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'Ish' is tiny but useful - especially in informal English.
「Ish 」很不起眼,但很有用,特別是在口語的英語中。
We add 'ish' to the ends of words to make them more vague, when something is not exact, for example.
當某件事情不確定時,我們在詞尾加 「ish」會使其更加不明確, 例如:
'Ish' makes times more approximate so '2ish' is about 2 o'clock.
「Ish 」讓時間變得大致上的,所以「2ish」是 2 點左右的意思。
'Okay, I'll see you there at 2ish.'
We also add 'ish' to other numbers, so '40ish' is about 40.
我們還會在其他數字上加 「ish」,所以「40 ish」是 40 歲左右。
'I'm not sure how old she is - 40ish I think.'
「我不知道她多大,我想應該 40 歲左右吧。」
We add 'ish' to many adjectives such as colours, so if something is kind of brown, we say it's 'brownish'.
我們在很多形容詞上都加了 「ish」,像是顏色,所以如果有東西類似咖啡色,我們說它是 「brownish」。
'My coat's the brownish one over there.'
And if someone is quite tall, we can say they are 'tallish'.
'I'm tallish with longish brown hair.'
Finally, because 'ish' has become so popular, it's become its own word in informal English as a way to say 'kind of'.
最後,因為「ish 」太受歡迎,它已經成為「kind of 」比較口語的講法。
'Did you like the film?'
'Yeah, ish.'
I hope you found this video useful - 'ish'.