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  • Mhm.

  • Yeah.

  • Mhm.

  • Mm.

  • Right.

  • First up on CNN 10 this Thursday, a traffic jam in Egypt.

  • That's probably unlike anything you've ever seen.

  • I'm Carla Zeus and we're starting in the Suez Canal.

  • This is an artificial waterway in Egypt.

  • It connects the Mediterranean Sea with the Red Sea.

  • If a ship wants to travel from Europe to East Africa, India or Oceania, this is the fastest way to do it.

  • At least it is when it's not blocked up.

  • A massive container ship ran aground in the Suez Canal this week after high winds and a sandstorm reportedly made it difficult to sail.

  • The vessel, which sails under the flag of Panama, is called the ever Given, and to give you a sense of how big it is, it's almost as long as the Empire State Building is tall and it's just under 200 ft wide.

  • The cargo ship is stuck diagonally.

  • No large vessels can get around it.

  • Eight tugboats have been working to free the ever given, its reportedly damaged.

  • Once the ship is cleared, it will probably have to be towed for miles to the nearest port, where it'll be unloaded and repaired.

  • Meantime, the number of other ships that are waiting is growing, one official says.

  • As many as 100 of them could be lining up at opposite ends of the canal to get through.

  • Some of these vessels are carrying oil from Oman, Russia, Saudi Arabia and the United States that could disrupt supplies if the ever given isn't freed soon.

  • How long will that take?

  • An Egyptian official says.

  • A couple days, at least a week or more.

  • If things don't go well and after it's moved, it will probably take days to get maritime traffic back to its normal flow in the Suez Canal.

  • Yeah, mhm.

  • The Suez Canal is one of the world's most strategic waterways, a vital shipping route for over 150 years transporting goods between Europe and Asia.

  • An ambitious plan to modernize the canal brought RJ Kumar Singh here in 2016.

  • We should have come to this place about three years back.

  • Please has transformed last three years in terms of business in terms of people in terms of processes.

  • But everything is revamped.

  • He runs the only privately managed port in Egypt, located just below the southern entrance of the Suez Canal.

  • How you are from here.

  • RJ has watched the area transform.

  • What they've done is that they have expanded 35 kilometers of suis canal that has doubled the ships passing through.

  • Capitalizing on this increased traffic, a giant economic free zone is taking shape along the canal, attracting manufacturers and suppliers from all over the world.

  • This vessel carries 60,000 tons of raw sugar from Brazil.

  • Mhm is forced to Fuller Group, a Saudi based industrial company which refines and packages the sugar right here at the port, is then shipped back through the canal to customers all over the world because everything happens here.

  • So Fulla cuts costs and saves time.

  • DP World is expanding the port to accommodate the world's biggest ships, bringing its total investment here to $1.6 billion.

  • 12th trivia.

  • The largest percentage of US landfill waste comes from what material plastics, paper products, food or your trimmings.

  • According to the Environmental Protection Agency, paper and paper products account for more than 23% of landfill waste and food takes up the second largest slice of the landfill pie, accounting for about 21 a half percent.

  • The Covid pandemic changed how Americans dying out, at least temporarily.

  • Restaurant sales, especially in large cities, dropped when it came to in person dining, but they rose for takeout.

  • That means more disposable food containers were floating around.

  • Republic Services, one of America's largest trash collection and recycling providers, says cardboard drink carriers, aluminum cans and plastic containers labeled number one or two are usually recyclable.

  • What's not our paper?

  • Napkins and towels soiled cardboard like greasy pizza boxes, plastic utensils, bags and foam containers that usually goes to the trash unless people compost the paper products.

  • There are some companies like the one you're about to see that are working to develop alternatives to throw away food containers.

  • Deliver zero is kind of like grubhub door dash or uber eats, except the new company's drivers.

  • Take your old containers away when they drop off the new ones.

  • This does come at an additional cost for restaurants based on the amount of takeout food they sell.

  • How does this compare with what other delivery services charge?

  • Okay, ordering Spartan combo spinach by 400.

  • Like a lot of New Yorkers, I eat a lot of take out when you get, take out after your meal.

  • You have tons and tons of garbage in New York City alone goes through billions of single use disposables just in the restaurant industry, and I wanted to solve that problem.

  • My name is Adam.

  • Far beyond.

  • I'm one of the co founders of Deliver Zero Deliver Zero is a food ordering service.

  • We provide restaurants with reusable takeout containers, delivers your started in Park Slope, Brooklyn, with five restaurants in late 2019.

  • When you order food through, deliver zero, you get your food in these reusable containers.

  • The restaurant tells us how many of our delivers your boxes are going out, and the customer has these boxes, too.

  • 3456 containers.

  • The customer then returns them.

  • They can return them to the next delivery carrier.

  • They can return them by walking back and deliver a zero restaurant and handing them in.

  • The customer returns them within six weeks.

  • There's no extra cost for the customer, and eventually they don't return them.

  • After six weeks and a little bit of a grace period there, charged 3 25 per box.

  • That restaurant will then wash the containers, add them to their supply, add them to their inventory and reuse them for the next order.

  • Yes, we have about 135 restaurants in Brooklyn, Manhattan and a little bit of queens.

  • Actually, Latino cuisine may help you.

  • As a restaurant owner, we save money, but we don't have to use my containers seamless and grow up.

  • Yeah, they take a big chunk 20% compared to delivery zero.

  • They take about 10% new delivery room.

  • Like all those other services, we provide a tablet to the restaurant where the orders show up and say, Hey, make this food.

  • The experience for the restaurant and the customer is really identical.

  • In the next 18 months, we'd like to have many, many, many more restaurants in New York.

  • We're gonna bring deliver zero to Los Angeles.

  • We also have a partner who's opening deliver zero in Amsterdam five years.

  • We view this as a much, much bigger program.

  • Once you start thinking about single use, you will see single use everywhere.

  • You start asking why isn't the problem being solved everywhere?

  • This is the solution to the problem.

  • The solution to the problem is a network.

  • We view this network is encompassing all foods foods that might get at the grocery store or the deli or the food vendor who selling things out of a car.

  • Do you just know in your heart of hearts that it is a foolish thing that we're doing as a society to make all this stuff just to throw it away?

  • It's silly, and I want my kids to live in a world where that doesn't happen anymore.

  • Turns out the phrase music soothes the savage beast is not an exact quote.

  • That's how many people know the line, which came from a play written in 16 97 by William Congreve.

  • But even though the words in the modern phrase are a little bit different, they apply exactly to what's been going on at a zoo in Colombia.

  • So before we go today, sit back, relax and take a listen.

  • Yeah, they may be thinking, Please don't stop the music.

  • It may be most artistic music to their ears, but watch out if the lions joined in the chorus and say, If music be the food of love play on because that could be a sour note that signals trouble and you'll want to jump back and keep your composer.

  • If you're close to the cleft of their enclosure.

  • When the savage beast decide it's feeding time, you just never know what they'll do.

  • I know what the students of Axtell High School Zoo They subscribe and comment on our YouTube channel, which is the only place we look for the shot at schools we mentioned like today's from Axtell, Kansas.

  • I'm Carla Zeus.


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