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  • mhm.

  • People just like watching things fall for some reason, it's almost hypnotizing.


  • My name is lily heavy ish and I am a domino artist, which means I set up thousands of dominoes and intricate arrangements and patterns and then I knock them down.

    我的名字叫Lily Heavy ish,我是一個多米諾骨牌藝術家,這意味著我設置了成千上萬的多米諾骨牌和複雜的排列和圖案,然後我把它們敲下來。

  • Lily is the most popular domino artists on Youtube with two million subscribers and half a billion views.


  • Perfect.


  • Yes, but not everybody gets it.


  • I get a lot of comments on Youtube, someone will be like dominoes, that's not an art form.


  • Anyone can do that.


  • They don't understand what goes into a domino setup.


  • Behind every successful project is a lot of painstaking work.


  • Over the past decade.


  • She spent thousands of hours building projects like these elaborate domino chains that have made fans out of celebrities set multiple records and earned her a massive online following.


  • But even with all that experience, each project carries the same risk.


  • It's going to knock down at some points and you just have to learn how to deal with that And get past and keep rebuilding.

    在某些時候會被擊倒 你必須學會如何處理這個問題,然後過去,繼續重建。

  • Keep doing it.


  • Even if it fails.


  • She calls her favorite project the amazing triple spiral.


  • It took eight days and 15,000 dominoes to set up lily also works on teams.


  • She was one of two leads on this massive setup which took 19 builders, 250 1000 dominoes in a full week to construct from start to finish.


  • It fell for an astonishing 12 minutes and 39 seconds and broke three records, including largest overall domino project in America when I'm building, it's like I'm almost in a trance and I like get into the zone of where I could just focus on the dominoes and create something that I think of and make it come to life.


  • Some people are very square and geometric with their lines and kind of like free form and I like go all over the place with my setups and I think that's why people like it because they can always be surprised by what's gonna come next.


  • Domino's aren't the only ingredient.


  • She also mixes in rube Goldberg like tricks which allow even more opportunities to think in three dimensions.

    她還混入了類似於rube Goldberg的技巧,讓人們有更多的機會進行三維思考。

  • To start a project lily first decides which elements to build around.


  • So there's a lot of names for different tricks.


  • The most standard ones are abdominal line, abdominal curve, abdominal field, tower, wall, pyramid.


  • There's a lot of tricks.


  • I do all the structures first.


  • Um so that's like the walls, the towers and in case one of those towers followed by accident, it won't knock down or that other things around it.

    嗯... ...所以就像牆壁,大廈... ...萬一這些大廈中的一個跟著發生意外, 它不會擊倒或其他東西在它周圍。

  • And then after I do all the structures, I do all the flat projects which is the fields, the lines, the turns, this is a direction changer.


  • So when the clear domino hits the top of it it will spin And then it'll hit the yellow one, make it go in a 90° angle and then I connect it all with a single dominant line.

    所以當透明的骨牌撞到上面的時候就會旋轉 然後撞到黃色的骨牌,讓它呈90°角,然後我用一條主導線把它連接起來。

  • I think the main thing is just being calm and precise, so there are two main ways for a project to fail.


  • One is if the chain gets stuck and doesn't fall all the way through in one tape and then of course there are accidental falls.


  • Okay?


  • No, yeah, I've knocked it down by accident a couple of times as a dominant builder, you have to learn to get through fails and just try to figure out what failed how to improve it and get better to avoid accidental knockdowns.


  • She uses a fail safe technique as I'm building.


  • I make safety gaps by taking out like five dominoes here and there and if I knock it down by accident it will stop at that gap so it doesn't knock down the whole thing Got to be super, super careful, especially because I'm like in this setup right now feeling and safety gaps is probably the most stressful part of it because if you knock it down, it could knock down the whole thing.


  • So it's pretty tense.


  • After her first viral video in 2013, it became clear that this was no longer just a hobby.


  • Domino card is my full time job.


  • Currently right now I'm traveling around the world doing projects for companies who want their logo done in domino's.


  • I've done commercials and different things for ad agencies to recreate images from pop culture or logos like this.


  • She starts on her computer.


  • So when I do a picture out of dominoes first I'll find the image online and then there's a computer program on Microsoft Excel where you put the image that you find online beneath the cells.


  • And it'll actually convert the cells into a domino pixel.


  • Then she prints out a step by step guide on how to recreate the image and domino form.


  • So it'll say like row 13 white for black and then you know exactly how many dominoes to actually make the image.


  • And then I set up cameras and I knock it down lily post a new video every saturday.


  • It takes up so much of her time.


  • But she's actually decided to take a break from college to focus on her career.


  • My Youtube channel is doing so well.


  • I'm getting a lot of inquiries.


  • I'm able to sustain myself and I don't really need a degree to do what I'm doing.


  • If I want to go back to college in the future I can, that's always an option.


  • But I already have the job that I want.


  • The best part for me is seeing something that I work so hard on work all the way through after sometimes even spending weeks planning and building it.


  • I finally get to see the payoff when I knock it down and when I see that last I'm gonna fall.


  • That's like the best part, like that's what I live for.

    這就像最好的部分, 喜歡這就是我的生活。

  • Mm.



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B1 項目 建造 失敗 影像 單元格 lily

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    林宜悉 posted on 2021/04/15
Video vocabulary