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  • watch your head on the way in if you're oh my gosh


  • it is really toasty like it's  actually nice and warm in there


  • oh you are soaking wet my friend yeah there's  farm animals to visit we can check out the barn  


  • and um tomorrow we're having  breakfast a farmer's breakfast yeah

    明天 可以檢查穀倉 和嗯。正在吃早餐,是農夫早餐,是的,

  • good morning hello hello hello hello we are taking  you on another adventure today we are sleeping  


  • in a mongolian yurt on a biodynamic farm and  we're hungry we're hungry in true canadian  

    生物動力農場的蒙古包裡 睡覺 ,我們餓了,我們必須以真正的加拿大 方式 餓了。

  • fashion we've had to stop at tim hortons timmy's  what did you get show us i got a biscuit with  

    在蒂姆·霍頓(tim hortons)停下,蒂米(Timmy)的內容告訴我們,我得到了一個 培根切達干酪和雞蛋

  • bacon cheddar and egg this is my bun which  is going to go with my chili large chili  

    餅乾, 這是我的麵包,將與我的辣椒大辣椒搭配,這是 蒂姆(Tim)的

  • a nice reliable thing that is from tim's and the  reason we're eating now is because we've got a bit  


  • of a longer drive it's going to be an hour and 40  minutes to get there but we're going to be driving  


  • through the countryside so it should be really  nice hopefully the rain will stop also we got  


  • to warm up too it's a cold and damp day and we're  also just people that like to eat so bon appetit


  • so

  • so we're at mono hills apparently it's bear  country black bear country yeah there's the  


  • chance of encountering one we read what to do  if we if we do encounter of course i grew up in  


  • with blackberries yeah you gotta back away in that  calm but yeah it is very cold we have bundled up  

    黑莓,是的,你一定要在那種平靜中退縮,是的,很冷,我們 像您不相信的那樣 捆紮在一起,

  • like you would not believe but you got to show  the layers i'm actually getting i get to wear  


  • my jacket again let's do me first okay let me  show me what you got i have a t-shirt shirt yeah  

    再次 穿上 夾克,讓我們先做一下好吧,讓我展示一下我你有我有一件T恤衫是的,

  • i have a light sweater yeah brown i have  another woolly knit i have a waterproof jacket  


  • and i have this nice padded kenora dinner jacket  yellow bean jacket i wish i had mittens i did  


  • find the toque in my luggage you're still  not that warm no it says three degrees but  


  • with the windshield i think it might be below  zero this is such a contrast from yesterday  


  • i know we went from 18 degrees to this yeah i did  a pack for this and let's see your layers i said  

    我知道我們從18度降到了這個,是的,我為此做了一個包裹,讓我們看看我 為我

  • for me i actually get to wear my denim jacket  i gave it back so i've got four layers not five  

    說 的你的衣服,我實際上可以穿我的牛仔布j我把它還給了我,所以我得到了四層而不是五

  • shirt light flannel i've got my windbreaker  and this and i'm still cold i could barely  


  • feel my hands duke of course and  yeah we're just gonna brave it i  


  • don't know how long will last but we're  gonna we're gonna give it our best shot


  • well guys that was actuallyvery nice and enjoyable walk  


  • it kind of reminded me of being in  scotland or ireland it's just so green  


  • and so mossy it almost looks a bit like  an enchanted forest or a haunted wood  


  • even oh just a little bit muddy um but yeahguess that's late spring for you here in ontario  


  • also really cool forest with is it birch or  beech trees the white ones one of the two and  


  • yeah now we are heading back to the car and we are  going to continue with our drive we need to get to  


  • durham and we're planning to visit some falls once  we get there so see you in a bit the road trip


  • continues


  • well i think there is no mistaking all the noise  behind me that sound we made it to mcgowan fall  


  • pretty impressive like they look really powerful  yeah don't they it's a lot bigger than i was  

    非常小令人反感,就像它們看起來真的很強大,是的,不是嗎,它比我 期望

  • expecting i was kind of expecting a puny little  little falls well i told you it was gonna be  

    的要大很多,我 有點期待一個微小的小瀑布,我告訴你這將是

  • little falls it's bigger than i thought so the  big little falls yeah yeah so basically we made  


  • it to the town of durham it's a place that was  founded by scottish settlers and at one point  


  • there was a very important flower mill and sawmill  that the town kind of revolves so it's one of the  


  • more historic towns in the area and this is just  impressive we've been driving for over an hour so  


  • it's nice to get out stretch our legs and yeah  we're gonna go do it from every angle possible


  • so


  • hello hello from the hunger mobile romeo we  made it to the town of durham in search of  

    您好,我們從飢餓的羅密歐移動到小鎮達勒姆(Durham)的 餐廳

  • mid-afternoon dinner would it be well it is  yeah it's not it's not dinner time it's like  

    尋找 下午中午晚餐,是的,不是,不是那樣的晚餐時間

  • and this pasta lunch right yeah in the middle  of the day so yeah we came to new orleans pizza  


  • and we ordered the large basil pesto yes this was  your choice what were the toppings that lured you  


  • in the goat cheese the basil the pesto the black  olives i'm so hungry i'd eat any pizza right now  

    在山羊奶酪,羅勒,香蒜醬,黑橄欖中 的澆頭, 我好餓我現在想吃任何披薩

  • yeah that didn't matter to me i'm gonna eat part  of my portion now and the other later tonight i'm  


  • probably gonna eat my entire portion now okay but  then none later expect a slice later when it comes  


  • to when it comes to uh when it comes to pizza  i have only one mode it's like the hoover mode


  • oh it's warm on it it's warm on the  lap i love it in the arms oh gosh


  • there we go oh


  • that looks so much better than i thought it was  look at that wow wow it's totally loaded look at  


  • that so instead of tomato sauce the base is pesto  almost really nice super stringy cheese i love  


  • that happy with it yeah it's perfect and we've  got our food sorted for the rest of the day so  


  • that's nice we can just settle into the  accommodations and kind of enjoy being there


  • so


  • well we made it we have arrived at home sweet home  for the night this time it is a mongolian yurt  


  • and we are staying on a biodynamic farm so that's  pretty exciting we're hoping to go visit the farm  

    ,我們待在這裡在一個生物動力農場上,這真是令人興奮,我們希望 稍後

  • animals a bit later but first we wanted to give  you a tour of the interior i've got to say we  

    再去參觀農場 動物,但首先我們想帶您參觀內部,我不得不說我們

  • just dropped off our luggage it is really toasty  like it's actually nice and warm in there such  


  • a huge difference well there's a there's a wood  burning stove so yes so they lit the stove about  


  • a half an hour before we arrived and yeah let's  just take you inside so you can yeah i wish you  

    在我們到達前半小時 點燃了爐子 ,是的,讓我們帶你進去,是的,我希望你

  • could feel the water we kind of had to muster  our courage to come back out here to be honest  

    能感覺到老實說, 我們 有點勇氣回到 我們

  • we did so watch your head on the way in if you're  oh my god i just hit it watch out if you're tall  

    這裡來 ,如果我們這樣做的話,請注意您的頭,哦,天哪,我只是打了一下,如果您很高,

  • watch out if you don't listen to instructions oh  my gosh of course that would happen to sam right  


  • after he's been warned so shoes off i brought  slippers so put them on i'm gonna put these on  


  • oh this is nice nice oh are those the ones you  got in chile or peru no these are from argentina  


  • and i got these before i even traveled  there with you i've had these for a while  


  • okay yeah these are special see the  secrets that we have secrets slippers  


  • okay so let's begin the tour basically what you  see is what you get open concept but basically  


  • the first thing you see as soon as you come into  the yurt tour aside from our luggage and scattered  


  • boots is firewood so this will keep you toasty  in the yurt no matter the weather outside then  


  • we have this little stand with a wash basin  kind of the old-fashioned way for a little  


  • bird bath base maybe armpits are yougood are you are you a good bird bather  


  • we'll find out are you a good bird bather you  bathe like a bird wall then we have a double  


  • bed yeah lots of blankets duvets i think we're  gonna be really warm we've got lots of layers  


  • plus the stove right if we keep going around  here they've left us filtered water for drinking  

    如果我們一直走到這裡,他們 會有很多層, 再加上爐子,如果他們繼續給我們過濾水喝

  • and also a little tea pot yeah some teas  some matcha black tea we will make some tea  

    ,還有一點茶壺,是的,有些茶,一些抹茶紅茶,我們會 在燃木爐子上 煮些茶

  • yes on the wood burning stove the kettle  is already on the stove so we're good to go  


  • our little dining table two chairs we've gotnice candle some flowers and then information  


  • about the farm and how to operate the wood stove  here we have a dresser we have some matches  

    有關農場的 信息 以及如何操作柴爐的信息。我們有一個梳妝台,有一些火柴

  • in case we need them to start up the fire again  but i think we'll be okay yeah we really ought to  


  • tend to that well yeah we're not it's gonna it's  gonna determine our the comfort of our sleep yeah  


  • another bed this one's a single this one yours so  no you need to keep me warm tonight we're gonna  

    另一張床,這 是 一張單人床,您的,所以您不需要讓我保持溫暖今晚我們要

  • use the double okay um yeah you could have up to  three people here then we have a lovely sofa couch  

    使用雙人沙發, 是的, 您可以在這裡最多容納三個人,然後我們有一個漂亮的沙髮沙發

  • yeah which is really close to the stove yeah we  can actually maybe even roast marshmallows from  

    ,非常接近爐子,是的,實際上我們甚至可以從 沙發上 烤棉花糖, 不是 嗎?

  • the couch wouldn't that be fun yeah we still have  them we'll roast the marshmallows you can even  


  • grab one a piece of kindling or something on the  stove yeah and that is the tour if you look up yes

    在火爐上抓起一塊火柴或其他東西,是的,如果您抬頭看的話 ,

  • and there's the view it's another cloudy day so  probably no stars tonight but if you got lucky  

    那就是這次旅行 ,因為它是又一個多雲的日子,所以今晚可能沒有星星但如果你真的很幸運

  • yeah with clear with a clear sky maybe yeah and  something that's really cool for us on a personal  

    啊清晰與明確也許是的,從個人角度 來說, 對我們而言真的很酷的

  • level is that we've spent quite a bit of time  in yurts in the past we have yeah we traveled  

    是,我們過去在蒙古包中度過了很多時間,是的,我們 兩次

  • to kyrgyzstan twice we got to stay in yurts uh  actually many nights and so to be back in a yurt  

    去過 吉爾吉斯斯坦,我們不得不在蒙古包中住了很多晚,等等。回到蒙古包

  • certainly reminds me of that trip we did a few  years ago central asia we have a lot more to  

    肯定讓我想起了幾年前我們在中亞做的那趟旅行,我們 在中亞還有

  • see there in central asia i'd love to do that  okay so now that we are all settled into the  

    很多地方可以 看到,我很樂意這樣做,所以現在我們都定居在

  • yurt i wanted to take a moment to talk about this  week's video sponsor which is soundcore by anchor  


  • you may recognize the name because we have worked  with them before but today i wanted to tell you  


  • about their new product which is called the life  a2nc earbuds that i've been testing out and the  

    介紹他們的新產品,即所謂的life a2nc耳塞,經過測試,

  • cool thing about these earbuds is that they have  different settings you can select whether you're  


  • outdoors indoors or using public transportation as  you commute to work and based on that setting you  

    下班途中 是 在室內還是在使用公共交通工具,並基於此設置,

  • can just watch as ambient sounds disappear these  earbuds also offer super clear calls because they  


  • have six microphones so that means you can even  use them in really crowded spaces where you have  


  • a lot of background noise and also their sound  provides 50 more bass so you can really get that  

    中背景噪音很多,而且它們的聲音還可以提供50 倍的 低音,因此 當您收聽音樂時

  • thumping sound when you're listening to your music  without really sacrificing the clarity or treble  

    ,您可以真正獲得 重擊聲在不犧牲清晰度或高音的情況下播放音樂

  • and lastly they offer 35 hours of play time but  even if you only charge them for 10 minutes you'll  

    ,最後它們提供了35個小時的播放時間,但是即使您只為它們充電10分鐘,您也 可以得到一個半

  • get an hour and a half so that's pretty cool so if  you want to check them out we're gonna have a link  

    小時的播放時間 ,這非常酷,因此如果您要檢查一下它們,就可以了我們將

  • in the description box below for you so we're now  going to visit the farm because apparently today  

    在下面的描述框中為您 提供一個鏈接 ,所以我們現在要去農場參觀,因為顯然今天

  • is market day and they have lots of nice goodies  baked goods maybe we'll get a little sweet treat  


  • something to snack on with the tea yes and alsowant to visit watch your stuff huh the chickens i  


  • nearly stepped on a giant puddle yeah there's farm  animals to visit we can check out the barn and um  


  • tomorrow we're having breakfast i don't know if  we mentioned that already farmer's breakfast yeah


  • oh you are soaking wet my friend neil i'm  soaking wet oh wow oh oh give it a fit


  • you are free like a lamb are you friendly


  • rosie rosie


  • oh wow you're getting two cookies huh


  • all right we're cozy in here yeah it's almost  tea time so we got the goodies from the shop  


  • sure did got a couple cookies a couple squares oh  it's gonna go so nice with the tea and yeah we're  


  • just gonna throw another log on here so you can  see we've got a good situation going on yeah the  


  • fire hasn't gone out we've still got flame in the  back we've got some calls going and i'll show you  


  • how to open it up in a minute but first i'm going  to throw this in here so this keeps it open up top  

    如何在一分鐘內將其打開,但首先,我會我要把它扔到這裡,這樣就可以使它 在長笛

  • the flute the flute and when you go to bed at  night when you don't want it to be burning as much  

    上方一直保持開著。 在晚上睡覺時,如果您不希望它燃燒得那麼多

  • you just twist it like that yeah about 90 90 we  don't want to close it completely or the fire will  

    ,只需扭曲一下就可以了,大約90 90我們不不想完全關閉它,否則火會

  • go out that's right we need to close it a bit  so it's a slow burn it's a slow burn and it's  


  • getting to that point so soon we'll be able to  tighten up a bit but tea time tea time okay so  


  • now it's time for the goodies we're going to  show you what we got at the market i'll show you  


  • how big they are put this over your face where'd  you go head-sized cookies oh this smells so nice  

    展示它們比您準備的 要 多大面對你去哪兒了頭大小的餅乾哦,這聞起來這麼好看

  • oh oatmeal chocolate chip wow  oh wow this is peanut butter  


  • this is amazing these are hazelnut squares  triangles triangles they're triangles hazelnut  


  • chocolate triangles looks so good and i made some  fennel tea i think it's like fennel peppermint and  


  • something else you would like those are amazing  these are even better than the cookies does it  


  • get any better than this being in a yurt tour  right by the wood burning stove living the life  

    比在蒙古燃燒爐 旁 的蒙古包之旅中有什麼更好的生活

  • right by the fireplace huh now the part you've  all been waiting for i know with baited breath  


  • what are the washing facilities like the  outhouse house and guys it's pretty fancy  

    , 知道 什麼設施,如外屋和伙計們

  • look at that it's made out of sturdy wood looks  pretty cool take us in sam i shall take you in


  • twist it to go in toilet just like this  


  • it's got wood chips you throw in the chips  hand sanitizer toilet paper a romantic candle  

    ,有木屑,您可以將木屑放入洗手液廁紙中, 或者 一支浪漫的蠟燭,

  • nice or if you've been eating too much chili for  the day i suppose and here are your instructions  


  • one scoop for number one and two scoops for number  two awesome and if you're like audrey you might  


  • need three oh my goodness get out of here socan go already that's what i'm talking about bye


  • do

  • oh she said good morning good morning how how  do we look how how are we starting off i'm sure  


  • i'm sure fairly disheveled we've been wearing our  toques mostly stay warm in here huh yes yeah there  


  • are no mirrors in this space it feels like this  hero mirrors we're like yeah so that was our night  

    在這個空間中沒有鏡子,感覺就像這個英雄的鏡子,我們就像是的,所以那是我們 在 這裡的夜晚

  • in the yurt how did you say it was i actually  slept fantastic so the key was we we really  

    蒙古包,你怎麼說我實際上睡得很香,所以關鍵是我們 睡前在火上睡覺之前

  • put on some extra logs before we went to  sleep on the fire i basically layered up  

    我們真的 放了一些原木,我基本上是分層了,

  • we crawled into bed but we had like three or four  different blankets lots of blankets yeah and then  


  • kind of curled up like a cat fell asleep  but it was a tale of two stories for me  


  • because i ended up waking up a few hours later  and i was like sweating it was too much so i shed  


  • basically layers i took off my flannel i took off  my toque i went over to the other little bed he  


  • abandoned me yeah i did and then i woke up in the  morning and the fire had gone out and i was like  


  • it was like you know in those cartoons where you  see like little teeth chattering cold yeah yeah  

    在那些動畫片中看到的小牙齒在顫抖 ,就像 是你知道的,是的,

  • it was really cold it's really cold yeah we have  put on the fire again and that's really helped  


  • and then i also crawled back into the proper bed  layered up got under those blankets and did not  

    ,然後我也爬回了鋪在毯子下面的適當的床上 ,直到現在 還

  • did not get out until now yeah so now we're  just packing up but we're waiting for it to be  


  • 9 30 so we can walk over to the main house  and have our farmer's breakfast which i'm  


  • really looking forward to i hope there's some  bacon and eggs yeah i'm excited about that we  


  • we honestly have no idea what it's going to  be we've just been thinking about it trying to  


  • guess what it could be but yeah i do feel like  i need some calories to warm up this morning  


  • yeah so also this was a really fun experience the  one thing sam and i were saying is we'd probably  


  • recommend for you to go once it's like late spring  like early spring might still be a little too cold  


  • yeah a little bit warmer would be definitely  better yeah that being said there are people  


  • who came here in the in the winter that's true so  that is coming in true you definitely have to have  


  • your thermals on so that is the morning update  for you guys and we'll see you in a few minutes


  • oh two two eight they're still growing into their  ears well guys we are back on the road heading  

    哦,兩點二八點他們還在耳邊,伙計們,我們回到 回家 的路上, 但我們只想花一點時間談談關於我們的早餐和農場之旅,我們 是如此的酷,是如此的酷,早餐真是太棒了,所有

  • home but we just wanted to take a moment to talk  about our breakfast and the farm tour we had that  


  • was so cool that was so cool the breakfast was  amazing all the products were made and produced  


  • on the farm there's a richness and a quality that  you just don't get that you buy from the store  


  • parallel parallel huge thank you to michael the  owner who prepared breakfast in his kitchen it  


  • was amazing he kept on coming out with course  after course after course yeah we started off  


  • with coffee we had um incredible porridge  yeah a farmer's porridge the best porridge  

    喝咖啡,我們喝的是稀飯,是的,是農民的稀飯,這是 我吃過

  • i've ever had with maple sugar maple syrup  maple syrup then there was homemade bread  

    的最好的稀飯 ,楓糖,楓糖漿,楓糖漿。糖漿,然後是家製麵包,

  • we had cheeses yeah from the cows on the farm so  many different cheeses that were just delicious  


  • yeah we had honey jams juice and even even  the cream that we poured into the coffee was  

    是的,我們有蜂蜜果醬汁,甚至我們倒入咖啡中的奶油都是 從農場上的牛

  • that original from the cows on the farm it was  great and like then he came out i think this  

    身上 得到的。感覺很棒,然後他出來了,我想這就

  • was like the fourth course like do you guys want  eggs but we had eaten so much we just couldn't  


  • we were already at brunch levels of fullness but  yeah we would really recommend that if you guys go  


  • and stay at the yurts try the farmer's breakfast  it's 20 per person but you're gonna get a feast of  

    和留在蒙古包裡嘗試了農民的早餐是每人20塊,但你會得到 一餐 盛宴

  • a meal that you won't soon forget yeah exactly  and then and then we did a tour of the farm  

    ,你將不會很快忘記呀準確,然後,然後我們做了 這是 農場參觀

  • which was which was also very fascinating very  cool got to meet all the cows got to learn  


  • their names yes got to meet the four dogs on the  property the cats the cats the horses yeah the pig  

    他們的名字,是的, 他們遇到了這只 四隻狗。貓,貓,馬,是的

  • who had just given birth to the little piglets  yeah so it was a really nice experience it was  

    ,剛生下小豬 的豬 ,是的,這真是太好了經歷那

  • great that's kind of like it's just a whole whole  different world out there it's really cool it's uh  


  • i could have spent a few more nights for sure  and you know what it'd be so nice to go back  

    我可以確定再住幾晚,你知道 夏天 回去真是太好了,

  • in the summer because they put on concerts  um out on the farm and we also learned that  


  • for people staying in the yurts they actually  have a hot tub that you can heat with firewood  


  • and they do like an essential oils spa so  that's totally my kind of thing i would  


  • be all in for that so yeah just great to  get away for a bit just a few hours from  

    全部為此,是的,距離 大城市 僅幾個小時的路程

  • the big city there's opportunities like this  in all directions really all directions and um  


  • yeah we'll definitely be doing a whole lot more  unique accommodations in the spring and summer  


  • so we hope you'll join us for those yeah see you  in the next video thanks for watching guys bye

    所以我們希望你會在我們對那些耶看到你的下一部影片感謝收看傢伙在 你

  • you


watch your head on the way in if you're oh my gosh


Subtitles and vocabulary

Click the word to look it up Click the word to find further inforamtion about it

B1 農場 爐子 早餐 溫暖 三角形 參觀

MONGOLIAN YURT 入住生物動力農場?| 加拿大安大略省的春季攝影大賽 (MONGOLIAN YURT Stay on a Biodynamic Farm ?? | Spring GLAMPING in Ontario, Canada)

  • 52 1
    Summer posted on 2021/04/10
Video vocabulary