingIfyouwantthebelltoringIfyouwantThey'reabouttoseeYouhavetoagreeYou'regoingtoneedEngyYoucanwalkupanddownwithyourheadin a crowdWithusYoucanbeking a king, thebellonyourbikeTobeyourshinyasyoulikewithmeOhagree, Ugo, Whoam I?
I can't sayitseemstohaveslippedmymindButmaybewithhelpfrommyfriendsheretoday I'llleaveallmytroublesbehind.
I thinkwecanhelpyousayyourname.
A a When I'm withwaymakeupbyyou a daywhen I'm withwhythere's alwaystimeThioHey, ThursdaybymeSoonwillbenowHey, wait!
Yes, mynameisit.
Oh, whatismyname?
I'm happywith I like a puppythat's waggingeast a kill I'm stickingwith I Andsoonwe'llbeWe'llnote a trail E Yes, Mynameis E outofloveSowhowantstobeinourband?