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你可聽到人民的聲音? Do you hear the people sing?
你可聽到人民的聲音? Do you hear the people sing?
大聲唱著憤怒的歌聲 Singing a song of angry men?
大聲唱著憤怒的歌聲 Singing a song of angry men?
他們唱的是不願再被奴隸的歌 It is the music of a people Who will not be slaves again!
他們唱的是不願再被奴隸的歌 It is the music of a people Who will not be slaves again!
當你心跳的韻律 When the beating of your heart
當你心跳的韻律 When the beating of your heart
與傳來的鼓聲產生迴響 Echoes the beating of the drums
與傳來的鼓聲產生迴響 Echoes the beating of the drums
一個全新的時代即將來迎 There is a life about to start
一個全新的時代即將來迎 There is a life about to start
就在明天到來之時 When tomorrow comes!
就在明天到來之時 When tomorrow comes!
你是否願意加入我們的聖戰 Will you join in our crusade?
你是否願意加入我們的聖戰 Will you join in our crusade?
是否有勇敢的人願意與我同行 Who will be strong and stand with me?
是否有勇敢的人願意與我同行 Who will be strong and stand with me?
在這堡壘之後 Beyond the barricade
在這堡壘之後 Beyond the barricade
你可否看見一個全新的世界 Is there a world you long to see?
你可否看見一個全新的世界 Is there a world you long to see?
加入我們的戰鬥吧! Then join in the fight
加入我們的戰鬥吧! Then join in the fight
你將贏得自由的權利! That will give you the right to be free!
你將贏得自由的權利! That will give you the right to be free!
你可聽到人民的聲音? Do you hear the people sing?
你可聽到人民的聲音? Do you hear the people sing?
大聲唱著憤怒的歌聲 Singing a song of angry men?
大聲唱著憤怒的歌聲 Singing a song of angry men?
他們唱的是不願再被奴隸的歌 It is the music of a people Who will not be slaves again!
他們唱的是不願再被奴隸的歌 It is the music of a people Who will not be slaves again!
當你心跳的韻律 When the beating of your heart
當你心跳的韻律 When the beating of your heart
與傳來的鼓聲產生迴響 Echoes the beating of the drums
與傳來的鼓聲產生迴響 Echoes the beating of the drums
一個全新的時代即將來迎 There is a life about to start
一個全新的時代即將來迎 There is a life about to start
就在明天到來之時 When tomorrow comes!
就在明天到來之時 When tomorrow comes!
你是否願意奉獻出你的所有? Will you give all you can give?
你是否願意奉獻出你的所有? Will you give all you can give?
跟隨著我們的旗幟勇敢向前 So that our banner may advance
跟隨著我們的旗幟勇敢向前 So that our banner may advance
有人將會犧牲,但也有人生存 Some will fall and some will live
有人將會犧牲,但也有人生存 Some will fall and some will live
你是否願意奮力一搏,挺身而出 Will you stand up and take your chance?
你是否願意奮力一搏,挺身而出 Will you stand up and take your chance?
列士的鮮血 The blood of the martyrs
列士的鮮血 The blood of the martyrs
將會染紅法國的大地 Will water the meadows of France!
將會染紅法國的大地 Will water the meadows of France!
你可聽到人民的聲音? Do you hear the people sing?
你可聽到人民的聲音? Do you hear the people sing?
大聲唱著憤怒的歌聲 Singing a song of angry men?
大聲唱著憤怒的歌聲 Singing a song of angry men?
他們唱的是不願再被奴隸的歌 It is the music of a people Who will not be slaves again!
他們唱的是不願再被奴隸的歌 It is the music of a people Who will not be slaves again!
當你心跳的韻律 When the beating of your heart
當你心跳的韻律 When the beating of your heart
與傳來的鼓聲產生迴響 Echoes the beating of the drums
與傳來的鼓聲產生迴響 Echoes the beating of the drums
一個全新的時代即將來迎 There is a life about to start
一個全新的時代即將來迎 There is a life about to start
就在明天到來之時 When tomorrow comes!
就在明天到來之時 When tomorrow comes!