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(audience applauds) Thank you for being here.
Thank you for having me.
I wanna ask you, we had Daniel Radcliffe
here last night, and I chatted with him briefly,
and I asked him the same question but I wanna ask you,
'cause it's such an unusual situation,
it's the fifth Harry Potter film,
and you look back now,
how old were you when you did the first one?
I auditioned when I was nine,
and I started filming when I was 10, 11.
Is it strange for you,
because these movies are ubiquitous,
you see them on television all the time,
and do you ever come across yourself
in that first film, and how does that feel?
Quite horrible, to be honest.
It's really, I mean, I guess it's just,
yeah, very, very strange.
And especially, like in this one,
there's a flashback to the first film,
so I get to see a lot of that.
I guess just, I seem to have such chubby cheeks,
and such like a high voice, and the big hair, and yeah so.
You're describing me perfectly actually.
(audience laughs)
But that's how, I think, people don't generally like
to look at themselves at that age.
I mean, everyone else thinks
that you're a really cute kid in those films,
but that's not how you perceive it, right?
I mean, it's kind of hard to explain like how that feels,
but I guess like, I don't know if you hear voice,
if you ever hear your voice taped
or on an answering machine,
and it's like, ah. Yes, yeah, can't stand it.
It's horrible.
People can't listen. Can't stand it.
It's exactly like that, but like 20 times worse.
Yeah, although your voice is very beautiful.
Mine is very grating. (audience laughs)
I hear sometimes after we tape,
and I'm like, "Hello, folks, we're back.
We can have a great too."
And I'm like, someone kill that guy.
(audience laughs)
Now there are lots of, of course,
there's so much merchandising also associated
with this movie, there are lots of Harry Potter products.
What's the strangest thing that you've seen your face,
you know, associated with, what's the strangest product?
God, this is really hard,
there is so much Harry Potter merchandise.
I was at Waitrose the other day,
and I came across Hermione's Magic Muffins,
which I was like, wow, that's a new one.
What is it, it's a muffin mix?
Yeah, exactly, it's a muffin mix,
you don't have to buy any ingredients, it's all in there,
and you kinda get some stickers with my head on them,
and you kind of put them on.
Right, right, yeah. Yeah.
(audience laughs) And it's strange, because are you a good,
do you make muffins yourself?
Are you, you know, a good cook?
I'm an awful cook to be completely honest, no.
I would never, ever do that, that would be so so strange.
Yeah, so it must be odd,
you almost feel like your face is on it,
like I'm responsible for those muffins tasting delicious.
Yes, kind of, I guess, yeah, kind of.
What about, I know there are Harry Potter video games.
Have you played, or any of your friends or family
played the video games?
Yeah, at the press-junket, they had like a room
with the game that's been released,
and people and would kinda go in and try it and stuff,
and my brother, obviously he was bored to tears
to be talking about Harry Potter,
went in and was trying the game out,
and he came back, and I was like,
"Oh, did you have a good morning?"
And he was like, "Yeah, yeah, yeah.
"I've been throwing benches at you, like for hours,"
And I was like. (audience laughs)
That's nice to know.
So your brother can go in to a room
and just hurl benches at you. Yeah!
But no one gets hurt, it's perfect,
yeah, that's very nice. Yes, it is excellent, yeah.
I know there were action figures as well,
does your brother or any of your siblings
ever get the action figure?
That would be very strange.
That would be seriously creepy.
I don't think I would let them have it.
I think that's so like, no,
that would be really weird, really weird.
It was something I would do.
(audience laughs)
I understand that you and the cast
made a very short Harry Potter film
especially for the Queen's 80th--
80th birthday, yeah. 80th birthday.
And then before, and then you all met her,
did you have to take etiquette lessons
and learn how to meet the Queen?
I would think there are a lot of rules, right?
Well this is the funny thing,
by the time I've had all the sort of etiquette
of how I was meant to meet her,
and I could only say this, and I couldn't say that,
to be honest, I was kind of glad in the end
that I didn't actually meet her in the end,
'cause like apparently, you know,
you can only address her as Your Majesty,
and you can't speak to her unless she speaks to you,
and there's kind of this whole bow you have to do,
and all of this stuff that I was like, okay, right, okay.
I was so nervous about that, I was kinda like,
actually, you know what, I'll just look at her,
and we'll just sit behind her,
that's good enough for me, you know? (audience laughs)
Right, 'cause you're so afraid
of just, am I gonna do this the wrong way?
If I'm gonna make a mistake.
Yeah, yeah. Yeah.
Did she seem like a nice person?
Did you get a sense of her as a person, or not really?
I mean, you were in a room with her,
but you didn't actually get to meet her.
To be honest, she,
I mean I hope she enjoyed the show we put together,
she kind of, she didn't really,
not that much facial expression going on.
She was quite kind of (audience laughs)
like this, I was like, is she enjoying it?
Does she like it, oh my god. She is the Queen.
She's not gonna, you know, raise the roof.
(audience laughs)
No, just like whoo, yeah.
Ow, churn the butter! (audience laughs)
High fives for you and the whole cast.
Yeah, no, so I was like, yeah,
I didn't really know, but I'm sure she,
I hope she enjoyed it.
You know, I know a lot of people in America,
you have a beautiful voice, as I said,
and the English accent is so,
I mean, to many Americans, it sounds distinguished,
and you know, yeah. Oh no, it's awful.
When I come to America, I always feel really,
I hate my English accent,
'cause it sounds so kind of like, I don't know, pretentious.
I don't know if that's the word.
It sounds really kind of, I don't know.
So by the end of my stay here,
I kind of find that my English is kind of
edging towards American English.
No, what's pretentious
is when people affect an English accent.
Yours is real, you're allowed to have one.
(audience laughs)
For people like Madonna, who like two years ago.
(audience laughs)
Suddenly like, "Oh hello.
"It's really good, would you like to have?"
You're like. (audience applauds)
Aren't you from long Island or something?
(audience laughs)
What about, do you think that when you hear Americans,
'cause there are American actors
who in movies try and do a British accent,
and to us maybe it sounds all right,
but how does it sound to someone who's--
I can always tell, you can always tell pretty much.
I mean, yeah, you can pretty much tell that it's--
It's next to impossible for an American
to do it correctly.
Yeah, well I guess, I don't know how well
we pull off American accents though, so you know.
Hugh Laurie in "House." Actually yes, I have to say,
I've watched that a couple of times, amazing.
I can not believe that he's not from America.
And he is like quintessentially British.
He's very, you know, very, very British.
I shot something with him for the Emmys about a year ago,
and he was doing the American accent the whole time,
and then I saw him later on,
and he was talking in the British accent,
and I really thought, this man is ill.
He's schizophrenic. (audience laughs)
He's so scary talented.
No, very talented.
But you know, when Americans go over
and try and do it a lot of times,
it sounds like Mary Poppins kind of, "Hello, governor."
Yes, that's exactly it! (audience laughs)
"How you doin'?"
You know?
"I'm your chimney sweep, I am, I am."
(audience laughs)
How I would do it.
Now, of course, you and Daniel, and Rupert,
you're the three main characters that we've been following
throughout these different films.
Have the three of you,
and I don't want it to be a crass question,
but you've, you know, you've been making some money
over the years, have any of you gone a little money,
a little mad, and bought yourself something crazy,
or you know, just to treat yourself?
I can't compete with this.
Rupert bought an ice cream truck.
(audience laughs) I'm not even kidding.
He bought an ice cream truck?
That is every kids fantasy. I can never compete
with that.
I know, literally.
He actually said to me. No one really does that.
He was like, he was just being quite serious,
and he said, "If I hadn't become an actor,
"I seriously would have considered being an ice cream man."
I was like, "Okay, cool, well."
So he's kind of like fulfilled both dreams, you know?
(audience laughs)
That's so funny, and so sweet too at the same time.
I know, and as well,
it's not just like he's bought the truck
to kind of drive around kind of for show,
it actually has all of the ice cream in it,
all of like the little chocolate drops and everything.
It's amazing.
Well I hope it had ice cream in it, yeah.
Well yeah. (audience laughs)
It would be like, "Cool ice cream truck, what's in there?"
"Hmm, medical books." (audience laughs)
Yeah, no.
We have a clip here
from the film "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix."
And I wanna make sure we show this.
What do we need to do, or know, to appreciate this clip?
You have to see the last film, and you have to know
that Ron was a complete idiot, to be fair.
He didn't invite her to the ball,
and then he made a really big deal
about her going with someone else,
and he completely ruined her evening,
and she ended up crying on the steps,
and then he never apologized,
and basically was just, you know.
So in this one, she kinda kicks his ass, she really does.
She really like gets Ron back,
and it's quite kind of a classic girl power moment, so.
Yeah, women everywhere will appreciate this.
So let's take a look at this moment
from "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix."
I'll go easy on you.
Thanks, Ronald." (magical music)
Come on, Ron. Come on, Ron.
Come on, Ron. Come on, Ron.
Do it. Come on, Ron.
(dramatic music)
One second. You're on.
Stupify. (Ron gasps)
(students chatter)
Thank you. Shut up.
I let her do that.
It's good manners, isn't it?
It's completely essential.
(audience applauds)
That's how I would handle that moment.
"It was on purpose, I did it on purpose."
"Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix"
is in theaters right now.
Really a pleasure chatting with you.
You too, thank you very much.
Yeah, we hope to see you soon.
(audience applauds) Emma Watson, everybody.
Patton Oswalt coming up.
Stick around, we'll be right back.