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- This is our only chance.
We have to take it.
[ groans ]
We need Kong.
- The world needs him to stop what's coming.
And this child...
she's the only one he'll communicate with.
- I knew that they had a bond.
She had nowhere to go, so I made a promise to protect her.
And I think that in some way, Kong did the same.
[ roaring ]
It's Godzilla.
- ♪ Yeah ♪
♪ Come on ♪
♪ Yeah ♪
♪ Come on, here we go ♪
[ hip-hop playing ]
- These are dangerous times.
- Godzilla's out there, and he's hurting people,
and we don't know why.
- There's something provoking him that we're not seeing here.
- I'm of the same opinion.
- ♪ Come on ♪
- The myths are real.
- ♪ Yeah ♪
- There was a war.
- ♪ Come on ♪
- And they're the last ones standing.
[ hip-hop continues ]
- Who bows to who?
- ♪ Here we go ♪
- Kong bows to know one. - ♪ Here we go ♪
[ roaring ]