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  • I'm Alejandra and I'm going to give you a tour of my organized home. Let's start in

  • the kitchen. Let me show you the pantry. Up here is where I keep all the oils and vinegars.

  • And then over here are the condiments. I keep them on Lazy Susans because it makes it really

  • easy to access and grab exactly when you need it.

  • And then down here, I did the same concept. I use smaller Lazy Susans to store all the

  • vitamins, all the spices, and then the larger spices that I buy in bulk. And then down here

  • is where I keep all my canned goods. Canned goods work really well when they're stored

  • on tiered shelves so you can see all the labels like even the cans in the back. It's awesome.

  • On this shelf is where I keep all of my dry goods. Dry goods last a lot longer when they're

  • stored in airtight containers. Let me show you. So the front of the container has a sticker

  • chalkboard label and I label the contents on the outside and then when content changes,

  • I just erase this and then rewrite the label or the name of whatever I'm storing. And then

  • on the very back is where I cut out the nutritional facts or the recipe from the back or the side

  • of the box and then I just slip it into this business card holder.

  • And then down here is where I have drawers for all my dinner food, snacks, baking goods,

  • anything that's really difficult to contain that's not in a can or a jar. So let me show

  • you. All the snack foods, they get contained into this drawer. So when I get back from

  • the grocery store, I take the granola bars out of the box and I just dump them into this

  • drawer. It makes it really easy to find what you're looking for and easy to contain.

  • And then I do the same thing for the beverages over here. Let me show you. So like all the

  • juice packets, they come out of the box and they just go into this container like the

  • Crystal Light, the hot chocolate, the Apple Cider.

  • And then the same thing with the tea bags, the tea bags go in this tea bag organizer.

  • There are six different sections so I can sort my tea bags by type.

  • Let me show you the cabinets. Here's where I keep all of my dishware. And I love this

  • area for so many different reasons. I love this area because I use these bridges in all

  • three of the shelves. And what they do is they double the amount of the storage space

  • you have so you can use the bottom to store larger plates and then the top to store smaller

  • plates or smaller bowls.

  • And then on the cabinet doors, I lined them, with sheet metal so I can take all the stuff

  • that was originally on the fridge and stick it inside the cabinet so I don't have all

  • that fridge clutter hanging out inside the kitchen.

  • You've seen the kitchen. Let's go to the home office. This is my home office which also

  • serves as my craft space. Let me show you around. Over here is where I have my mail

  • center. I have a compartment for my incoming, outgoing, stuff I'm processing, stuff I'm

  • filing, my work stuff and then my coupons. Everything has its own spot so when it comes

  • in it gets immediately sorted into here until I go to the pile.

  • And then up here is where I keep all of my craft supplies. I love doing arts and crafts

  • so when designed the space, it was so important that supplies like that had a designated home

  • that was easy to access.

  • And then in the middle of the desk, I designed and built and pinboard to store some of my

  • ribbon, my scissors and other small tools I use when I wrap gifts or do art projects.

  • And then over here is where I have my magnetic whiteboard. So I use that to post any invitations,

  • any thank you cards, any special pictures, or any notes that I want to make sure not

  • to forget about. And then I can also use them as whiteboards to write important notes.

  • Over here, here is where I keep all of my office supplies. So like my pens, my pencils,

  • my markers, paperclips, pushpins, anything I might need to get work done.

  • Let me show my wrapping paper. I keep my wrapping paper on the wall stored vertically so the

  • ends won't get ripped or don't get torn. And then it makes it really easy to grab when

  • it's time to wrap a gift.

  • And then over here, I have my filing cart. Now, I love this thing for so many reasons.

  • I color-coded my files so everything was very easy to find when it came time to grab document

  • or to file a paper. Green is all my financial related documents. Light blue is all my tax

  • related documents that I accumulated throughout the year and then I use during tax time. Red

  • is all my important vital documents so stuff that I never want to throw out. And then orange

  • is stuff that I'm constantly updating or pulling out or replacing. Purple is stuff that I constantly

  • go back and reference so like any resource documents or stuff that I want to save and

  • access at a later time. Dark blue is all my tax returns so whenever I get my tax return

  • back from the IRS, it goes in the dark blue section. Everything is color-coded so I know

  • exactly where something goes when it's filed.

  • And then on this half of the space, I have the rest of my office supplies. Down here

  • is where I have all of my file folders like for the piling cabinet, interior file folders,

  • filing kits. I have a mini shipping center. They're stored vertically so I can just pull

  • one out when needed. If you store them horizontally, it's really difficult to get to the item on

  • the bottom of the pile.

  • Down here is where I have all my colored paper. So again, I'm really into arts and crafts.

  • So it's nice to have all your papers sorted by color.

  • Since I love arts and crafts, I have a lot of stickers. So I store all my stickers in

  • these poly envelopes that I got for The Container Store. They come in two sizes and I use the

  • small size for my smaller stickers and then the large size for my full-sheet stickers.

  • And then I punch a hole in the corner and I put these colored binder rings that I got

  • from Office Depot in the corner and then I just hang them on hooks. And then I labeled

  • the outside with the type of sticker it is. So like these are the food and drink so it

  • says food and drink. And then they all just hang right here on the side of all of my office

  • supplies, which is really the perfect spot for them.

  • You've seen my home office, now I'm going to show you how I organize my closet. This

  • is my closet. Let me show you around. Over here is where I keep my jewelry. I keep my

  • bulky bracelets at the very top and then I keep all my long necklaces on hooks below.

  • And then the other half of my jewelry is in this pullout jewelry organizer. This is probably

  • my favorite thing in the closet just because it slides so nicely and it just has compartments

  • for everything that I need.

  • But over here, I have my rings, my small bracelets, I have earrings. Over here, I have all my

  • long dresses. The same thing over here, I have all my sleeveless. On this side, I have

  • my long-sleeve, my short-sleeve, my sleeveless dresses.

  • Down here, I have all of my pants like my jeans, my black pants, my jackets are here,

  • my long skirts are here. And then on this side, I have all of my drawers which I use

  • for like pajamas, workout clothes, t-shirts. And then at the very top, I have all of my

  • boots. And then up here, I have all of the heels that I don't wear very often. Most of

  • the time, I wear flat shoes like flip flops, tennis shoes, or just casual ballet shoes.

  • Over here is where I have all of my scarves. I re-use the tower rack from the bathroom

  • to hang all the scarves. All my hangers are color-coded so all my long-sleeve shirts,

  • they have these purple hanger snaps at the very top. The dresses get yellow. The pants

  • get red.

  • So you've seen the closet. Now, let me show you my bathroom. Getting ready in the morning

  • is difficult enough so you want to make the getting ready process as streamlined as possible.

  • I keep all my brushes, my concealers, bronzers, blushes, eye shadows, eyeliners, mascaras,

  • ponytail holders, claws, headbands, bobby pins, everything is separated. So I just find

  • exactly what I'm looking for. I grab it and then I just throw it back in this pocket.

  • Getting ready is so simple.

  • One of my other favorite things about the bathroom is the shower curtain liner. Let

  • me show. I have this shower curtain liner that has storage. It's so cool. It has seven

  • different pockets so you can store hairbrushes, combs, extra soaps so you don't have to get

  • out of the shower when you run out.

  • Let me show you the medicine cabinet. I lined the door of the medicine cabinet with this

  • adhesive contact paper and then I got magnetic organizers to stick on the door for Q-tips,

  • cotton balls, my scissors, my nail clippers, my tweezers. And then I put magnetic picture

  • frames on the door so I could put a few of my favorite photos to look at while I'm getting

  • ready in the morning.

  • So this next space is my favorite space in the house and I'll tell you why in a second.

  • I love this space for two reasons. The first one is I wallpapered the back of the closet

  • with this very pretty green and white flower print and then I created matching shelf labels

  • with the same wallpaper and then label them. So up here, I have cleaning supplies. Then

  • I store them on Lazy Susans, kind of like what do in the pantry. Again, it just makes

  • it really easy to grab and find exactly what you're looking for.

  • And then over here, I have all of my beach and travel stuff so like my sunscreen, my

  • travel size products. Down here, I have medications so like cold relievers, prescriptions, pain

  • relievers, first-aid kits, ointments. The same thing down here, I have all my home care

  • stuff, my plug-ins, my shoe care, my linen sprays, my cotton, my dental care, my cleaning

  • rags.

  • The second reason why I love this space is the labels. I created - let me show you, I

  • created these picture labels kind of like what I did for my arts supplies in my home

  • office. It has the name of the contents on the very top and it has a photo of what's

  • inside. So it just makes it fun to find what you're looking for. It's great if you have

  • children.

  • Now, let me show you the last part of the house, which is the balcony but we kind of

  • use it for the garage. So it's kind of like our mini garage. We're here in the balcony

  • which also serves as our mini garage. So let me show you around. I keep all my batteries

  • in a tackle box and I sort them by battery size like all the different batteries have

  • a different compartment. And then they're labeled.

  • Up here is where I have all my tools. Let me show you. So I love creating labels all

  • around my house. So this is one of my official labeling kits. Let me show you. So in here,

  • I have all of my shelf labels, my closet labels, there are like eight or nine different types

  • of labels that you'll see throughout the house that I could easily recreate by coming to

  • this label kit. So this is the first one.

  • And then the second one looks like this and this is like the label and accessories. So

  • if there is not a shelf where a label is going to clip on, I use a close pin that I paint

  • or these zip ties that come in four different colors or binder rings like this like where

  • you saw the stickers. And then there are ten other ways to clip a label to a shelf, a basket,

  • or a bin.

  • Over here, I have hooks, bungee tape. And what I love about this space is I love these

  • labels. So I have extra paint scratches from the hardware store. And what I did was instead

  • of throwing them out or recycling them, I use them to label the box. I just tape it

  • to the box with painter's tape and then I used my sticker letters to label the contents

  • of what's inside. It's really cute.

  • And then here, this is my favorite part about the garage. I use bungee cord to contain all

  • the sports gear like the bouncy balls, the baseball mitt. And what I did was I just tied

  • the bungee cord from the top shelf to the bottom shelf. And then you just instantly

  • grab what you're looking for and then you can put it back when you're done. It's so

  • fun. And I used fun colored bungee cord to kind of brighten up or spurs up that space

  • instead of just using black or white which you typically see in hardware stores.

  • Up here is where we have all the alcohol, the paints, the board games are here. Board

  • games, I store them vertically. So again, you don't have to take the whole stuff down

  • to get to what's in the bottom. Instead, you just slide everything else. Again, it's all

  • about making things easier.

  • You've seen most of the spaces in my house. And these are just some of the ways that I

  • like to organize my spaces.

  • Thank you so much for coming. And I'll see you soon. Bye!

  • 4

I'm Alejandra and I'm going to give you a tour of my organized home. Let's start in

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如何整理你的家。組織專家Alejandra Costello的家庭之旅 (How to Organize Your Home: Organizational Expert Alejandra Costello's House Tour)

  • 305 28
    djkafjdklsajfkldsa posted on 2021/01/14
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