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  • - Last month, Jamie Foxx was here

  • and he surprised one of my audience members

  • by asking her to come on stage and dance with him.

  • Take a look at this.

  • - [singing] 'Cause shawty know what she want

  • But she don't want to seem like she easy

  • Girl, what you drinking? Gonna let in sink in

  • Here for the weekend Thinking

  • We can we can see what we can be if we press fast forward

  • Just one more round and you're down I know it

  • Fill another cup up Feeling on yo butt what?

  • You don't even care now

  • - Ah.

  • That was so great.

  • So come on down.

  • You're a good dancer. - Thank you.

  • - Are you a dancer? - Yes, I am actually.

  • I have been dancing since I was 14 years old.

  • I've, um, so it's been over ten years now,

  • and I also, um, I'm trained in, like,

  • a whole bunch of different styles and techniques, so...

  • - Yeah. And you live where?

  • - I live in Bellflower, California.

  • - Yeah. And you were here--who were you here with that time?

  • - I'm here with my auntie. My tee-tee.

  • - Yeah.

  • - What's her name? Carrie? - Yes, Carrie.

  • Carrie, come on down. I want to talk to you, too.

  • So y'all were here, it was one of the 12 days, right?

  • - Yeah, it was day three. - Yes, yes, yes.

  • - It was day three. And you were excited anyway.

  • - Yes. Oh, yes. - Yeah.

  • And then what I heard-- this is really great.

  • I head when you left here with your stuff,

  • that you got from 12 days. - Yes.

  • - You ended up going and giving it to other people.

  • both: Yes. - Yeah. Isn't it amazing?

  • - Yes, and we--yes.

  • Yes. - I mean,

  • what's amazing about it is I know that both of you

  • are going through a hard time. - Yeah.

  • - You're going through a hard time,

  • and instead of keeping the stuff for yourself,

  • which was, you know, rightfully yours...

  • - We gave it all to some people.

  • - You gave it--and you stopped at Target on the way home...

  • - Yes. - With the gift cards

  • and you bought things for other people.

  • - Yeah, we bought my grandmother a TV 'cause her TV went out.

  • - Yeah. - So, and my grandmother is

  • is 79 years old. - We can't have that.

  • - Yeah, and she just-- she just lays in her bed,

  • so she needed her TV. - Of course she did.

  • - Yes, so we--right after we left the show,

  • we all--four of us. It was me, my sister,

  • which is Patrice's mom, and my daughter,

  • and we said, "Let's get Grandma a TV,"

  • 'cause she needs a TV. - Yeah.

  • - And so we were in line paying for this TV

  • with the gift cards-- the Target gift cards we got.

  • Excuse me, I'm nervous. - That's fine.

  • - And the guy was, like, "Okay, how are we paying."

  • We each handed in our gift cards to end up paying

  • for this TV for Grandma. - That's so fantastic.

  • - So we really appreciated it.

  • - What do you do for a living?

  • - I'm a cafeteria manager and a security officer

  • at the Staples Center, and speaking of the Staples Center,

  • Ellen, I got a chance to see you were Taylor Swift's

  • special guest, and I was walking with my partner.

  • We were patrolling, and I said, "Oh, no.

  • "Ellen's getting ready to come out on stage.

  • I gotta hurry up and get to an aisle so I can see her."

  • - Yeah. - Oh, God, and I got in there

  • just in time, and I got to see it--wow.

  • - Yeah, that was just in my closet at home.

  • All right, so you work two jobs.

  • - Yes, I do. - And also, uh,

  • you weren't able to really have a Christmas

  • 'cause you're paying bills and stuff like that, right?

  • - Yes, and paying rent. Yes, 'cause I have, like,

  • it's a total of seven of us that live in our house.

  • - Yeah, you have everybody living with you

  • 'cause a lot of people needed a place to live.

  • - Yes, yes, yes. - Instead of you

  • turning them away. How many people? Seven people?

  • - Seven peo--yes. - And how big of a house?

  • - A small two bedroom apartment. - Two bedroom house?

  • - Yes. - That's amazing.

  • - Yes, it's just how my heart is.

  • If you ain't got nowhere to live,

  • I'm gonna make room for you in my house.

  • - You've got a good heart. - Yes, yes.

  • - You got a big, big, good heart.

  • All right, all right.

  • I know you didn't have a really good Christmas,

  • so I got a stocking. I got a beautiful--

  • so next year, you can hang the stocking...

  • - Oh, no. Oh! Oh! - And what's in the stocking

  • is a wonderful thing for you.

  • Shutterfly wants to give you $10,000.

  • - Oh, Ellen, thank you so much.

  • - Oh, my God, Ellen. - Thank you so much.

  • - You're welcome. - Patrice, where do you live?

  • - I'm currently living with my friend.

  • About a year ago, I was let go from my job,

  • and so I wasn't able to, like,

  • keep up with my bills and everything,

  • so I moved out of the place I was,

  • and my friend, she allowed me to move in with her,

  • and, you know, just pay bills whenever I can.

  • - Right. - But, um, you know,

  • I remain positive and, you know,

  • my thing is, like, what I really stick to

  • is what you put out in the universe, you get back.

  • So I'm gonna continue to put great things out,

  • and I'm going to get it, you know?

  • - You certainly will. - It's already a blessing

  • just being here with you. It's amazing.

  • Like, this is surreal. - What were you doing before?

  • - I was teaching children for the Salvation Army

  • in the community center.

  • They were ages 2 years old to 18 years old.

  • We did about four performances a year.

  • I taught them all sorts of style--

  • - You need to teach--you need to teach dance or something.

  • That's what you should do. - Yeah, yeah.

  • - All right, well hopefully somebody out there

  • is gonna help you out.

  • Like you said, you put good things out in the world,

  • and you get good things back. - Yes, and I believe it.

  • - I believe it, too. And so does Shutterfly

  • 'cause they love to help share life's joy,

  • and they want to give you $10,000.

  • - Ah!

  • Thank you so much, Ellen.

  • I can't thank you enough.

- Last month, Jamie Foxx was here

Subtitles and vocabulary


Big Surprises for Two Women with Big Hearts(Big Surprises for Two Women with Big Hearts)

  • 9 0
    kuma posted on 2021/03/29
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