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Windmills have been assisting mankind to convert the energy contained in wind to
過去兩千年來 風車一直在幫助人類將風中所含的能量 轉化成許多其他有用的形式
many other useful forms for the last two thousand years.
Today's wind turbines are capable of converting a great amount of energy in
歸功於使用最先進的空氣動力學分析 和其他性能提升設備所開發出的葉片
the wind into electricity.
在這部影片中,我們將以簡單而科學的方式 探索這些不同的技術
This is due to the blades which are developed using state-of-the-art
aerodynamic analysis and the other performance-enhancing equipment.
如果吹拂的風可以轉動機翼 我們將從附著在其上的發電機接收電力。
In this video we will explore these different set of technology in a simple
yet scientific way.
First, let's get into its basic working
葉片從底部到尖端 由許多不同尺寸和形狀的橫截面所組成
If the blowing wind can turn the wing, we will receive electricity from the
generator that is attached to it.
However, how does the blowing wind turn the wing ?
Let's have a close look at the blade.
正如你在一列移動火車所上體驗到的東西 移動中的風機也相對地體驗到風
The Blade has a lot of airfoil cross-sections consisting of different
對於移動中的葉片 相對的風速如圖所示
sizes and shapes from the root to tip.
因此風力渦輪機葉片以傾斜的方式定位 以便與相對風速對準
The simple airfoil technology makes the wind turbine blade turn.
當葉片速度增加到尖端時 相對風速朝向尖端變得更傾斜
That means that a lift force is produced when a fluid moves
over an airfoil.
This way the wind turbine achieves the basic rotation
因為由於噪音以及機械強度的問題 風力渦輪機葉片通常以非常低的轉速轉動
we are accustomed to seeing.
考慮到這種低速旋轉 不能從發電機中產生任何有意義的電力頻率。
Just as in a moving train
因此在連接發電機之前 速度會在齒輪箱中增加
you experience things relatively, the moving wind turbine blade also
experiences the wind relatively.
For the moving blade the relative wind velocity is
as shown.
因此通過電纜的電力 將朝向升壓變壓器所在的基座。
Therefore the wind turbine blade is positioned in a tilted manner
為了進行最大功率提取 風力發電機正常應該面向風力
in order to align with the relative wind speed.
As the blade velocity increases to the tip the relative wind speed becomes more
在機艙頂部的速度傳感器 會測量風速和風向
inclined towards the tip.
This means that a continuous twist is given to the blade from the root to tip.
However this rotation cannot be directly coupled to a generator.
Because the wind turbine blades typically turn at a very low rate of rpm
due to the issues of the noise and mechanical strength.
根據風速 風的相對速度角也會發生變化。
Considering this low-speed rotation we cannot produce
葉片傾斜機構使葉片傾斜 並確保葉片與相對速度有適當對準
any meaningful electricity frequency from a generator.
So before connecting to the generator the speed is increased in a gearbox.
The gearbox uses a planetary gear set arrangement
to achieve the high speed ratio.
假設你正在測量風力發電機 順風和逆風的風速
A break also sits in the nacelle.
可以注意到 逆風的風速遠遠小於順風的風速。
The function of the brake is to arrest wind blade rotation
during excessively windy conditions
Consequently the electricity that is
有趣的是 風力渦輪機吸收了100%的可用動能
passed through the cables towards the base
where a step-up transformer is situated.
然而逆風的零風速 在物理上是不可能的
The wind turbine should face the wind
normally for maximum power extraction.
零逆風速度簡單來說 整個流體是卡住的
But the wind direction can change at any time.
A velocity sensor
這也就意味著 有一個理論最大效率可以被達到
on the top of the nacelle measures the wind speed and direction.
The deviation in the wind's direction
基本上這表示世界上沒有風力發電機 可以超過59.3%的效率限制
is sent to an electronic controller which in turn sends an appropriate signal to the
希望你現在對風力發電機的操作 有了很棒的看法
yawing mechanism to correct the error.
You can see how the yaw motors turn the nacelle.
Thus the wind turbine will
always be aligned with the wind direction:
According to the wind speed the relative velocity anggle
of the wind also changes.
A blade tilting mechanism tilts the blades
and guarantees a proper alignment of the blade with the relative velocity.
Thus the blades are always at the optimum angle of attack
with the relative wind flow.
Efficiency of the wind turbine is the really interesting topic.
To gain a good insight into wind turbine efficiency assume that you are measuring
wind speed at upstream and downstream over wind turbine.
You can note that the wind speed
at the downstream is much smaller than the upstream.
This is because the blades absorb
some kinetic energy from the wind.
The same amount of energy
is converted as mechanical power of the wind turbine.
It is interesting to note that
a wind turbine absorbs 100 percent of the available kinetic energy
only if the downstream wind speech becomes zero.
However zero wind speed at downstream is a physically impossible condition.
This cartoon animation clearly depicts this fact.
Zero downstream speed simply means
the whole flow is stock.
This physical reality of the flow demands a certain amount of exit wind speed.
That means that there is a theoretically maximum efficiency
a wind turbine can achieve.
This limit is known as Betz's limit.
Essentially it means that no wind turbine in the world can
ever cross the efficiency limit of 59.3 percent.
We hope you have now developed a good inside of the operation a wind turbines.
Thank You !