'Keepitup' is a phraseweusetogiveencouragementtopeople, totellthemthattheyaredoing a goodjob.
Soforexample, let's pretend I have a studentwho's learningEnglishandheisgettingbetterandbetterandbetter, and I wanttoencouragehimtomakehimfeelbetter: I cansay, 'Keepitup, John!'
But 'keepitdown' is a phrasewhichmeansbequiet.
So, forexample, if I say 'John, keepitdown', doyouthinkJohnisbeingloudorheisbeingquiet?
He's probablybeingloud.
So, let's pretend I'm atthemoviesandthere's someonesittinginfrontofmewho's reallyloud, makinglotsofnoise.
Whatcan I saytohim?
I cansay 'Keepitdown!'
Thismeansbequiet - Bequiet.
Whataboutifmyfriendhasbeengoingtothegymforthepastthreemonthsand I canseehe's gettingfitter. He's gettingstronger. Heishappier.
Whatcan I saytogivehimsomeencouragement?
I cansay, 'Keepitup!'
Thismeansdon't stop.
Heyguys, it's ShanefromEnglishUnderstoodhere.
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