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look at you.
What are you doing here?
We didn't even know you were coming.
All that's so great.
Thank you.
No one said you were coming and we wanted you to stop fighting me looking Syrian looking.
Oh, stop.
Wow, it's not.
You've been tested.
You've been tested.
Oh, so that your hair big news?
Everyone's talking about it.
Did everyone see it?
Did you see Oprah's big interview with Harry and Megan last night?
Did you see it?
Who did you watch?
I I did.
My house was the NBA All Star game, right?
Until my girlfriend, Informally, we were no longer watching that.
Yeah, Yeah, I didn't see that.
It was.
And then it was Oprah And the Duchess and the prince, the Duchess and the prince.
It did bring some heat.
But among the many revelations Last night in the interview, Harry and Meghan said that they secretly got married three days before their public wedding.
A public wedding I attended.
And I gotta tell you, I want my toaster back.
That was a wedding present, not a three days after the wedding present, but I was shocked that the ceremony that I went to wasn't real.
It was a sham.
Can you imagine when they were like, If anyone here objects to this union and I was like me, I do.
And they were like, That's too bad, mate.
They're already married.
Just doing this for the show.
What was your big takeaway in from the from the What does your girlfriend think?
She she absolutely loved it.
And I was like, if you were that rich, why would you have chickens, right?
Yeah, I do like the Oprah left with six eggs.
Yeah, you see that?
There was a whole bit Oprah.
There was a whole bit They're talking.
Oprah was just holding six eggs, and I thought smart.
Zero points.
Zero point food.
I got it.
Yeah, there's a level of wealth where you slowly start turning back into a farmer again, and you're absolutely right there.
Come around here where we churn our own butter.
Oh, yeah?
Well, like I was saying, Oprah, the problem with the pat That's me milking a cow.
That's how you do it, isn't it?
Is that right?
It kind of looks like you.
Maybe that helps.
Does that help.
Does that help?
Do I look like I'm milking a cow days?
If someone's watching with the sound off?
Yeah, You're welcome.
Oh, gosh.
It's been announced that one in four adults in the United States have now received their first vaccine dose.
Yeah, one in four, one in four, and the other The other three out of four adults are extremely happy for them.
That's wonderful news.
Good for you.
The way there to put that into pandemic terms.
We just put the sour dough into the proofing basket.
It is mad, though.
If you have told me a year ago the nearly 100 million Americans will be vaccinated for covid by March 2021 I would have said, What are you talking about?
They They've said this will be over in two weeks.
All we've got to do is flatten the curve.
That's it.
When the warm weather comes, it will just disappear.
My nephew Joel turned 18 today.
Happy birthday job.
Let's not staying in 18 18.
I can't get my head around it.
I don't think that's staying in mhm.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Well, the house passed the Senate version of the coronavirus stimulus bill today.
Genuinely big news, which means that people could receive their $1400 stimulus checks by the end of the month.
What about that?
Yeah, huge news.
With $1400 a year into the pandemic, you can finally pay May 20 twenties rent.
The money will be going out soon.
And really, what's more reassuring than the phrase?
Don't worry the checks in the mail stimulus bill.
I like the words stimulus Sounds like the lamest cowboy of all time.
Yeah, I'm Stimulus Bill coming in to hunt you down.
What what stimulus bill known through it known for throughout the West.
Slowest gun in the West has right of stimulus Bill, the stimulus bill.
I'll practically jump start your economy through a number of supply side economic measures.
George's here.
Guys, this is George.
George is on George's on camera one.
Georges here because I do.
I do.
If this went around the office, Joel has signed a deal with Netflix.
Yes, yes, he's signed to deal with it Is such a breakout star?
It was after we did cordons.
Crazy wheel of mondo bunkers.
They were like, We gotta We gotta snap this guy up now.
$26 million.
That's what he's got.
Going to specials and a reality series.
Yeah, he's not in the reality series.
He's just executive.
But the two live specials.
Yeah, Shined is building a couple shows around him.
Shonda Shonda Rhimes is doing a show called Joe Layton.
It's Joel in its Joel in in in regal dress.
And he is just going at it.
He's going out in a big way.
Yeah, but we're happy for him with road for him.
Good luck out there, man.
Just invite us on the yacht this summer.
That's all we'd say.
How you doing, George?
You good?
Everything all right?
Yeah, really good.
And did you?
What about you from George?
Yeah, I'm kidding.
I'm kidding.
I'm kidding.
I just love you walking around with you know, my middle name is George.
What's your middle name?
Yeah, Yeah, it's all right.
It doesn't matter.
All right.
And George would pump that you're here.
There's an energy in the room and we love it.
We love it.
Scientists have now trained an AI robot to create paintings that are practically didn't indescribable.
Did you say indistinguishable?
I don't I don't know what I just said.
This question.
How do I say indistinguishable and distinguishable?
But why is this felt indistinguishable?
Oh, yeah.
This is it.
This is the one.
This is it.
This is your Fred Sanford moment.
That's the big one.
This is it.
I always wondered what had happened.
It's happened.
This is it.
You were that you were there on the day that he lost his mind.
I don't think it indistinguishable.
Why am I reading as indistinct?
Sounds like a like a gummy wear technology.
Gummy bear technology they're just coming out with Oh, yes.
With Scott Juice inside.
Yeah, it's indistinguishable it.
There is a squishy balls foam on the outside, pushing on the inside.
Mom, do we have any snacks?
No, not those.
I want something indistinguishable in the squishy ball together in your mouth.
Um, anyway, I can't tell.
The difference is what I'm saying.
But these paintings that are indescribable.
Oh, Also today, President Biden announced plans to secure 100 million additional doses of the Johnson and Johnson vaccine Yeah, 100 million more Johnson and Johnson Vaccine doses.
Or as it's better known, Johnson and Johnson and Johnson and Johnson and Johnson and Johnson and Johnson and Johnson and Johnson and Johnson and Johnson and Johnson and Johnson and Johnson, Johnson and Johnson and Johnson and Johnson and Johnson and Johnson and Johnson and Johnson and Johnson and Johnson and Johnson and Johnson and Johnson.
And Johnson.
And Johnson.
And Johnson and Johnson and Johnson and Johnson and Johnson and Johnson and Johnson.
Mm, sure, sir.
Uh huh.
That should be the show.
Right, Rob?