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  • [humming]

  • [humming]

  • SpongeBob! Spatulur down, sailor!

  • What's going on, Mr. Krabs?

  • According to the nice man from the Labor Authority,

  • it's time for your break, boy-o.

  • We get breaks?

  • Krabs!

  • [laughing]

  • Well, of course you do, boy-o.

  • Why, if I don't give ya a five minute break

  • once every 20 years, this lovely man

  • could fine me big bucks.

  • Nice meeting you.

  • Whoa.

  • And you don't want me to get fined, do ya?

  • Ah! No! Never.

  • Good! Then you just sit here and don't do or say nothing

  • for five minutes. Ooh. Oh, and enjoy your break.

  • [laughing]

  • M'kay.

  • Hmm.

  • [whistling]

  • [whistling]

  • [gasping]

  • Ooh!

  • [panting]

  • SpongeBob! What are you doing?!

  • Uh, I just spotted a spot.

  • You can't work on your break, boy-o! Period!

  • Remember the fines?

  • I knew it! I've had my eye on you for years, Krabs!

  • Oh, this violation is really gonna cost you! Hmm...

  • [yelping]

  • Oh, I can see we're gonna have to take

  • drastic measures here.

  • [grunting]

  • [sighing]

  • "Employee break room?" I never knew this was here!

  • [bugs screaming]

  • Uh-oh.

  • [bugs chattering]

  • [bug whistling]

  • Hmm.

  • [gasping]

  • Oh, it's beautiful!

  • Like stepping through a portal into the magical realm beyond!

  • Yeah, whatever. Five minutes!

  • I just hope there's enough time to enjoy everything.

  • [humming]

  • Ooh!

  • [mumbling]

  • Ooh.

  • [humming]

  • [laughing]

  • Enjoy your carousel, my little hot dog friends.

  • [laughing]

  • [mumbling]

  • Surf's up!

  • Whoa. Uh.

  • [moaning]

  • Wipe out.

  • [mumbling]

  • Um. I think this used to be... creamed corn!

  • Sorry, bub. Ha! I was meatloaf before I expired.

  • [laughing]

  • Oh, Globby, you're so silly.

  • [laughing]

  • Voilà! My break room band, Scrubby and the Cleaning Crew.

  • Hmm... Let's see if I wired everything right.

  • [humming]

  • Eh. Hmm. Perfect.

  • [music playing]

  • Yeah!

  • [music playing]

  • [grumbling]

  • Huh? Ooh, music. I didn't know the Krusty Krab had a lounge.

  • Ooh!

  • [music playing]

  • [music playing]

  • Shake a leg!

  • Oh, come on in, everyone. Try the funk, it's fresh.

  • I sure dig that! There we go, yes!

  • What? Huh? Where'd all me paying customers go?

  • What? Ow! What the--

  • A party?! I don't remember charging anyone

  • for a party on me premises!

  • Oh, yeah!

  • Alright, that's it! Five minutes are up, SpongeBob!

  • Break's over, everyone out! Everyone out!

  • Out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out!

  • You're in compliance this time, Krabs.

  • After-break at my house!

  • [cheering]

  • Oh, Mr. Krabs, that was so much fun!

  • I can't wait for my next break in 20 years!


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