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  • Hi, my name is Mosh, and I'm going to be your instructor in this Python course.

  • In this course, you're going to learn everything you need to get started programming in Python.

  • Python is one of the most popular programming languages, and every day people use it to do

  • cool things like automation, they use it in AI, as well as

  • building applications and websites like Instagram and Dropbox. So if you're looking

  • for a job, Python is for you. In this course I'm going to teach you everything

  • you need to get started with Python. We're going to talk about all the core concepts

  • in Python, and then we're going to build three Python projects together.

  • Here's the first project we're going to build. We're going to learn how to create this beautiful website

  • for an imaginary grocery store. Here on the homepage we can see all

  • of the products in the shop, and we also have an admin area for managing the

  • stock. We're going to build this using a popular Python framework called Django.

  • Now if you have never built a website before, don't worry, I will teach you everything from scratch.

  • You're also going to learn how to use Python in machine learning, or artificial intelligence.

  • So you will learn how to write a Python programming that will predict

  • the music that people like based on their profile. Just like how YouTube

  • recommends videos based on the videos you have watched before. I will also show you

  • python to automate boring repetitive tasks that waste your time.

  • You will write a Python program that will process thousands of spreadsheets

  • in under a second. I've designed this Python course for anyone who wants to learn

  • Python. If you're a beginner, don't worry, I will hold your hand through this entire course.

  • You're not too old or too young, and Python is super easy to learn. You can write your first

  • Python program in literally seconds. Plus I'm going to give you plenty

  • of exercises to help you build your confidence writing cool Python programs.

  • My name is Mosh, I'm a software engineer with two decades of experience

  • and I've taught over 3 million people how to code. I'm super excited to be teaching you

  • Python in this course. So I hope you stick around and learn this beautiful

  • powerful programming language.

  • In this tutorial I'm going to show you how to download

  • and install Python on your computer. So the first thing I want you to do,

  • is open up your browser and head over to Python

  • .org. On this page click on downloads,

  • here you can see the latest version of Python currently, at the time of recording this video

  • the latest version is python 3.7.2.

  • Chances are in the future, when you are watching this tutorial, there is a newer

  • version of Python available, don't worry, all the materials you're going to learn in this course

  • will apply to the latest version of Python as well. So let's go ahead

  • and download Python 3, alright now,

  • look at your downloads folder, here, we should have Python 3 installer

  • simply double click that, if you're on Windows

  • you're going to see this check box here, add Python to

  • python, this is really important, make sure to tick this box, otherwise you're not going to be able to

  • follow this tutorial. If you're on a Mac,

  • you're going to see an installer like this, with this setup wizard we're going to install Python 3

  • on our computer. So simply click continue, and again,

  • and again, and agree with the license agreement, and

  • install it, this is going to take a few seconds so I'm going

  • to pause the recording.

  • Alright, we have successfully installed Python 3 on our computer.

  • Let's close this. Alright, next we need to install

  • a code editor, we se a code editor to write our code, just like

  • how we use Microsoft Word to write documents, we use a code editor to write

  • code. Now there are so many code editors out there, the one that I'm going to show you in this

  • tutorial is PyCharm. That is one of the most popular code editors

  • for writing Python code. You can get it from

  • /pycharm. Now more accurately pycharm

  • is considered an IDE, which is short for integrated development

  • environment. And that's basically a code editor on steroids,

  • it has some additional features that makes it really easy to write code. So

  • let's go ahead and download PyCharm. Now here on the

  • download page, you can see two versions of PyCharm, one is the professional addition

  • which has additional features and you have to pay for them. The other is the

  • community edition, that is absolutely free, and that's what we're going to use in this tutorial.

  • So, go ahead and download this as well.

  • Now, once again look at your downloads folder, once again you should have pycharm

  • so double click this, now if you're

  • in Windows you're going to see an installation wizard, simply click next, next, next

  • until you install pycharm. If you're on Mac you need to drag and drop this icon

  • onto the applications folder, so drag and drop,

  • alright, now let's double click this to run it,

  • the first time we run pycharm we're going to get this warning, because this is an application

  • that we download from the internet. So let's go ahead and open it,

  • next you're going to see this dialogue box for importing some settings, leave this to

  • do not import settings, it doesn't really matter. Okay,

  • On this page, select I've never used PyCharm you can see some keyword

  • shortcuts that might be useful in the future, just accept this, and down at the bottom,

  • click the next button. And then next again,

  • one more time, and then finally start using pycharm.

  • So here's the main page of PyCharm every time you open

  • it, click on create new project,

  • this is the location for our project, let's call our project Hello

  • World. Now before click and create, expand

  • this item here, make sure that base interpreter is set to Python

  • 3. Python interpreter is basically a program

  • that knows how to execute Python code, it will know how to interpret

  • or translate Python instructions into instructions a computer can understand.

  • Now, Mac computers, by default come with an older

  • installation of Python, that's Python 2, it's considered legacy

  • which means it's no longer maintained or supported. So earlier we downloaded

  • Python 3, make sure that this is set to Python 3, if not

  • from this list, select Python 3.7.

  • Alright, now let's go ahead and create this project,

  • Now here right click on

  • Hello World folder and go to new

  • Python file, call this file

  • So by convention, all Python files should have this

  • py extension. Alright, let's go ahead,

  • now let's collapse this project panel by clicking here and write our

  • first python program. Simply type print, pr

  • int, all in lowercase, open and close parenthesis,

  • and inside these parenthesis, add quotations we

  • can either use single quotes or double quotes, now

  • in between the codes write your name. I am Mosh Hamedani, so

  • here, so this is your first Python programming. With these piece of code

  • you can print your name on the screen. Now to run this, go

  • on the top, under the run menu, click run,

  • also note that there is a shortcut associated with this command, when

  • I program I always use shortcuts because that increases my productivity.

  • So here on a Mac computer, the shortcut is control, option, and

  • R. On Windows it's different. So let's do that, now

  • it's asking where you want to run this, click on app,

  • down below, you should see this little terminal window, this

  • is a little window into our program, so here you can see our results for

  • output for our program. In the future as you learn more Python, you'll be

  • able to build applications that have a graphical user interface, or gooey.

  • That is a little bit complicated, so for now we're going to use this little

  • terminal window to see the results of our program. So as you can see my name is

  • printed here, now as you print code, this window might get in the way so

  • always resize it or minimize itty putting this

  • icon here, so this was our first python program. Now

  • if you didn't see the result I showed you in this video, use the comment box below and

  • tell me what error you encountered, I'll do my best to help you move forward.

  • In this Python tutorial, we're gong to take this program to the next level and make it more interesting.

  • So I'm going to show you how to draw a dog hair. Now as part of

  • this tutorial you will learn how Python code gets executed and you will also learn

  • about a few programming terms. So press enter, and

  • on line 2 write another print statement, so print, open and close

  • parenthesis, add a quotation, now here you want to draw a dog.

  • So, add an o, that is the head of our dog, followed by

  • 4 hyphens. So this is the body.

  • alright, now one more time another print statement with

  • quotations, now we need to draw the legs. So add a space.

  • Follow it by 4 vertical bars. So, like this,

  • so here's a little imaginary dot. Now let's

  • run this program and see what we get. So on the top right corner you should see this play button,

  • click that, there you go, so we have our name and

  • right below that we have our imaginary dog. Now what you need to understand

  • here, is that our python code gets executed line by line

  • from the top. So earlier I told you about Python interpreter

  • that is the program that knows how to translate or interpret

  • our Python code into instructions that a computer can understand.

  • So when we run this program by clicking this program here,

  • python interpreter starts executing or running our program

  • line by line from the top. So first it executes line 1,

  • then, moves onto line 2, and so on. So this is how python

  • programs get executed. Now let me show you something cool. Let's add

  • another print statement, with quotations now

  • in between the quotations, add a star or an asterisk, like

  • this. Now after the quotation and before the parenthesis,

  • add a space, once again, add an asterisk,

  • space, 10. What is going on here? Well,

  • anywhere we have quotations like here or here

  • we're defining a string, a string is a programming term which means

  • a series of characters so here we have a string, we also have

  • a string on line 3, as well as line 2 and line 1.

  • Now here, we're multiplying the string by

  • number 10. So this is the multiplication operator, just like the multiplication

  • operator we have in math. So with this piece of code we can

  • draw 10 asterisks on the terminal, let me show you. So let's run this

  • program one more time, there you go. So we have 10

  • asterisks. Now what we have here, this piece of code here,

  • is called an expression. An expression is a piece of

  • code that produces a value. So when Python interpreter

  • tries to execute line 4, first it will evaluate

  • the code that we put in between parenthesis, so we could evaluate our expressions

  • Our expression will produce 10 asterisks and then

  • those asterisks will be printed on the terminal. Now as an exercise

  • you can use these print statements to draw another shape, you can draw a heart, a

  • ball, whatever you like. I will see you in the next tutorial.

  • One of the questions I get a lot on my channel is

  • how long does it take to learn Python and become job ready? Well there is no single

  • answer. It really depends on you and how much effort and commitment you want to put

  • into this. But I would say if you spend 2 hours every day

  • consistently, after about 3 months you should be able to write

  • basic python programs, but quite honestly, that doesn't get you a job.

  • In order to get a job, you need to specialize in one area,

  • what do you want to use python for? Do you want to build web applications or

  • desktop applications? Or do you want to use it in machine learning and artificial intelligence?

  • So whatever you want to do you need to take additional courses.

  • For example if you want to become a web developer in addition to learning

  • Python, you should also learn about html, some css, some

  • JavaScript and Django which is a popular Python framework

  • for building web applications. Learning all these things would take you another

  • 6 months, so in total you need 9-12 months to become

  • job ready. At that point you can get a junior developer job with a

  • salary of about 50-60 thousand dollars a year. Now as you work more

  • as you do more Python projects, your resume starts to build and

  • you can ask for $100,000 a year, or 120,000 dollars

  • a year, depending on where you are, what company, what geographical area,

  • it really depends, there is no single answer. So are you excited to

  • learn Python and get started on this career path? If you are, I would encourage you

  • to make a commitment and spend 2 hours every day practicing

  • python. And use the comment box below and let me know why you are learning

  • Python, what do you want to do with it? What's your dream job? I would love to hear your story.

  • In this Python tutorial, you're going to learn about variables, which are one of the most fundamental

  • concepts in programming, they're not specific to Python, they exist

  • in pretty much every programming language out there. We use variables

  • to temporarily store data in a computer's memory. Here's an example,

  • let's type price = 10, when Python

  • interpreter executes this code, it will allocate some memory, then it will store

  • the number 10 in that memory, and finally it will attach this

  • price label in that memory location. As a metahor

  • imagine we have a box. In that box, we have number 10

  • and price is the label that we put on the box. Now we can use this label

  • anywhere in our program to access the value that we have in that box.

  • This is a very simplified explanation. So now, let's

  • print price on the terminal. Print, now this time we're not going to

  • add quotations, because if we put quotations here, we will see the text

  • price on the terminal. Now the value of the price variable.

  • So, put it in quotations, and type price,

  • now, let's run this program one more time, there you go. So we see 10,

  • on the terminal. So this is how we define variables, we

  • start with an identifier which is the name of our variable, then,

  • an equal sign and finally a value. Now more accurately, when

  • this number 10 is about to be stored in the memory, first it will

  • get converted to this binary for presentation. So this number 10,

  • is in the decimal system which has all the digits from 0 to 9.

  • Computers don't understand all these digits, they only understand

  • 0s and 1s. So when we store the number 10 in the computer's memory

  • first it will get converted to it's binary representation which will be

  • a bunch of 0's and 1's, like 001, 001, whatever

  • I don't know. Then it will get stored in the computer's memory. So,

  • let's take this program to the next level. On the second line we can

  • update the value of this price variable, so we can reset it

  • to a new value like 20, now when we run our program,

  • we should see 20, because as I told you before Python interpreter executes our

  • code line by line from the top. So first we set

  • the price to 10, then we reset it to 20, and finally we

  • print it on the terminal, let's run the terminal, there you go, so,

  • we see 20 here, okay? Now these

  • numbers that we have here are whole numbers without a decimal point.

  • In programming, we refer to these numbers as integers.

  • But integer is a number without a decimal point. We can also use

  • numbers with a decimal point for example on line 2, we can define

  • another variable called rating and set it to number

  • 4.9. Now in programming, we refer to this kind of number as

  • a floating point number of float for short. So we have integers

  • and floats. We can also define a variable and set

  • it to a string, for example, name equals

  • Mosh, we also have another kind of value which is called boolean,

  • which can be true or false. They are line yes and no in English.

  • Here is an example, I'm going to define a variable, is underline

  • published so we use an underscore to separate

  • multiple words in our variables name. We set this to

  • true, or false. These are

  • boolean values. now note that Python is a case

  • sensitive language, which means it's sensitive to lower case and upper case letters.

  • So when defining variables we should always use

  • lowercase letters, but here false and true are special keywords in the

  • language, so if we spell it with a lowercase f, Python doesn't

  • understand it. You can see we have a red underline here, which indicates an error.

  • Make sure to spell this with a capital F, or if you want to set this to true,

  • make sure the T is capital, so in this

  • program, you're storing simple values in our computer's memory. Simple

  • values can be numbers, which can be integers or floats

  • or they can be strings or booleans. But in Python

  • we can also store complex values like lists and values. And that's what I'm going to show you

  • in the future. So before going any further, I want you

  • to do a little exercise. Imagine we're going to write a program for a hospital.

  • So we check on a patient named John Smith. He's

  • 20 years old and is a new patient. I want you to define 3 variables here,

  • for his name, his age, and another variable

  • for if this is a new or an existing patient. So pause the video and spend one

  • minute on this exercise. When you're done, come back, continue and see my solution.

  • Alright, so here we need

  • three variables, the first one is the patient's name,

  • we set that to John Smith. We can also

  • call this full name, these are both valid names for our variables.

  • The second variable is for the age of our patient. So age

  • is 20, and finally we need a variable to tell if this is a new

  • or existing patient. That's where we can use a boolean value.

  • So, we define a variable, is new and

  • we set it to true.

  • So, you have learned how to print

  • messages on the terminal window. In this tutorial, I'm going to show you how to

  • receive input from the user. So we're going to write a small program that asks

  • the user's name and then we'll print a greeting message customized

  • for that user. So instead of print we're going to use

  • input. Now both these input and print

  • are functions that are built into Python. As a metaphor think

  • of the remote control of the TV. On this remote control we have a bunch of

  • buttons, these are the functions built into your tv, you can turn it on,

  • turn it off, change the volume and so on. In Python we also have

  • functions for common tasks such as printing messages, receiving input,

  • and so on. So we're going to use the input function, now whenever we

  • have these parenthesis, we're going to say we're calling or executing

  • that function, it's like pressing a button on a remote control. So we're

  • going to call the input function and in between parenthesis

  • we want to add a string to print something on the terminal,

  • what is your name? With a question mark followed by

  • a space. You will see why in a second. So this input function

  • will print this message on the terminal, and then it will wait for the user to

  • enter a value. Whatever the user enters this input function will

  • return. So now we can get that value and store it in the memory using a variable.

  • So we get the result and put it in a variable called

  • name. Okay? Now on the second line

  • we want to print a message like Hi John or Hi Mosh or whatever, so,

  • print, quotations Hi with a space,

  • now after the quotation we want to dynamically print

  • what we have in the name variable. So we had

  • a plus sign and then name. So here we have

  • Hi which is a string, we're concatenating or

  • combining the string with another string, that is what we have

  • in the name variable. So here's another example of

  • an expression. Remember what is an expression? It's a piece of code that

  • uses a value. So this expression concatenates or combines

  • 2 strings. Let's run this program and see what happens. So run

  • okay, here is a question, what is your name? Mosh,

  • now note that earlier we added a space after the question mark, we

  • did this, so here in the terminal window the cursor is

  • separated from the question mark, otherwise it would be so close. So let's type

  • whatever here, plus enter, now we get this message, Hi, Mosh.

  • Now here's a little exercise for you. I want you to extend this program

  • and ask two questions. First all the person's name and then

  • their favorite color. And then print a message like Mosh likes

  • blue. So pause the video, do this exercise and then come back and continue watching.

  • Alright, so here's the first question right after that,

  • all the input functions one more time, this time we're going to ask a different question.

  • What is your favorite color?

  • Now, we get the new value and store it in the variable

  • called color, or you could call it favorite underline.

  • color. Either works. And finally we're going to change

  • what we pass to the print function, so first we print the name

  • then we concatenate this with a string, here we're going to

  • type likes, we also put one space before and

  • after likes, and once again we concatenate this.

  • With the favorite color. So, favorite color,

  • now let's run this program, so what is your name

  • Mosh enter, favorite color, blue, enter,

  • we get this message, Mosh likes blue.

  • Hey guys Mosh here, I just wanted to let you know that

  • you really don't have to memorize anything in this course because I've put together a cheat sheet

  • with summary notes. So you can quickly review the materials in this course.

  • The link is below this video. So I have done my best to create

  • the best possible Python course on Youtube. And I really appreciate

  • it if you support my hard work by liking this video and sharing it with

  • others, so they can learn as well. And be sure to subscribe to my channel, for more

  • tutorials like this. Alright, now, let's move onto the next tutorial.

  • In this Python tutorial, we're going to write a program that will ask the year that we were born

  • in, and then it will calculate our age and print it on the terminal.

  • So, let's start with our input function, input

  • let's print birth here, followed by a colon,

  • and a space. Now let's get the return value and store it in a variable,

  • called birth_year.

  • So as I told you before, we use an underscore to separate multiple words

  • Next, we need to calculate the age, so we define another

  • variable called age, and here we do some basic math,

  • currently we are in 2019, so let's write an expression

  • like this. 2019 - birth

  • year. Now finally let's print

  • age on the terminal. Let's run our program and see what happens.

  • So, my birth year is 1982, enter,

  • oops, we got an error, what is going on here? So

  • whenever you see this message, that means there is something wrong with your program. With the information

  • here, we can find exactly where the error occurred. So,

  • next to the file you can see the file that generated this error, in this case

  • that is So

  • currently our program only has a single file, but real complex programs often

  • have hundreds or even thousands of files. So in this file,

  • on line 2, this is where we got this error, and right

  • below that we can see the piece of code that generated this error.

  • So that is where we're calculating the age, and right below

  • that you can see the type of error. In this case, we have a type error, and here's the

  • message. Unsupported operand types for

  • subtraction. Int and str.

  • So int is short for integer and that represents a whole number

  • and str is short for string, so here we're subtracting

  • a string from an integer, and Python doesn't know what to do with it.

  • Let me explain. So I'm going to close the terminal window. So after

  • the first line we executed we have this birth year variable set

  • to a string, so whatever we type in the terminal is always

  • treated as a string, even if you type the number, in other words,

  • when we run this program, this birth year variable will be set

  • to a string, with four characters.

  • 1982. This string is different from the actual number

  • 1982. One is an integer and the other is a string.

  • Right? So, back to line 2, where this

  • error occurred. At run time, which means when we run our program

  • this expression on the right side of the assignment operator

  • is going to look like this. 2019 -

  • string 1982. Python doesn't know how to

  • interpret or how to evaluate this expression. To fix this problem

  • we need to convert this 1982 into an integer

  • and then we'll be able to subtract it from 2019 and that

  • is easy. So far you have learned about two built in functions

  • one is print the other is input. We have a few other functions

  • for converting values into different types. So we have

  • int for converting a string into an integer, we also have

  • float for converting a string into a float, or a number

  • with a decimal point. And we also have bool for converting a string

  • into a boolean value. So to fix this problem,

  • we need to go back on line 2,

  • and pass this birth year variable to the int function like this.

  • int parenthesis, like this

  • so we pass this string to the int function, int will convert it into an itneger

  • and then Python interpreter will be able to evaluate this expression.

  • Now let's run this program one more time, so birth

  • year is 1982 enter so I am

  • 37 years old. In Python we have a useful function

  • for getting the type of variables, for example, let's print the type

  • of birth year, so right after line 1,

  • let's print, now here we're going to call another built in function,

  • called type, and now let's pass birth

  • year, okay, now similarly after line

  • 3, let's also print the type of age, so

  • print type of age.

  • Okay? So let's run our program, so birth year one more

  • time, 1982, okay, here's the result

  • so the type of birth year as you can see is a class

  • of str or strings, we look at classes in the future so

  • for now don't worry about them, and also below them you cans ee the type of

  • the age variable is int or integer. So

  • here's what you need to take away. Whenever you use the input function,

  • you always get a string, so if you're expecting a numerical value

  • you should always convert that string into an integer or

  • a float. So here's a little exercise for you. I want you to write a program

  • ask the user their weight and then convert it to kilograms and print it

  • on a terminal. So pause the video, do the exercise and when you're ready come back

  • to watch it.

  • Alright so let's use our input function and ask

  • for the weight in pounds

  • here we get the weight in lbs or pounds

  • now we need to convert this into kilograms, it's very easy so

  • we defined another variable weight_kg

  • we set this to weight_lbs

  • times 0.45.

  • And finally let's print weight underline

  • kg. Let's run this Python program and see what happens. So

  • my weight is 160, alright once again we got an error,

  • can't multiply sequence by non int of type

  • float. So as I told you before, this input function returns

  • a string, so we cannot multiply a string by a float.

  • Python doesn't know what to do with it. So in this case, we should convert this number

  • by an integer or float and then multiply by 0.45.

  • So let's call the int function.

  • And pass weight underline lbs.

  • And run our program one more time, 160

  • okay, so I am 72 kg's.

  • In this tutorial, you're going to learn more about Python strings.

  • So I've defined this course variable and set it to Python for beginners

  • now earlier I told you you could use both single and double quotes

  • to define a string, but there are times you have to use a specific form,

  • otherwise you're going to run into issues. Here's an example. Imagine you wanted to

  • change this string into Pythons course for Beginners.

  • So we want to add an apostrophe, like this,

  • Course for Beginners. You can immediately say this is going

  • crazy, because our string starts here and then terminates here,

  • all these characters that we have here after the second apostrophe

  • Python interpreter doesn't know what they are. So to solve this problem

  • we need to use double quotes to define our string so we can have

  • a single quote in the middle of the string. So let's change this

  • to double quotes, now you can see it adds another double quote to close it,

  • you have to manually remove this, and also one more time

  • at the beginning of the string, we need to add another double quote. Now

  • you can see error is gone, so if you print course

  • we see Python course for beginners.

  • Beautiful. Now let's say we don't want this apostrophe here, so we have

  • Python for Beginners, but we want to put Beginners in

  • double quotes. Once again, if you add a double quote here Python interpreter gets

  • confused because it assumes the second double quote indicates that

  • end of the string, so it doesn't know what these characters are, so to solve this

  • we need to change our double quotes to single quotes

  • like this. And then we can add double quotes in the middle

  • of the string. Now let's run this program, there you go.

  • So we get Python for Beginners. So these are the cases

  • for using single or double quotes. Now in all the examples

  • I've shown you so far we only deal with short strings, but what if you wanted to define

  • a string that is multiple lengths? For example, what if you wanted to define a string

  • for the message that we send in an email. In that case we need to use

  • triple quotes. So. We delete this.

  • Now we add three quotes, so 1, 2, 3, there you go,

  • So, we have three quotes to start our string and three

  • to terminate it. Again these quotes can be single or double quotes.

  • Okay? Now, with this we can define a string that spans

  • multiple lines. For example, we can say Hi Jon

  • here is our first email to you. Thank you,

  • The Support Team. Like that.

  • Now, let's run this program and here's the

  • result. So, we get this beautiful multi line

  • string. Now let's change this back to something simple

  • so, we can look at other characteristics of strings and Python.

  • So I'm going to use single quotes and set the course name to Python

  • for Beginners. Now here we're going to use square

  • brackets to get a character and a given index in this string.

  • Let me show you. So to get the first character we use square brackets

  • and type 0. So the index of the first character

  • in the string is 0. In other words, this is how Python

  • strings are indexed. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.

  • So the index of the first character is 0, the second character is

  • 1, and so on. So let me delete this and run this program

  • we get p. We can also use a negative

  • index here. And this is one of the features that we don't have in other programming languages

  • as far as I know. So we have negative index we can get the characters

  • started from the end. So if I pass negative 1 here,

  • Assuming that 0 is the index of the first character

  • negative 1 is the index of the last character. So when we run

  • this program we should see s. Let's run it, there you go,

  • we get s, if we pass negative 2, this will return

  • the second character from the end. Let's run it one more time,

  • now we get R because that is the second character from the end.

  • Okay? So place close attention to this square brackets syntax

  • because quite often it's the topic for online Python tests

  • or university exams, so if you're preparing for a python test,

  • make sure to watch this tutorial one more time and understand exactly how

  • this square brackets syntax works, we can also use a similar

  • syntax to extract a few characters instead of 1 character.

  • For example, if we type 0,

  • colon 3, Python interpreter will return all the characters

  • starting with this index all the way to this

  • second index, but it does not return the character at this index.

  • In other words, back to these indexes

  • so you have 0, 1, 2, 3, and so on. When you run this program.

  • Python interpreter will return the characters starting from the

  • index 0 all the way to index 3,

  • but excludes the character and index 3,

  • so when we run this Python program we're going to see pint (?). Let me show you, so we're going to

  • delete this line, run this program, there you go.

  • We get pint. Now here we also have default values for

  • the start and end index. So if we don't supply

  • the end index, Python will return all the characters to the end of the string.

  • Let's take a look. So run this program, there you go,

  • Python for Beginners. But if you change the start index to 1,

  • this will exclude the first character so when we

  • run this program, we see ython so p is removed.

  • Okay? Now similarly we have a default value for the

  • start index, so if we don't supply the start index

  • but add an end index like 5. Python interpreter will assume

  • 0 as the start index, so, let's run

  • this program, there you go, we get pytho.

  • Now what if we leave both the start and end

  • index? Well, I told you? Now in this case 0 will be assumed

  • as the start index, and the length of the string will assume

  • as the end index. So with this syntax, you can basically copy

  • or clone a string. In other words, if I define

  • another variable here, let's call it another and set it to course

  • square brackets with just a colon, now this expression will

  • return all the characters in the course variable so

  • variable will be copy of our first variable. Let's take a look, so,

  • let's print another, and load our

  • program there you go, we get Python for beginners. So once again

  • the square bracket syntax is pretty important if you're preparing for online

  • python tests, or college exams, make sure to watch this tutorial again.

  • Now here's a little exercise for you. I'm going to delete all this code

  • define a variable, called name, and set it to Jennifer.

  • Now when we print name

  • of 1: negative 1

  • what do you think we're going to see on the terminal? I want you to use your knowledge

  • to tell what we're going to see on the terminal, we're now running this program. So

  • pause the video, think about it for a few seconds, then come back and continue watching.

  • So this expression will return the characters starting from

  • index 1 which is the second character

  • all the way to the first character from the end, but excluding

  • the character at this index. In this case, the first character from the

  • in is r, so r will be excluded, in other words we're going to see

  • all the characters starting from e all the way

  • to the second e. Let's take a look. So I'm going to run this program

  • there you go. This is what we get,

  • I hope you guessed it right.

  • In this tutorial, we're going to look at

  • formatted strings in Python programming language. Formatted strings are

  • particularly useful in situations where you dynamically generate some

  • text with your variables. Let me show you. Let's say we have two variables

  • first name and last name. So first we set this to

  • John, and last we set this to Smith. Now it's better

  • to call these variables first name and last name, because they're more

  • descriptive. But here I'm using shorter names because I want you to see the entire code on display

  • screen. So let's say with these two variables, we want to generate

  • some text like this. Jon, in square brackets

  • Smith is a coder. Let's say we want to print this on

  • the terminal. How do we do this? Well, we define another variable

  • like message, now here we add the first name,

  • now we need to concatenate this, with a string that contains a space

  • and a square bracket next we need to add a last name,

  • then we need to add a string that contains

  • the closing square brackets followed by is a coder

  • okay? So, then,

  • if you print message and run this program

  • to see John Smith is a coder, right? Now,

  • while this approach perfectly works, it's not ideal

  • because as our text gets more complicated it becomes harder to

  • visualize the output. So someone else reading this code, they have to

  • visualize all the string concatenations in their head. This is where we use

  • formatted strings, they make it easier for us to visualize the output. So,

  • I'm going to define another variable, let's say

  • msg short for message, and set this to a formatted string. A formatted

  • string is one that is prefixed with an f. So f,

  • quotes. Now in between the quotes, first we want to add

  • the value of the first name variable, so,

  • we add curly braces and here we type first.

  • Next we add a space, we add our square brackets, in between the square

  • brackets, we want to display the last name so once again we add curly

  • braces, and type last, and finally here we type

  • is a coder. So this is what we call the formatted

  • string. With these curly braces, we're defining place holders

  • or holes in our string, and when we run our program these holes

  • will be filled with the value of our variables. So here we have two place holders

  • or two holes in our string. One is for the value of our first name

  • variable and the other is for the value of the last name variable.

  • But compare this formatted string with string

  • concatenation. With this formatted string we can easily visualize

  • what the output looks like, right? Now let's print this other

  • terminal to make sure we get the same exact output. So, let's print message

  • there you go. So Jon

  • Smith is a coder. So to define formatted strings,

  • prefix your strings with an F and then use curly braces

  • to dynamically insert values into your strings.

  • In this Python tutorial, I'm going to show you some really cool things you can do with Python

  • strings. So let's start by defining a variable,

  • course and we set that to Python for

  • beginners. Now to calculate the number

  • of characters in this string, you can use a built in function called len.

  • So len we give it this course variable, and then,

  • we can print the result. Let's run this program,

  • so as you can see we have 20 characters in this string, this is

  • particularly useful when you receive input from the user. For example you have

  • noticed that when you fill out a form online, each input field

  • often has a limit. For example, you might have 50 characters for your name,

  • so using this len function we can enforce a limit on the number of characters

  • in an input field. If the user types in more characters than we allow,

  • we can display an error, now, this,

  • len function is another function built into Python, it's

  • a general purpose function, so it's not limited to counting the number of characters in a

  • string, in the future when we look at lists, I want to show you that we can use this

  • function to count the number of items in a list. So it's a general purpose

  • function. Now we also have functions specifically for strings

  • for example we have functions for converting all these characters to upper case

  • or lower case. To access these functions we use the dot operator.

  • let me show you. So first we type course,

  • then dot look these are all the functions

  • that are specific to strings. Now in more accurate terms,

  • you refer to these function as methods, this is a term

  • in object oriented programming that we want to look at in the future, but for now, what I want you to take away,

  • is that when a function belongs to something else, or is specific

  • to some kind of object, we refer to that function as a method.

  • For example, here we have this function, upper, for converting the string

  • into upper case, now more accurately because this function

  • is specific to a string, we refer to this as a method. In contrast

  • len and print are general purpose functions, they don't belong

  • to strings or numbers or other kinds of objects.

  • So this is the difference between functions and methods. Now let's take look at this

  • upper method. So, let's print the results

  • and we run our program, there you go,

  • you get all these characters displayed in uppercase. Now note this method

  • does not change or modify our original string, in fact

  • it creates a new string and returns it. So,

  • if we print our course variable right after we

  • call the upper method, we can see that our course variable still

  • has it's original form, so let's run this program one more time, there you

  • go. Look, here is our original course variable, it's not modified.

  • Now similar to the upper method we have another method

  • for converting a string into lower case. So let me show you.

  • Print, course.lower.

  • Now, let's run the program, so on the second line you can see,

  • all characters are in lower case. Now there are times

  • that you want to find a character or a sequence of characters in a string.

  • In those situations you can use the find method. So let me delete

  • these few lines. Call course.

  • find here we pass a character, let's say

  • p, and this will return the index of the first occurrence

  • of that character, let me show you. So let's print the result

  • we get 0, because the

  • index of the first capital p in the string is 0.

  • As another example, if we pass a lower case o here,

  • let's see what we get, we get 4 because

  • the index of this o here is 4. Now note that the

  • find method is case sensitive, so it's sensitive to

  • lower case and and upper case characters. As an example if you pass an upper case

  • here and run this program, we get negative 1 because

  • we don't have an upper case o anywhere in this string, okay?

  • We can also pass a sequence of characters, for example, we can pass

  • beginners with a capital B

  • let's run this program, we get 11 because

  • beginners starts with index 11, now we

  • also have method for replacing a character or a sequence of characters

  • and that is called replace. So let's change find

  • to replace let's say we want to replace beginners with

  • absolute beginners, so we add a comma to pass a second value

  • to this function, or more accurately this method. We add a string,

  • here I'm going to pass absolute beginners.

  • Okay, now let's run this program,

  • so, we get python for absolute beginners.

  • Again, this method like the find method is case sensitive so

  • if you pass beginners all in lowercase, this method is

  • not going to find this exact word in our string, so it's not going to

  • place it with absolute beginners. Let's take a look. So I'm going to run the program

  • One more time, look, we still get python for beginners.

  • We can also replace a single character, for example we can replace

  • capital p with let's say capital

  • j. Now when we run this program we get

  • jython for beginners. So these are the find and replace methods

  • and one last things I want to show you in this tutorial. There are

  • times that you want to check the existence of a character or sequence of characters in your

  • string. In those situations you use the in operator,

  • so let's say you want to know if this string contains the word python.

  • We can write an expression like this. String

  • python space in space course.

  • So we're checking to see if python is in

  • course variable. And this is an expression that produces a boolean

  • value, and I get true or false, so we refer to this expression

  • as a boolean expression, now if we print this on the terminal,

  • we should get true, and by the way

  • I'm going to delete the second line, we don't need it anymore, so run the program

  • we get true, but if I change this capitol p to a lower case

  • p and run the program we get false because we don't have

  • is exact sequence of characters in our strings.

  • Now note that the difference between the in operator and the find method

  • is that our find method returns the index of

  • character or sequence of characters but the in operator

  • produces a boolean value. Do we have this or not?

  • So that's the difference. Now let's recap all the cool things you learned

  • to do with strings in this tutorial. We can use the len function

  • to count the number of characters in a string, this is the general

  • purpose function built into python, we also have specific functions

  • for strings which we refer to as methods, these include

  • upper for converting a string into uppercase

  • you also have lower and title methods,

  • you learn about the find method which returns the index

  • of a character or sequence of characters, we have

  • the replace method for replacing characters and words in a string and finally

  • you learned about the in operator. So some characters

  • in a string.

  • So, you have learned that in Python programming language you have 2

  • types of numbers, integers which are whole numbers like 10, they don't have

  • a decimal point, and floating point numbers or floats.

  • Which are numbers with a decimal point. Now in this tutorial you're going to look

  • at the arithmetic operations supported in python language these are the

  • same arithmetic operations that we have in math, we can add numbers,

  • multiply them and so on. So let's look at a few examples,

  • we can print, 10 plus 3, so

  • this is the addition operator, we also have subtraction, we

  • have multiplication, we have two kinds of division,

  • here's one with a forward slash, let's run this program and see what we get.

  • we get a floating point number. But we also have

  • another division operator for getting an integer. So

  • if we add another slash here and run this program

  • we get an integer. We have

  • another operator called modulis (?) which is a percent sign.

  • And this returns the remainder of the division. So when we run this program

  • we should get 1, there you go. And

  • one last operator we have here is exponent which is the power.

  • So, that is indicated with 2 asterisks and this will return

  • 10 to the power of 3. So let's run this program

  • we get 1000 so these are the arithmetic operators

  • in python programming language. Now for all these operators that you learned

  • we have an augmented assignment operator. That is

  • very useful, let me show you. So let's say we have a variable

  • called x we set it to 10, now we want to increment this by

  • 3, we'll have to write code like this. X we set this to

  • x plus 3. So Python interpreter will add

  • 10 to 3, the result is 13, and then it gets stored

  • into x again. So when we print x we should see

  • 13, there you go. So this is how you can increment

  • a number, right? Now augmented assignment operator is

  • a way to write the same code but in a shorter form. This

  • is how it works. We type x plus

  • equals 3. What we have on line 3 is exactly

  • like what we have on line 2. So this is what we call

  • the augmented assignment operator we have augmented or

  • enhanced the assignment operator. Now in this particular

  • case we are incremented a number using the augmented assignment operator,

  • but we can also subtract or multiply a number by a given value

  • for example, let's delete what we have on line 2,

  • we can type subtract equals 3. So here we

  • subtracted 3 from x. When we run this program we should see 7,

  • there you go.

  • Now let me ask you a question, I'm going to clear all this code here to

  • define x and set it to 10 plus 3

  • times 2. What do you think is the result of this expression?

  • this is a very basic math question that unfortunately a lot of people fail to answer.

  • The answer is 16. Because in math we have this

  • concept called operator precedence which means the order of

  • operations. So the multiplication operator has

  • a higher precendence which means it's applied first which means 3 x

  • 2 is executed first, the result is 6 and then

  • its added to 10, that's why x showed up as 16 after

  • we run this code, let's verify that. So, print x

  • run the program, x is 16. So this is what we call

  • operator precedence, it's just a basic math concept.

  • It's not about python programming language. So all the other programming languages

  • behave the same way, so here's the order, first we have

  • the exponentiation which is the power, like 2 to the power of 3,

  • then we have multiplication or division

  • and finally we have addition or subtraction.

  • This is the order of operations. Let me show you another example.

  • Here I'm going to add the exponentiation operator, so,

  • 2 to the power of 2. Once again, what do you

  • think is the result of this expression? Pause the video and think about it for a few seconds.

  • The answer is 22.

  • Because the exponentiation operator takes precedence, so first

  • 2 to the power of 2 is executed, the result is 4,

  • then 4 is multiplied by 3, that is 12,

  • and finally 12 is added to 10. So x should be 22.

  • So let's run this program and verify this. So I'm going to

  • delete these lines here. Run the program, there you go. X

  • is 22. Now let me bring back these rules here.

  • We can also use parenthesis to change the order of operations

  • so if we have parenthesis we always

  • takes priority. In this case we can add parenthesis

  • around 10 + 3, so this piece of 3 will be

  • executed first, the result is 13, then the exponentiation

  • operator will be executed, so 2 to the power of 2 is 4,

  • and finally 4 is multiplied by 13.

  • Now here is a little exercise for you. I'm going to set x to

  • parenthesis 2 + 3 x 10 minus

  • 3. What is the result of this? Pause the video and think about it for a few seconds.

  • So you learned that parenthesis always

  • overrides the order, so this piece of code is executed first. The result

  • of these 5. Then, between the multiplication and

  • subtraction, you know that multiplication takes precedence.

  • So next, 5 will be multiplied by 10, the result is

  • 50 and finally we have subtraction. So 50 minus

  • 3 will be 47. Let's verify this, print

  • x, run the program there you go, I hope you guessed it right.

  • So this is all bout operator precedence, it's a very important topic

  • and I see it quite often in Python tests. So if you're preparing for a Python test

  • make sure to watch his tutorial one more time.

  • In this tutorial, we're going to look at a few useful functions for working with numbers

  • let's start by defining a variable like x and set it to 2

  • .9. Now to round this number we can use the built in

  • round function, so we call the round function, give it x,

  • and then print the result. Let's run this program

  • so, we get 3, we have another useful built in function called

  • abs which is short for absolute, and this is the absolute function

  • we have in math, we give it a value and it always returns

  • the positive representation of this value, even if the value is negative.

  • Here's an example. Let's call the abs function

  • and give it negative 2.9 When we run this program

  • we're gong to see 2.9 on the terminal. So let's go ahead

  • there you go. So absolute always returns a positive number.

  • But technically in Python we have a handful of built in functions for performing

  • mathematical operations, if you want to write a program that involves complex

  • mathematical calculations, you need to import the math module.

  • A module in Python is a separate file with some reusable

  • code. We use these modules to organize our code into different

  • files. As a metaphor think of a super market. When you go to a super market

  • you see different sections for fruits and vegetables, cleaning products,

  • junk food and so on. Each section in the super market is like a module

  • in Python. So in Python we have this math module which contains a bunch

  • of rustable functions for performing mathematical calculations.

  • So, let me show you how to use this module. On the top

  • we type import, math, all in lowercase

  • with this we can import the math module. now math is

  • an object like a string, so we can access it's functions or more accurately

  • it's methods using the dot operator. So if you type

  • math. look these are all the mathematical

  • functions available in this module. For example you can call the

  • seal method to get the sealing of a number. So if you pass 2.9 here

  • and then print the result we should see 3.

  • Let me delete all this other code here. Alright, let's run this program

  • there you go. So we get 3. Another useful method is the

  • floor method, so let's give that a try, floor of 2.

  • 9. What do you think we're going to get? We get

  • 2. Now there are so many functions built in this module and we don't really have time

  • to go through all of them. But let me show you how we can learn about them on your own.

  • Open up your browser and search for Python 3

  • math module. Make sure to add the version python 3.

  • Because the math module in python 2 is slightly different from the math module in

  • python 3. So python 3 math module,

  • now here you can see the documentation of this kind of module

  • let's go let's have a look, if you scroll down,

  • we can see the list of all the functions and their explanation.

  • So as an exercise I encourage you to have a quick look at this

  • documentation. See what functions are there for you in case you need them.

  • In this tutorial, I'm going to talk to you about if statements in Python

  • if statements are extremely important in programming and they

  • allow us to build programs that can make decisions based on some condition.

  • So if some conditions are true we're going to do certain things, otherwise we're going to do other

  • things. Here's an example. Over here I've got this text file with

  • a bunch of rules for our program. If it's a hot day, perhaps we want to

  • tell the user it's a hot day, so make sure to drink plenty of water.

  • Otherwise, if it's cold, so here's another condition

  • if this condition is true we're going to tell the user it's a cold day

  • so where warm clothes. And otherwise if it's

  • either hot or cold, we want to tell the user it's a lovely day.

  • So let me show you how to write a program that simulates these rules. So,

  • back to our program here, we start by defining a boolean variable

  • is underline hot. We set this to true.

  • Next, we add an if statement, so if, here

  • we need to add a condition, in this case we're going to use our boolean variable. So,

  • is underline hot. So if this values to true.

  • Then we're going to do certain things. In this case, we want to tell the user

  • hey it's a hot day, drink plenty of water. So, back to our program

  • after our condition we add a colon, now,

  • note that when I press enter pycharm automatically indents

  • our cursor. Now any code that we write here will be executed

  • if this condition is true, otherwise it will be ignored. Here

  • is an example. Let's write a print statement, here I'm going to use

  • double quotes because I want to use an apostrophe in our string. So,

  • it's a hot day. Now let's press enter

  • you can see the cursor is still indented, that means we can write more code

  • that we executed if this condition is true, in this case let's say we don't want to

  • write any extra code, so to terminate this block

  • we need to press shift and tab, now the cursor is at the beginning of the line

  • so lets write a print statement with a message like

  • enjoy your day. Now when we run this program, because

  • this condition is true, you're doing to say this message followed by

  • this second message, take a look, so run, there you go, it's a hot day

  • enjoy your day. But if I go over here and

  • change this boolean value to false and run the program again, our

  • first message disappears and we only see the second message, enjoy

  • your day. So this is how if statements work. Now back

  • here we can add another print statement let's say

  • drink plenty of water.

  • Now because this spirant statement is also indented it will be

  • executed if this condition is true. So I'm going to revert is hot to true

  • and run the program one more time. There you go, so

  • it's a hot day, drink plenty of water, and enjoy your

  • day. Alright now let's add a second rule here, if

  • it's hot we're going to execute these two lines, otherwise if it's not hot

  • we want to print a different message. So here

  • we are moving an indentation and typing els

  • colon. Now when we press enter once again our cursor

  • indented so the code that we write here will be executed if this

  • condition is not true. So here we can print

  • it's a cold day, print,

  • where warm clothes.

  • Now let's run our program one more time. So we get the message

  • about a hot day followed by enjoy your day. You don't see any message

  • about a cold day. Now if we go back here on the top.

  • And change this boolean value to false and run our program

  • we see different set of messages. It's a cold day

  • wear warm clothes and enjoy your day. But there's a problem with

  • our program. If it's not hot it doesn't necessarily mean that it's cold, it means

  • it's a lovely day. So the absence of heat doesn't mean its cold.

  • Back to our conditions, here on line 4 we have this rule that says

  • if it's a cold day, then print these messages

  • otherwise if it's neither hot or cold say it's a lovely day.

  • So, to implement this rule we need to go back and put

  • py and define another variable. So let' say

  • is underline cold we set this to

  • true. Now here we need to add a second condition. So after

  • our first if statement, we can use an el if statement

  • to define a second condition. So here's how it works. So,

  • el if which is short for els if or

  • otherwise if, now here we add another condition, so,

  • is cold So if t's cold you want to

  • execute these few lines. So let's cut these

  • from here, and move them under our second condition

  • and finally if none of these conditions are true,

  • you want to print a different message. It's a lovely

  • day. So, right now,

  • is hot is false, is cold is true,

  • so when we run this program, python interpreter is going to execute the first

  • if statement, in this case because our condition is false, these two

  • lines will be ignored, then Python interpreter will look at

  • line 7, it will evaluate this condition, in this case is

  • cold is true so we're going to see these two messages on the terminal.

  • Now, in this case, because one of these conditions was true, this els statement

  • will be ignored, so we are not going to see this message, and finally

  • as before, we are always going too see this message. So let's run our

  • program, there you go. it's a cold day,

  • where warm clothes and and enjoy your day. Now,

  • back to the top, if we change is cold

  • to false it's neither hot nor cold so it's going to be a lovely day.

  • Let's run the program, and here you go, it's a lovely day

  • enjoy your day. So these are the basics of using if

  • statements. As you can see they are very useful in programming and with these

  • we can build all kinds of rules into our programs. Okay here's an

  • exercise or you. Imagine the price of a house is 1 million dollars.

  • Now if the buyer has good credit, they will need to put down 10 percent

  • of the price of this property otherwise they need to put down 20 percent

  • write a program with these rules an display the down payment

  • card for a buyer with good credit. You will see my solution

  • next.

  • Alright let's define a variable for the price of this house so price

  • we set this to 1 million so 1 with 6 0s.

  • Next we need a variable to tell if this buyer has good credit

  • so has good credit,

  • and we set this to true, now we need an if statement

  • so if has good credit has true

  • colon, here we need to calculate a down payment so

  • the down_payment should be equal to

  • 0.1 x the price. That is 10 percent of the price of this

  • property. Otherwise colon

  • the down payment should be 0.2

  • times price. Now finally we remove the

  • indentation and print here we can use a form

  • of valid string, first we add a label, down payment

  • colon and right after that we add a placeholder

  • or a hole for our down payment variable. So curly braces

  • down payment. Let's run this

  • program, so down payment for a buyer with good credit

  • is 100,000 dollars. Now let's improve this by adding a

  • dollar sign before this number. So back to our formatted string,

  • just before the curly brace I'm going to add a dollar sign let's

  • run this one more time, that is better.

  • In this tutorial I'm going to talk to you about the logical operators within Python.

  • We use these operators in situations where we have multiple

  • conditions. Here is an example. Let' say we're building an application for

  • processing loans. If an applicant has high income

  • and good credit, then they're eligible

  • for a loan. So in this example we have two conditions, one is having

  • high income and the other is having good credit. So if both

  • these conditions are true, then the applicant is eligible for a loan.

  • So this is where we use the logical and operator.

  • We use this operator to combine two conditions, and by the way

  • this is not specific to python programming language, pretty much any programming language

  • that supports if statements also supports the logical operators.

  • So, back to our program, let's define two variables,

  • has high income, we set this to true.

  • And another one has good

  • credit, we also set this to true, now our if statement

  • if has high income has true,

  • and has good credit is also true,

  • then we're going to print eligible

  • for null. So this is where

  • we're using the and operator. So if both these conditions are true

  • then this message will be printed. If one of them is false, we're not going to see

  • this message. Let's try this out. So I'm going to run this program

  • so we see it eligible for loan, but if we change

  • either of these conditions to false, and run the program again

  • look, the message disappears.

  • So this is the logical and operator. We also have the

  • logical or, and we want to use that in situations where we want to do certain things

  • at least one of the conditions is true, for example let's change

  • the rule for this program, such that if the applicant has high income,

  • or good credit, then they're eligible for a loan,

  • so if either or both these conditions are true then the candidate is

  • eligible. Now back to our program we can

  • implement this rule by using the logical or operator. So we simply replace

  • and with or, now when we run this program we're going to

  • see this message because at least one of our conditions is true,

  • let's take a look. So the applicant is eligible for a loan

  • for a loan because they have good credit. If you change this to false

  • but set the other condition to true, we still

  • see the same result, but if both these conditions are false

  • then we're not going to see this message anymore. So this is the difference

  • between these operators. With the logical and operator

  • both conditions should be true, with the logical

  • or operator at least one condition should be true

  • we also have another logical operator called not

  • and that basically inverses any boolean value we give it, if we give it,

  • we give it a true boolean value it converts it to false. For example

  • let's make up a new room, if applicant

  • has good credit and doesn't have

  • a criminal record then

  • they're eligible for a loan. Let me show you how to implement this. So,

  • we go back to our program, in this example we don't need a

  • first variable for let's delete that. Let's set this variable to true

  • we also define another variable like has criminal

  • record. We set this to false.

  • Now, we want to check to see if this applicant has good credit and not

  • a criminal record. This is where we use the not operator.

  • So, if they have good credit,

  • and not criminal

  • record. So, in this example, has criminal

  • record is set to false, when we use the not operator this

  • basically gets changed to true, so we have two conditions that are true.

  • Here's ones and here's another one. So our applicant is

  • eligible for a loan. And when we run this program we see

  • this familiar message. However

  • if an applicant has a criminal record, so let's change this to

  • true, now when we run this program we can see our applicant is

  • not eligible because when we apply then operator on this

  • variable, we'll get false. So true changes to false.

  • And we'll end up with two conditions, one that's true

  • and the other is false. And that's why this message is

  • not printed. So this is all about the logical operators in

  • python.

  • In this tutorial I'm going to talk to you guys about

  • comparison operators in Python. We use comparison operators

  • in situations where we want to compare a variable with a value,

  • for example, if temperature is greater than 30, then

  • we want to print it's a hot day. Otherwise, if it's less

  • then 10, it's a cold day, otherwise it it's neither hot

  • nor cold. And by the way I'm taking about celsius, not farenheit.

  • So, to build these rules into our program, we need to use comparison

  • operators. Back to, I define this

  • temperature value, let's write an if statement, if temperature

  • now we want to check to see if this is greater than 30, so we use

  • the greater than operator. If this is greater than 30,

  • we want to print it's a hot day

  • otherwise, let's just print

  • it's not a hot day. Now,

  • when we run this program, we're going to see this second message because 30

  • is not greater than 30. So our first condition a value

  • is to false. let's verify that. So run,

  • it's not a hot day. Now if you change

  • the temperature to 35 and run this again,

  • we're going to see a different message, it's a hot day, so this is where we use

  • comparison operators. Now what we have here as you know is an expression

  • because it's a piece of code that produces a value. So more accurately this is

  • a boolean expression. So this is the greater than operator,

  • we also have greater than or equal to, we have

  • less then, less then or equal to,

  • here's the equality operator, so if the temperature equals to 30,

  • then you can say it's a hot day. Note that this is different from the assignment operator

  • that has only one equals sign. You can see that if we use only one equal sign

  • here we immediately get this red underline because this is simply

  • an assignment statement. We're changing the value of the temperature.

  • you are setting the value of

  • something else. So we don't have a boolean expression, you are not producing a

  • boolean value. Okay? So, our equality operator

  • has two equal signs and finally we have not

  • equal which is an exclamation followed by an equal sign.

  • Now here's an exercise for you. You have probably seen that when you fill out a

  • form online, sometimes the input fields have validation messages,

  • for example, let's say we have an input field for the user to enter their name.

  • Now if the name is less then 3 characters wrong we want to display a validation

  • error, like name must be at least three characters,

  • otherwise, if the name is more then 50 characters long then we want

  • to display a different validation error like name can be a maximum

  • of 50 characters. Otherwise if the name is between 3 and 50 characters

  • then we just want to tell the user that name looks good.

  • So go ahead, and write a plan to implement these rules.

  • Alright let's define a variable called name and set it to

  • let's say j. So we're assuming this is what the user types into an input field.

  • Now, we want to get the number of characters in this string.

  • So we use the len function, right? Len of name.

  • When we print this we get 1, right

  • you have seen this before. Now here we want to use an if statement so

  • if len of name is less then

  • 3, then we want to print

  • name must be at least 3 characters

  • now here we need a second condition

  • to check the upper limit. So el if

  • len of name is greater than 50,

  • then we want to print a different message, name,

  • must be a maximum

  • of 50 characters.

  • Okay? And otherwise if else

  • none of these conditions are true that means the name looks good. So,

  • print, name looks good. Let's

  • run our program. So in this case we get this message

  • because our name is too short. Now if you go back here and

  • type something really really long. And then

  • we run our program we're going to see a different message name must be a

  • maximum of 50 characters and finally if

  • we type a proper name here like John Smith

  • and run our program we get name

  • looks good.

  • Here's another good exercise that combines

  • many of the materials you have learned so far, so earlier you built a program to

  • convert someone's weight from pounds to kilograms. Now we want to extend this program

  • and allow the user to enter their weight in either kilograms or

  • pounds and then we will convert it to the other unit. Here's how our program

  • is going to work. So I enter my weight in pounds so

  • 100 and 60 now it's telling me if it's in pounds or

  • kilograms. So here I'm adding l to lbs or k for kilograms.

  • And by the way, this program is not case sensitive so

  • when I enter a capital l or lowercase l it takes

  • it as pounds. Now it tells me ur set it to

  • kilos. Let's run this program one more time,

  • this time I'm going to enter my weight in kilo's, so send it to

  • is the weight and the unit is kilograms so k,

  • and it says you are 160 pounds.

  • So go ahead and spend a few minutes on this exercise, you will see my solution next.

  • Alright first let's ask the user their weight. So we use the input

  • function, weight colon we get the return value

  • and store it in the variable called weight.

  • Now the second question, so one more time we use the input function

  • el for pounds.

  • Or k for kilograms. So,

  • let's get that too and store it in a variable called unit

  • now we need an if statement. So if unit

  • equals l then we need to convert this weight

  • into kilograms. However, with this implementation we are only allowing

  • the user to enter a capitol l, if they enter a lowercase l

  • this code is not going to work. So this is where we use the upper

  • method of string objects so this unit is a string because as I told you

  • before, the input function always returns a string.

  • So, we can use the dot operator to access all it's methods or

  • functions, here we call the upper method, this

  • will convert whatever the user enters to upper case and then we'll convert it

  • to a capital l. Now, if this condition is true,

  • then we need to get the weight and multiply it by 0,

  • .45 However, as you know this

  • weight is a string object, and we cannot multiply a string

  • by a floating point number, we talked about this earlier in this course.

  • So first we need to convert this weight to a numerical value. So

  • right here, when we call the input function, we can get the return

  • value and pass it to the int function. So,

  • we call the int function and give it

  • the return value of the input function. Now, the

  • in function will return an integer so we can store it in this weight

  • variable. So here's the converted weight, let's store it in

  • a variable called converted,

  • then we print here we can use a formatted string, so

  • we prefix this string with f ur

  • we add curly braces to dynamically insert the value of

  • converted variable. And finally we add kilo.

  • Otherwise, if the unit is kilograms.

  • We need to divide the weight by 0.45. q

  • So, weight divided by 0.45 and

  • just to refresh your memory, this division operator returns a floating point number

  • but if we use double slashes we'll get an integer.

  • In this case, we want to get a floating point number,

  • finally let's print a formatted string, ur

  • curly braces, converted

  • pounds. Okay? Now

  • let's run this program and see what happens. So weight is

  • 160 and lbs in

  • and that equals to 72 kilos, perfect, if we run it one more time,

  • and enter 72 kilos

  • we get 160 pounds.

  • In this tutorial I'm going to show you how to use y loops in python. We

  • use y loops to execute a block of code multiple times and there are often

  • useful in building interactive programs and games. In a future tutorial

  • I'm going to show you how to build a simple game using a y loop.

  • So, let's get started with the basics, we write a y statement

  • and right after that, we type a condition followed by a colon

  • as long as this condition is true the quote that we write

  • in this block will be repeatedly executed. Here is an example.

  • We can define a variable like i, as in short for

  • index and set it to 1. Now we set our condition to

  • i less than or equal to 5, so as long as I

  • is less then or equal to 5, we can print i,

  • on the terminal. And then we need to increment i,

  • by 1. So we set i to i plus 1. The reason

  • we do this is that if we don't do this I will be 1 forever

  • so we'll end up with an infinite loop. Because this condition will

  • always be true. One is always less then 5, so in every iteration of this

  • loop, we increment i by 1, so at some point, i is gonna be

  • six and then that is when this condition will be false and then

  • we'll jump out of this loop, okay? Now to demonstrate how everything works

  • after this loop I'm going to add a print statement

  • say done. So note that these two lines

  • are indented so they are part of the y block.

  • Okay, now let's go ahead and run this program and see what happens. So,

  • take a look, we get the numbers 1-5 followed by

  • done. So heres how this program gets executed

  • first we set i to 1 now python interpreter executes line

  • 2, this condition is true because i is less then 5,

  • so i is printed on the terminal and then incremented by

  • 1. Then the control moves back to the beginning of the y loop.

  • So it doesn't go to the next statement. So,

  • we come back here and now we are in the second iteration. In the second iteration

  • i is 2, and because 2 is less then 5, our condition is still

  • true, so i will be printed on the terminal, and once again it will be

  • incremented by 1, so at some point i is going to be 6,

  • and that's when this condition will be false so our look will

  • be terminated and this done message will be printed on the terminal.

  • So this is the basics of y loops. Now let's make this program a little

  • bit more interesting. Here we can write an expression like this. We

  • add a string, and in this string we add an asterisk

  • and then we multiply this string by i. So

  • with this expression, we can repeat a string, when we multiply a string

  • by a number, that string will be repeated. For example, if

  • i is two, this expression will produce a

  • string with two asterisks. Now let's run the program

  • and see what we get. So we see this little triangle

  • shape here. Because in the first iteration i is 1, so,

  • 1 times an asterisk produces 1 asterisk.

  • In the second iteration i is 2, so when we multiply 2

  • by 1 asterisks, we'll get 2 asterisks.

  • In this tutorial I'm going to show you how to use a y loop to build

  • a guessing game like this. So we have this secret number which is currently set to

  • 9. Now the computer is asking me to make a guess. So,

  • let's say 1 is not right because the secret number is 9, okay,

  • try again, 2, no it's not right, let's try again, so I

  • only have three chances to make a guess. If I can't guess the number the program

  • tells me that I failed. let's run the program one more time, this time

  • I'm going to guess the number, it's 9, there you go, it says you in.

  • So let's go ahead and build this program using a y loop.

  • Alright, let's start by defining a variable to store our secret number

  • so, we call the secret underline number and set it to 9.

  • Now we need a while loop to repeatedly ask a user to

  • make a guess. So while condition colon

  • What is our condition here? Well we want to give our user a

  • maximum of three guesses. So similar to the last tutorial, we can define

  • a variable like I, set it to 0, and assume this represents

  • the number of guesses the user has made. And then we write our condition

  • as i less then 3. Note that here I'm not

  • using less then or equal to operator, because with this condition

  • our loop will be executed 4 times, while i is 0,

  • one, two, and three, so here we should use

  • the less then operator. Now if we give this code to someone else it's unclear

  • what does i represent here, it's only in our head that

  • i represents the number of guesses the user has made. So as

  • a best practice, always use meaningful and descriptive names for your variables.

  • So it's better to rename this variable to guess, count.

  • Let me show you how to rename. So right click on i variable,

  • and then go to refactor and

  • rename it. Look at the shortcut. On a Mac computer it's shift and

  • f 6. Now in this dialogue box we can easily

  • rename your variable and pycharm will update all the references to that

  • variable so we don't have to manually update each instance, okay? Let's

  • change this to guess_count

  • enter, there you go, now that is better,

  • also it's better to store 3 in a separate variable to make our code

  • more readable, because it's not quite clear what does 3 represent here.

  • So, let's define a variable called guess limit

  • say to 3, and then we can change 3 to guess

  • underline limit, now our code is more readable

  • while guess count is less then guess limit, see it reads like a story

  • this is how you should write code. Okay, so

  • while this condition is true, we want toast the user to make a guess. So here

  • we use our input function, guess

  • Now whatever the user enters comes out as a string so we need to convert it to an integer.

  • So right here, we pass the result to the end function

  • and then get it and store it in a separate variable called guess.

  • So at this point the user made a guess, now we need to

  • increment guess count so guess count

  • we set it to plus equal 1 or

  • okay, now we need to check to see if the user will make the right guess.

  • So here we need an if statement. If what the user guessed

  • equals our secret number,

  • again see our code is so readable. It's like a story you can read it like plain

  • English. So if this condition is true we want to

  • tell the user they won. So print you won

  • now lets go ahead and run our program up to this point.

  • So okay it's asking me to make a guess, I'm going to make

  • the wrong guess so one it asked me again, 2 one more time,

  • 3, okay, what is missing in this implementation is the

  • message that tells me that I failed. We're going to take care of it momentarily, but

  • let's run the program one more time and make the right guess. So, 9

  • okay it says you won, but it's still asking me to make

  • a guess, because our while loop is going to get executed 3 times. Look

  • 1 and 2. So we need to change our program

  • such that if the user makes the right guess, we need to terminate our

  • while loop, we need to jump out of it. How do we do that?

  • So, over here if the user makes the right guess, after

  • we print this message we can use the brick statement to terminate

  • terminate a loop, when python interpreter sees this, it's going to

  • immediately terminate our loop, it's not going to evaluate this condition again.

  • Now let's run our program and see what happens. So, I'm going to

  • guess the right number, you won and look, you are

  • now asked to make two more guesses, beautiful. Now the last thing we need

  • to add here is the message that tells the user that they failed if they could not guess

  • the right number. How do we do that? Well in Python

  • our while loops can optionally have an else part.

  • similar to the if statements. So earlier you learned that our if statements

  • can optionally happen else part. Here, so

  • if this condition is true, do this,

  • otherwise do something else. In this case our if statement doesn't have

  • an else part. Now, similar to the if statements

  • Our while loops, our while statements can also have an else part.

  • So, right at this level we can add

  • an else block, so else colon.

  • And the code that we write here will get executed if this while loop

  • completes successfully without an immediate

  • break. In other words. If the user guesses the

  • right number, you break this loop, you jump out of it so the code that

  • we write in the else block will not get executed.

  • But if the user cannot guess this number, you're never going to break out of

  • this loop, so this loop will be executed to completion untill

  • this condition become false. In that case, the code that we write

  • in the else block will get executed, and this is the perfect opportunity for us

  • to tell the user hey, you made three guesses but none of them were right.

  • So, print, sorry you

  • failed. Now, let's test the program one more time.

  • So, guess 1, 2, 3,

  • sorry you failed, let's run it one more time. This time I'm going to make

  • a wrong guess, and then the right guess,

  • we won and our loop terminated immediately.

  • Alright, now it's time for you to practice what you have learned so far.

  • So once again we're going to build a game this game is a simulation

  • card game. Now our game doesn't have a graphical user interface or gooey

  • and it doesn't really matter for now, our focus is entirely on building the

  • engine for this game. So let's see how this works.

  • When we run this, we get this little symbol here, and our program

  • is waiting for us to enter a command. If you type help

  • either a lower case or upper case we get the list of commands

  • that our program or our game currently supports. So we can type the

  • start command to start our car, we can type

  • stop command to stop our car, and quit to terminate the game.

  • Any other commands that we type our program is going to tell us hey I don't understand that.

  • For example, if I type asd here, it's going to say I don't understand

  • that.If you type start, we get this message,

  • car started, ready to go, if you type stop it

  • says car stopped, and finally if we hit quit

  • our program terminates, this is a fantastic exercise for you to practice

  • wha you have learned, so pause the video and spend 5-10 minutes

  • to build this program.

  • Alright, we're going to start with a while loop with a condition

  • What is our condition here? We want to run this loop

  • until the user types quit. So we can define a variable

  • or a story to command what the user enters, and then we can run this

  • loop as long as the command does not equal to quit. So right before

  • the loop, we define a variable, command, and initially we set it

  • to an empty string. An empty string is a string that has no characters

  • in it. We only have the quotes. So then

  • we type out our condition as while command

  • does not equal to quit then do something.

  • Now immediately we have a problem here because we're assuming that the user

  • types the command in lower case, so if they type this in upper case they

  • our program is not going to behave properly, so to fix this problem, you need to

  • call the lower method of the string object and then compare the results.

  • With this quit. You could also call this upper

  • and then type quit in upper case. It's about our personal preference

  • in this demo I'm going to use lower case characters.

  • So, okay, now in this loop we need to ask the user to enter

  • a command. So once again we're going to use our input function, we're going to add

  • a greater then symbol followed by a space,

  • whatever the user enters, we get it and store it in our

  • command variable. Now apart from

  • quit command, there are three other commands that we need to support. Start,

  • stop, and help. So here we need an if statement to compare

  • what the user enters with one of the supported commands.

  • So, if command.lower

  • equals start then you want to print the message

  • like the car started. So print the car started.

  • Ready to go, it doesn't matter,

  • now the second condition. What if its not start, maybe it's stop? So,

  • el if command.lower

  • equals stop, there you go, then we print a

  • different message car stopped. Now look at our code.

  • We have repeated this lower lower lower multiple times.

  • This is bad, in programming we have a term called dry, which is short for

  • don't repeat yourself. So whenever you have duplicate

  • your code that means you're doing something wrong. So how can we solve this problem.

  • Well, instead of calling the lower method in each condition,

  • we can call it right here when we get the input from the user, so

  • this input function as you know returns a string, we can

  • immediately call the lower method on this string, and with this command

  • will always be in lowercase, so we don't need to

  • call this method in every condition. Look,

  • we remove the duplication and also our conditions

  • are shorter and easier to read. There is also one more place

  • we need to modify so, it's right here. That is better.

  • Now, the third command. We need one more el if.

  • If the command equals help, then,

  • we want to show the commands that we support. So,

  • here we're going to print a multi line string. So we

  • use triple quotes like this, and

  • give the user a guideline like this. So start

  • to start the car stop

  • to stop the car, and

  • quit to quit. Now finally we need

  • an else part, so if what the user enters is none of these commands,

  • we're going to tell them, hey we don't understand these,

  • else, colon print

  • sorry I don't understand that.

  • And by the way note that here becomes I'm using double

  • quotes, I can easily use a single quote as an apostrophe, okay?

  • So let's run our program up to this point and see what happens.

  • Alright, let's type start car is

  • started, beautiful, stop, car is stopped, help,

  • we get this guideline, but there's so much indentation

  • before our commands, we'll fix that in a second. And finally

  • let's test the quit command, oops, our program

  • didn't work properly. Here is the reason. With these if statements,

  • we're comparing the command with start stop, and

  • help. Anything else will end up here, so that's why our

  • program says it doesn't understand that. So that's why our program

  • says it doesn't understand that command. However, after this el statement

  • the control will be moved to the beginning of the loop.

  • At this point our command is quit, so our loop will complete and the

  • program terminates. In other words when we run this program

  • and type quit, our program actually quits but

  • we still see this message which shouldn't appear here. How can we solve this problem?

  • Well, we can come back here and just before

  • the else block, add another el if, something like

  • this. el if command equals

  • quit then you can immediately break.

  • This will solve our problem, but note that we have kind of repeated

  • this expression in two places. The reality is that

  • we don't really need this condition on the top, because with these if statements

  • well more accurately with this el if we can jump out of this loop and terminate

  • our program. So, we can simplify our condition

  • to something like this. True. So while true means

  • this block of code is going to get executed repeatedly,

  • until we explicitly break out of it,

  • okay? Now let's test our program one more time. So,

  • quit now our program terminates and we don't see that message

  • beautiful. So let's fix the last problem. You saw that when we

  • typed help, these guidelines appeared with so much in

  • indentation, and here's the reason, look, right here in our code,

  • they are already indented. So when we use triple quotes, what we type here

  • will be printed exactly as is. So, because we

  • have an indentation here, this indentation will also be printed on the terminal.

  • So, let's delete these

  • okay, run the program one more time, type help,

  • the indentation is gone. Beautiful. Now here's a challenge for you. I want you to

  • take this program to the next level. So right now if we type

  • start we get this message car started. And if we type start again

  • we get the same message. It would be better if

  • we got a message like car is already started so it doesn't make sense to

  • start a car twice. Similarly, if we type stop

  • it says car stopped, if we type it again we get the exact same

  • message, it doesn't make sense to stop the car twice. So here's what I need you to do

  • if the car is stopped and the user tries to stop it again,

  • the program should say hey, the car is already stopped, what are you doing? And similarly

  • if the car is already started and the user tries to start it again,

  • the program should yell at the user. So go ahead and make the necessary changes to

  • implement this scenario.

  • Alright to add this to our program, we need

  • to know if the car is started or not. So there is one more piece of information

  • we need to store in the memory. What is the kind of data we need to store here?

  • A boolean. Is the car started or not, it's a matter of yes

  • or no. True or false. So on the top, here

  • we can define another variable like started and initially we set it

  • to false. So the car is not started, right? Now

  • when the user types the start command, here we need to check

  • to see if the car is already started. If not the we'll start it

  • or otherwise we'll yell at the user. So in this block we'll write

  • another if statement, if it's already started

  • and we print car is already

  • started. Otherwise, so if you add an

  • el statement here. And at this point,

  • you set started to true. So we start

  • the car and we print this message, okay? Now we need to make a similar

  • change for the stop command. So if the car is

  • already stopped we need to print a different message. If

  • not started, so here we're using the not operator to see

  • if the car is stopped. So if it's not started that means

  • it's stopped, okay? So if it stopped we print

  • car is already stopped with

  • double p's, otherwise so else

  • we need to stop the car, how do we do that? We

  • set started to false. And then we'll print this message.

  • As easy as that. Let's go ahead and run our program.

  • So, initially our car is stopped. So I'm going to type

  • stop, it says the car is already stopped, so lets

  • start it, okay, now our car is started, let's

  • start it one more time. The program is yelling at us. So we can

  • not start the car twice. Beautiful. Now let's stop it

  • it says the car is stopped, let's stop it one more time, we get this message

  • again.

  • In this tutorial, I'm going to talk to you guys about

  • for loops in python. In the last tutorial, you learned about while loops

  • you learned that we use while loops to execute a block of code multiple times.

  • In python we have another kind of loop, that is a for loop, and we use that

  • and we use that to iterate over items of a collection, such as a string.

  • Because a string is a sequence of characters, so it looks like a collection

  • so we can use a for loop to iterate over each character in a

  • string and then do something with it. Here's an example. We type out

  • for then we define a variable, this is what we call a loop

  • variable. In each iteration, this variable will hold

  • one item. So, let's call it item, in

  • here we type out a string like Python, and then

  • colon. So with this for loop we can iterate over a string and in each

  • iteration this item variable will hold one character at a time

  • in the first iteration it will be set to p then

  • in the second iteration it will be set to y, and in the third iteration it will be set to

  • t and so on. So here we are inside our for block,

  • because of the indentation here, so whatever we type here will be executed in

  • each iteration, for now we can simply print this item

  • now let's run this program and see what happens.

  • So you can see each character in this string is printed on

  • a new line. Let's look at another example. In Python we can

  • define lists using square brackets, so let me remove this string from

  • here, and define a list using square brackets,

  • a list is simply a list of items, a list of numbers, a list of

  • customers, a list of emails, products, blog posts, whatever.

  • So here we can define a list of names like Mosh,

  • Jon, Sarah, and then go ahead

  • and run our program so we can see in each iteration we get one name

  • and print it on a new line. We can also

  • loop over a list of numbers, for example,

  • 1, 2, 3, 4, let's run it, again

  • we see each number on a new line, but what if we want

  • a list of numbers? We don't to explicitly type out a list

  • with let's say 100 or 1000 numbers, we don't want to type, 5, 6

  • 7 all the way to 100. That is when we use the range function.

  • So, let me delete this,

  • In Python we have a built in function called range, for creating

  • range of numbers. So, we give it a number, let's say 10,

  • let's run this program, now we can see

  • here on the terminal we have 0 all the way

  • to 9. So 10 is not included.

  • So basically when we call the range function, this range creates

  • an object, it's not a list, it's a special kind of object we can

  • iterate over, in each iteration this object will spit out a new number.

  • We can also work with a range of numbers here, let's say you want to start

  • from 5, and go all the way to 10.

  • So, let's run our program, now we have the numbers

  • 5, 6, 7, and 9. Also, this range

  • function can optionally take a step, so we can pass

  • two asa step to this function,

  • and when we run our program, we can see our first number

  • is 5, now we go two steps forward to get 7,

  • once again we go to two steps forward we get 9 and that is

  • the end of our range. So this is the basics of using for loops in python.

  • Now here's an exercise for you. I want you to write a program

  • to calculate the total cost of all the items in a shopping cart.

  • So let's say we have a list of prices like 10,

  • 20, and 30, I want you to use a for loop,

  • to calculate the total cost of all the items in our imaginary shopping cart,

  • so calculate that, and then print it on the terminal. That's pretty

  • easy. And you should do it in a couple minutes.

  • So as you learned we use for

  • loops to iterate over all the items in a collection,

  • a collection can be a string, it can be a list, it can be a range object that is

  • returned from the range function. Anything, any kind of object that has multiple

  • items. So in this example we're going to use a for loop to iterate over

  • the list of prices. So for item in

  • prices, colon, and by the way this loop variable

  • we don't have to call this item, can call this anything. For example, in this case

  • we can rename it to price. So for price,

  • in prices. Now in each iteration this

  • price will hold one value. In the first iteration it's going to hold 10, then it's

  • gooing to be 20, and then it's going to be 30. So we need to define

  • another variable to calculate the total so

  • we define that outside of our for loop, let's call it total

  • and initially we set it to 0. Now in each

  • iteration we get the current price and add it to the total so

  • we write total equals total plus price

  • or as you learned earlier we can use the augmented

  • assignment operator to simplify this code.

  • So, after our for loop. This total variable has

  • a total of all the prices we can simply print it here,

  • or we can use a formatted string, so a string

  • prefix with f, the other label, like total,

  • curly braces to dynamically include some value in our string,

  • in this case our total variable. So let's go ahead

  • and run this program, there you go, so the total cost of

  • all the items in our imaginary shopping cart is 60.

  • In this tutorial I'm going to talk to you guys about nested loops

  • in python. Using a nested loop basically means adding one loop

  • inside of another loop, and with this technique we can do some amazing things

  • for example we can easily generate a list of coordinates. So, a

  • acquired (?) as you know is a combination of x and y

  • value. Let's say 0 and 0. Now let's say you wan to generate

  • a list of coordinates like this. So we have 0 and 0,

  • then we'll have 0 and 1, then 0 and 2, next

  • we're going to change x, so we're going to use 1 for x,

  • and once again we're going to use these 3 values for the y coordinates

  • so 1 and 0 then 1 and 1

  • and 1 and 2, you got the point. We can

  • easily generate these coordinates using nested loops. Let me show you.

  • So, we start with one loop, let's say for x in

  • range 4. With this loop, we can generate value

  • for the x coordinate. Let's print this on the terminal,

  • Okay, so, we get the values, 0

  • to 3. Now for each x, like 0, we

  • should generate a few y values. So that is where we use

  • a nested loop. So inside of this loop we're going to add

  • another loop, so instead of just printing x first we want to add

  • another loop, for y in range

  • let's say 3, now we can print x and y together

  • so, print, here, we use a formatted string.

  • to display coordinates like this. So we add parenthesis

  • inside of this parenthesis first we need to add x so curly braces

  • x then a comma followed by

  • another set of curly braces, and y,

  • let's run this program and see what we get.

  • There you go. So, we have these coordinates

  • 0 and 0, 0 and 1, 0 and 2, then you have

  • 1 and 0 1 and 1 1 and 2 and so on. So let me explain exactly

  • how this program gets executed. So in the first iteration,

  • of our outer loop, x is 0. Now we are

  • on line 2, here we have a new loop which we call an

  • inner loop. In this inner loop, in the first iteration y

  • is going to be 0, so we print 0 and 0 on the

  • terminal. Now the control goes back to line 2 or our

  • inner loop. In this second iteration y will be set to 1, but

  • we are still in the first iteration of our outer loop. So

  • x is still 0, but now y is incremented to 1.

  • So that is why we see 0 and 1 on the terminal.

  • Once again, the control goes back to line 2, we are in the third

  • iteration of our inner loop, so this will continue until our inner loop

  • completes. That is when y reaches 2 because

  • this range function generates number 0 to 3 but not including

  • 3. So we'll have 0 1 and 2. After this inner loop completes,

  • then the control goes back to line 1, and at this point we're going to

  • be in the second iteration of our outer loop. So x will be

  • 1, then the control will be moved to line 2, or our inner

  • loop, at this point, this range function is going to generate the numbers 0

  • to 3 one more time. So this inner loop will be executed 3 times.

  • And then we'll go back to our outer loop. So this is how

  • nested loops get executed.

  • Okay, here's an exercise for you, but this one is a little bit

  • more challenging then the exercises you have done so far. So I really don't

  • expect you to do it, but if you do it, wow, I will be so proud of you,

  • so see what I've done here? Using nested loops,

  • I've written some code to draw this f shape, can you see that? So I

  • let me give you a hint, first of all we have this

  • list, called numbers, in this list we have these values,

  • 5, 2, 5, 2, 5, 2. These values determine

  • the number of x's we have in each line. So,

  • for example, the first item in this list, this tells us that we should have

  • 5 x's on the first line. There you go, so 1, 2, 3,

  • 4, 5, on the second line we're going to have 2 x's,

  • on the third line we're going to have 5 x's like this.

  • So I've written code to convert a simple list of numbers

  • into a shape like this. Now here's a tip for you.

  • Using your for loop you need to iterate over this list. In

  • each iteration you get one number, this determines the number of x's

  • to be displayed on that particular line. So if you want to cheat,

  • you can get this number and multiply by a string that contains x,

  • so if you multiply x by 5, we'll get 5 x's, that's not what

  • I want you to do. I want you to use an inner loop here to

  • generate a string that contains 5 x's. So imagine

  • in Python we cannot multiply a string by a number

  • so to solve this problem we need a nested loop. So go ahead and spend

  • five minutes on this exercise. And by the way, do your best to solve this. It is

  • a little bit challenging, but it's not extremely difficult. It just requires

  • a little bit of focus. You'll see my solution next.

  • Alright so first we need to iterate over

  • all the items in this list. So for item

  • in numbers, or, you could rename this variable

  • to x_count. That is the number of x's

  • on each line. Okay? Now I told you that if you want to cheat you can write code

  • like this. Print x times

  • x underline count. If you run this program we get the same

  • output. So this is the beauty of Python, with Python

  • we can write expressions like this, we can multiply a string by a number to

  • repeat it. A lot of other programming languages don't support this feature. But

  • for this exercise, I wanted you to imagine that we don't have this feature in Python

  • so you will have to use an inner loop to solve this problem. Here's how

  • it works. In the first iteration, x count is going to be 5.

  • So we need to generate 5 x's. How can we do that?

  • Well, let's say we define a variable called output and initially set it to

  • an empty string. Now we need to add 5 x's to this string. So,

  • we can use another loop for count in range,

  • of x underline count. So we're using the range function

  • to generate a sequence of numbers from 0 up to

  • x count. So in our first iteration x count is going to be 5, so

  • range of 5 would generate the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4.

  • So this inner loop will be executed 5 times.

  • That is exactly what this count represents.

  • So now in each iteration we simply need to

  • append an x to our output variable. So we set

  • output, plus, equals x,

  • and then after this inner loop we simply print

  • the output. With his we'll print 5 x's on

  • the first row. Then we go to the second iteration of our outer loop.

  • At this point x count is going to be 2, now

  • on line 3, we're going to reset our output variable to an

  • empty string. So we start over. Then we go to our inner loop,

  • this loop will be executed 2 times, so we'll append to x's

  • to the output variable and then print it, as simple as that.

  • So see, it wasn't really that difficult, but it was slightly more difficult then the

  • previous exercises. So let's run this program, there you go.

  • Now if you're adventurous, I want you to modify the values that we have

  • in our numbers list,

  • to print and l here.

  • Now in this tutorial we're going to take a closer look at lists.

  • So, I'm going to define a list of names, let's send them

  • to John Bob Mosh

  • Sarah and Mary. So,

  • if you print this list here, what we see on

  • the terminal look exactly like how we define our lists we have

  • square brackets, and in between these square brackets we have our item

  • our items, so we have 5 strings in this list.

  • So we can also access an individual element using an index just like

  • how we can access an individual character in a string using an index.

  • So, here we type out square brackets,

  • and specify an index. The index of the first item in this list

  • is 0. So, let's run this program, there you go,

  • we get Jon now if you want to print out the third element in this list

  • it's index is 2, so names of 2,

  • returns Mosh, now we can also pass

  • a negative index here, so negative 1, refers to the last item

  • in this list, that is Mary, let's run the program,

  • there you go, we see Mary, if you pass negative 2, this

  • returns the second item from the end of the list. So let's run the program,

  • there you go, we get sarah, so this is exactly like accessing

  • individual characters in a string. We can also

  • use a colon to select a range of items, for example if

  • you pass 2 colon. This will get all items

  • starting from the index of 2, that is Mosh here all the

  • way to the end of the string. So let's run this program

  • there you go. We get this list with 3

  • items, Mosh, Sarah, and Mary. We can also specify

  • an end index, let's say 4, so this will return all

  • the items up to this index, but it doesn't include the item at this index.

  • So when we run this program we only see Mosh and

  • Sarah, the item I've indexed 4which is the 5th element or

  • 5th item in this list is not returned. So Mary

  • is not returned. And also here we have default values, so if you

  • leave out the end index this expression is going to return

  • all the items starting from the index of 2, to the end of the list

  • or if you leave out the start index, this expression asumes

  • 0 as the default index, so it will return all the items from the

  • beginning to the end of the list. And by the way,

  • just like strings, these square brackets here, don't modify our

  • original list, they simply return a new list. For example, if we pass

  • 2 here, you can see this returns a new list with 3 items.

  • So if you go back here and print our original

  • list of names right after you can see it's not affected.

  • So here we want to use square brackets with a colon to select a

  • range of items, we get a new list, and by the way we can also

  • modify any of the elements in this list. For example let's say we made a mistake and

  • the first item shouldn't be john with an h,

  • so we want to remove the h, that is very easy, so we access it,

  • using an index that is names of 0, and we set it to a new value

  • like this. Now, let's print our list

  • so, you can see the first item in this list

  • is now data. So this is the basics of lists. And here's a

  • exercise for you. I want you to write a program to find the largest number

  • in your list. This is a fantastic exercise for beginners, so go ahead and

  • spend a few minutes on this, then come back and continue watching.

  • Alright, let's

  • define a list of numbers, numbers, with a bunch of random numbers

  • 3, 6, 2, 8, 4 and 10.

  • Now to find the largest number in this list. We need to define another

  • variable let's call it max, this variable will hold

  • the largest number, now initially you want to assume

  • the first item in this list is the largest number. So we set max to

  • numbers of 0. We're only assuming that the first item

  • is the largest number. Chances are our assumption is wrong. So we need

  • to iterate over this list, we need to loop through it, get

  • each item and compare it with max. If it's greater than Max, then

  • we need to reset max to that number. So in the first iteration we get

  • 3, and max is also 3. Is 3 greater than

  • 3. No, so we move on, we get the second number, is

  • 6, greater than 3? It is, so we need to reset max

  • to 6. Once again, we continue, we get 2, these two greater

  • than 6, no it's not, so we move on, then we get 8,

  • is 8 greater than 6? It is, so we should reset max to 8.

  • That is pretty easy. So here we need a for loop, for

  • number in numbers colon

  • now we need too heck to see if this number is greater than max,

  • so, if number is greater than max,

  • max colon then we need to reset max, so max

  • to this new number, that's all we had to do.

  • So, let's print max, and run our

  • program we can see the largest number in this list is 10.

  • It doesn't matter whether this number is at the end of the list or the beginning.

  • So if I move 10 and put it right at the beginning

  • we should still see the same result. Let's run our program,

  • we still see 10, if I put this somewhere in the middle, our

  • program should still work. Let's put it right after 2.

  • Run the program, we still get 10.

  • In this tutorial I'm going to talk to you guys about two dimensional

  • lists in python. Two dimensional lists are extremely powerfully and they have a lot

  • if applications in data science and machine learning. Here's

  • an example, In math we have a concept called matrix, which is like

  • a rectangular array of numbers, let me show you. So

  • we have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

  • So we have a rectangular array of numbers. You have rows,

  • and columns. So this is a 3 x 3 matrix

  • in math. Now we can model this in python using

  • a 2 dimensional list. A 2 dimensional list is a list where

  • each item in that list is another list. So,

  • you want to define a matrix. We set it to a list, each

  • item in this list, is going to be another list, and that list represents

  • the items in each row. So, the first

  • item in our list is going to be another list, and in this other list we're going to have

  • the values 1, 2, and 3. Now the second

  • item in our matrix list, once again, we have a list,

  • this list represents the items in the second row. So,

  • 4, 5, and 6, and finally 7, 8

  • 9. So as you can see we have a 2 dimensional list

  • Each item in our outer list is another list.

  • Okay? So, this is how we can implement a matrix in

  • python, now to access an individual item in our matrix,

  • once again we use square brackets, let me delete this stuff,

  • alright, so how do we access 1 here,

  • well, you start with our list then we add square

  • brackets first we need to go and get the first item in this list.

  • Right? So we pass 0, now this expression

  • returns another list. That is the inner list. In this list,

  • let's say you want to access the second item, so,

  • once again we add square brackets, and we pass 1, that

  • is the index of 2 in this list, alright.

  • So if we print this on the terminal

  • we get 2. Okay? So using 2 square brackets

  • we can access individual items in our matrix, and

  • also we can modify these values using this syntax, so,

  • before printing this, let's change this to 20, so matrix

  • of 0, and 1, let's change it to 20,

  • and then print it, there you go, it's modified, now here you

  • can also use nested loops to iterate over all the items

  • in this matrix. Let me show you. So,

  • we start with a rows for the rows in matrix,

  • so with this loop, we are iterating over our Matrix

  • list, in each iteration row will contain 1

  • list, 1 item, okay? Now, here we need to

  • use an inner loop. So we need to loop over this row

  • which is a list of items. We can type out 4

  • item in row colon and print

  • item. Okay? So, let's run this program,

  • there you go, we get all the item

  • in our list. Hey, I just

  • wanted to make a quick announcement. In case you haven't seen my website yet, head over to

  • this is my coding school, where you can find plenty of courses

  • on web and mobile application development. In fact recently I published a

  • comprehensive python course that goes way beyond this beginners

  • youtube. And if you're serious about learning python and getting a job, I highly encourage

  • you to enroll in this course. Just like this tutorial you can watch it anytime,

  • anywhere as many times as you want, and you will also receive a certificate

  • of completion that you can add to your resume, and the course comes with a 30 day

  • money back guarantee, so if you're not happy we'll give all your money back,

  • no questions ask. The price for this course is 149 dollars, but

  • the first 200 students can get it for only 15 dollars. So if you're interested,

  • the link is below this video, click the link, and get started.

  • In this tutorial, I'm

  • going to talk to you guys about the list methods, or list functions. These are the

  • operations that we can perform in a list. So let's define

  • a list of numbers, here we pass a bunch of random numbers, like

  • 5, 2, 1, 7, and

  • 4. Now there are a number of things we can do with this list, we can

  • add new items to it, we can remove existing items, we can check for the existence of an item

  • these are the operations that we can perform on a list. So,

  • the we type numbers, we can see all these functions or more accurately

  • the methods that are available in our list objects.

  • So we can call the append method to add a new item to this list. Let's say

  • 13. Actually, no it's not a good number.

  • I'm joking I'm not superstitious, so let's add 20, it

  • doesn't really matter and then print our list

  • when we run the program we can see 20 is added at the end of this list

  • but what if you want to add a number somewhere in the middle, or at the beginning

  • of our list? For that we use a different method, that is called

  • insert. So, insert, now this method

  • takes 2 values, let me show you. So when we open parenthesis

  • look at this little tool tip above the insert method.

  • You see the first value that we need to pass here is an index, so

  • this is the index at which we want to insert this new item. Let's

  • say we want to add an item at the beginning of our list, so we passed our index position

  • of 0, and then the second value is the actual

  • object we want to add to this list. Let's say we want to add the number 10,

  • now when we print this list you can see that the

  • number 10 is placed at the beginning of the list and

  • all the other items are pushed to the right. We can also remove an item so

  • we call remove and pass the item that

  • we want to remove 5. Now we

  • print our list so we see 5 is gone, and we have

  • 2, 1, 7, 4. If you want to remove all the items in the list, you can call

  • the clear method, so, clear

  • this method doesn't take any values, so, we simply

  • call it and it empties our list, all the items are removed.

  • We also have another useful method called hop,

  • and with this we can remove the last item in a list.

  • Let me show you. So, we run our program, you can see the number 4

  • is removed from the end of our list. Now if you want to

  • check for the existence of an item in our list, you can call the index method.

  • So, we call index and pass a value here, like 5

  • and this returns the index of the first

  • occurrence of this item. So let's print this on the terminal.

  • We don't need this line anymore. So the

  • index of 5 is 0. What if we pass a number that doesn't exist

  • in this list? Let's say 50? Run the program,

  • we get an error. We get a value error. 50 is not

  • in the list. There is also another way to check for the existence of an item,

  • we can use the in operator. So, let me show you

  • we type our 15 in numbers,

  • earlier we used the in operator with a string, we

  • check for the existence of a character or a sequence of a character in a string,

  • now here we're checking for the existence of 50 in the list of numbers, so

  • let's print this, we get a boolean value,

  • false, so unlike the index method, this expression,

  • doesn't generate an error, so it's safer to use this. We also have another

  • method for counting the occurances of an item, let's say we have

  • another 5 over here.

  • Now we can call numbers.count and pass 5

  • and this should return 2 because we have 2 5s in this list.

  • Take a look. There you go. That is pretty useful

  • now if you want to sort your lists you can call sort method. So,

  • we call the sort method here, this method doesn't take any values so,

  • look at he return value, that is none, none

  • is an object in python that represents the absence of a value.

  • So this sort method doesn't really return any values it simply sorts this

  • list, in place, so instead of printing the return value

  • oft his method, we simply call it to sort our list

  • and then print our list. Take a look.

  • Now, all the items are assorted in ascending order. We can also

  • sort the items in descending order, so after we sort the list

  • we can call the reverse method. We can simply reverse

  • our list. Now let's go ahead and run our program, take a look.

  • Our numbers are sorted in descending order.

  • And one last method I want to show you here that is pretty useful is the copy

  • method. So copy, with this method you can get a copy

  • of our list. So let's define another variable called numbers 2,

  • now numbers 2, is a copy of our original list. So if

  • you make any changes to our original list, if you add new items to it, if you remove

  • existing items, these operations are not going to impact our second list.

  • Let me show you. So after we show you a copy of our numbers list

  • let's add a new item to this list, so numbers.apphend

  • ten. So the first list is updated, so now we have a

  • new item in our first list, then lets print the second list.

  • Take a look, we don't have the number 10 here, because these are

  • 2 independent lists. So these are all the operations

  • that we can perform on lists. We can add new items to a list, we can

  • remove exxisitn items, we can check for the existence of an item, we can sort

  • our list, and copy them. Now here's an exercise for this tutorial,

  • I want you to write a program, to remove the duplicates on our list.

  • Again, this is a fantastic exercise. So spend a few minutes on this and then

  • come back and continue watching.

  • Alright let's say we have a list of numbers with

  • a bunch of duplicates. So 2, 2, 4, 6,

  • 6, 3, 4, 6, 1. We want to remove

  • the duplicates. So we need to define another list

  • let's call that new list. Initially we

  • set it to an empty list. Then we need to iterate over

  • our first list, get each item, and if we don't have that number

  • in this unix list, then we'll add it to this second list.

  • As simple as that. So, for number

  • in numbers, now we need to check to see if we

  • have this number in the second list. So we use the in

  • operator. If number not

  • in units

  • so if we don't have an operator in this units list,

  • then we'll need to add it, so units.

  • apphend number, that's all we have to do.

  • So, let's go ahead and print the units list

  • there you go. So you have 2, 4,

  • 6, 3,and 1. The duplicates are removed.

  • In this tutorial I'm going to talk to you guys about another important structure.

  • in Python called tuple. Tuples are similar to lists

  • so we can use them to store a list of items. But unlike lists we can

  • not modify them, we cannot add new items, we cannot remove existing items, we

  • tuples are immutable. We cannot mutate or change them. So

  • let me show you. So I'm going to start by defining a list of numbers,

  • 1, 2, 3, 4, so we use square brackets to define lists and

  • parenthesis to define tuples, so if we change this to

  • parenthesis, 1, 2, 3. Now we have a

  • tuple. So if we type numbers.

  • look here we don't have the append or insert methods, so we cannot add new items to this tuple.

  • We also don't have remove clear and pop, we cannot

  • remove any of these items here. We only have two methods, count,

  • and index. We use count to count the number of occurrences in an item,

  • and index, to find the index of the first occurrence,

  • of an item. So we can only get information about a tuple, we can't change it.

  • And by the way, these other methods that you see here, they start

  • with two underscores, we refer to these as magic methods, they're more of an advanced

  • topic, so they go beyond the scope of this tutorial. If you're interested

  • to learn bout them. You can get my python course, I've covered them in detail.

  • So similar to lists you can address individual items using

  • squre bracketts,s o we can get the first item like this and then

  • print another terminal, there you go, the first item is 1,

  • but if you try to change the first item we'll get an error, so,

  • numbers of 0, we set it to 10 and run our program

  • there you go. We get this type error, because the tuple object

  • does not support item assignment. So we cannot

  • mutate or change tuples, they are immutable. Now practically

  • speaking, most of the time you'll be using lists, but tuples are also

  • useful. If you want to create a list of items and make sure

  • no where in your program you accidentally modify that list, then it's better to

  • use a tuple,

  • In this tutorial I'm going to show you a powerful

  • feature we have in python called unpacking.

  • So lets find a tuple called coordinates

  • and here we pass 3 values, 1, 2, 3. So you imagine these are

  • the coordinates for x y and z. Now let's say

  • we want to get these values and use them in a few expressions, a few complex

  • expressions in our program. Maybe we want to include them as part of a large

  • complex formula. So together we'll have to write code like this,

  • coordinates of 0, then let's say we want to multiply this

  • by coordinates of 1, and then multiply it by coordinates

  • of 2, our code is getting a little bit too long, this is just

  • a very simple example. But let's say we want to use these values in quite a few places

  • in our program, a better approach is to get these values

  • and store them in separate variables like we can get

  • coordinates of 0, and store it in x, then you can

  • get coordinates of 1 and store it in y.

  • And similarly we get coordinates of 2,

  • and then store it in z. Now we started repeating coordinates of

  • 2 or coordinates of 0 multiple times, we can simply work with these

  • variables, x times y times z, that is better.

  • Right? So nothing new so far. But in Python we have a powerful

  • feature called unpacking and with that we can achieve

  • the same result with far less code. So we can define our variables

  • x, y, and z. And set them to our

  • tuple. What we have on line 6 is exactly

  • identical to what we have on lines 2-4.

  • So this is a shorthand to achieve the same result.

  • So let me delete this and explain how this code works.

  • When Python interpreter sees this statement, it will get the

  • first item in this tuple and assign it to the

  • variable. Then it will get the second item in this tuple, then

  • similarly we get the third item in this tuple and assign it to

  • the third variable we have here, so we are unpacking

  • this tuple into 3 variables. Now if we

  • print x you can see x

  • is 1, similarly y is 2, there you go.

  • So this is unpacking. And by the way this is not

  • limited to tuples, we can use this feature for lists as well. So,

  • if I change parenthesis to square brackets, now

  • coordinates is a list, so we can unpack our list into 3 variables

  • now we run our program we can see y is 2.

  • In this tutorial I'm going to talk to you about dictionary

  • in python. We use dictionaries in situations where we want to

  • store information that comes as key value pairs. Here's

  • an example. Think of a customer. A customer has a bunch of attributes

  • like name, email, phone number, address

  • and so on. Now each of these attributes has a value.

  • For example the name can be jon smith the email can be

  • jon@ the phone can be whatevr

  • so what we have ere is a bunch of key value pairs. So in this

  • example, our keys are name, email, and phone,

  • and each key is associated with a value. So this is where we use

  • a dictionary. With a dictionary, we can store a bunch of key value pairs.

  • So let me show you how to define a dictionary in python.

  • Back to our program, I'm going to define a variable, customer,

  • and here we set it to curly braces. With these curly braces we can

  • define dictionary. In this example we have an empty dictionary that doesn't have

  • any key value pairs. Now we can add one or more key

  • value pairs in between the braces. So let's

  • add a key value pair here, I'm going to set the key to a name, and

  • the value to John Smith, then we add a comma,

  • to add another key value pair. So let's set age to

  • 30 let's add another key value pair is

  • underline verified and we set this to a boolean.

  • Now what matters here is that these keys should be

  • unique. So if I add another key value pair here,

  • set age to 40, now look pycharm

  • has highlighted the age key, because we have duplicated that and

  • that's not allowed. So each key should be unique in a dictionary, just like,

  • the dictionaries we have in the real world, in a real dictionary we have a bunch of words

  • and they're definition each word is only listed once in a dictionary.

  • We don't have the word book twice. So let's delete the second

  • duplicate key value pair, so the keys should be unique,

  • and in this example, I'm using strings, but they can also be

  • numbers, we're going to look at that later, but the value can be anything, it can be

  • a string, a number, a boolean, a list, literally anything.

  • Now we can access each item in this dictionary

  • using square brackets. So, we type customer,

  • square brackets and then specify key like name

  • and this will return the value associated with

  • the name key. Let's print it on the terminal, have a look,

  • there you go, so, the name is John Smith, now

  • what if we pass a key that doesn't exist, lets say first date.

  • You run the program, you get a key error because we don't have

  • a key called birth date. Also, if we spell

  • name with let's say a capital N, we get the same

  • error because we don't have a key with the exact same sequence of

  • characters in this dictionary. Now to get around this we can

  • use the get method, so instead of using the square brackets

  • we call the get method and specify the key

  • Now if you use a key that doesn't exist here, it doesn't yell at us. For example,

  • if you pass birth date

  • it simply returns the non value. Earlier I told you that none is an object

  • that represents the absence of a value. So

  • instead of getting a key error we get none and we can also option

  • supply a default value, for example, if this dictionary doesn't have this

  • key, we can supply the default value, let's say

  • January 1st 1980. Let's run the program

  • now instead of getting none we get this default value.

  • So, this is how we can access the value associated with the key

  • in a dictionary. We can also update these values for example

  • before a print statement we can write code like this, customer of

  • name, let's update the name to jack

  • smith, now this little warning is telling us here we can put jac

  • smith here instead of defining it once, and then update

  • it. Don't worry about them, it doesn't really matter. Now with this line if

  • we print the name of this customer, we should see jack smith, let me show you.

  • So, I'm going to use the square bracket notation again, let's print

  • the name of the customer you can see that is updated here,

  • we can also add a new key here, let's set the

  • birthdate to some value like january first

  • 1980. And then we can print it here,

  • so as you see we can easily add new key value pairs

  • to a dictionary. So this is the basics of using dictionaries

  • in python. They're extremely important and they have a lot of applications in the real

  • world. Okay, here's an exercise for you. So here we have

  • this program that asks our phone number. Let's type 1

  • 234. We type it in digits and then this will translate

  • it, to words, take a look. Enter, it prints, 1, 2, 3,

  • 4. That's a pretty cool program, so go ahead and

  • spend a few minutes on this exercise, it's pretty easy, I will see you

  • next.

  • Alright, so first we need to get the users phone number, we call the input function

  • with the label phone, we get the result and store it

  • in this variable, now let's say the user enters 123

  • 4. So we need to look through this string, get each character and

  • translate it to a world, so what we need to implement this scenario.

  • is a dictionary, because a dictionary is a structure that allows us to

  • a key to a value. So we can have a dictionary with keys

  • like 1234. And we map each of these keys

  • to a word. So we cannot put digit 1 to

  • the word 1 we can map 2

  • to two you get the point. So let's define

  • a dictionary, you can call it digits, underline mapping

  • now this dictionary I'm going to add a few key value pairs.

  • One, we map it to 1, 2, we

  • to 2, 3, to 3,

  • and finally, 4 to 4. Now technically we should

  • add all the digits from 0 to 9, but I don't want to waste all your time

  • typing repetitive things here, you got the point. So lets move on,

  • now we need to look through the phone string. So

  • 4 character in phone, we get each

  • character and then use it to access a key value pair in

  • dictionary. So, digits underline mapping

  • we can use square brackets or call the get method,

  • I would prefer to use the get method, so in case the user enters some character

  • that is not part of our dictionary, our program is not going to yell at them.

  • So, we call the gt method and pass this character

  • a the key, and if we don't have this key, we can supply

  • a default value like exclamation mark, so with this we get a word

  • now we need to add this word to an output string, so we can define

  • an output string, initially we set it to an empty string,

  • in each iteration we get this and add it to our output string.

  • So, we type output, plus equals.

  • This and we should also add a

  • space at get. So the words are not close to each other, okay?

  • That's all we have to do. Now finally let's print

  • this output, run our program, so I want to

  • type 1, 3,4, 5, lets

  • see what we get. We get 1, 3, 4 with an exlamantion

  • mark.

  • In this tutorial I'm going to show you something really cool

  • that you can do with dictionaries, so here in this program you can type

  • a message like good morning followed by a smiley face,

  • when we press enter, we get this beautiful smiley face, or

  • we can type i am sad, with a sad smiley face

  • and it gets translated to this beautiful emoji.

  • So this is another application if using dictionaries, we have a dictionary

  • that maps these characters into smiley faces.

  • So lets go ahead and build this program together, we start by

  • calling the input function, here we pass a greater than symbol

  • as an indicator for the user to type a message, we give that message, store

  • it here, as you know that is a string, now we need to

  • split this string by a space, so if the user types

  • good morning with a smiley face, we want to break this down into

  • 3 words, good morning, and smiley face.

  • To do that we can call the split method. So we call

  • message.split and pass

  • a string with one space as a separator. What this method

  • does is basically it goes through this string and anywhere it finds this

  • character, in this case a space, it uses it as a boundary to

  • separate this string into multiple words. And then it will return

  • a list. Let me show you. So let's store that here, words, and then

  • Then print it on the terminal,

  • let's go ahead and run our program. So if you type good morning

  • sunshine, enter, we get a list with three items

  • each item is a string, okay? Now,

  • back to our program, we need to define a dictionary for mapping special characters

  • like these 2 into a smiley face, so,

  • we can call that emojis

  • set it to curly braces, here we add a key value pair,

  • a smiley face, and we map that to a string,

  • in this string we want to add an emoji, if you're on a mac keyboard you can press

  • control command and space and this should bring up

  • this emoji box, if you're on Windows honestly I

  • really don't know how you can do this, but there must be applications who do this for you. So lets go

  • ahead and pick this happy smiley face, good,

  • now lets add another key value pair, or sad face

  • we map this to,

  • this face here, good. So, we

  • have a list of words now we need to look through this list, get

  • each word and potentially map it to an emoji.

  • So we can write a for loop for word in words,

  • now we want to go to our dictionary, and see if you have an item with this

  • word as the key. If you have an item with that key, we get

  • it's value, otherwise we want to use the same word. So if a user types

  • good morning, we don't want to translate those words, we just want to return those. So that is the case,

  • where we use the get method to supply a default

  • value, so we wan to get an item with a key word, and

  • if we don't have an item with that key, we simply use that word as

  • the default value. Now similar to the exercise that we did in the last tutorial

  • we need an output variable. So let's define that here,

  • output set it to an empty string, now back to line

  • 9, we get the return value of the get method,

  • and add it to our output variable. So output

  • plus equals whatever we get from the get method, and finally

  • we need to append a space at the end.

  • That's it, we're done. So let's print the output

  • and run our program and I'm going to type good morning

  • sunshine with a smiley face, we get that

  • beautiful, let's try the sad face as well, I am sad.

  • Too bad. Beautiful! So as you can see

  • dictionaries have a lot of use cases in real applications.

  • Here's a solution from the last tutorial where we created an emoji

  • converter. Now so far we have been writing all our code right here,

  • in app,py, but as our programs grow we need a better way to organize our code.

  • We need to break up our code into smaller, more manageable

  • and more maintainable chunks which we call functions. So function

  • is a container for a few lines of code that perform a specific

  • task for example you have learned about a few of the built in functions in

  • python like print, and input, each of these functions

  • have a purpose, they know how to perform a specific task. So when we

  • build large complex programs, we should break up our code into smaller

  • reusable chunks which we call functions to better organize our code.

  • And that's what I'm going to show you in this tutorial. So let's write this simple

  • program, for printing a greeting message. So we're going to do a print,

  • hi there, and lets add another message

  • welcome aboard. So here we have a simple

  • program with only two lines of code. Now let's say these two lines

  • potentially we're going to need them in other programs so we can put them in a function that

  • we can reuse. Let me show you how to do that, so,

  • we start typing out death, that is a reserve keyword in

  • Python, and it's short for define. When Python interpreter sees this it

  • knows that we're defining a function, next we need to give our function

  • a name, lets say greet_user.

  • So all the best practices you learned about naming your variables also apply here,

  • which means we should name our functions with lower case characters

  • if there are multiple words, we need to separate them using an underscore

  • and you should always, always, always use meaningful

  • descriptive names for your functions. So, here we define a function

  • called greet user, after that we'll need to add parenthesis

  • followed by a colon. Now you know that whenever we add a colon at the end of a line

  • we're telling python that we're defining a block of code. So when we

  • press enter, the next line is indented. Now any code that we write here

  • will belong to this function. So I'm going to move these two lines

  • these two print statements inside of our function. You can simply

  • press tab to indent them, beautiful, also lets remove

  • this extra line break, that is better, so these two lines

  • now are part of our greet user function, so whenever we

  • call this function, these two lines will be executed. Okay? Now,

  • let's remove indentation so here we are outside of our function,

  • let's do a print statement and print start

  • after that let's call our function, so greet user.

  • And finally let's do another create statement and print

  • finish. Now we have this little warning here, this

  • underline, if you hover your mouse over this line, this tool was telling you

  • that we should add two blank lines after a function definition. This is coming from

  • pep8 which is a document that defines the best practices for

  • formatting our code. We'll look at that in the future. So for now to make pycharm

  • happy, lets add an extra line break to this function

  • so whenever we define a function we need to add two lines breaks after.

  • Okay? so, now let's run our program and see what happens.

  • Alright, so we have 4 messages on the terminal

  • first we get the start message then we get the messages

  • coming from our create function, so either and welcome aboard, and finally we see

  • the finished message. So let me explain the flow of our program

  • when python runs this code it doesn't actually print these

  • two messages on the terminal because these two lines of code are inside

  • of this function, so they would only get executed if we call

  • this function. If we don't call this function, these lines don't get executed.

  • Okay? So the execution of our program actually starts here,

  • the first message that we see on the terminal is the start message. After

  • that, Python sees that we are calling the greet function, so

  • it will jump over here and then execute these two lines.

  • Then, it will jump out of this function and continue the normal

  • execution of our program so it will print the finish message on the terminal.

  • So this is how functions work. Also note that the order of this

  • code matters, so here we're calling the greet function after

  • after we have defined it. If you try and call it before you define it you will see an error.

  • For example, if we call the greet

  • user function right here, see we immediately get this red underline

  • which says unresolved reference, greet user which basically

  • means python doesn't know what is this greet user, it's not defined anywhere.

  • So we always define our functions first, and then

  • call them.

  • Here's a function we created in the last tutorial

  • now I got a question for you, what is the difference between

  • calling this functions nd the print function of python? The difference

  • is that the print function takes some information, in this case

  • the message that we want to print, but our greet function doesn't take

  • any information. Wouldn't it be nicer if you could pass the name of the user here and then

  • instead of saying hi there, you could print the name of the user. So,

  • in this tutorial, I'm going to show you how to pass information to your functions, and

  • that is pretty easy, so back to the definition of our greet

  • user function, inside of these parenthesis, we can add parameters

  • these parameters are pale holders for receiving information.

  • For example, you can add a name parameter, and we can pass the

  • name of the user when calling this function. So let's pass Jon

  • here, now when we call this function and pass this value

  • this name parameter will be set to Jon. So it

  • will act like a local variable that we defined inside of this function.

  • Just imagine, we didn't have this parameter, and instead we had

  • a variable like name that was set to jump. Now here we could simply

  • print the name of this user, so we could use a formatted string,

  • and print the value of the name variable, right? Now,

  • we don't really have this local variable defined in this function

  • we have a parameter, it's exactly the same thing. So

  • with these parameters we can receive information in our functions. Now let's go ahead and

  • run this program, so take a look.

  • We get Hi John welcome aboard, we can take this to the next

  • level. Now we can call this function one more time. So

  • greet user, and this time supply a different name. Let's say Mary.

  • So we are reusing our greet function and passing it a different

  • value. Imagine if we didn't have this function you would have to

  • repeat this line twice , once for hi jon and another time for hi mary.

  • So this is the benefit of defining functions, we can take a few

  • lines of code that have a specific purpose and put them inside of a

  • function, so now let's run our program one more time

  • there you go. So you get hi job, welcome aboard, then you get hi mary

  • welcome aboard. Now note that when a function has a parameter

  • we are obligated to pass a value for that parameter.

  • So if you remove jon from here and run

  • our program, we get this type error, greet user,

  • missing one required positional argument.

  • Argument in programming is the value that we supply to a function, so

  • back to this example, marrying this case is an

  • argument that we pass to the name parameter. And lot of

  • programmers don't know the difference between parameters and arguments and think they are the same.

  • But they are not, parameters are the holes or placeholders

  • that we define in our function for receiving information,

  • arguments are the actual pieces of information that we supply to these functions.

  • Okay? So, let's bring back

  • this jon string, now we can also define multiple

  • parameters, for example, let's rename this parameter to first name as I told

  • you before, you can right click here, go to refactor and then

  • rename, or preferably you can use a short cut. So the shortcut for

  • this on Mac is shift and f6.

  • And this brings up the renamed dial up box, here we can change this to first

  • underline name. Now we can add a second parameter

  • so comma followed by last underline name

  • so back to our formatted string, let's also print

  • the last name, beautiful, so here when calling this function,

  • then we can supply another argument so jon

  • smith and lets delete this line we don't really need it anymore

  • run our program, take a look, hi jon smith,

  • so in the last tutorial you learned that whenever

  • we define parameters for our functions we should always supply

  • values otherwise we'll get an error. Let's look at that error one more time.

  • So In going to delete this second argument and only pass jon.

  • Run our program, we get this message,

  • greet user missing one required, position

  • argument. So these arguments that you have here like jon

  • and smith you refer to these as positional arguments.

  • Which means their position or argument matters. In other

  • words, the first argument we add here is the value or the first parameter

  • and the second argument is the value for the second parameter.

  • So if you change their position or order, we'll get different results.

  • Let's take a look. Let's pass smith first and then

  • jon. Okay, good, delete, now let's

  • go with this, so instead of getting Hi Jon Smith,

  • we get hi smith jon. So that is the reason we refer

  • to these arguments as positional arguments, they're positioned or

  • order matters. But in python we also have keyword arguments, and

  • with those the position doesn't matter. Let me show you how they work. So,

  • let's say here you want to pass Jon as the value for the first

  • name parameter. We can simply specify that here. So first name

  • equals jon. Now what we have here is a keyword argument.

  • the key word argument. So this combination of having the parameter name,

  • followed by it's value is what we call a keyword argument, and what we get with this keyword

  • argument the position doesn't really matter. So here we're supplying

  • Jon as an argument fort he first parameter. Now similarly,

  • we can use a keyword argument for smith, so last

  • name equals smith, so that we have 2

  • keyword arguments. So with these keyword arguments we don't have to worry about

  • the order of the parameters. Now that doesn't mean we should always use keyword arguments.

  • Not really. Most of the time we use positional arguments, but

  • in certain situations these keyword arguments helming us improve

  • the readability of our code. So on line 7 it's quite clear

  • that we are supplying smith as the last name and jon

  • as the first name. Now in this particular example, even if we didn't have

  • the keyword arguments, just passing two positional arguments like jon

  • and smith, would be sufficient, because it's easy to guess

  • what is the purpose of these arguments. But sometimes you're dealing with functions

  • and you're passing numerical values to them, in those situations

  • it may not be quite clear what those values represent. Let me show you an example.

  • Let's say we have a function for calculating the total cost of an order,

  • so we still call that calculate, underline cost,

  • so when calling this function, you need to supply three pieces of information.

  • One is the total cost of all the order items lets say 50

  • dollars. The other is the shipping cost, let's say

  • 5 dollars, and the last piece is discount, let's say 0,

  • .1. Someone reading this code, may not be sure

  • what these three values represent, in this case, we can improve

  • the readability of this code, by using keyword arguments. So we can

  • prefix each value with the name of parameter they target, for example,

  • we can set total to 50 and then

  • shipping to 5, and then discount to 0.1.

  • Now if you give this code to someone else, they

  • can immediately tell what these values represent. So that is the power

  • of keyword arguments. So here's what I want you to take away.

  • For the most part, use positional arguments, but if you're dealing with

  • functions that take numerical values, see if you can improve the

  • readability of your code by using keyword arguments. You simply

  • prefix the arguments that you pass with the name of their parameters and this will

  • increase the readability of your code. Now there is one more thing you need to know about

  • keyword arguments. These keyword arguments should always come after

  • positional arguments. Let me show you what I mean. So,

  • back to our simple greet user function, let's use a keyword argument

  • for the first thing. So, let's set

  • first name to jon and see what happens. So we immediately get this error and

  • positional argument after keyword argument.

  • So when calling this function we're supplying one keyword argument

  • and one positional argument, and python doesn't like this. So,

  • if you're mixing positional and keyword arguments, you should always use

  • and then the keyword arguments.

  • In other words, lets remove this keyword argument here,

  • so jon is now a positional argument, is targeting the first

  • parameter. Now after this positional argument we can

  • supply any number of keyword arguments, so if you set last name to smith

  • look, python doesn't have any problem with this because we are adding

  • a keyword argument after a positional argument.

  • So let's quickly recap, for the most part use positional arguments

  • if you're dealing with functions that take multiple numerical values

  • and it's not quite clear what those values represent, use keyword arguments

  • to improve the readability of your code, and finally if

  • your passing both positional and keyword arguments, use the

  • keyword arguments after the positional arguments.

  • So far you have learned how to create functions and send them information using

  • their parameters in this tutorial I'm going to show you how to create functions that return

  • values, this is particularly useful if you're doing some kind of

  • calculation your function and you want to return the result to whoever is using your

  • function. let me show you. So let's start by defining a

  • function, called square, this function simply calculates

  • the square of a number. So we need to add one parameter here,

  • that is is our number, now here we want to calculate number

  • times number, that is the square of a number.

  • Now to return this color outside of this function we simply

  • use the return statement. So return. Now,

  • our square function is very simple, it only had one line of code.

  • But in a real program, you might have a function that has ten lines of code to calculate

  • something. So, this return statement is very

  • valuable. So now we can return values to the caller of our function.

  • So, with this, when we call the square function,

  • let's say we give it 3, now this function returns a value,

  • just like an input function of python, this input function

  • waits for the user to type something and press enter and then it will

  • return the user's input as a string so we can get it

  • and store it in a variable like this, right? We have the same story with our

  • story, with our square function. So our square function returns the value

  • we can simply get it and store it in a variable. Let's call that

  • result. Now, we can print

  • result on the terminal, there you go, so result is 9,

  • we could also pass this function called

  • directly inside of the print function without defining a separate variable.

  • Sometimes this is useful for writing shorter code, so in this case.

  • So, in this case, we don't really need this result variable. We simply want to print

  • the square of 3. So, we could simply pass this function

  • call right here, as an argument for the print

  • function. So let's delete this variable now our code is

  • shorter so with this we're calling the square function, this returns a

  • value and we'll pass that value as an argument to the print function.

  • Okay? When we run this program, we get the exact same

  • result. There you go. Now what happens if we don't

  • use a return statement in our function. So in the last example we simply used

  • a print statement. Let's temporarily remove

  • this return statement and print the result

  • on the terminal. Like this. So let's run our program

  • one more time and see what we get. We see two things, the number

  • 9, and none. What is happening here? Well

  • when Python interpreter executes this code, first it will call

  • the square function. So the control moves to the square function

  • here we calculate the square of this given number and then print it

  • on the terminal. That is the reason we see 9 right here,

  • now, by default, all functions return the value

  • none. So if we don't have a return statement

  • here, by default python returns none. None

  • is an object that represents the absence of a value, it's like nothing

  • or null i c, c++ java and Javascript.

  • So, in this example, we didn't have a return statement, and

  • by default python returned none from this function.

  • So, after this square function is executed, the value none

  • is returned and passed as an argument to the print function, that is the reason

  • we see none on the second line. So here are the two things

  • you need to take away from this tutorial. By default all functions in Python

  • return none. You can change that, so if you have a function that

  • calculates something, you can return the result using the return statement.

  • Here's the code for our emoji converter program that we wrote earlier.

  • If you missed that tutorial, make sure to go back and watch it, as

  • I told you before, there is a table of content right below this video in the

  • description. So we can simply click on the emoji converter tutorial to watch it.

  • Now, your exercise is to reorganize this code using a function.

  • So I want you to extract a function in this code, because this algorithm

  • for converting these smiley faces into emoji's is something that

  • we probably want to use in a couple different applications. We can use it in a chat

  • application in an email application and so on. We don't want to write all this code every time

  • we want to convert these characters into smiley faces.

  • So, out of all these lines of code that we have from line 1 to

  • line 10, the lines 10-2 belong to our

  • algorithm, all these lines together implement this feature.

  • So, you should put these lines in a separate function,

  • Now, why don't we have the input in this function? Because

  • the input will can come in different forms, currently we're using the import function

  • to receive the input from the terminal, but in other applications

  • we might receive the input from a graphical user interface, so the input can come in

  • different forms. We don't want to put that in our function, because this line will not be reuseable.

  • You want to give our function the actual message,

  • as a string. We don't care how we got that message. In one

  • program you might get it from the terminal, in another program you might get it from

  • a graphical user interface. So that is the reason this line up code should not

  • be in that function. By the same function, you shouldn't include

  • the last line in that function because what we do with the output is different from

  • one program to another. In this program, we are printing the output

  • in another program, you might send an output as an email, or as a response in

  • a chat application, so as a general rule of thumb you're function should

  • not worry about receiving input and

  • printing it. These lines of code should not belong to your functions. So go

  • ahead and reorganize this code by extracting a function.

  • Alright, on the top, first we need to define our function. So first we type

  • def, give our function a name like emoji_

  • converter, so the name of this function clearly tells me what

  • it does. Each function should be responsible for one and only one task,

  • and that task should be clearly explained in the name of the function.

  • So, our emoji converter function should take

  • a parameter, we call that message, that is a string, right? Colon

  • now we need to move the lines

  • 5 all the way to the end of our for block

  • into the function, so let's select all these lines, you can

  • cut them from here, by pressing command and x on Mac, or

  • control and x on Windows, then we paste it here,

  • as you can see these lines are automatically indented

  • so, they are part of the emoji converter function, if this didn't happen on your

  • computer, make sure to select these lines and use the

  • tab to indent them. Alright, so here's our emoji converter function

  • beautiful. Now after that

  • in the main flow of our program, first we get the input from the user

  • we store it in this variable message and then we call

  • emoji converter and pass this message,

  • this function should return a value, that is what we use to calculate

  • the end of this function, so right after this for block we need to add

  • a return statement, return output,

  • now that our function returns a value, we can get it and store it

  • in a separate variable, let's call that result

  • and then we can simply print that here, or

  • we can make this code shorter, we don't really need this code here so we can simply

  • call the emoji converter, and print the result.

  • Like this. Now here we have an underline because

  • as I told you before we need to blank lines after

  • our function definitions. So currently we have only one blank line

  • we need to add another black line, good, let's go ahead,

  • and run this program, and make sure everything works as before

  • so I'm going to type a message like good morning with a smiley face

  • good, let's run it one more time, times that,

  • to add okay beautiful, so, here's the

  • final result, we defined this function called

  • emoji converter, this function takes a parameter called message.

  • And finally returns the output.

  • In this tutorial I'm going to teach you how to handle errors in your

  • python programs, so let's start by writing a small program

  • to get the user age from the terminal. So we call the input variable

  • input, and a label here,

  • like age, this returns a string, so we need to pass it to

  • the end funciton and store the result in

  • a variable called age, now let's print age to make sure you have

  • implemented everything properly we run our program, we type

  • 20, 20 is printed here, beautiful, now look at

  • the exit code of this program, exit code 0 means

  • our program terminated successfully, there were no errors, but what if

  • we run this program one more time and instead of entering

  • a numerical value, we enter something like asd.

  • We get a value error with his message invalid literal

  • for int with base 10. Basically what this message is telling

  • us is that this string asd does not contain

  • a valid home number that can be converted to an integer. Now look at the exit

  • code of this program, exit code 1 means our exit code crashed,

  • so 0 always means success and anything but 0 means crash

  • now as a good python programmer you should anticipate this situation.

  • You don't want to let your entire program crash just because the user entered

  • an invalid value. So instead of letting the program

  • crash you should handle the situation and print a proper error message, and

  • that's what I'm going to show you in this tutorial, now before we get any further

  • look at the type of error we get here, value error,

  • so remember this, we're going to get back to this shortly

  • now how can we handle these errors, in python we have a construct called

  • try accept we use that to handle errors.

  • Let me show you how it works. So on the top

  • we type try: now as you know we are defining

  • a code block so, I'm going to move these two lines,

  • inside of our try block so press tab here.

  • And remove this black line, now these two lines are part of our

  • try block, right? So after try we type

  • accept, and then we add the type of the error

  • that our program may encounter, that is value error

  • okay? Then, we add a colon and in this block we can

  • define what should happen if our program encounters

  • an error of type value error. In this case we want to print

  • a proper error message, so print,

  • invalid value. So with this try and accept we are telling python

  • hey, go ahead and try running one or these two lines of code,

  • if you encounter, an error of type. Value error

  • then instead of crashing the program, try this error message on the terminal

  • so this is how this works. Now more accurately in programming

  • we reefer to this kind of error as an exception. So an exception

  • is a kind of error that crashes our program. So our

  • user enters an invalid value, this line of code

  • in line 2 will raise an exception, and on line 4 will catch it

  • and print this error message, so our program will no longer

  • crash. Let me show you. So let's go ahead and run this

  • age 20, everything

  • works just like before and the exit code is 0, let's

  • rerun this program, and enter asd,

  • so we get this proper error message invalid error menu and once again

  • the exit code is 0, so that means our program completed successfully.

  • Didn't crash, now, we can also handle different kinds of

  • errors or exceptions, for example right when we get the age

  • let's define a variable income and set it to 20,000.

  • And then define another variable called risk and set it

  • to income divided by age.

  • Let's run this program and enter 0 as the game to see what happened.

  • So 0 is obviously a numerical value

  • so when we enter this value, technically we shouldn't get any exceptions.

  • Take a look. Our program crashed, we

  • did a 0 division error, because we cannot divide a number by 0.

  • Once again look at the exit code, so we couldn't catch this kind of error or

  • this kind of exception with this accept block.

  • Accept block is only cashing exceptions of type value

  • error. And this happens when we try to convert a nonnumerical value,

  • to an integer. So in a situation like this. We should handle

  • different kinds of exceptions, we can add another

  • except statement for an exception of type 0

  • division error. Now in this block we can print a

  • different kind of message, like age cannot be

  • 0. Let's run our program one more time. Now,

  • I'm going to enter 0 as the age so we get this

  • error message age cannot be 0 and look at the exit code.

  • It's 0, so our program didn't crash, so to recap, we

  • `used try accept blocks to handle exceptions that are

  • raised in our programs, as a good programmer you should always anticipate

  • these kind of exceptions and handle them properly.

  • In this tutorial I'm going to talk to you guys about comments in python.

  • We use comments to add notes or comments to our programs.

  • For example, here I'm going to make a print statement,

  • sky is blue. Now, before that, I

  • can add a comment using a hi sign and then whatever we type here

  • is going to get ignored it's not going to get executed. Let me show you so

  • let's run this program, look we only see this

  • message. Sky is blue. So with this comment we can explain

  • something about our code, we can use it as reminders to fix things or

  • clear things up, or we can use it to communicate things with other developers

  • reading our code, why we have written this code in a certain way.

  • These are good use cases for using comments, we can also

  • have comments over multiple lines, so we can simply add more

  • comments, each line should start with a new hi sign. Now

  • one thing you need to avoid when using comments is explaining what the

  • code does. So here's an example of a bad comment.

  • Let me just delete these two lines, and with this comment I'm going to

  • say print sky is blue. Why

  • is this a bad comment, because it's telling me the obvious, it's telling me

  • this slide is going to print sky is blue. Now the problem with this comment is

  • that apart from being verbose and repetitive, if you come here,

  • and change sky to ocean, now this comment gets

  • outdated. So overtime we change this code, then we have to come back and

  • modify the corresponding comment. So I've seen some developers

  • add comments in front of their functions, for example, they define

  • a function let's say a square that takes a number

  • and simply returns number times number.

  • But it is obvious that this function calculates and returns the

  • square of the given number. So there is really no need to add a comment and

  • explain that. Calculates and returns the

  • square of a number. This is very repetitive and it creates

  • noiser code. Someone else reading your code they get distracted with all

  • these unnecessary comments, so use comments to explain whys and hows.

  • Not why's if you have made certain assumptions, we can use

  • comments to explain those assumptions. Or we can use them to add notes to remind yourself

  • or other developers to do something in the code.

  • So comments are good, but too much of a good thing is a bad thing.

  • In this tutorial I'm going to talk to you guys about classes in python.

  • Classes are extremely important in programming and they're not

  • specific to python, in fact, a lot of other programming languages

  • do support the notion of classes. We use classes to define new types.

  • For example, so far you have learned about the basic types in Python

  • like numbers, strings, and booleans,

  • these are the basic or simple types in python, you also learn

  • about a couple of complex types like lists and

  • dictionaries. While these types are extremely useful, they cannot

  • always be used to model complex concepts, for example, think about

  • the concept of a point, or a shopping cart. A shopping cart is not

  • a boolean, it's not a list, it's not a dictionary, it's a different kind of

  • thing. So we can use classes to define new types to

  • model real concepts. Now in this new model I'm going to show you how to

  • define a new type called point, and this new type is going to have methods

  • for working with points. For example, back to our main program. Let's

  • create a list, numbers, 1, 2, 3,

  • you know that here, when we type that dot,

  • functions or methods available in list objects, now similar to this,

  • we're going to create a new type called point, this point is

  • going to have metas like move, draw, get,

  • distance from another point, these are the operations that we can

  • perform on points. So let me show you how to do this.

  • We start by defining a class by using the class keyword,

  • and right after that we give our class a name. Now look at the

  • naming convention I've used here. I've capitalized the first letter here, this is what we call

  • a pascal naming convention. So the naming convention we

  • used for naming our classes is different from the convention we use for naming

  • our variables and functions. For variables and functions we always

  • use lower case letters and we separate multiple words using

  • an underscore. But when naming classes, we don't use an underscore

  • to separate multiple words, instead we capitalize

  • the first letter of every word. So in this case our class has only a single

  • word, if you had multiple words, let's say email client

  • look I've capitalized the first letter

  • of every word. Once again, this is called pascal naming convention

  • and it comes from the old pascal language that you might have heard of.

  • So, back to our point class. Here we add

  • a colon which means we're going to define a block, now

  • in this block we can define all the functions or methods that belong

  • to points, for example, we can define a function called

  • move for moving a port, now note that as soon as we

  • type open parenthesis, pycharm automatically adds self here,

  • this is a special keyword and we're going to get back to this shortly.

  • So, for now, in this method, let's print

  • move on the terminal, now let's define another

  • method like draw, so define draw

  • and in this method, let's print draw on the terminal, now

  • let's remove the indentation, we're done

  • with the definition of our point class, so we need to add two line breaks

  • okay, so with this class we defined a new

  • type with this new type we can create new objects, so

  • an object is an instance of a class, a class simply defines

  • the blueprint or the template for creating objects, and

  • objects are the actual instances based on that blue print.

  • So we can have tens of hundreds of points on the screen, these are the

  • objects or the instances. So to create an object,

  • we type out the name of our class and then call it like a function

  • this creates a new object and then returns it. So then we can store

  • that object in a variable, let's call that point 1,

  • there you go, now when we use the dot operator.

  • Look, we have these two methods that we

  • defined, draw and move, we also have a bunch of other methods that we

  • start with two underscores, these are called magic methods

  • we'll look at them later in the course. Now, let's call the draw method

  • of our point object, and run our program

  • so you can see draw is printed on the terminal. Now

  • apart from methods these objects can also have attributes and these attributes

  • are like variables that belong to a particular object. For example,

  • here, after we've defined .1.

  • We can set .1.x to

  • 10. And .1.1 to 20.

  • Now we can easily print out these attributes, let's print

  • .1.x and run our program one more time

  • take a look, so the x coordinate of .1 is 10.

  • Now we can create another object, let's call that.2

  • so .2 once again we type out the name

  • of our class and then call it like a function. Now this object is completely

  • different then the first object. So if you print

  • .2.x

  • look we get this attribute error, because this point object doesn't have an

  • attribute called, so each object is a different

  • instance of our points class. Now here

  • we can assign a value to .2.x. Let's

  • send that to 1, and then run our program so we can see the

  • x coordinates of .2 is 1. So to recap

  • we use classes to define new types, these types can have

  • methods that we define in the body of the class and they can also

  • have attributes that we can set anywhere in our programs.

  • You have learned how to create new types using classes

  • now therein a tiny problem in this implementation.

  • We can create a pooint object without an x or y coordinate

  • let me show you. So point we create this

  • object here, and before we set point.x let's

  • print point .x run our program

  • we get this attribute error which you

  • saw in the last tutorial, so point object has no attribute called x

  • This is the problem we have here, it is possible,

  • to have a point object without an x or y coordinates.

  • And that doesn't really make sense, because whenever we talk about a point,

  • we ned to know where that point is located. To solve this problem, we

  • use a constructor. A constructor is a function that gets called

  • at the time of creating an object. So here on line 9, when creating this

  • point object, we want to pass values for x or y

  • coordinates, let's say 10 and 20, and with this,

  • this point object that we get here, will have it's

  • x and y coordinates initialized. So how do we do this?

  • We need to add a special method in this class called constructor.

  • So, on the top, I define a new function,

  • look at the name of this function, double underscore init, double under

  • score. So init is short for initialized, and this is the

  • function or the method that gets called when we create a new point object.

  • Now, press enter, so this automatically adds,

  • self in parenthesis, we're going to come back to this shortly.

  • Now, right after self, we want to add 2 extra parameters,

  • x and y, so let's type out x and y,

  • and then in the body of this method, we should read the values past

  • here, and use them to initialize our object, so when we pass

  • 10 and 20, these arguments will be used for

  • x and y parameters. Now to initialize

  • our object, we type our code like this. Self.x equals

  • x. And then self.y equals y.

  • What is going on here, this self that you see here is a reference to the current

  • object. So, back to line 13,

  • when we create a new point object, self references that object in

  • memory, the same object, that we're referencing using this cariable.

  • So earlier we typed point.x equals 10,

  • with this code we set the x attribute of this point object.

  • Now what we have in the constructor is exactly the same, we use the self

  • to reference the current object and then we set the x attribute

  • to the x argument passed to this function. So,

  • using this init method, we can initialize our objects and

  • we refer to this method as a constructor, this method is used to construct

  • or create an object, okay? so,

  • Now, let's remove line 14, so we created

  • point object with these values and then print point.x let's run our program

  • there you go, x is 10, we can also change

  • these values later, so just before printing point.x we can set

  • point.x to 11 and then run our program

  • so x is updated, beautiful, alright, here's a

  • exercise for you. I want you to define a new type called person

  • these person objects should have a name attribute as well as a talk

  • method. This is a very easy exercise so,

  • you can tackle it in probably a couple of minutes.

  • Alright, so

  • first we start with a class keyboard, we define this person class

  • once again look at the naming convention I have used here, the first letter

  • of the first word in this case the only word is uppercase.

  • Now, in this class we define all the methods we need, currently we only have

  • method that is the talk method, so define talk,

  • pycharm automatically adds self, we come back to this shortly,

  • for now let's just print talk.

  • So this is the body of our person class. We remove the indentation

  • and add two line breaks after defining our

  • classes. Now we can create the personal object, let's call that jon,

  • we set it to person, we can call jon.

  • talk, let's run the program so we get this

  • message, beautiful, but our person objects should also have

  • a name attribute, it doesn't make sense to have a person without the name.

  • So that is when we use the constructor function. So on the top,

  • we add a new method, at the name of this method is double

  • underscore, init double underscore. So we

  • call this method a constructor. Now in this method we need to

  • add another parameter which is name, so we

  • simply set to name. Once

  • again, self references the current object, we're setting the name

  • attribute of the current object, to the name argument passed to this method.

  • With this we can go back to line 9, and

  • when creating a person object we pass the name, let's see jon smith

  • now let's print and run our program

  • there you go. So jon Smith is printed on the terminal, beautiful,

  • so this is all you had to do as part of this exercise. But

  • let's make this program a little more interesting. Instead of printing

  • this boring message here, let's print hi, I am Jon Smith.

  • So, we can use a formatted string with a message

  • like Hi, I am, now we want to dynamically

  • add the name of this person. How do we do this? Well, look at

  • the parameter of this talk method. As I told you before,

  • every method in our class should have this parameter, self.

  • And they should be the very first parameter of each method, okay? So,

  • with this self we can get reference to the current object, so

  • we can add curly braces and type out self

  • .name. Thsi returns the name attribute of the current

  • person object. With this we can remove

  • line 10, where we print and simply call

  • Lets run our program.

  • Hi, I am Jon Smith. There we go, beautiful.

  • Now we can build another person object, let's say Bob, is a new person

  • called Bob Smith, when we say

  • And run our program

  • we get a different message, hi I'm Bob Smith, so

  • each object is a different instance of a person class.

  • In this tutorial Im going to talk to you about inheritance in Python,

  • inheritance is a mechanism for using code and once again

  • it's no limited to python, most languages that support classes

  • also support inherence. So let ms how you how this works. Let's say

  • we have this dog class with a simple walk method, in this method

  • we're simply printing the walk message on the terminal, now let's say

  • in real program, instead of just one line of code here we're going to have 10 lines of

  • code. Now, what if in the future we want to define a

  • another class let's say cat and we want to add

  • this walk method there as well. Sow e'll have to repeat all that code,

  • in this new class, walk.

  • This is bad. because you have repeated or duplicated our

  • code. In programming we have a principle called dry

  • which is short for don't repeat yourself.

  • Let's say sometime in the future, we discover a problem with our walk method. If you

  • have repeated or duplicated this method in many other places, then we'll

  • have to come back and fix that problem in every single place we have

  • duplicated this code. So that's why in programming we should not define something

  • twice. So how can we solve this problem.

  • There are different approaches, one approach that is easier to understand for beginners is inherence

  • Now here's how it works. We define a new class called

  • maml and move the walk method right there. Then we'll have

  • the dog and cat classes inherit that method

  • from their parent just like how humans inherit certain

  • attributes or behaviors form their parents. That' exactly the same, so

  • on the top, we define a new class, let's call it

  • mammal then we need to move the walk method there. So,

  • we select it, cut it, using command and x on Mac, or

  • control x on Windows and then paste it here, beautiful,

  • now we want our dog class to inherit this class from the mammal class

  • so right after the class name we add parenthesis and

  • then type out the name of the parent class. In this case, mammal.

  • That's all we have to do. So with his the dog class

  • will inherit all he methods defined in the mammal class.

  • Now there is a tiny problem here, if you look at line 9, there is a

  • red underline here. The reason this is happening is because

  • python doesn't like an empty class, so right now our dog

  • class is empty, it doesn't have anything, we either need to add methods

  • specific to dogs or just to make Python happy,

  • we can use the path statement, and that basically means nothing.

  • We're telling python interpreter, hey, pass this line, don't worry about it. But with this, we

  • don't have an empty class, okay? Now as I told you before

  • after each class I should have two line breaks so right now we

  • only have one line break and that is the reason we have this little warning here, so let's add

  • another black line, beautiful, so our dog class is

  • inheriting the walk method from the mammal, you need to apply the same change

  • to the cat class. So we'll have cat

  • inherit from mammal, and then,

  • use the path statement here. With these changes,

  • now we can create either a dog or cat object, let's say dog,

  • one, we set it to a dog object, and

  • when we type dot look we have the walk method that is defined

  • in the mamall class. We can easily call it, let's run our program

  • there you go, you see the walk message,

  • so both the dog and cat classes are inheriting all the classes

  • methods defined in their parent class. Now here we can add methods

  • specific to dogs, for example, we can define a method called

  • bark, and then print bark.

  • Now, we don't need the path statement because we already defined

  • one method in our dog class. So now when we type out

  • dog1. look we have two methods

  • one is the walk method that we inherited and the bark method that we just

  • defined in the dog class. Similarly, we can add a method

  • specific to a cat, for example, we can define a method called

  • be annoying, I hate cats, so let's print

  • annoying , now when we create the cat

  • object, let's remove that, cat1

  • and type out cat1. you have these two methods

  • dog and be annoying. So these are the basics of inheritance in python

  • Now there is more to this that really goes beyond the scope of this beginners tutorial.

  • If you're interested to learn more about inheritance and other mechanisms

  • for reusing code, I encourage you to get my complete Python course.

  • In this tutorial, I'm going to talk to you about modules in python.

  • A module in python is basically a file with some python code.

  • And we use modules to organize our code into files.

  • Just like sections in a super market. When you go to a super market there are different sections

  • for fruits, vegetables, cleaning products, and so on. We don't have

  • one section with all the products in the super market. We have the same concept

  • in programming. So instead of writing all our code, instead of writing

  • all the functions and classes in we want to break up our code

  • into multiple files. We refer to each file as a module.

  • With this, not only is our code better organized and structured,

  • but we'll also have the ability to reuse our code. For example,

  • over here in, I've defined two functions for converting

  • weight from pounds to kilograms and vice versa.

  • Now we can take these two functions and put them in a separate module

  • called converters, and then we can import that module into any

  • program that needs these converter functions. Let me show you how to do this.

  • So, let's open up our project panel and right

  • click the project, go to new, and add the new file,

  • we're going to call this file,

  • Then, we go back to

  • select all this code, cut it and then

  • paste it into our new module.

  • With this we have cleaned up our app module it's not bloated with different

  • functions, so as we write more functions with classes, we put them in their

  • corresponding modules, a module should contain all the related

  • functions and classes, okay? Now you want to

  • import the converters module into our app module, and that is really easy, on the

  • top we write import converters

  • without extension, so we don't add .py we only type out the name of

  • the file. Let me close that project panel. Now,

  • this converter is an object so we can use the dot operator

  • to access it's members. So currently we have defined

  • these two functions inside of our module, kilogram to pound,

  • and pounds to kilograms. So we can easily call one of these functions

  • let's pass 70 kilos get the result and print it out.

  • Run our program, so,

  • that is under 55 pounds. Now there is also another

  • syntax for importing modules, let me show you, so

  • instead of importing the entire module we can import specific functions from that

  • module. Here's how it works. We type out from

  • then we add the name of our module, so converters

  • import, now here if you press control and space

  • we can see the list of all the functions defined in this module.

  • So here we can grab one of these functions let's say kilogram to pound, and

  • with this we can directly call this function just like

  • the function defined in this file. Compare

  • what we have on line 4 to what we have on line 6. On line 6

  • we'll have to prefix this function with the name of an object

  • converters. So we have to type converters. and then we'll be able to

  • access this function. In contrast. When we import

  • a specific function from our module, then we can easily call that function

  • without prefixing it with the module name. So here's what

  • you need to take away. We use modules to better organize our code. Instead of

  • writing all the code, instead of writing all the functions in one file, you break up

  • our code across multiple files. Each file is called

  • a module and it should contain all the related functions and classes

  • then we can import a module into another module, in this case, we are importing

  • the converters module into our app module. And as you saw,

  • there are two ways to import this module, we can import the entire module, and then

  • we'll get an object with the same name as the module so we can

  • type converters . and then we'll be able to access all the

  • functions and classes defined in this module. The other appraoch

  • is to impot a specific function or class from a module using the

  • from import statement. Now here

  • is your exercise. Earlier in the course you had an exercise for finding the

  • largest number in the list. So here on the top we have

  • a list of numbers, initially we set max to the first number in this list

  • then, we look through this list, get each number,

  • if the current number is grater than max, then we reset max.

  • And finally when we are done with our loop we print max on the terminal.

  • Now here's what I want you to do. This code currently

  • has no organization. We don't have any functions, we don't have any modules, we wrote all

  • the code in, that is okay for small programs,

  • but as your programs grow, you need to properly organize your code into

  • classes and modules. So, as part of this exercise, I want

  • you to write a function, call it find max.

  • This function should take a list, and return the largest number in that list.

  • Now after you do this, go ahead and put this function

  • in a separate module. So extract it from here, and put it in a module,

  • called utils. So in this module we're going to have a bunch of

  • utility functions, oaky? Then import the utility

  • module into the current module and call this function.

  • Finally, get the result and print it on the terminal, this is a

  • fantastic exercise to teach you how to properly organize your code. So,

  • go ahead and spend a couple minutes on this exercise.

  • So the first

  • step is to define a function called find max. So on the

  • top, I'm going to define function, find max

  • this function should take a list of numbers, so we

  • add a parameter called numbers. Now inside of this function you

  • want to have these few lines, this is the algorithm for finding the

  • largest number in a list, we don't want to bring the first line, because this

  • is where we create a list. So somewhere in our program we're going to create this list,

  • and tehen pass it as an argument to pass max

  • function. Okay? So, let's go ahead and grab

  • these few lines, cut them, and put them inside

  • of find max function. Alright, so we find the

  • largest number in this list, finally we need to return it, so,

  • return max. So here's our function. Now we

  • need to move this into a separate module. So let's go to the panel

  • right click the project and add a new

  • file, we can also add a new python file that's the same, let's call that

  • utils so if you add a new python file

  • pycharm automatically adds .py extension, but if you go to

  • new file we'll have to explicitly type out

  • .py. So make sure to get the extension right.

  • Now, back to, let's cut this code and

  • paste it into this new module, okay beautiful.

  • Now I'm going o go back to and import our new module.

  • We can either import the entire module, so import utils

  • and then access individual functions so we can call utils

  • .find max or we can explicitly

  • import this function from the utils module. It doesn't really make a difference.

  • So, we could type from utils

  • import find max. And then we

  • don't need to prefix this with the name of it's object, so we simply call

  • find max. Now we need to call this after we initialize our list.

  • So first we need to define the list of numbers.

  • Then, we pass that list as an argument to find max

  • we get the result which is max and finally we print it

  • on the terminal. let's go ahead and run our program, so the

  • largest number is 10, beautiful,

  • now one last thing before we finish this tutorial, here we have this little warning

  • under max and the tool tip says shadows built in name

  • max. The reason we see this is because we actually have a function called

  • max. And it does the exact same job

  • as our find max function. So this is actually built into python.

  • But I ask you to do it as an exercise because it's a great exercise for beginners.

  • Now, back to the warning, this warning is basically telling us that we are

  • overwriting the built in max function in python

  • so we are changing the meaning of this function, and this is considered a bad practice,

  • let me show you what I mean. So let's comment out what we have on line 4,

  • by putting a hash sign here, we can also use,

  • a short cut command and slash on Mac, or control on slash

  • on Windows. So now this line is commented out. Look at the

  • color of max here, it's purple, it's the same color as print. And this is the color

  • used to identify the built in functions. So now we can call

  • this function and give it a list of numbers

  • run our program we get the same exact result however,

  • if we bring this line back, once again we can use the same

  • shortcut that is command and slash on Mac or control slash on Windows.

  • Now, we are redefining max, so up to

  • this line, max used to be a function, but after line 4 is executed

  • max is set to an integer, that is the largest number in this list.

  • So, we'll no longer be able to call it on line 5,

  • let's run our program and see what happens. So there you go,

  • we get this type error, int object is not

  • callable, because max is now an integer, it's not a function,

  • so we cannot call it. So to solve this problem, we can rename

  • this variable to something else. So right click here.

  • Go to refactor and rename,

  • and rename this to maximum.

  • So you can see the warning is gone. As you can see we have the same warning

  • in our utils module. So here we're redefining max

  • and as I told you before this is a bad practice. We're changing the

  • meaning of built in functions in python. So,

  • let's rename these as well, I'm going to use the short cut that is shift and

  • f6 there you go and here we can change this to

  • maximum. Enter, done.

  • In this tutorial we're going to talk about packages in python,

  • packages are basically another way to organize our code, so currently

  • we have only 3 files for modules in our project but a real project

  • can contain hundreds or even thousands of modules.

  • We don't want to add all those modules here, because over time this directory will get

  • bloated with so many files, so a better approach is to organize related

  • modules, inside of a package, so a package is a container

  • for multiple modules In file system terms a package is

  • a directory or folder. So in our project we can add a new directory

  • and in that directory we can add all the directed modules, as a metaphor think

  • of a mall. When you go to a mall or a shopping center there are different

  • sections for mens women and kids clothing, so that is

  • ilke a package, now when you go to the mens section, there are different areas

  • fior different kinds of products, we have a section for shoes, t shirts,

  • jackets, and so on, so each of these is like a module, so,

  • in this tutorial, I'm going to show you how to create and use packages in Python,

  • here in our project panel, right click the panel and

  • add a new directory.

  • Let's call this directory e commerce. So we're going to create

  • a package called e-commerce and in this package we're going to have

  • all the modules related for an ecommerce application. For example,

  • we can have modules for sales, shipping, customer service

  • and so on. So let's go ahead

  • Now here we have an empty directory, in order to convert this to a package

  • we need to add a special file in it. So, right

  • click this directory and add a new python file,

  • call that file double underscore in it, double underscore

  • this is a special convention in Python.

  • When Python interpreter sees a file with this name and

  • name in a directory, it treats this directory as a package, we also have a

  • shortcut for that in pycharm so let me delete this directory

  • and start again. So delete, once again right click

  • the project, and go to new but instead of creating a new directory

  • we can create a new python package, let's call

  • our package ecommerce as you can see

  • pycharm automatically creates this file for us so we don't have to manually create

  • it. Okay? Now, in this package, let's add a new module,

  • so a new python file, let's call it

  • shipping okay? Now in this module we want to have

  • a function for calculating the shipping costs. So define

  • calculate, underline, shipping.

  • Now don't worry about parameters or implementation, we simply print

  • calculate underline shipping.

  • Now lets say you want to import this shipping module

  • into our app module, with this new structure this shipping

  • module is now part of the ecommerce package, so we cannot import a direct

  • you have to start from the ecommerce package. So,

  • bak to app,py once again there are two ways to import this module.

  • We can import the entire module or we can

  • import one of it's functions or classes. So let me show you both approaches.

  • First, we're going to import the entire module. Now what is the name of our

  • package? it is ecommerce, right? So ecommerce.

  • shipping. So instead of typing import

  • shipping we type import ecommerce

  • .shipping. we have to prefix it with the name of it's package.

  • Now to access any of the functions or classes in this module

  • we'll have to type out ecommerce.shipping.

  • and there you go. Now we can access the calculate shipping

  • function. So let's go ahead and run our program,

  • we see this message printed on the terminal, beautiful. However

  • with this approach, every time you want to call one of the functions

  • to this module, we'll have to prefix it with ecommerce.

  • shipping. that is very verbose. So when working with packages

  • we often use the second approach, using the

  • from statement. So we can type from ecommerce

  • .shipping import

  • calculate shipping. Now we don't have to prefix this function

  • with ecommerce.shipping, and we can call it multiple times

  • in this module, so our code is a little bit shorter. But what if

  • you want to use multiple functions in this shipping module. We can either import them here,

  • so calculate shipping, comma, let's say calculate_

  • tax. Or we can import the entire module and then

  • access all he functions or classes in that module. So,

  • let me revert this back. To import the entire module

  • we type from ecommerce so we remove.shipping

  • so from this package, import

  • the shipping module. Now the shipping module,

  • is an object so we can access

  • all the functions and classes defined here, using the dot operator, so

  • shipping. there you go, calculate shipping. So to

  • recap, when using the from statement we can either start from

  • the package and import a specific module, or we can

  • start from package.module

  • and then import a specific function. Like calculate shipping.

  • So, this was the basics of using packages in

  • python. As I told you before, packages are extremely important, especially

  • when you want to work with a framework like django, we use django for building

  • web applications with python, and I'm going to show you that later in this course.

  • So in Django we have quite a few packages and

  • each package contains several modules. So make sure to watch the tutorials,

  • about modules and packages one more time, otherwise you're going to get confused later

  • when we get to Django.

  • In this tutorial I'm going to talk to you

  • guys about the built in modules in python, so python

  • comes with a standard library that contains several modules for common

  • tasks such as sending emails, working with date and time,

  • generating random values and passwords and so on. There are so many modules

  • already built into Python and that means there is already lots of functionality

  • that we can reuse. Let me show you where you can find

  • this standard library. So open up this browser

  • and search for python 3, module index,

  • make sure to add the version number, because the modules in python 2 are

  • different from modules in python3. So here we search for python 3

  • module index, and the first page here, you can see is

  • python module index, or python 3, let's go ahead,

  • so these are all the modules built into python,

  • for example we have modules for working with date and time,

  • we have modules for sending emails for encoding values,

  • there are so many modules here. Now the explanation of all these is

  • beyond the scope of this course, that really requires it's own course.

  • Because we have so many modules here, but don't let this list intimidate you.

  • This is not something that you need to learn right now, as you learn python

  • as you build more applications, gradually you will get familiar with more modules

  • here, in fact nobody knows all the modules in python

  • standard library. Everybody knows some modules based on the applications they have built.

  • So in this tutorial, I'm going to show you how to use one of the built in modules,

  • for generating random values. So on the top,

  • we import the random module, now because

  • random is a built in module, we don't need to have a file here

  • called So python interpreter knows that random is a built

  • in module as long as it knows where to find it.

  • Now if you're curious where this random module is stored on the disk, let me show you, so

  • here in the project panel, expand external

  • libraries, then expand python 3,

  • and then one more time python 3.7 library

  • route. So this is a folder somewhere on your computer, in this folder, we have

  • all the built in modules in python. So,

  • if you scroll down, you should be able to find.

  • The random module. There you go. It's right here. So random.

  • py. You can open this and this shows you the source

  • code of this module. there you go. Now in this tutorial,

  • we don't want to worry about hat, so let's go back to our,

  • and use this module to generate random values. So when we import

  • this module, now we have this object, random, so we can use the dot

  • operator to acces it's methods. One method that is useful

  • here is the random method, and every time we call it it generates

  • a random value between 0 and 1. So here we can do a for loop,

  • let's say for I in,

  • range 3. So just to refresh your memory we are using the

  • range function to create a range object. We can look through this range object

  • and in each iteration this object will spit out a value.

  • So with this for loop, we can execute this code 3 times. Now, let's

  • indent this. Okay, and finally, let's print the result,

  • There you go. So we can see

  • that in each iteration we get a new random value between 0 and 1.

  • Now what if we want a random value for a particular age?

  • Let's say random values between 10 and 20, well,

  • there is another method here, rand int, we use 2 arguments here

  • to specify our range, let's say 10 and 20.

  • Run our program one more time. Now we have the numbers 20

  • 13 and 18. If we run our program one more time,

  • We get different values, so 20, 19, 11, one more time.

  • Look, you also have another powerful method for

  • randomly picking an item from a list. Let's say we have a list of team members and you want to

  • randomly pick someone as the leader. Let me show you how to do that.

  • So, we define the list of team members, we set it to

  • jon, mary, bob,

  • and mosh. Now we can call random

  • .choice and pass our members list

  • this method randomly picks a method from this list and returns it. SO,

  • we can store the result in leader and then

  • print it on the terminal. let's run our program,

  • so now the leader is mary, if you run our program one more time

  • this line is mosh now it's mosh again one more time,

  • it really likes mosh, you get the point. So

  • the random module is very powerful, and it has a lot of applications.

  • Now here's a very cool exercise. I want you to write this program to

  • roll a dice. So every time we run this program we get a different value.

  • Now we have 3 in 1, next time we get 3 and 6, one more time

  • 5 and 6, 4 and 3, double one, that's a very cool exercise.

  • So before we get started, I want you to pay attention to a few things.

  • I want you to define a class called dice

  • in this class we're going to have a method called rope so every time we

  • call this method, we get a tuple, a tuple remember is a list of

  • values but values cannot be changed, you cannot add a new item to it, we

  • cannot remove it. So it's like a read only list. So every time,

  • we call the row method, we should get the tuple of two random values.

  • So go ahead, and do this exercise, You'll see my solution next.

  • Alright, we start by importing the random module on the top,

  • then we define a class called dice:

  • this class we want to have a method called row. So define row

  • parenthesis, this automatically adds self, now in this method,

  • you want to generate two random values between 1 to 6.

  • So we call random.randint.

  • And pass 1 and 6. So this generates the first number,

  • we can ut that here, now let's call this one more time,

  • so I'm going to copy what we have on line 5, put it here, and

  • change this variable to second. So we have two variables first and second.

  • With two random values, finally we need to return them,

  • in a tuple, so return parenthesis instead of square brackets,

  • first and second, now

  • in python when you want to return a python from a function, you don't have to add

  • this parenthesis, so you can simplify your code and python will automatically

  • interpret this as a tuple. So we are done

  • with a definition of our class, we remove the indentation and add

  • two line breaks. Now we create an object of this type

  • so you set dice to dice

  • next we roll the dice, so dice.roll and

  • print the result on the terminal, that's all you have to do.

  • Let's run this program, so now we get 2 and 5,

  • lets run it one more time, 3 and 2, 1 and 1, beautiful.

  • Now we have this little warning here, that says

  • expected 2 black lines found 1. Once again this is

  • coming from pep 8, pep is short for python and

  • proposal. We have so many python enhancement proposals or peps.

  • Pep 8 is a very famous 1, and in this document we have

  • all the best practices for formatting our code. So pep

  • 8 says, that after we define our classes we should have 2 lines breaks, we've already done that

  • so the reason this is complaining is because we had 1 line break before

  • the class, so let's add one more line break, now pycharm

  • is happy. So basically pycharm is following all the best

  • practices defined in pep8. Now you don't have to memorize

  • any of these best practices, as you code in pycharm, pycharm gives you a little more

  • warning, and gradually you will learn how to properly format your code, so it's

  • readable by other people.

  • In this tutorial, I'm going to show you

  • how to work with directories in python. So here in python3,

  • module index, you can see we have a module called path lib which provides an object

  • oriented file system pact. That basically means it provides

  • classes that we can use to create objects to work with directories and

  • files. So, if you click here, you can see how this module

  • works, we can see all kinds of examples. For example, here on there basic

  • useage, you can see this is how we import the path

  • class from the path lib module. Let me zooming so you can see

  • clearly. Okay, so look, from path lib, that's

  • our module, import path, note the naming convention.

  • P is capitalized, that means path is a class, so we need to create

  • an instance of this class as you can see, right here,

  • now there's so much documentation here, you can read this on your own, but let me quickly show you

  • a few examples to help you get started. So after pycharm

  • on the top, from the path led module, that's

  • import the path class. Now we need to create,

  • a path object to reference a file or directory

  • on our computer. So there are basically to ways to do this we can use an absolute

  • path, or a relative path which basically

  • means a path starting from the current directory. For example,

  • if you wanna reference this ecommerce directory in our project, we can

  • use the relative path. So we start from the current directory and then

  • go somewhere else. With absolute paths we start from the root

  • of our hard disk. For example, if you're on Windows you might have

  • an absolute path like this, c drive, backslash,

  • program, files, backslash microsoft,

  • so these are directories in c drive.

  • On Windows we use a backslash to build a path. If you're on

  • Mac or Linux, your paths will look a little bit different, so

  • instead of backslash we have a forward slash lets say user/local

  • /bin. So these are examples of absolute paths. In

  • this tutorial we're going to work with he relative path to work with this ecommerce

  • directory that we have in our project. Now if you didn't create this directory

  • earlier, simply right click on the project and then go to new

  • directory. oaky? So, let's close this panel,

  • we create a path object, now,

  • if you don't pas an argument here, this will reference the current directory

  • alternatively, we can pass string, in this string we can

  • add a file or a directory. let's say the ecommerce

  • directory. Now this runs a path object, so we store it here,

  • now this path object has a few interesting methods

  • for example, we can check to see if a path exists by calling

  • the exist method. This simply returns a boolean so let's print it on the terminal,

  • there you go. So this path exists,

  • what if it changes to ecommerce 1, and

  • run our program and get false, we can also create a new directory

  • for example, let's change our path to email, now when we

  • run this program, obviously we don't have this directory but we can

  • create it by calling the mk dir method

  • so make directory. Let's run our program

  • alright, this method returns none which basically means

  • it doesn't return any values. Now if you look at the project panel you can see

  • here we have a new directory called emails, we can also delete this directory

  • so, instead of mk dir we call

  • rmdir which is short for remove directory, but

  • let's go ahead, now we can see that directory is gone. We can also see

  • all the files and directories in a given path, that is, very useful if you want to

  • write a little program to automate something. For example,

  • you can iterate over all the spreadsheets in a directory one them and

  • process them. Let me show you. First we change the path

  • to the current directory and then we call the glob

  • method. With his method we cans each for files and

  • directories in the current path. So as the first argument we need to pass a string

  • that defines a search pattern. We can type an asterisk

  • and that means everything, all files and all directories.

  • We can optionally add an extension, so to get all the files, you

  • need the files you use With this

  • pattern, we'll only get the files in the current directory. But not the directories.

  • We can also search for all the py files, or all the excel

  • spreadsheets. Anything. So let's search for all the py files

  • in the current directory, now when we run our program

  • we get this generator object. Generator object

  • are kind of an advanced topic, and they are beyond the scope of this beginners

  • python course. But for now all you need to know is we can iterate

  • or loop through these generator objects. So instead of

  • printing this generator object, let's just iterate over it using

  • a for loop, so, for, file in,

  • the generator object that is returned from the glob method. q

  • Let's print file.

  • We run our program, there you go. So these are all the

  • py files in my current directory, this could be different on your machine

  • if you didn't follow the exercises I gave you earlier. For example, this

  •, we created this as part of one of the exercises earlier in this course.

  • So don't worry if the files you see here are different on your machine.

  • So, you can use the glob method to search for files using

  • a pattern, we can also get all the files and directories in the current

  • path, so, we just use one asterisk, then

  • run our program, take a look, so we have this

  • ecommerce directory, we have notes.txt, this is a file I

  • added earlier just to write notes as part of my presentation so you're not going to have

  • this file. We also have a bunch of directories and files.

  • Even though python's standard library is comprehensive and has

  • so many modules for common tasks, it's not complete by any means.

  • That's why we have this directory called python package

  • index. Or pypi. And in this directory you can find hundreds

  • of packages for doing awesome things. These are packages that people like you

  • and I have built as part of our projects, and then they have published it as part of this directory.

  • For other people to use. So that's why we have a fantastic community in python,

  • there are so many python developers out there and there are so many packages

  • right in front of us to reuse in our programs, let's say

  • you want to send text messages in your programs, you don't have to build this functionality from scratch,

  • we can simply come to and

  • search for sms aas you can see there are so many

  • projects or apckages that give you this functionality. Of course not every

  • package, not every project is complete or bug free, some of them are still

  • in development or they have bugs, but if you look around I'm pretty sure

  • for any kind of function you can imagine there is a good

  • reliable and well documented package for you. In my complete python course,

  • I will show you some of those most useful packages on pypi. For example

  • you will learn how to access the information on in your

  • programs. So you can write a program and search for businesses

  • registered on Yelp. Let's say you want to search for the best barber

  • in New York City. I will show you how to do that. You will also learn how to use a technique called

  • web scraping, which means you can build an engine and have that engine

  • browse a website, and extract information from HDML files.

  • This is the same technique that Google does to index various

  • websites. So they have several engines, or web crawlers, these web crawlers

  • are continuously looking at various websites and extracting information

  • from their pages. When you publish a blog post Google's web crawler

  • finds the title of your post, its keywords and so on. So,

  • I'm going to show you how to do that with Python, we'll also look at browser automation, and this is extremely

  • powerful, because you can automate testing of your web

  • applications. So you might get a job as a test engineer, and

  • your daily job is to browse a website, click here and there, fill out this form, that form, and

  • ensure that this website is functioning properly. You can automate all that

  • with a powerful python package called selenium, as I have shown in my complete, as I show in my complete

  • python course. Now in this tutorial, I'm going to show you how to install

  • packages, from So,

  • here on let's search for open py

  • xl. This is a package that we use for working with excel

  • spreadsheets. So let's search for this package, there you go, so currently

  • it's at version 2.5. On the top you can see,

  • this instruction pip install open pyexcel.

  • this is the command that we need to type in the terminal window to

  • install this package into our program, so back to pycharm,

  • here on the status bar. You can open up a terminal window for executing

  • various commands. So let's open it, now if you're on Windows

  • you're probably going to see something different instead of this dollar sign, don't worry about that

  • just execute this command I'm going to show you. So pip

  • install open py xl

  • Make sure to spell everything properly. So pip is the tool,

  • that comes with a python installation, and we use it to install or uninstall

  • packages registered on So here,

  • we're using pip to install this package. open py

  • xl. Enter, let's go ahead with that, it's going to take a few

  • seconds, oaky done, now we can import this package and it's

  • modules just like the built in modules in python, or the modules that we have

  • in our project. Now if you're curious where this package

  • is stored on disc let me show you. So open up the project panel,

  • and then expand external libraries, next

  • expand python 3, and then expand sight packages.

  • This is where all these packages that we installed with pip are stored.

  • So here we have open py xl, you can open this,

  • in this folder we have another folder called cell, now

  • Now, look what we have here you have this init

  • type, earlier I told you that whenever we add this file to a folder, python treats

  • that folder as a package, so sell is a package, and this

  • package we have is modules. Sell, interface, read only and text.

  • So as you can see, this package openpyxl has several

  • subpackages like cell, start, chart sheet and so on.

  • And in each package we have several modules, in the next tutorial

  • I will show you how to work with excel files.

  • So we have covered all the core concepts in Python, I hope you have learned a lot.

  • please support my hard work by liking this video and sharing it with others.

  • And be sure to subscribe to my channel for more tutorials like this. Next we're

  • going to work on our first python project that involves automation.

  • You're going to write a python program that can process thousands of spreadsheets

  • in under a second. Are you excited? Let's get started.

  • In this tutorial I'm going to show you something really awesome you can do with python. You're going to

  • learn how to process spreadsheets, and this is extremely valuable

  • in situation where you have hundreds or thousands of spreadsheets that need to

  • be updated. If you want to do this by hand it may take hours or days

  • weeks, or even months, you can simply build a python program in less then

  • half an hour. And have that python program, automatically process thousands of spreadsheets

  • in under one second. So, here we're going to work on this

  • excel spreadsheet. You can download this below this video.

  • In this spreadsheet we have three columns, transaction ID,

  • product ID, and press. Now don't worry about the fourth column yet.

  • So in this spreadsheet we're going to record all kinds of transactions, but let's say

  • due to an error, it could be a human error or a system error. The price that we have

  • here is wrong. Let's say we need to decrease this by 10 percent.

  • If you want to do this manually, we'll have to come back here and

  • add a formula, so we typed out equal sign, let's say you want to recalculate

  • say you want to recalculate the value of this cell.

  • have to get that and then multiply it by 0.9

  • and that is like 90% of the original price, we are reducing the original

  • reducing the price by 10%. Now when you hit enter you can see the updated price.

  • Next we'll have to come back here, select this cell and

  • apply the same formula to all the other rows. Now what if you have thousands of rows

  • here? You'll have to scroll up and down, this is going to be very tedious.

  • So we're going to write a python program that will do this for us. It's going to

  • auotmate this process and not only that it will also

  • add this beautiful chart right here,

  • once again if you want to open up hundreds or thousands of spreadsheets

  • and add a chart to each one, this is going to take at least a week or two

  • Our python program is going to do all of this in a matter of seconds.

  • So, let's get started. Alright the first thing I want you to do is

  • to download this transactions file and add it to your project.

  • I put the link below this video for you to download. So if you're wondering

  • how to put this in this project, you can simply right click the project,

  • and if you're on Mac you have this item where

  • reveal in finder, if you're on Windows you should see something like reveal

  • in explorer, or file explorer, or whatever it's called

  • when you click this, this opens up the direct

  • on your machine where this is stored. So simply copy paste

  • the transactions file right here. Now,

  • here on the top, first we need to import the open py excel package.

  • So import open py excel, we can give it a

  • an alias to make our code shorter. So asxl.

  • This is not required but it just makes our code a little bit cleaner.

  • Let me show you. So now instead of typing open pyxl.

  • we type xl. okay so that's an alias for

  • this package. Now in this package we have a function for loading an xl

  • workbook. So let's call load workbook,

  • and as the argument we pass transactions.

  • .xlsx. So this we load

  • our excel workbook and return a workbook object.

  • Okay? Now if you open this workbook, you can see you add only 1

  • sheet, and that is called sheet 1, so to access that you use

  • square brackets, and specify the name of the sheet,

  • that is sheet one, make sure to spell this with a capital

  • S. Because this is case sensitive, if you don't spell it properly

  • you're going to get an error, so this returns a sheet,

  • now in this sheet, we have various cells. So

  • next you need to learn how to access a particular cell, and that is very easy.

  • back to py charm, with this sheet object, you can use

  • square brackets and give the coordinate of a cell.

  • Coordinate is the combination of the column and the row.

  • For example, this cell it's coordinate is a1.

  • So back to pycharm, we can type a1, and this returns

  • our first cell. Also, there is another approach to getting

  • a cell, instead of using square brackets with a string, we can

  • use the cell method of the sheet object, so,

  • sheet.cell, you pass the row and the column, so row

  • and column 1 these return the exact same

  • cell. Now let's print the value of this cell, cell.value

  • and run our program so

  • the value is transaction id, beautiful,

  • so now we need to iterate over all these rows and for each row we need to get the value

  • in the third column. That is the price. We'll get that and then multiply

  • by 0.9. So first we need to know how many rows

  • we have in this spreadsheet. We can get that from the sheet object so sheet

  • has an attribute called mx_

  • row. Let's print this, so in this sheet,

  • we have 4 row, and you can verify that here. So we have

  • a total of 4 rows. So we need to add a for loop.

  • that would generate the numbers 1-4. So,

  • let's delete this print statement, nd add a for loop

  • for row in were going to use the range function unction to generate a range of numbers,

  • starting from 1, all the way to sheet

  • .max_grow. Plus 1. The reason we're

  • adding 1 to this, is because as I told you before this range function

  • will generate numbers, starting from this value all the way to this

  • value, but it will not include the second value. So currently

  • max row returns 4, if you use range of 1-4 this will generate

  • the numbers 1, 2, and 3, but not 4.

  • So to include 4, we need to add 1 to it. Let's go over here,

  • so we tied sheet.max underline row plus 1.

  • Now before going any further let's just print row and make

  • sure our program is working up to this point. So let's run

  • this, we get the numbers 1-4 beautiful.

  • So now we can easily get the cells in the third column. However

  • we don't really want this first cell, that's the heading.

  • so technically you want to ignore the first row. Back here, you want to change

  • our range function, and start from 2. Now,

  • we're going to use sheet.cell to get access to the cell

  • at this row. And the column should be 3.

  • We get a cell object, let's print it's value

  • and make sure you're on the right track, so run the program

  • these are the values we get. 5.95

  • 6.95 and 7.95 these are the

  • values of the third column. Next we need to multiply each

  • value by 0.9 so instead of printing

  • cell.value we multiplied by 0.9 and this is

  • the corrected underline price,

  • so this is the mistake we're going to make with our program, now

  • we need to add a new cell to our worksheet, so we want to add all the corrected

  • prices, ia new column, it could also overwrite the values in this column,

  • but in this tutorial I'm going to show you how to add a new column.

  • So using the same method, now we need to get a reference to the cell, to the given

  • row, but in the fourth column. So, we call sheet

  • .cell, and pass row and four as the arguments.

  • Once again, this returns a cell object, let's store that in a

  • separate variable and call it

  • price_cell. So note that my variable names are

  • very descriptive. There is no guess work. You have corrected price which holds

  • actual value and we have corrected price, which is a cell

  • object in this spreadsheet. Next we have to set the value in this

  • cell. So we set corrected price cell.

  • value to this corrected price. With these few lines

  • we can easily update our spreadsheet, but first we need to save it. So,

  • after our for loop, we call workbook.

  • save. Now let's save this in a new file because we don't want to

  • accidentally overwrite the original file in case our program has a bug

  • so, I'm going to call that transactions 2.sms

  • ex. And finally let's run our program,

  • so, you can see that happened in a split of a second, now here we have a new file

  • tranactions 2. When we open this we get something like this.

  • So you can see we have this 4th column with the updated prices. Beautiful.

  • So half of the problem is solved, now we need to add a chart here.

  • To add a chart, we need to add a couple classes on the top, so,

  • after this import statement let's type out from

  • open py excel.chart, import, bar chart,

  • comma, reference.

  • So lets see what's going on here. In this package you have a module

  • chart, and from this module we're importing two classes, bar chart,

  • and reference. Again, look at the naming convention used

  • here. The first letter of e very word is capitalized. Also it's better

  • to add a line break after our import statements to make our

  • code cleaner. So, before we save our workbook, we need to

  • add achart to the current sheet. First we need to select a range

  • of values. For this exercise, I'm going to select the values in the fourth column/.

  • So all the values in rows 2-4 these are

  • the values I'm going to use in our chart. Now in this part 2 example it doesn't really

  • make sense to add a chart per transaction, but that doesn't really matter

  • we just want a bunch of numbers to create a chart, so after our

  • for loop, we're going to use the reference class to select a range of

  • values. Now the first argument in the constructor is the

  • sheet. So we pass our sheet here, then we add

  • 4 keyword arguments, the first one is min_row, we set this to

  • 2. The second one is max_row we set

  • this to the maximum row in this sheet. That is sheet,

  • .max_row, so we want to select the cells in row

  • 2-4. kay? Now to make this code a little bit cleaner

  • I'm going to put this on a new line, so we

  • can see clearly, now this is going to select all the cells

  • in all the columns in these rows. That's not what we want.

  • we only want the values in the fourth column, so back here

  • we need to set a couple more key word arguments men_call

  • or column, we set that to for, and also

  • max underline call, we set that to 4 as well. So we are limiting the range

  • of cells we're selecting to the fourth column.

  • Now, we're creating an instance of the reference class, let's store the

  • result in a variable called values, so this values object

  • will have all these values in the fourth column, now we are ready to create

  • a chart, so we create an instance of the bar chart class

  • and store it in this object.

  • Next, we call chart.add_date and

  • pass our values. That is pretty straight forward finally we need to add this chart

  • to our sheet. So, we call sheet,

  • .add_chart and pass this chart object

  • We should also specify where we want to add this chart.

  • let's say we want to add it here, on row 2, after the fourth column.

  • So the coordinate of this cell is e2, and this is going to be,

  • the top left corner of our chart. So as the coordinate I'm going to

  • pass e2 that's all we had to do, done. Let's run our

  • program one more time, beautiful, let's open up the update

  • workbook. And here's the end result, so

  • right after the fourth column, we have this beautiful chart. Now we could take this to the next level,

  • we could add a legend here, we could change the color of these bars, we could even use a different

  • kind of chart, it doesn't have to be a bar chart. So to learn more about this we can

  • read the documentation for openpyxl. So

  • our program is complete, for our code is dirty, it's not clean, it's not

  • organized. We don't have any functions here. We have written all the code in

  • So let's goo ahead and organize this code like a professional software developer.

  • So, on line 4, we are loading our workbook

  • then we're getting a reference to the first sheet, but we don't really need these two lines here

  • this is purely for demonstration to show you how to access a cell. So,

  • let's delete these unnecessary lines, this is a very important practice

  • as you're coding always look at your code, always review it, see if you have some code that is

  • not used. Always delete those. Okay, next we are iterating over

  • all the rows, fixing the prices, and then

  • we select the values to add a chart, and finally we save the workbook.

  • Now, if you were going to use this to automate the process of updating

  • thousands of spreadsheets, this program wouldn't work, because it's only

  • relying on this file. So we want o reorganize this code, and

  • move it inside of a function. This function should take the name of a function

  • So let's define a function. Let's

  • call it process_workbook.

  • It gets a file name. Now, we move all the code inside

  • of this function, so let's select everything, and press

  • tab, beautiful, now back

  • to our function, instead of loading this transactions file we're going to load

  • this file name, that's better,

  • Also, now that our program is working properly, there is really no need to store the

  • result in a separate file. So here we can

  • simply overwrite the same file. So let's pass

  • file name, that is the end of our function, so,

  • now, we have this reusable function, we can simply reuse this

  • to process thousands of spreadsheets. Earlier in this python course you learned

  • how to find all the files in a directory, so we can get each file in a directory

  • and pass the name of the file to this function, this function will go

  • ahead and update this spreadsheet in just a second or less.

  • So, that was just one example of using python to automate

  • repetitive boring task that waste your time. But automation is not

  • just about processing excel spreadsheets, there are so many things we can automate.

  • Here's a question for you, what do you want to automate, how do you want to use python to make your

  • life easier? Use the comment box below and let me know. I love to

  • hear about your ideas. Next we're going to work on project which involves machine learning, which is a

  • subset of artificial intelligence. Are you excited?

  • Let's get started.

  • In this section, you're going to learn about machine learning, which is a subset of

  • AI or artificial intelligence. It's one of the trending topics in the world,

  • these days, and it's going to have a lot of applications in the future. Here's an example.

  • Imagine I ask you to write a program to scan an image, and

  • tell if it's a cat or a dog. If you want to build this program using

  • traditional programming techniques, your program is going to get overly complex

  • You will have to come up with lots of rules to come up with specific curves

  • edges and colors in an image to tell if it's a cat or a dog.

  • But if I give you a black and white photo, your rules may not work, they may break.

  • Then you would have to rewrite them. Or I may give you a picture of a cat or a dog from a different

  • angle that we did not predict before. So solving this problem

  • using traditional programming techniques is going to get overly complex or

  • sometimes impossible. Now to make the matter worse. What if I ask you to extend

  • this program such that it supports 3 kinds of animals.

  • Cats, dogs, and horses, once again you will have to rewrite

  • all those rules. That's not going to work. So machine learning is a technique

  • to solve these kinds of problems, and this is how it works. We build

  • a model or an engine and give it lots and lots of data.

  • For example, we give it thousands or tens of thousands of pictures of

  • cats and dogs. Our model will then find and learn patterns and the input

  • data, so we can give it a new picture of a cat that we haven't seen before.

  • And ask it, is it a cat or a dog or a horse

  • and it will tell us with a certain level of accuracy, the more input data we give it, the more accurate

  • our model is going to be. So that was a very basic example,

  • but machine learning has other applications in self driving cars,

  • robotics, language processing, vision processing,

  • forecasting things like stock market trends and the weather, games and so on.

  • So that's the basic idea about machine learning. Next we'll look at machine

  • learning in action.

  • A machine learning project involves

  • a number of steps, the first step is to import our data which

  • often comes in the form of a csv file. You might have a database with lots of data,

  • we can simply export that data and store it in a csv file for the

  • purpose of our machine learning project. So we import our data, next,

  • we need to clean it. And this involves tasks such as duplicated data.

  • If you have duplicates in the data, we don't want to feed this to the model, because

  • otherwise our model will learn bad patterns in our data and will produce the wrong result,

  • so we should make sure that our input data is in a good, and clean shape.

  • If there is data that is irrelevant we should remove them, if there are duplicates

  • or incomplete we can remove or modify them, if our data is

  • text based, like the name of countries, or genres of music,

  • or cats and dogs, we need to convert them to numerical values.

  • So this step really depends on the kinds of data we're working with, every project

  • is different. Now that we have a clean data set, we need to split it

  • into two segments. One for training our model, and the other for

  • testing it, to make sure our model produces the right result.

  • For example, if you have 1,000 pictures of cats and dogs, we can reserve

  • 80% for training, and another 20% for testing.

  • The next step is to create a model, and this involves selecting

  • an algorithm to analyze the data. There are so many machine learning algorithms

  • out there, such as decision trees, neural networks and so on.

  • Each algorithm have pros and cons in terms of accuracy and performance

  • so the algorithm you use, depends on the kind of problem

  • you're trying to solve and your input data. Now the good news isnthat we don't have to

  • explicitly program an algorithm, there are libraries out there that provide these

  • algorithms, one of the most popular ones, which we are going to look at

  • in this tutorial, is side kick learn. So we build a model using an algorithm ,

  • next we need to train our model. So we feed it our training data.

  • Our model will then look for the patterns in the data, so enxt

  • we can ask it to make predictions. Back to our examples of cats and dogs,

  • we can ask our model is this a cat or is this a dog and our model

  • will make a prediction, now the prediction is not always accurate

  • in fact when you start out, it's very likely your predictions are inaccurate.

  • So we need to envalue the predictions and measure their accuracy.

  • Then we need to get back to our model and either select a different algorithm

  • that is going to produce a more accurate result for the kind of problem

  • we're trying to solve. Or fine tune the parameters of our model.

  • So each algorithm has parameters that we can modify to optimize the

  • accuracy. So these are the high level steps that you follow in a machine learning

  • project. Next we'll look at the libraries and tools for machine learning.

  • In this lecture we're going too look at the popular python library

  • that we use in machine learning projects. The first one is numpy which

  • provides a multidimensional array. A very, very, popular library.

  • The seconnd one is pandas, which is a data analysis library that

  • provides a concept called data frame. Data frame is a two dimensional

  • data structure similar to an excel spreadsheet. So we have rows and columns

  • we can select columns in a row or a column or a range of rows and

  • columns, again, very very popular in machine learning

  • and data science projects. The third library is mad plot lib which

  • is a two dimensional plotting library for creating graphs on plots.

  • The next library is sidekick learn, which is one of the most popular machine learning

  • libraries that provides all these common algorithms like decision trees,

  • neural networks and so on. Now, when working with machine learning

  • projects, we use an environment called jupiter for writing our code, technically we can still

  • use vs code or any other code editor, but these editors

  • are not ideal for machine learning projects, because we need to frequently

  • inspect the data, and that is really hard in environments like vs code and

  • terminal. If you're working with a table of 10 or 20 columns

  • visualizing this data in a terminal window is really, really difficult and messy, so thats why we use jupiter.

  • So that's why we use jupiter, it makes it really easy to inspect our data.

  • Now to install jupiter, we are going to use platform called anaconda.

  • So, head over to

  • On this page you can download Anaconda distribution for your operating system,

  • so, we have distributions for Windows Mac and

  • Linux. So let's go ahead and install

  • Anaconda for python 3.7. Download,

  • Alright, so

  • here's Anaconda, download it on my machine, let's double click this.

  • Alright, first it's going to run a program to determine if the software can be installed.

  • So, let's continue and once again continue,

  • pretty easy, continue one more time,

  • I agree with the license agreement, we can use the default

  • you ca use the default installation location so don't worry about that, just click install,

  • give it a few second, now the beautiful thing about Anaconda is it will install

  • jupiter, as well as all those data popular science libraries

  • like numpy, Pandas and so on. So we don't have to manually install this

  • using pip. Alright now as part of

  • the next step Anaconda is suggesting to install Microsoft vs code. We

  • already have this on our machine so we don't have to install it we can go with continue

  • and close the installation, now finally we can move the

  • this to trash because we don't need this installer in the future.

  • Alright, now open upa terminal window and type

  • jupiter, with a y, space, notebook.

  • This will start the notebook server on your machine. So enter

  • there you go. This will start the notebook server

  • on your machine, we can see these default messages here, don't worry about them, now

  • it automatically opens a browser window, pointing to local host

  • port 888. This is what we call

  • jupiter dashboard. On this dashboard we have a few tabs, the first tab

  • is the files tab, and by default, this points to your home directory.

  • So every user on your machine has a home directory, this its my home directory

  • on Mac, you can see here we have a desktop folder as well as documents,

  • downloads and so on. On your machine you're going to see different folders, so somewhere

  • so somewhere on your machine you need to create a jupiter notebook. I'm going to go to desktop

  • here's my desktop I don't have anything here, and then

  • click new, I want to create a notebook for python

  • 3. In this notebook we can write python code, and execute it line by line.

  • We can easily visualize our data as you can see over the next few videos. So,

  • let's go ahead with this,

  • alright, here's our first notebook, you can see by default it's called

  • untitled, let's change that to Hello World so

  • this is going to be the hello world of our machine learning project. Let's

  • rename this now if you look at your desktop you can see this file

  • hello world.ipynb. This is a jupiter

  • notebook. It's kind of similar to our py files where we write our

  • python code, but it includes additional data that jupiter uses to execute our

  • code. So back to our notebook, let's

  • do a print hello world.

  • And then, click this run button here

  • and here's the result printed in jupiter, so we don't have to

  • navigate back and forth between the terminal window we can see all the result

  • right here. Next I'm going to show you how to load a data set from a

  • csv file in jupiter.

  • Alright, in this lecture we're going to download a data set from a very popular website called

  • Caggle is basically a place to do data science projects.

  • So the first thing you need to do is to create an account, you can sign up with Facebook,

  • Google, or using a custom email and password, once you sign up then come back

  • here, on, Here one the search bar

  • search for video game sales.

  • This is the name of a very popular data set that we're going to use in this lecture. So,

  • here in this list you can see the first item with this kind of reddish

  • icon, so, let's go with that, as you can see this data

  • set includes the sales data for more then 16,000 videos

  • games. On this page you can see the description of various

  • columns in this data set, we have rank, name, platform,

  • year, and so on, so here's our data source, it's a csv file

  • called vg sales.csv, as you can see there are over 16,000

  • rows, and 11 columns in this data set.

  • Right below that you can see the first few records of this data set.

  • So, here's our first record, the ranking for this game is 1, it's the wi sport

  • game for wii as the platform and it was released in the year 2006,

  • now, what I want you to do is go ahead and

  • download the data set, and as I told you before you need to sign in

  • before you can download this. So this will give you a zip file as you can see here,

  • here's our csv file, now I want you to

  • put this right next to your jupiter notebook, on my machine that is on my desktop

  • so I'm going to drag and drop this onto the desktop folder.

  • Now, if you look at the desktop you can see here's my

  • jupiter, hello world notebook, and right next to that we have

  • vgsales.csv. With that, we go back

  • to our jupiter notebook, let's remove the first line and instead

  • import pandas

  • as pd. With his we're importing pandas module

  • and renaming it to pd, so we don't have to type pandas. several times in

  • this code. Now let's type pd.

  • read_csv. And pass the

  • name of our csv file. That is vgsales.

  • csv. Now because this csv file, is in the current folder right next to our jupiter notebook,

  • we can easily load it, otherwise we have to supply the full path

  • to this file. So, this returns a

  • data frame object which is like an excel spreadsheet. Let me show you.

  • So we store it here, and then we can

  • simply type df to inspect it. So one more time let's run this program

  • here's our data frame with these rows and these columns so we have

  • frank name platform and so on. Now this data frame object

  • has lots of attributes and methods that we're not going to cover in this tutorial,

  • that's really beyond the scope of what we're going to do, so I'm going to leave it up to you to

  • read pandas documentation or follow other tutorials to find out about pandas data frames.

  • But in this lecture, I'm going to show you some of the most useful methods and attributes.

  • The first one is shape, so shape

  • let's run this one more time, so here's the shape of this data set, we have over

  • 16,000 records and 11 columns.

  • Technically this is a 2 dimensional array of 16,000

  • and 11, okay? Now, we can see here we have another

  • segment for writing code. SO we don't have to write all the code in the first segment

  • so here in the second segment we can call one of the methods of the dataframe,

  • that is df.describe.

  • Now when we run this program, we can see the

  • output for each segment right next to it. So here's our first

  • segment, here we have these three lines, and this is the output of

  • the last line. Below that we have our second segment, here we're calling

  • the describe method, and right below that we have the output of

  • this segment So this is the beauty of jupiter, you can easily visualize

  • our datsa, doing this with vscode in windows is really tedious and

  • clunky. So what is the describe method returning? Basically it's

  • returning some basic information about each column in this data set, So,

  • as you saw earlier we have columns like rank, year and so

  • on. These are the columns with numerical values. Now for each column we have

  • the count which is the number of records in that column, you can se

  • our rank column has 16,5

  • -98 records whereas the year column has 16,3-

  • -27 records.. So this shows that some of our records don't

  • have the value for the year column. We have null values.

  • So in a real data science or machine learning project we'll have to use some

  • techniques to clean up our data set. One option is to remove the records

  • that don't have a value for the year column. Or we can assign them a default value.

  • That really depends on the project. Now another attribute for each column

  • is mean so this is the average of all the values, now

  • in the case of the rank column, this rank doesn't really matter, but look at the year.

  • So the average year year for all these video games in our dataset is

  • 2006. And this might be important in the problem we're trying to solve.

  • We also have standard deviation, which is a

  • measure to quanitfy the amount of variation in our set of values, below that we have

  • min, as an example the minimum value for the year column

  • is 1980. So quite often when we work with a new data set,

  • we call the describe method to get some basic statistics about

  • our data. Let me show you another useful attribute.

  • So, in the next segment, let's type df.values.

  • Let's run this, as you can see this returns

  • a two dimensional array, this square bracket indicates the outer array

  • and a second one represents an inner array.

  • So the first element inn our outer array, is an

  • array itself, these are the values in this array, which basically

  • represent the first row in our data set. So the video game we ranking

  • 1, which is called wii sports. So this was a basic

  • overview of pandas data frames, in the next lecture I'm going to show you

  • some of the useful shortcuts of jupiter.

  • In this lecture I'm going to show to you some of the most useful shortcuts in Jupiter,

  • Now the first thing I want you to pay attention to is this green bar on the left.

  • This indicates that this cell is currently in the edit mode, so we can

  • write code here. Now, if we press the

  • escape key, green turns to blue, and that means this cell is

  • currently in the command mode. So basically the activated cell can either

  • be in the edit mode or command mode. Depending

  • on the mode, we have different shortcuts, so here we're in the command mode.

  • If we press h, we can see the list of all the

  • keybord shortcuts, right above this list we can

  • see, Mac OS modifier keys, these are the

  • extra keys on a Mac keyboard. If you're a Windows

  • user you're not gong to see these. So as an example, here is the shape of the

  • command key, this is control, this is option,

  • and so on. With this guideline you can easily understand the shortcut associated with

  • each command. Let me show you. So here we have all

  • the commmands when a cell is in the command mode. For example, we have

  • this command, open the command palette. This is exactly like the

  • command palette that we have in vs code. Here is a short cut

  • to execute this command. That is command shift and F.

  • Okay, so here we have lots of shortcuts,

  • of course you're not going to use all of them all the time, but it's good to have a quick look here to see

  • what is available for you. Tis these shortcuts you can write code much faster.

  • So let me show you somme of the most useful ones. I'm going to close this,

  • now with our first cell in the command mode

  • I'm going to press b, and this inserts, a new

  • cell below this cell. We can also go

  • back to our first cell, press escape, now the cell is in the command

  • mode. We can insert an empty cell above this cell by pressing a.

  • So either a or b. A for above or

  • b for below. Now if you don't want this cell, you can press d

  • twice to delete it. Like this.

  • Now in the cell I'm going to print a hello world message. So print

  • hello world. Now, to

  • run the code in this cell, we can click on the run button here,

  • so, here's our print function, and

  • right below that you can see the output of this function. But note that when you run

  • a cell, this will only execute the code in that cell.

  • In other words, the code in other cells will not be executed.

  • Let me show you want I mean, so in the cell below the cell, I'm going to delete the call

  • to a describe method. Instead I'm going to print

  • ocean. Now, I'm going

  • to put the cursor back in this cell where we print this hello world message

  • and run this cell. So we can see hello world

  • is displayed here, but the cell below is still displaying

  • the describe table, so we don't see the changes here. Now,

  • to solve this problem, we can go to the cell menu on the top,

  • and run all cells together. This can work for a

  • small project, but sometimes you're working with a large data

  • set, so if you want to run all these cells together it's going to take a lot of time. That is

  • the reason jupiter saves the output of each cell, so we don't have to rerun that

  • code if it hasn't changed. So this notebook file that we have here,

  • includes our source code organized in cells as

  • well as the output for each cell. That is why it's different

  • from a regular py file where we only have the source code.

  • Here we also have autocompletion and intellisence, so in this cell,

  • let's call df data frame

  • . now if you press tab you can see all the attributes

  • and methods in this object. So let's call

  • describe, now with the cursor on the name of the method we can

  • press shift and tab, to see this tool tip that describes

  • what this method does and what parameter it takes. So here in front of

  • so here in front of signature you can see the describe method, these are the paramter

  • and their default value, and right below that you can see

  • the description of what that method does. In this case, it describes

  • generates descriptive statistics, that summarize the central tendency and so on.

  • Similar to vs code, we can also convert a line to comment

  • by pressing command and slash on mac, or

  • control slash on windows. Like this. Now that line is a comment, we can

  • press the same shortcut one more time to remove the comment,

  • so these are some of the most useful shortcuts in jupiter.

  • Now over the next few lectures we're going to work on a real machine learning project, but before we get there,

  • let's delete all the cells here, so we start with only a single

  • empty cell, so here, in this cell, first I'm going to press the

  • escape button, now the cell is blue, so we're in the command mode, and

  • we can delete the cell by pressing d twice. There you go.

  • Now, the next cell is activated and is in the command mode.

  • So, let's delete this as well, so we have two more cells to delete

  • there you go, and the last one, like this,

  • so now we have an empty notebook with a single cell.

  • Over the next few lectures, we're going to work on a real machine learning project,

  • imagine we have an online music store, when our users sign up,

  • we asked our age and gender, and based on their profile,

  • you recommend various music albums their likely to buy. So in this project,

  • you want to use machine learning to increase sales.

  • So, we want to build a model, we feed this model with some sample data,

  • based on the existing users. Our model will learn the patterns in our data,

  • so we can ask it to make predictions. When a new user signs up,

  • we tell our model, hey, we have a new user with this profile, what

  • is the kind of music, that this user is interested in, our model will say jazz, or hip hop,

  • or whatever, and baed on that we can make suggestions to the user

  • so, this is the problem we're going to solve, now back to the list of steps in the machine

  • learning projects, first we need to import our data, then, we should

  • prepare or clean it, next we select a machine learning algorithm

  • to build a model, we treat our model and ask it to make predictions.

  • And finally, we evaluate our algorithm to see it's

  • accuracy. if it's not accurate we either fine tune our model or

  • select a different algorithm. So let's focus on the first step.

  • Head over to

  • this is a very basic csv that I've created for this project, it's just some random

  • made up data it's not real. So we have a table with 3

  • columns, age, gender, and genre. Gender

  • can either be one which represents a male,

  • or a 0, which represents a female, here I'm making a few assumptions.

  • I'm assuming that men between 20 and 25 like hip hop men between

  • 26 and 30 like jazz, and after the age of 30,

  • they like classical music. For women I'm assuming

  • that if they are between 20 and 25 they like dance music, if

  • they are between 26 and 30 they like acoustic music, and just like

  • men, after the age of 30 they like classical music. Once again this is

  • a made up pattern, it's not the representation of the reality, so,

  • let's go ahead and download this csv. Click on this ... icon here

  • and download this file.

  • In my downloads folder, here we have this music.csv.

  • I'm going to drag and drop this onto the desktop because that's where I've

  • stored this hello world notebook. So I want you to put this csv file

  • right next to your jupiter notebook.

  • Now, back to our notebook, you need to read the csv file, so just like before

  • first we need to import the pandas module, so import panda

  • as pd. And then we'll call pd,

  • .read_csv and

  • the name of our file is music.csv. As you saw earlier this

  • returns a data frame which is a two dimensional array similar to an xl spreadsheet,

  • so let's call that music_

  • data. Now let's inspect

  • this music_data to make sure we loaded everything properly so

  • run, so here's our data frame, beautiful, next we need

  • to prepare or clean the data. And that's the topic for the next lecture.

  • next lecture.

  • The second step in a machine learning project, is cleaning, or

  • preparing the data, and that involves tasks such as removing duplicate

  • null values and so on. Now on this particular data set we don't have to do anything

  • kind of cleaning, because we don't have any duplicates, and as you can see

  • As you can see, all rows have values for all columns, so we don't have null values.

  • But there is one thing we need to do,

  • we should split this data set into two separate data sets, one into the first

  • two columns, which we refer to as the input set, and the other

  • with the last column which we refer to as the output set. So when we train a model,

  • so when we train a model we give it two separate data sets. The input set and the output set.

  • The output set which is in this case

  • the genre column contains the predictions so we're telling our model that

  • if we have a user who's 20 years old and a male they like

  • hip hop. Once we train our model then we give it a new

  • input set. For example, we have a new user who is

  • 21 years old and is a male, what is the genre of the music that this

  • user probably likes. As you can see in our input set, we don't have

  • a sample for a 21 year old male, so we're going to ask

  • our model to predict that. That is the reason we need to split this data

  • set into two separate sets. Input and output

  • So back to our code, this data frame object has a

  • method called drop. Now

  • if you put the cursor on the method name and press shift

  • and tab, you can see this tool tip, so this is the signature of

  • this drop method, these are the parameters you can pass here.

  • the parameter we're going to use in this lecture is set to none by default.

  • Witht his parter we can specify the columns we want to drop, so

  • in this case we set columns

  • to an array with one string, genre

  • now this method doesn't actually modify the original data set.

  • In fact it will create a new data set but without thisq

  • call. So by convention we use a capital X to

  • represent that data set, so capital x equals this

  • expression. Now, let's inspect x,

  • so as you can see our input set or x

  • includes these two columns, age and gender, it doesn't have the

  • output or predictions. Next we need to create our output set so,

  • once again we start with our data frame

  • using data, using square brackets we can get all the

  • values in a given column. In this case, genre. Once again this returns

  • a new data set. By convention we use a lower case y

  • to represent that. So that is our output

  • data. Let's inspect that as well. So,

  • in this data set we only have the predictions or the answers.

  • So we have prepared our data, next we want to create a model using an

  • algorithm.

  • The next step is to build a

  • model using a machine learning algorithm. There are so many algorithms out there, each algorithm

  • has its pros and cons, in terms of the performance and accuracy.

  • In this lecture we're going to use a very simple algorithm called decision tree.

  • Now the good news is we don't have to explicitly

  • program these algorithms, they're already implemented in a library called side kick

  • learn. So, here on the top,

  • from sklearn.tree

  • let's import the decision tree

  • classifier. So sklearn is the package

  • that comes with sidekick learn library, this is the most popular machine learning library

  • in python. In this package, we have a module called tree.

  • And in this module we have a class called decision tree classifier.

  • This class implements the decision tree operator, okay?

  • So, now we need to create a new instance of this class.

  • So, at the end, let's create

  • an object called models nd set it to anew instance of decision,

  • tree classifier. Like this.

  • So now we have a model, next we need to train it so it learns

  • patterns in the data, and that is pretty easy. You call model,

  • .fit this method takes

  • 2 data set. The input set and the output set.

  • So they are capital x, y.

  • Now finally, we need to ask our model to make a prediction, so we can

  • ask it, what is the kind of music a 24 year old male likes? Now before

  • we do that, let's temporarily inspect our initial data set. That is

  • music data. So, look what

  • we got here. As I told you earlier, I've assumed

  • that men between 20 and 25 like hip hop music but

  • here we only have 3 samples for men age

  • 20, 23,and 25. We don't have a sample for

  • a 21 year old male. So if you ask our model to predict the kind of music

  • that a 21 year old male likes, we expect it to say hip hop. Similarly,

  • I've assumed that women between 20 and 25 like dance music,

  • but we don' have a sample for a 22 year old female. So once again if

  • you ask our model to predict the kind of music that a 22 year old woman

  • likes, we expect it to say dance.

  • So, with these assumptions let's go ahead and ask our model

  • to make predictions. So let's remove

  • the last line, and instead we're going to call model

  • .predict. This method takes a

  • 2 dimensional array. So here's the outer array. In this array, each element

  • is an array. So I'm going to pass

  • another array here, and in this array I'm going to pass a new input set.

  • a 21 year old male. So 21, 1

  • that is like a new record in this table. Okay? So,

  • this is one input set, let's pass another input for a 22 year old

  • female. So here's another array, here,

  • we add 22 comma 0, so we're asking our model to make 2 predictions

  • at the same time. We get the result and store it

  • in a variable called predictions, and finally

  • let's inspect that in our notebook.

  • Run, look what we got, our

  • model is saying that a 21 year old male likes hip hop, and a 22 year

  • old female likes dance music. So our model successfully

  • will make predictions here. But wait a minute, building a model that makes

  • predictions accurately is not always that easy.

  • After we build a model we need to measure it's accuracy.

  • And if it's not accurate enough, we should either fine tune it or build a model using a different

  • algorithm. So next lecture I'm going to show you how to measure the accuracy of

  • a model.

  • In this lecture I'm going to show you

  • how to measure the accuracy of your models. Now in order to do so,

  • first we need to split our data set into two sets. One for training and the other

  • for testing, because right now, we are passing the entire data set,

  • for training the model and we're using 2 samples for

  • making predictions. That is not enough to calculate the

  • accuracy of a model. A general rule of thumb is to annotate

  • 70-80% of our data to training, and another20-30%

  • for testing, then instead of passing only two samples for

  • making predictions, we can pass the data set for testing

  • we'll get the predictions and then compare the predictions with the actual values.

  • In the test set. Based on that, we can calculate the

  • accuracy. That's really easy, all we have to do is import a couple functions and

  • call them in this code. Let me show you. So first on this top

  • from sklearn.model

  • underline selection module we import a function called

  • train test split. With this function we can easily split our

  • data set into two sets. So training and testing,

  • now, right here, after we define x and y,

  • sets, we call this funciton, so train

  • test split. We give it 3

  • arguments, x, y, ad a keyword argument that specifies

  • the size of our test dataset. So test

  • _size we set it to 0.2 So we're allocating 20%

  • of our data for testing. Now this functions returns a

  • tuple, so we can unpack it into 4 variables

  • right here. x_train

  • x_test y_train and y

  • _test. so the first two variables

  • are the input sets for training and testing.

  • And the other are the output sets for training and testing,

  • now, when training our model,

  • instead of passing the entire data set we want to pass only the training data set.

  • So, x_train,

  • and y_train. Also, when making predictions

  • instead of passing these two samples, we pass

  • x_test. So thats the datas set.

  • That contains input values for testing. Now we get

  • the predictions. To calculate the accuracy we simply have to compare these predictions

  • with the actual values we have in the output set

  • for testing. That is very easy. First on the top,

  • we need to import a funciton, so, from sklearn.metric

  • .metrics import accuracy

  • _score. Now at the end.

  • We call this function, so accuracy score and

  • give it two arguments y_test.

  • Which contains the expected values and

  • predictions which contains the actual value.

  • Now this functions returns an accuracy score between 0

  • to 1. So we can store it here,

  • and simply display it on the console. So let's go ahead

  • and run this program. So, the accuracy score

  • is 1 or a 100% but if we run this one more time, we're going to see a different result

  • because every time we split our data set into

  • training a test sets. We'll have different data sets, because this function

  • randomly picks data for training and testing. Let me show you, so put the cursor

  • in the cell, now we can see this is activated

  • note that if you click this button here, it will run the cell and also insert a new

  • cell below this cell. Let me show you. So if I go to this second cell

  • press the skip button, now we are in the command mode,

  • press d twice, okay now it's deleted, if we

  • click the run button, we can see, this code was

  • executed, and now we have a new cell, so if you want to run our cell multiple times

  • every time you have to click this and then run

  • it, and then click again, and run it, it's a little bit tedious. So I'll show you a shortcut.

  • Activate the first cell, and press control and enter

  • this runs the current cell without

  • adding a new cell below it. So, back here, lets run it multiple times

  • okay, now look the accuracy dropped to 0.75, it's

  • still good, so the cuuracey scored here, is somewhere

  • between 75% to a hundred %. But let me show you something, if I

  • change the test size, from 0.2 to 0.

  • 8, so essentially we're using only 20 percent of our data,

  • for training this model. And you're using the other 80%

  • for testing. Now let's see what happens when we run this cell multiple

  • times. SO, control and enter, look, the accuracy immediately

  • dropped to 0.4 One more time, now 46%

  • 40%, 26%

  • it's really, really bad. The reason this is happening is because

  • you are using very little data for training this model. This is one of

  • the key concepts in machine learning, the more data we give to our model and the cleaner

  • the data is, we get the better result, so if you have duplicates,

  • irrelevant data, or incomplete values, our

  • model will learn back patterns in our data. That's why it's really important to clean

  • before training our model. Now let's change this back to 0.

  • 2, run this one more time, okay, now

  • the accuracy is 1, 75%, now we drop to 50%

  • again, the reason this is happening, is because we don't have enough data.

  • Some machine learning problems, require, thousands or even millions

  • of samples, to train model, the more complex a problem is,

  • the more data we need. For example, here we're only dealing with a table of three

  • columns, but if you want to build a model to tell if a picture of a cat or a dog or a horse,

  • or a lion, we will need millions of pictures, the more animal

  • it will support the more pictures we need. In the next lecture, we're going to talk about

  • model persistence.

  • So this is a

  • very basic implementation of building a training a model to make a prediction.

  • Now to simplify things I have removed all the code that you wrote in the last lecture for

  • calculating the accuracy, because in this lecture, you're going to

  • focus on a different topic, So basically we import our data set.

  • Create a model, train it, and then

  • ask it to make predictions, now this piece of code that you see here, is not what we

  • want to run everytime we have a new user or

  • every time we want to make recommendations to an existing user

  • sometimes it's really time consuming. In this example, we're dealing with a

  • very small data set that only has 20 records. But in a real application,

  • you might have a data set with thousands or trillions of examples, training for that

  • might take seconds or minutes or even hours.

  • And that is wy model persistence is important, once in a while,

  • you build and train our model and then we save it to a file.

  • Now, next time we want to make predictions, we simply load the model from the file and

  • ask it to make predictions. That model is already trained

  • you don't need to retrain it, it's like an intelligent person. So let me show you

  • how to do this. it's very very easy. On the top,

  • from sklearn.externals module

  • we import joblib. This

  • job lib object has methods for saving and loading modules. So,

  • after we train our model we'll simply call

  • job lib .dump and give it

  • two arguments. Our model and the name of the file

  • in which we want to store this model. Let's call this music

  • -recommender.job lib

  • That's all we have to do. Now temporarily I'm going to comment

  • out this line, we don't want to make any predictions, we just want to store

  • train model in a file. So let's run this cell with control,

  • and slash, okay, look, in the output

  • we have an array that contains the name of our model file.

  • So this is the return value of the dump method. Now back to our

  • desktop, right next to my notebook we can see our job lib file, this is where our model is stored.

  • It's simply a binary file. Now back to our

  • jupiter notebook. As I told you before in a real application we don't want to

  • train model every time. So let's comment out

  • these few lines, on Mac, we can press

  • command and slash and on windows control slash.

  • Okay, these lines are commented out, now this time, instead of dumping

  • our model, we're going to load it, so we call the load method, we don't have the model, we simply

  • pass the name of our model file. This

  • returns our trained model. Now with this

  • two lines we can simply make predictions, so, earlier,

  • we assumed that men between 20-25 like hip hop music.

  • let's print predictions and see if our model is behaving

  • so control

  • so this is how we persist and load models.

  • Earlier in this section, I told you that decision trees are the easiest

  • to understand. And that's why we started machine learning with decision trees. In this lecture, we're going to

  • export our model in visual format, so you will see

  • how this model makes predictions, that is really, really cool.

  • Let me show you. So once again I've simplified this code

  • so we simply import our data set, create

  • input and output sets, create a model, and

  • train it, that's all we are doing, now I want you to

  • follow along with me, type everything exactly as I show you in this lecture. Don't

  • worry about what everything means we'll come back to it shortly. So on the top,

  • from sklearnimport

  • tree, this object has a method for exporting

  • our decision tree in a graphical format. So after we

  • train our model, let's call tree

  • _graph vis. Now here are a few arguments we need

  • to pass. The first argument is our model,

  • the second is the name oft he output file. So here we're going to use keyword

  • arguments, because this method takes so many parameters, and we want to selectively pass

  • keyword arguments without worrying about their order. So,

  • the parameter we're going to set it out_file

  • let's set this to music-recommend

  • .dot. This is the dot format, which is the

  • graph format, which is a graph description language, you will see that shortly.

  • Now the other parameter you want to set is feature

  • _names. We set this to an array of two strings,

  • age and gender. These are the features

  • or the columns of our data set. So they are properties or features of

  • our data. Okay? The other parameter

  • is class names. So class_names

  • we should set this to the list of classes or labels we have

  • in our output data set, like hip hop, jazz, classical and so on.

  • So, this y data set includes all the genre

  • or all the classes of our data, but they are repeated a few times in this data set.

  • So, here we call y.unit this returns

  • the unique list of classes, now we should sort this alphabetically.

  • So, we call the sorted function, and pass the

  • result a y.unique.

  • The next parameter is labeled, we set

  • this to a string, all, once again don't worry,

  • about the details of these parameters, we're going to come back to these shortly. So,

  • set label to all, then round it,

  • to true, and finally field to true. So,

  • so this is the end result, now let's run this sound

  • using control and enter, okay,

  • here we have a nw file music recommender .. that's a little

  • bit funny. So we want to open this file with vs code.

  • So drag and drop this into a vs code window.

  • Okay, here's a dot format, it's

  • a textural language for describing graphs

  • Now to visualize this graph we need to install an extension in vs code.

  • So on the left side, click extensions panel and search

  • for dot, dot. Look at this second extension here.

  • graphvis or .language

  • by stephon vs. Go ahead and install this extension

  • and then reload vs code. Once you do that, you can visualize

  • this dot file. So let me close this tab.

  • Alright, look at this ... on the right side. Click this,

  • you should have a new menu, open preview to the side. So like that

  • alright, here's the visualization of our decision tree,

  • let's close the dot file, there you go. This is exactly

  • how our model makes predictions. So we have this

  • binary tree, which means every node can have a maximum of two children.

  • On top of each note we have a condition

  • if this condition is true we go to the child node on the left side. Otherwise we

  • go to the child node on the right side. So let's see what's happening here, the first condition

  • is age less then or equal to 30

  • .5. If this condition is false, that means that user is 30 years

  • or older, so the genre of the music that their interested in is classical.

  • So here we're classifying people based

  • on their profile. That is the reason we have the word class here,

  • so a user who is 30 years or older, belongs to the class of

  • classical. Or people who like classical music. Now what if this condition

  • is true. That means that user is younger then

  • 30, so, now we check the gender, if it's less then 0.5,

  • which basically means it equals to 0, then

  • we're dealing with a female. So we go to the child node here,

  • now once again we have another condition, so we are dealing with a female

  • who is younger than 30. Once again we ned to check their age so

  • is the age less then 25.5? If that's the case

  • then that user likes dance music, otherwise they like acoustic music.

  • So this is a decision tree that our model uses to make predictions

  • Now if you're wondering why we have these floating point numbers

  • like 25.5 These are basically the rules

  • that our model generates, based on the patterns in our dataset.

  • As we give our model more data, these rules will change so they are not always the same.

  • So they are not always the same, also the more columns or the more features

  • we have, our decision tree is going to get more complex.

  • We only have two features, age, and gender. Now back to our code

  • let me quickly explain the meaning of all these parameters, we set field to true

  • so each box or each node is filled with a color. We set

  • rounded to true, so they have rounded corners. We set label to all

  • so every node has labels that we can read.

  • We set class names to the unique list of genres

  • and that's for displaying the class for each note, right here, and we set

  • feature names to age and gender, sow e can see the rules

  • in our notes. So that was a short and

  • sweet introduction to machien learning. Now you can use the materials that you learn in this section

  • and apply them to solve a different set of problems. Now here's a question for you:

  • What ideas do you have for machine learning? What kind of problems do you want to solve

  • with machine learning? Use the comments box below and let me know. I love to

  • hear about your ideas! Next we're going to use python and a popular framework called

  • django. To build a web application. Are you ready, let's get started

  • In this turorial, I'm going to show you how to create your first website with python, and A

  • and a very popular framework called django. So it's spelled with a silent D,

  • and is pronounced django. it's a web framework for

  • perfectionists with deadlines. So if you're a perfectionist and you want to quickly put together

  • a website that is fast, scaleable and secure,

  • django is your best friend. And here are the popular websites

  • built with Django. Like Instagram, Spotify

  • YouTube, Washington Post, and so on. Now you might say

  • what is a framework, and why do we need a framework to build a web application or a web site?

  • Well, the framework is essentially a library of reusable modules

  • these modules provide functionality for common tasks

  • for example, in the case of a web framework like django we have modules to work with http requests

  • url's, sessions, cookies and so on.

  • These are the concerns of pretty much every website or

  • application out there. So all this functionality is baked into django, we don't have to

  • code it from scratch, that is why we use a framework like django. Now,

  • django. Now technically a framework is more then a library,

  • apart from providing these modules it also provides a structure for each application

  • It tells us what folders or files we should have in our project. So this

  • provides a consistency among various django projects. So as you

  • move from one company to another and work on different projects, you can easily transition from one

  • project to another, because all these applications follow the same structure

  • now, with that interaction, let's create our first

  • django project. So back to pycharm, close the hello world

  • project, and create a new project, create a new project,

  • let's call this new project pyshop

  • go ahead, alright, now down at the bottom let's

  • open up a terminal window, in this window we're going to

  • install django. So we use pip to install

  • django. But be sure to add two equal signs here followed by

  • 2.1 With this we are telling pip that we want to install django version

  • 2.1. The reason I'm doing this, is because in the future when you're watching this video,

  • chances are there is a newer version django out there. I

  • want to make sure that you can easily follow these tutorials, even though what I'm going to show you

  • in these tutorials will most likely work with the latest version of django. I just want to

  • be on the safe side. So let's go ahead

  • alright, django is installed,

  • next we need to create a django project, so here press control and L

  • this cleans up our terminal window, you don't have to do it, but it's just

  • easier to see. To create a django project, we need to execute this command, django,

  • -admin space

  • start project space, you're going to call this

  • project pyshop space period.

  • So when we install django, django brings a

  • command line utility called django admin so this is a utility or program

  • that we can execute form the command line or terminal, right here.

  • Now, this program takes various arguments, in this case

  • we want to use this argument start project, with this we're going to create

  • a project called pushup in the current folder.

  • So this period is imported here, that means the current folder, if

  • you don't add this period, this utility is going to create an extra folder and that

  • looks a little bit repetitive, so let's go ahead with this,

  • alright, now, back to the project panel, if you expand py

  • shop we can see that this is our project that we created in pycharm

  • and in this folder we have these files.

  • So,, you have seen this before, that means

  • this folder is package, so we can import various modules,

  • of this package into other modules, and in this module,

  • we define various settings for our application, you're going to see this later in

  • this course. You also have this url's module, and with this module

  • we define what should the user see when they see slash

  • about/contact/products/shopping cart

  • again, we're going to work with this only. And finally we have this module,

  • that wsgi, that is short for web server gateway

  • interface. The purpose of this module is to provide a standard interface

  • between applications built with django and web servers. This is

  • an advanced topic, so for now, don't worry about it. Now, outside of this folder,

  • of this folder you also have this new folder in our project

  • As the name implies, we use this to manage

  • this django project. With this we can start our web server,

  • we can work with our data base, again, we're going to work with this soon,

  • let's open up the terminal window one more time, now,

  • type out this command, python if you're on windows or python

  • 3 if you're on Mac, because as I told you at the beginning of the course, Mac by

  • default comes with an installation of python, that is python 2. But that is

  • this course is python 3. So python 3 space manage

  • .py space run

  • server. What is going on here? So with python interpreter

  • we are running this program and passing run server

  • as an argument. This is essentially the same program

  • that we worked with here, django admin.

  • But we use django admin before creating a django project, now we have a django project, so now

  • in this project we work with this

  • is a module that contains some python code, so we use this module to manage

  • our django project. So let's go ahead and

Hi, my name is Mosh, and I'm going to be your instructor in this Python course.

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Pythont程式(Python Tutorial - Python for Beginners [Full Course])

  • 8 2
    詹恩傑 posted on 2021/03/26
Video vocabulary