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So it is midnight, actually, closer to 1 a.m. Here in Tokyo and Tokyo Tower literally just turned off as I got here.
But today we're exploring the back streets around the area of Tokyo Tower.
All right, We'll start right here because this is one of my favorite little Ali views of Tokyo Tower.
Look at that view.
It's obviously much nicer when the towers lit up, but I guess we worked with the hand we've been dealt in.
Fact, this entire area around the tower is just chock full of little back streets like this with amazing views of the tower, probably more than we can do in a single night.
But let's have this one more mhm.
One of my favorite things about this area is the amount of greenery and little hidden parks and paths and seating areas that are dispersed all in fact, you know what?
Let's let's set up the stairs right here.
The park that's down here has always been one of my favorite.
I've been living in the area for almost two years now, and it's been closed pretty much since I moved in.
So let's swing through before we hit some more of the back streets.
Mm, yeah.
How cool is that little pathway into here?
I love this space so much.
Those guys back there decided to come into the park with a Domino's Pizza and just kick back and relax.
And I figured I just give them their space.
We're gonna head out this way and explore some more of the area.
Good news.
Let's call it good news.
I know sooner across the road than Tokyo Tower lit up, but for some reason in Christmas colors and weirder.
Yet just the tip of the tower is orange.
Why is it I can actually see Tokyo Tower from both the balcony of my apartment and my office, and it's never really consistent at night.
Sometimes just the bottom half is lit up, sometimes literally.
Just if you look online.
Apparently there is a schedule for it, but it still doesn't like why?
Why is just the tip orange did?
It looks weird.
It just It's strange.
Some of the cherry blossoms are starting to open up.
It has been a really warm week here in Tokyo.
Fact, we're just like a week away from full blossom.
That is right.
Cherry blossom season is a week away a week.
But don't worry, I'll be bringing you along.
It's dark, but there's one tree right here.
Actually, most of the trees in here blossoming quite nicely, and Tokyo Tower is being a little bit weird right now.
So this area here is old Josie Temple, which usually has one of the most beautiful views of Tokyo Tower that you can get.
And now suddenly it's pink.
But right now it's under construction.
So mhm.
All right, So this here is Sheba Cohen or Shiba Park.
And why is it Christmas again?
What is going on with his tower today anyway?
Especially on weekends, this park tends to get really packed.
But this area right here leads to what?
It's not a secret, but what seems to be a secret park up there.
And I say it's a secret park, because for some reason, nobody ever goes up there.
And this seems to be gated right now.
There's a pathway over there.
Let's see if it goes mhm.
All right.
So it's totally open.
This, for some reason, is just gated enclosed, so you can't walk through it at night.
I have literally never noticed that.
All right, so this area up here, I don't know what it is about this space.
It can be incredibly crowded down there, and there will still just be nobody up here.
Wow, it's dark.
Like you can see those Oh Ji Temple over there.
And then, Wow, I am admittedly, this is probably my first time coming up here at night.
So I am slightly taken aback by how dark it is.
Yeah, again, just to reiterate, not a secret park.
It's It's just Sheba coin.
But for some reason, so few people come up those stairs.
So if you're looking for a peaceful park to hang out in, this is the place.
Yeah, Mhm.
Also, that is how late it is.
Only that many people awake it is to 12 in the morning.
Uh huh, Yeah.
Which is one of the reasons we didn't go straight into the back streets because a lot of the area around here is either residential or like this.
A lot of greenery.
Which is why I have slightly fallen in love with living here, but just out this way leads to one of the bigger business areas.
Tamaki, which actually has some pretty cool back streets.
So let's go check it out.
Mm Mm hmm.
It's warm.
Oh, it's just something nice about 100 in vending machine.
So most of the area around here is going to be primarily business with a tiny bit of residential.
When people ask me when you're exploring, how do you know where it's okay to explore and we're not to explore.
My rule of thumb has always been it's okay to go down the back streets and the narrow streets and all of that, But don't cross barriers be respectful and the narrower the street you get into generally the quieter you should be also common sense.
Just don't touch stuff.
Okay, Yeah, And one of the other things that I really love about this area is the number of these little tiny hidden shrines you'll find spread throughout the area and this phone booth, because phone booths are increasingly rare in Japan.
Phone Booth?
Yeah, it is just about three o'clock in the morning.
Now I've spent the last half hour trying to find a decent vantage point.
Capture Tokyo Tower from finally found a good rooftop.
Of course it shuts off just as I get up there.
Literally just missed it.
But one of my favorite hidden back streets, Shrines, is just up around the corner.
So we're gonna go take it.
I weirdly love this C 020 action.
I think we all get what they're going for, but they missed the mark just a little bit on the English.
You don't find nearly as much messed up english nowadays unless it's on clothing you'll always find on clothing.
I kind of miss it.
It's always been kind of a part of the experience, but there's the There's a shrine to And while the shrine is cool, there's something over here.
We'll show you vaguely see Tokyo Tower back there.
But this little building right here, this is an embassy is the embassy of Kyrgyz.
I hope I'm saying that right.
I love it.
And I make a point of swinging by the shrine every single time I pass by it.
I don't know why I just love this little shrine.
Yeah, okay.
Uh huh.
This isn't usually here.
It looks like they're getting set up for a festival.
It's easy to see why I love this little shrine, right?
It's so simple, but they're still just so much more around the area of Tokyo Tower to show.
Though we haven't even scratched the surface, who knows?
Maybe, except in the tower will actually be lit up.
Uh huh.