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the US envoy for climate change, John Kerry, this week met with European leaders to deliver a clear message from Washington.
America is back in the fight against global warming.
We're back to the partners.
We're back to the part of the fight to get this job done.
But a new report out Thursday presented the challenge.
In stark terms, the United States must slash its greenhouse gas emissions between 57 63% below 2000 and five levels before the end of this decade, no less than that if it is to meet President Joe Biden's long term goal of zero net emissions by 2050.
鮮明地講,美國必須在本十年結束前將其溫室氣體排放量削減到比2000年低57 63%到5個水準之間,不低於這個水準,才能實現喬-拜登總統提出的到2050年零淨排放的長期目標。
A report from Climate Action Tracker, or C, A T, and independent scientific analysis produced by researchers concluded that in order for the United States to do its share to limit the rise of global temperatures to 1.5 degrees Celsius, the goal of the Paris climate agreement it needs to cut at least 57% of its emissions before 2030.
氣候行動追蹤組織(簡稱C,A T)的一份報告和研究人員製作的獨立科學分析報告認為,美國要想盡自己的力量將全球氣溫上升限制在1.5攝氏度以內,即巴黎氣候協議的目標,它需要在2030年前至少減少57%的排放量。
Biden pledged to bring the United States back into the Paris Accord, an agreement abandoned by the Trump Administration.
Biden's climate team, led by National climate adviser Gina McCarthy and climate envoy Kerry is working with all government agencies and holding meetings with utilities and car companies as it crafts its new goal.
拜登的氣候團隊由國家氣候顧問吉娜-麥卡錫(Gina McCarthy)和氣候特使克里(Kerry)上司,正在與所有政府機構合作,並與公用事業公司和汽車公司舉行會議,以制定新的目標。
And we should be responsible to future generations by making sure that this decade does what the scientists tell us it needs to do.
That takes a lot of hard work.
Then we look forward to the work.
The C A T report says that the Biden administration planned to Dick carbonized the U.
C A T報道稱,拜登政府計劃將迪克碳化美國。
S power sector by 2030 is consistent with the Paris Agreement pathway, but it needs to strengthen plans to slash emissions in buildings and vehicles.