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  • Hi everyone, I'm Priyanka and this is how I do date night hair.


  • So, when I washed my hair yesterday, I washed it with this clarifying shampoo and some volume conditioner, which, you know, a girl always needs, and then today I had to go to set and I had to work out and I was doing stunt training.


  • I'm still in my workout clothes and I've had a lot of these days where, you know, my days run into the nights and tonight I'll have my husband over, so we're gonna be having dinner, even though I'm in London and I have nowhere else to go.


  • But, you know, you want your hair to look a little zhuched and that's what I'm going to attempt showing you today.


  • My hair is thick.


  • I would say it has a mind of its own, it decides whether it's in a curly mood or if it's in a straight mood. Most of the time, my hair is like this, which is up in a bun because I'm really not someone who likes to make an effort with it, but if I do, my hair listens, so that's really great.


  • So, usually when my hair has been up like this for a really long time, it kinks, just like everyone else, right?


  • So, I try and pull my hair down and try and see which side it feels like parting at because it will usually tell you, is it a side part?


  • I don't think it's a side part.


  • As you can tell,


  • It has like, you know, it doesn't have volume, it's falling flat.


  • It has a kink.


  • So, what I usually do is, this is where my dry shampoo, ANOMALY Dry Shampoo, comes very handy.

    所以通常我會用乾洗髮,我用的是 ANOMALY 乾洗髮,非常地方便。

  • I part my hair wherever I want a little bit of volume, especially on the crown because that's always fun to have, oh my gosh, it smells so good.


  • My ends usually get... really dry.


  • I like using ORIBE's moisturizing cream, which is, like, really nice on my hair. And I give, even on, like, dry hair, it's really nice and I just give it a little twist and a curl in the mood that it wants to go in. Then, here is the trick.

    我喜歡用 ORIBE 的保溼霜,它非常適合我的頭髮。然後我… 即使頭髮是乾的效果也很好,我只需要輕輕地順著髮流捲幾下。接下來是我的絕招。

  • You go upside down and vavavoom hair.


  • This hair made of transformation.


  • Yes, but it always wasn't the case.


  • There have been amazing, you know, hairstyles that I've had the opportunity to have, especially in red carpets because I've worked with such amazing... amazing people who are experts in hair, who know what they're doing.


  • But I always remember my hair during my first Emmys, I was wearing this beautiful custom Jason Wu red gown and my hair was in a very simple side-parted bun. It was so elegant and so beautiful with what the gown was in, the cut of the gown that I remember it was one shoulder and which is why we have chosen to do a side bun, which was really sharp to offset the dress and I just love, like, creative insights like that.

    但我永遠忘不了我第一次參加艾美獎的髮型,當時我穿著 Jason Wu 的定製紅禮服,我的髮型是非常簡單的側分髮髻。這個髮型搭配禮服顯得特別優雅和美麗,我記得禮服是斜肩的剪裁,所以我們才會梳側分髮髻,俐落的髮型與禮服剪裁相得益彰,我超愛這種充滿創意的靈感。

  • And that's definitely an up-do that I always will think about. There has been a hair that I've always been fascinated with, which I don't think I'll ever have the courage to do.


  • Maybe for a part or a role in a movie or something, I might even think about it, but I'm just really fascinated with a great fade, you know, like, a crew cut and like just a beautiful fade across the back of my hair and then to have the front, just the way it is, but there's a little secret right here.

    或許為了電影中的角色設定我會考慮,我真的非常喜歡漸層剪髮, 你知道嗎,就是把下層的頭髮理成平頭那種好看的漸層剪髮,然後上層維持不變,就像這裡藏著小秘密的感覺。

  • But no, I've never had the courage to do it, and I really want to try.


  • My writer guide hair care tool would be a blow dryer because, one, I don't know how to do anything with any of the other tools because I am usually on a glam chair and you know, I have some amazing people usually working on my hair for the job.


  • So what I like to do is I like to use my own natural textures and I like to air dry my hair.


  • So I think a blow dryer would be my go-to.


  • During quarantine, there's really not much you can do for date night, but I still try to make an effort.


  • You know, now that we got our hair did, we got that red lipstick,


  • I might get adventurous and put on an earing, guys.


  • What do you think?


  • Well, thank you for helping me get dressed for date night and I hope this works for you.


Hi everyone, I'm Priyanka and this is how I do date night hair.


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普里揚卡-喬普拉-喬納斯的 "約會之夜 "髮型教程 | How I Do | Harper's BAZAAR (Priyanka Chopra Jonas’ Date Night Hair Tutorial | How I Do | Harper’s BAZAAR)

  • 4079 136
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/04/30
Video vocabulary