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  • - I started and failed at 13 businesses

  • before having my first success.

  • And looking back why those businesses failed,

  • because I was a lousy entrepreneur.

  • I was a lousy businessman,

  • I didn't know what I was doing.

  • I had an idea, and I thought everybody will love the idea,

  • everybody would want to buy this product.

  • So I would go out there in the marketplace,

  • and just be getting slaughtered, right?

  • Because I didn't know how to sell,

  • and more importantly,

  • I didn't know how to market.

  • And until I develop those skill sets,

  • knowing how to communicate, knowing how to sell,

  • knowing how to market a product or service.

  • How do you come up an angle?

  • How do you take something?

  • How to get an idea, take a product, a service,

  • and then you push out there in the marketplace,

  • so people would respond,

  • people would trust the product, people would buy from you,

  • online or offline, how do you exactly do that?

  • In this video, my digital marketing advisor Jeremy Haynes,

  • he's gonna share with you seven tips

  • that you need to know to become a better marketer.

  • - Welcome into the video, this is Jeremy.

  • Today, I'm gonna give you seven tips

  • for when you're just getting started

  • as a beginner in the digital marketing game,

  • these tips are gonna help you a lot.

  • Tip number one, never stop learning, right?

  • It might sound cheesy,

  • in terms of how you're hearing it right now,

  • especially if you're just getting started

  • but remember, new data leads to new awareness,

  • new awareness leads new opportunities,

  • don't plateau your learning, you never know enough.

  • I'm eight and a half years

  • into the digital marketing game myself

  • with hands on experience, I still learn new things today.

  • Tip number two, become a well rounded Digital Marketer.

  • All the time I meet people who just doubled down

  • and specialized in one specific skill set.

  • Like maybe they're just a copywriter,

  • or they're just an advertiser,

  • or they're just a funnel builder,

  • a well rounded digital marketer,

  • these become very valuable for businesses,

  • because you'll see

  • all the different ways that a business can drive revenue.

  • Doesn't mean you have to do it yourself

  • but it gives you an opportunity to be more valuable

  • to the business just by being able to consult on the things

  • that can help you with what you have,

  • or your isolated skill set might be sold to that business

  • to just make more revenue all around,

  • both for you and for the business.

  • Dan Lok has a good quote, the money's in the money.

  • So when you can help the business to make money,

  • it's gonna help you make money,

  • that means you're selling revenue, okay?

  • One day this guy named George Grant, one of my mentors,

  • he sold two agencies,

  • you don't like me say the exact amount,

  • so I'm gonna generalize it,

  • as I know, he'd appreciate that.

  • He sold one of them for eight figures.

  • I'm not talking like just 10 million,

  • it's like mid range eight figures, I get.

  • The other one was nine figures,

  • which means that he sold a business

  • for more than 100 million.

  • Both of these were marketing agencies,

  • big corporate clients,

  • incredible guy to learn from, great information.

  • Now George, he was on my balcony,

  • he's becoming a client of my agency who's in Miami

  • where we were at the penthouse at the time

  • and he's on my balcony he's talking

  • to my head of sales, Leo,

  • and I walk out on the balcony at this exact time

  • where he says this quote, he says,

  • "You're not selling ads Leo,

  • because you're selling revenue."

  • It really hit me hard,

  • in terms of whatever you're doing for a business, right?

  • It could be copywriting, funnel building,

  • even if you're just a graphic designer,

  • doing like videography

  • or whatever the hell you're doing ads, consulting,

  • you are selling revenue, okay?

  • Businesses exist for profit, businesses exist

  • to make money, okay?

  • So when you're a part of the business

  • in whatever capacity you are as a marketer,

  • just remember, you're there to drive revenue,

  • don't forget that, all right?

  • Tip number four, when you're just getting started,

  • you've got to take a lot of action in a little bit of time

  • to get the most results in the least bit of time.

  • A lot of the times when people first get in a client, right?

  • They get a client relationship,

  • they got 30 days to drive revenue,

  • 'cause they're getting paid every 30 days.

  • And once they sign the client on,

  • they'll wait like a week of doing non revenue driven things

  • might be fixing a funnel,

  • might be waiting for the client to do something

  • like shoot ads or, whatever the hell they got to do,

  • it might be you needing to do something

  • like getting ad copy created.

  • Well, what happens is if you're judged by revenue

  • in four weeks in a relationship,

  • that's when you get paid next,

  • and you wasted a full week,

  • only it leaves you with three weeks

  • to drive revenue for the business,

  • instead of 30 days you now only have 21 days.

  • Remember, you're judged by revenue,

  • when you're a digital marketer and working with a business.

  • When you have a 30 day window,

  • maximize the 30 days, don't waste time doing things

  • that you could have done before you executed the deal.

  • A lot of the times when we work with clients,

  • they love that we won't even take the deal on

  • until we tell them "Look, you need to do this,

  • this and this first.

  • If we wait until we do the deal,

  • and then tell you to do those things.

  • We're just gonna waste time,

  • and we know how we're judged by revenue.

  • You need to do these things,

  • then we'll execute the deal," they appreciate that,

  • they always follow through and do the deal anyway,

  • it helps all around.

  • Tip number five, focus on high leverage actions.

  • This is across everything you're gonna do,

  • in your personal life in your business

  • in your marketing actions.

  • A lot of people think they need to be sitting

  • down doing the work for eight to 12 hours a day,

  • when they're first getting started.

  • That's untrue, although that'll help you

  • accumulate experience, you're likely

  • just gonna be doing tedious,

  • low leverage actions.

  • When I say that, that means actions

  • that you're gonna take when you just

  • spend a ton of time doing things,

  • or typically actions

  • that don't produce significant results, right?

  • The outcome of an action needs to have a significant result.

  • Otherwise, it might not even be worthy of the action itself.

  • So if you start to constrain yourself

  • as a marketer by saying,

  • "Okay, when I'm gonna go write ads,

  • or when I'm gonna go deploy this campaign,

  • when I'm gonna go do whatever I got to do today,

  • instead of spending eight hours to do it,

  • like an employee things, right?"

  • Start thinking of yourself,

  • how can I produce as significant of a result as possible,

  • but only in 30 minutes, only in 15 minutes, right?

  • In less than an hour.

  • Challenge yourself, because the thinking changes, right?

  • If you go and sit down and say to yourself,

  • I'm gonna give myself eight hours to accomplish this,

  • I'm telling you all the actions you're gonna take

  • are just to be to fill that time.

  • Our Tip number six, do the math, all right?

  • When I say this, it's important to understand,

  • like when you sell for a business,

  • and you're a marketer for them,

  • let's say they're selling something for like,

  • I don't know, $197, okay?

  • And they wanna make a million dollars a month.

  • And let's say there's another company, company B,

  • that also wants to make a million dollars a month,

  • but they have a $5,000 program,

  • listen to this math real quick, okay?

  • So if I'm a marketer,

  • and I'm doing ads for these two businesses,

  • both of them have the same goal,

  • both wanna make a million dollars a month,

  • one of them has $197 product,

  • one of them has a $5,000 product.

  • The person who has the $5,000 product, company B,

  • so I'm gonna take 200 people to sign up,

  • for me to make a million dollars for them.

  • Company A who has $197 product,

  • it's gonna take 10,000 people to sign up,

  • in order for me to hit that million dollar goal

  • in that month, think about that.

  • I need 10,000 people to sign up over here,

  • I need 200 people to sign up over here

  • in order to hit the same outcome, might be asking yourself,

  • "Well, isn't it harder to sell a high ticket product?"

  • Very untrue, commonly when you're selling

  • to a more financially qualified demographic,

  • somebody who's more financially well off,

  • you actually have less resistance

  • on buying things that are more expensive,

  • because they have more revenue to do so,

  • it's easy to justify.

  • The people who are selling low ticket things,

  • whatever it might be, typically have more resistance,

  • they typically get less quality customers,

  • they get the customers that complain,

  • potentially ask for refunds,

  • ask a ton of questions in the buying cycle,

  • the people who are buying high ticket programs,

  • high ticket products, high ticket services,

  • whatever it might be, those types of customers

  • are usually much more quality.

  • This is made up absolutely both.

  • I've been on both sides of the spectrum

  • in terms of experiencing these different types of customers,

  • through businesses and through my own businesses.

  • Do the math, when you're initially taking on a deal,

  • you're gonna save yourself a lot of time,

  • it takes a lot less time to produce 200 customers

  • than it does to produce 10,000 customers,

  • and that affects your quality of life as a marketer.

  • Okay, tip number seven, when I first got started,

  • there really weren't that many people to learn from,

  • like eight and a half years ago,

  • it's like I learned a lot more from experience

  • than I did from mentors,

  • because there weren't nearly as many people selling courses

  • and just helping people to get started.

  • Now the big issue about fast forwarding to today,

  • is that there's so many people to learn from,

  • but there's also so many people

  • who are teaching for the wrong reasons.

  • There's people who will teach you

  • just because they wanna make money,

  • they wanna take money out of your pocket

  • they wanna put it into theirs.

  • Those are not the kind of people you wanna learn from,

  • those types of people

  • typically have very little experience doing

  • what they're teaching on top of that.

  • You need to learn from people who make far more money

  • doing what they teach,

  • in comparison to making it off of you

  • as somebody that they're teaching.

  • You need to make sure you're learning from people

  • who have a ton of experience,

  • doing what it is that you are learning from them.

  • My grandfather taught me when I was young, he said,

  • "It's a fool's game to learn the hard way."

  • Essentially what that means in action,

  • is that if you choose to just go in blindly

  • and just try to do everything yourself as a marketer,

  • especially when you're first getting started,

  • you're gonna have to learn all the lessons

  • that a lot of people have already learned

  • and have made available on the internet,

  • both for free and for paid courses and things like that,

  • you're gonna learn the hard way instead,

  • you're gonna run square into the problems

  • that you could have otherwise avoided entirely,

  • you're gonna potentially elongate your progress by months

  • or years based on the speed

  • in which you solve a lot of those problems that you run

  • into along the way.

  • You gotta make sure as a beginner

  • that you're learning from people who are qualified

  • to teach you, don't just learn from anybody,

  • learn from people who have done and accomplished

  • what you seek to do yourself.

  • It speeds up your progress tenfold,

  • mentors are the cheat codes to real life, okay?

  • I remember playing Grand Theft Auto as a kid,

  • I wanted the full weapon wheel,

  • I wanted like full health and armor,

  • or I wanted to spawn like a jet in the middle of the road,

  • just use cheat codes.

  • I don't need to go and acquire all those things in the game,

  • it's gonna take far too long to do all those things,

  • it's spread out all over the map,

  • it took me hours in real life to accomplish

  • that in that video game.

  • But real life, okay when you're trying

  • to get some speed to result,

  • as a beginner marketer,

  • just pay to learn it from somebody

  • who's already gotten there first.

  • Pay to learn it, from somebody

  • who's already gotten there plenty of times, okay?

  • That speeds up your progress tenfold.

  • Those were the seven tips,

  • hope you guys enjoy them they're very practical,

  • apply them into what you do,

  • you'll get a lot result with them,

  • especially if you're just getting started,

  • if you're already in the game as a marketer

  • and you've heard some things that you're not doing

  • inside of this,

  • make sure that you apply those become more well rounded

  • and advanced yourself.

  • Now Dan Lok and I we put together something

  • that's gonna help you,

  • we have an entire program called High Tech Agency.

  • It's to help you start and scale marketing agency,

  • it's for both beginners,

  • and it helps a ton if you already have an agency

  • and you're looking to get going faster,

  • you're gonna speed your progress to results,

  • and just avoid learning lessons the hard way.

  • We've put together a preview of that program

  • there's no cost to it,

  • called the Digital Agency Launchpad.

  • Helps increase your awareness,

  • teaches the things that we've already learned

  • and just gives you a preview

  • of what that bigger program HTA is all about,

  • it's called Digital Agency Launchpad.

  • The links below in the description,

  • I'll see you guys in the next video.

  • Make sure to like, comment, subscribe,

  • and yeah, drop a comment below,

  • let me know what you guys wanna see one of these next videos

  • and I look forward to helping you.

- I started and failed at 13 businesses

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7個技巧成為行銷者(7 Tips To Get Started As A Marketer)

  • 11 1
    盧世櫪 posted on 2021/04/03
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