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  • when the girls came out of the car  screaming hell tell oh my god oh you were  

  • we are in the stream well i gave for him

  • it is a snowy day greetings  from super snowy canada

  • maple rum most canadian thing ever  

  • let's go very excited for today's snowfall

  • so we got 25 centimeters of snow overnight  we're planning to have a little cookout in  

  • the snow but first we need to clear the way so we  can go get groceries togi's out togo togo's happy  

  • togo loves the snow

  • smaller game for him

  • is

  • look at that dump of snow we got i know that  was a lot what was it 15 or 20 centimeters  

  • 25 centimeters 25 while we were sleeping and  you got your little helper there yeah we've  

  • got taguchi the official snow helper actually  he kind of just gets in the way the entire time  

  • we play a bit of a game he likes to bite the  shovel he likes to bite the shovel chase it  

  • and then he likes to also he likes to get plowed  by the snow too yeah he likes to have snow thrown  

  • on his body like that's what he's asking for right  now he's like yes oh yeah this is fun we just love  

  • this and uh yeah we've gotta basically get the  the snow off of the cars so that we can go for  

  • our breakfast so we can have our canadian  lumberjack breakfast but first more snow for taboo  

  • he wants it on his face he left the ball inside  he wanted to play with the snow and not the ball  

  • watch him skid out

  • good boy

  • whoa

  • good boy so we finished shoveling the snow that  was better than a workout with weights and now  

  • we're taking togo for his daily walk with if  he doesn't go on a walk we could play with him  

  • outside with the ball all day but if he doesn't go  on his walk it doesn't count right he'll give us a  

  • bit of a break so we can start making our Canadian  breakfast and we've sure earned it today oh yeah  

  • what a workout huh well this morning at eight  o'clock breakfast in Canada was uh moving a couple  

  • of tons of uh fresh snow yeah so now we we need to  put some substance in the gut exactly this is this  

  • is why we eat the higher calories in the winter  it's yeah it's like these so yeah yeah cold and  

  • the effort to clear the snow there's audrey right  there there they go yeah weather like this is one  

  • thing is for sure in this country if you don't  get the right amount of calories inside your body  

  • you're going to be in trouble that's why we're  going for full sustenance we're going to have  

  • beans we're going to have bacon pancakes you name  it eggs yeah and uh we're going to cook it outside  

  • exactly like a cowboy style cowboy lumberjack  style lumberjack the gusts of wind that are  

  • coming there's something else huh can you feel  it oh yeah i'm missing my gloves right now yeah  

  • me too we came out with all the gloves and uh it's  gonna be a short walk believe me come on toggle

  • thank you tell us what happened huh tell  us what happened we're coming back from  

  • the supermarket yeah the snow's really deep  on the side streets so it just so happened  

  • we were going for the walk we were talking  about how we saw you guys pass us and we got  

  • you guys got stuck we got helped out by some  some city employees yes and uh watch out togo  

  • don't no wrong way togo all right you two  so we're heading outside gonna start a fire  

  • yep we've earned our breakfast this morning hey  we've been traveling we're going around since  

  • 8 o'clock this morning yeah and all we have  in the gut is uh a coffee and even even the  

  • car got stuck on the way back from groceries  the car got stuck on the on the way back from  

  • the supermarket yeah luckily we were walking  toggle just when it happened right next to us  

  • when the girls came out of the car screaming help  help oh my god we are in the streets we are in the

  • it was like a disney movie help us please help  us and the guys from the city of brampton were  

  • driving by in a pickup truck yeah and they  saw that uh arms are flopping in the air  

  • so they stopped yeah we gotta give these guys uh  a nice uh thank you you know yeah they did a great  

  • job one guy came out with the shovel and the other  guy had the machine so yeah and they were telling  

  • they were telling me that they got stuck yeah  just a little like 10 minutes earlier when you  

  • turn the corner like that it's usually a lot of  snow piled up from all the cars that go by there  

  • and it's really it was really maybe that thick  yeah they took they took the turn too slow here  

  • in this climate when you turn and there's a lot of  snow you gotta you gotta gun it you know you gotta  

  • have some momentum going yeah that's the word  momentum if you don't have momentum that the car  

  • pushes through that snow you get stuck and this  is what happened yeah well audrey ran home because  

  • we're a block and a half away and she was coming  with a couple of shovels that's another point  

  • here in this latitudes you need to carry your  shovel in the trunk all the time during the  

  • winter we did not have it no we did not you need  to carry not a push shovel but a regular you know  

  • shovel at least at least to be able to help  you to clear a track for your uh tires and  

  • be able to get some traction again yeah so if  you don't if you don't have something like that  

  • you're stuck and you're gonna go nowhere is  it good to just throw it in the trunk or in  

  • the taxi yeah have it on demand so now we go  outside we're gonna light up the charcoals  

  • and we're gonna cook a lumberjack breakfast in  Canada out alfresco yeah look we've got the shirt  

  • show underneath we got the shirts look at that  and audrey i'll be matching you guys where is

  • yeah the thing is that we're here at the  deck we have to go all the way there where  

  • the barbecue is yeah but here we havestep yeah we don't know where it is now  

  • toggle find the step find the step for  us toggle i'm gonna find the step come on

  • wow

  • wow all right guys good morning it is a snowy day  greetings from super snowy canada here in canada  

  • winter in ontario here we are in the  toronto area we got a dump of what  

  • 20 to 25 centimeters yeah we did so we  decided today we're gonna have a proper  

  • canadian logger's breakfast yeah lumberjack  breakfast that's it i mean we're dressed  

  • for the occasion so is togo and we are  joined by my dad who is already hard at  

  • work trying to start a fire for us we got to do  the superman reveal there with the duncan guys

  • the three of us the three amigos there we  go look at that three lumberjacks yeah yeah  

  • yeah watch out so start cooking

  • um

  • oh

  • so we are starting off with bacon and sausage  bacon and sausage dad's doing an awesome job here  

  • in the back cooking the meat first i still can't  believe we're doing this like this we've never  

  • done this before in the snow i don't think on  the grill breakfast minus 20 25 centimeters or so  

  • this is epic and we still have the hash browns to  come there's gonna be maple beans that my sister's  

  • making pancakes inside got maple rum still left  over from nova scotia yeah yeah so it'll be good

  • you

  • look at all the grease

  • wow

  • things are going well things are going very we've  cooked most of the meat yeah and now we've got  

  • the beans and the hash browns to go so they keep  fighting out here in the minus 20 temperatures so  

  • we are nearing the end stages of the breakfast yes  we need to make some eggs so my dad is finishing  

  • up outside i'm going to get started in here frying  the eggs just because it's a more controlled  

  • environment i am in charge of the heat tolu  basically the only the only thing we're cooking  

  • inside and the pancakes he's not happy with  something wolfie so i'm gonna be cracking the eggs  

  • we're gonna do 12 two per person there's five  of us six including togi and togi really likes  

  • uh eggs fried scrambled like if we're ever having  eggs on a weekend yeah togo is right there like  

  • looking at us like how about me am i getting  something yeah so now we've just started making  

  • eggs for him it's a nice little treat yeah some  good protein for the little guy protein for the  

  • little pooch exactly actually he's not suchlittle pooch isn't he yeah he's four and a half  

  • yeah he's quite muscular quite big all right time  to move we've been freezing time to warm up way  

  • maple rum the most canadian thing ever maple  rum all the way from nova scotia cheers besides  

  • this is a artery opener for all the  degrees that we're going to have here  

  • our cardiac arrest breakfast yeah cardiologist  special this breakfast right this is what made  

  • cardiology stay in business okay but this is  the antidote yeah salute it was cold out there

  • jesus favorite guys savor it oh we sit we  savored it as it as it goes down let's hear it

  • you feel your artery open perfect it sounds  like a like a carburetor like tuned up so today  

  • i'm making pour over coffee this is actually the  little set that i bought for sam's birthday does  

  • anybody remember this no because i think we didn't  show it on the english channel didn't oh didn't we  

  • anyways i bought this first birthday present and  i've ended up using it more than him yeah it's  

  • basically uh it became your present it was just  fine i think i appreciate a good pour over coffee  

  • more than he does i'm making some swiss water  decaf coffee for my dad and then i have another  

  • brazilian one regular for you and we wait you need  patience for pour over coffee really breakfast  

  • the serve breakfast is served a little bit of  everything on the table check it out let's do it  

  • show us what we've got what did we get okay  let's start on this side first up my sister  

  • ariel made pancakes thanks ariel so voila we got  some maple syrup then here we've got all the meats  

  • there's the maple syrup bacon sausages with maple  syrup as well we have the ham then these little  

  • meatballs we also got these little round sausage  rolls um i think with maple we there's a theme  

  • going on here yeah maple beans and hash browns  and maple rum and maple rice we've already had  

  • i've shown you we've also got lots of bread some  coffee i'll take one of those that looks great  

  • you forgot about the musical the musical beans  yes here they are the musical bean tonight  

  • anyone breaking a glass on the windows pays for it  

  • okay with these beans tonight is going  to be a symphony a little upstairs in the

  • you bedroom you could turn off the heater for  a bit mike wouldn't it you get a natural gas  

  • oh my gosh let's not get carried away watch it  with these musical beans because oh they're so  

  • good look at that look at that we cooked them with  the bacon fat so the bacon fat and we just dunked  

  • them in there and they have a maple syrup they're  nice and sweet it's not like we eat a breakfast or  

  • a branch like this every day no the last time we  had this was like two years ago at a cottage in  

  • winter yes this is special this we're doing  for the video to show you how people used to  

  • eat during the uh colonial days especially  those people that used to work in the uh  

  • forest camps you know the the lumberjacks  that they you know you get up in the morning  

  • and you have to go out there with minus 20  minus 25 with an axe in your hand and chop  

  • down trees if you don't have a meal like this  to start the day you're not gonna make it huh  

  • something really strange happens to the body  when these low temperatures the body is craving  

  • sweets and fat you wanna eat chocolate you  wanna eat you know things like that you want  

  • to eat the bread with butter but no with butter  with butter you know like i mean there is there  

  • is like a desperation for it and it's because you  go out there and you know the the cold makes you  

  • burn so many calories you need to to keep going  that this is the kind of meals that the body is  

  • really craving for so yeah it's a little sampler  for you people who don't don't think because  

  • we we know that in the comments people are going  to flip how can you eat that like for breakfast  

  • oh my god it's so unhealthy no we don't eat  these every day there are some things that suck  

  • about being the cameraman you eat last but you  know what i'm so hungry i'm just over the moon  

  • excited about this so for my first round i'm going  for just the the musical fruit the musical fruit  

  • the more you eat the more you toot the more you  toot the better you feel so let's have beans for  

  • every meal right okay that's how it goes samwell  those bees are going to clean out your column

  • and beans oh beans galore when you cook them  in bacon fat that's like taking it it's like  

  • 10 10 xing the uh the flavor it's unbelievable  how can you eat them regularly after you've had  

  • them cooked in bacon fat like that we've honestly  barely even put a dent in it this is gonna be our  

  • supper it might even laugh  this until tomorrow who knows

  • cleaning up the floor

  • a nice guy he grabs it without touching me yeah  i put it in my mouth and he comes and he takes it  

  • and all i he all i feel are  at the point of the whiskers  

  • he doesn't touch me like he's so soft  he's so gentle he's such a good guy

  • you

when the girls came out of the car  screaming hell tell oh my god oh you were  

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