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  • call it a certificate, a pass or a passport.


  • Some kind of documentation is in the works for people to show their safe to travel.


  • The European Union is calling their proposal a digital green pass.


  • Vaccination status would be a key piece of information, but officials have stressed it wouldn't be the only.


  • It's not a passport.


  • It's a real certificate, like you said.


  • But it's not only about vaccination, it's about the recovery for the people who have had a sickness, the vaccination or the tests to avoid any discrimination between the different citizens.


  • Covid 19 vaccination is not required in the EU.

    歐盟不要求接種Covid 19疫苗。

  • Critics worry that a so called green pass could become a slippery slope to a vaccine passport, thus discriminating against the unvaccinated.


  • Data protection is also a concern.


  • The World Health Organization is against making vaccination a travel requirement and so is the I C E o.


  • The United Nations aviation body.


  • Tourism dependent EU members such as Greece, Cyprus, Spain and Portugal are eager to throw open their doors to travelers from places where vaccination is going quickly.


  • Like the United Kingdom in Israel.


  • Negative tests or proof of covid 19 antibodies are also acceptable to many in the travel industry.

    陰性檢測或證明covid 19抗體也是很多旅遊行業可以接受的。

  • Hundreds, thousands hundreds of thousands of jobs in Austria depend on getting to travel normally again for business and vacation.


  • That's why I'm fighting to make this happen as soon as possible, the Green passes one possibility for reopening borders, reducing border controls and getting our economy going again.


  • EU officials say testing and quarantine will remain central to safe travel.


  • A little more than 10% of the blocks 448 million people have received at least one shot of an approved covid 19 vaccine, meaning herd immunity is likely farther away than the summer travel season.

    塊4.48億人中有10%多一點的人已經接受了至少一針已準許的covid 19疫苗,這意味著群體免疫力可能比夏季旅行季節更遠。

  • My colleague Marina Strauss is standing by in Brussels, where the EU Commission is about to present plans for you Health certificates.


  • Marina, what do we know so far?


  • What I know is that possible EU white certificate could complement this little book.


  • I brought mine here, and it proves that I'm vaccinated against many things, not covid 19 so far.


  • But as you can see, it's paper, it's not digital, so it's not comparable, L eu wide and, um, that's what the EU Commission wants to change with this possible new digital certificate.


  • Um, the U wants to make it easier for people to travel across borders again because we know freedom of movement is essential for the EU idea of the for the idea of the European Union and the idea is we heard it already.


  • But I repeated because it's important.


  • The is that this certificate will prove if somebody is vaccinated, it will prove if somebody has recovered from Covid 19 or if somebody has a negative test result.

    這個證書可以證明某人是否接種了疫苗,可以證明某人是否已經從Covid 19中康復,或者某人的檢測結果是陰性。

  • And what is different from like in comparison to other measures we've seen taken by the EU Commission so far is that it is actually a lot proposal because EU Commission has realized like it does not count go far enough with recommendations because then you states just say Okay, that's nice It was, But we still go our way, For example, when it comes to a common approach to 222 border closures, so on what can the EU member states agree?


  • And what's what's the hold up?


  • What is still being debated?


  • Countries that rely heavily on tourism, for example, Greece and Cyprus can't wait for such an EU wide certificate due to be put in place.


  • But other countries say it's not clear yet what kind of rights will be attached to such a certificate.


  • Critics fear that introducing it could be discriminatory against the unvaccinated and responsible commissioner told German media this morning.


  • He wants this certificate to be introduced by tune first.


  • That means comes summer comes to certificate.


  • But that's really optimistic because not only EU countries have to Korean a common approach, but also the EU parliament and usually that takes a lot longer than just three months.


  • Marina Strauss in Brussels there for us.


  • Thank you, Marina.


call it a certificate, a pass or a passport.


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B1 歐盟 證書 接種 疫苗 委員會 護照

綠色通道"。揭開歐盟健康證書計劃的倫理問題|DW新聞網 (‘Green Pass’: Ethical concerns over unveiled EU health certificate plan | DW News)

  • 19 2
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/03/17
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