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- Last month, Jamie Foxx was here
and he surprised one of my audience members
by asking her to come on stage and dance with him.
Take a look at this.
- [singing] 'Cause shawty know what she want
But she don't want to seem like she easy
Girl, what you drinking? Gonna let in sink in
Here for the weekend Thinking
We can we can see what we can be if we press fast forward
Just one more round and you're down I know it
Fill another cup up Feeling on yo butt what?
You don't even care now
- Ah.
That was so great.
So come on down.
You're a good dancer. - Thank you.
- Are you a dancer? - Yes, I am actually.
I have been dancing since I was 14 years old.
I've, um, so it's been over ten years now,
and I also, um, I'm trained in, like,
a whole bunch of different styles and techniques, so...
- Yeah. And you live where?
- I live in Bellflower, California.
- Yeah. And you were here--who were you here with that time?
- I'm here with my auntie. My tee-tee.
- Yeah.
- What's her name? Carrie? - Yes, Carrie.
Carrie, come on down. I want to talk to you, too.
So y'all were here, it was one of the 12 days, right?
- Yeah, it was day three. - Yes, yes, yes.
- It was day three. And you were excited anyway.
- Yes. Oh, yes. - Yeah.
And then what I heard-- this is really great.
I head when you left here with your stuff,
that you got from 12 days. - Yes.
- You ended up going and giving it to other people.
both: Yes. - Yeah. Isn't it amazing?
- Yes, and we--yes.
Yes. - I mean,
what's amazing about it is I know that both of you
are going through a hard time. - Yeah.
- You're going through a hard time,
and instead of keeping the stuff for yourself,
which was, you know, rightfully yours...
- We gave it all to some people.
- You gave it--and you stopped at Target on the way home...
- Yes. - With the gift cards
and you bought things for other people.
- Yeah, we bought my grandmother a TV 'cause her TV went out.
- Yeah. - So, and my grandmother is
is 79 years old. - We can't have that.
- Yeah, and she just-- she just lays in her bed,
so she needed her TV. - Of course she did.
- Yes, so we--right after we left the show,
we all--four of us. It was me, my sister,
which is Patrice's mom, and my daughter,
and we said, "Let's get Grandma a TV,"
'cause she needs a TV. - Yeah.
- And so we were in line paying for this TV
with the gift cards-- the Target gift cards we got.
Excuse me, I'm nervous. - That's fine.
- And the guy was, like, "Okay, how are we paying."
We each handed in our gift cards to end up paying
for this TV for Grandma. - That's so fantastic.
- So we really appreciated it.
- What do you do for a living?
- I'm a cafeteria manager and a security officer
at the Staples Center, and speaking of the Staples Center,
Ellen, I got a chance to see you were Taylor Swift's
special guest, and I was walking with my partner.
We were patrolling, and I said, "Oh, no.
"Ellen's getting ready to come out on stage.
I gotta hurry up and get to an aisle so I can see her."
- Yeah. - Oh, God, and I got in there
just in time, and I got to see it--wow.
- Yeah, that was just in my closet at home.
All right, so you work two jobs.
- Yes, I do. - And also, uh,
you weren't able to really have a Christmas
'cause you're paying bills and stuff like that, right?
- Yes, and paying rent. Yes, 'cause I have, like,
it's a total of seven of us that live in our house.
- Yeah, you have everybody living with you
'cause a lot of people needed a place to live.
- Yes, yes, yes. - Instead of you
turning them away. How many people? Seven people?
- Seven peo--yes. - And how big of a house?
- A small two bedroom apartment. - Two bedroom house?
- Yes. - That's amazing.
- Yes, it's just how my heart is.
If you ain't got nowhere to live,
I'm gonna make room for you in my house.
- You've got a good heart. - Yes, yes.
- You got a big, big, good heart.
All right, all right.
I know you didn't have a really good Christmas,
so I got a stocking. I got a beautiful--
so next year, you can hang the stocking...
- Oh, no. Oh! Oh! - And what's in the stocking
is a wonderful thing for you.
Shutterfly wants to give you $10,000.
- Oh, Ellen, thank you so much.
- Oh, my God, Ellen. - Thank you so much.
- You're welcome. - Patrice, where do you live?
- I'm currently living with my friend.
About a year ago, I was let go from my job,
and so I wasn't able to, like,
keep up with my bills and everything,
so I moved out of the place I was,
and my friend, she allowed me to move in with her,
and, you know, just pay bills whenever I can.
- Right. - But, um, you know,
I remain positive and, you know,
my thing is, like, what I really stick to
is what you put out in the universe, you get back.
So I'm gonna continue to put great things out,
and I'm going to get it, you know?
- You certainly will. - It's already a blessing
just being here with you. It's amazing.
Like, this is surreal. - What were you doing before?
- I was teaching children for the Salvation Army
in the community center.
They were ages 2 years old to 18 years old.
We did about four performances a year.
I taught them all sorts of style--
- You need to teach--you need to teach dance or something.
That's what you should do. - Yeah, yeah.
- All right, well hopefully somebody out there
is gonna help you out.
Like you said, you put good things out in the world,
and you get good things back. - Yes, and I believe it.
- I believe it, too. And so does Shutterfly
'cause they love to help share life's joy,
and they want to give you $10,000.
- Ah!
Thank you so much, Ellen.
I can't thank you enough.