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Let's see if we can jumpstart your English habits and help you learn a few business English phrasal verbs over the next six days.
You wanna try this challenge with me?
Hi, I'm your English coach Christina, and welcome to Speak English With Christina, the best place to become confident in business English step by step.
Last time we talked about creating a good environment that makes it easy to become confident in English.
And we started with the two-minute rule to see that, yes, you can do English every day, even if you're busy.
If you just start small to build those habits, feel good about yourself, and get that positive momentum going.
And today, I'm gonna give you the exact plan plus all of the resources that you need for free to jumpstart your good English habits.
Now, I've created this free six-day plan with all of the activities and exercises and the tools that you need to create that good environment to do English every day and to see that, yes, you can do that.
And, I'm gonna demonstrate the plan in this episode, and then over on social media like my LinkedIn profile and Facebook page, I will remind you each day to do these activities.
So, if you haven't gotten the plan yet, go to and get your plan.
It's totally free.
And I would love for you to do this with me.
All right, day one.
We could even start today.
Today, you're just going to prepare to make it easy for you to do English each day this week.
Go and get your plan on
Decide where you will do these activities, uh, this week.
Maybe at your, at your desk - like my desk back there - maybe at your dinner table, maybe in your favorite chair.
Decide where you'll do it.
Collect the things that you'll need this week.
So, you'll need a pen.
You'll need some flashcards, which you can create from paper, and you'll need, of course, that plan that I created for you.
So print it out or download it, and put it in your learning space, the place where you're going to learn.
And then on your Six-Day English Habits Starter Plan, write your intention for tomorrow.
And this is, "I will read Christina's story at the time and at the place."
And then, check off day one on the checklist that I prepared for you and congratulate yourself because you have taken the first step to becoming good at business English.
And that's all that you have to do for day one.
I'm sure you can do it, and then say, okay, I did it, good for me.
On day two, just read the story that I wrote for you.
And that's it; that's all you have to do.
That is your goal for day two.
Just read that story.
And if you want something a little more, well, underline the phrasal verbs that you find.
Write your intention for day three, which is, "I will create my flashcards at time, at place."
Collect your blank cards, get your pen, get the story, and prepare for the activity of day three.
And, of course, feel good about yourself because you completed day two.
That's two days in a row for you.
On day three, you are going to create your flashcards.
So you'll take one card and just write one phrasal verb on each card from the story, just, just the verb, like right there.
And, then you can also print or download my definitions of the phrasal verbs.
They're in that Six-Day English Habits Starter Plan, and you'll need those for day four.
So, prepare for day four.
Put everything, put your cards with your phrasal verbs, put your pen, and put the definitions in your learning space, and write your intention for day four.
Then, again, feel good because you have just completed day three.
That's three days in a row.
You're on a roll.
Now, for this episode, I just wanted to go through days one, two, and three.
We're starting small so that it's easy for you to do.
Then, uh, on... Friday, uh, Friday I will check in with you and demonstrate days four through six so that you can do those days
And, just, you know, stick with me for these six days, together we're gonna jumpstart your good English habits this week.
You can become confident, like, for real, even if you're busy and even if you had difficulties learning English in the past.
Uh, you saw the activities for days one, two, and three - they're super short.
I have, you know, got everything explained for you step by step, clearly and concretely over in the Six-Day English Habits Starter Plan.
It's at, and you can start with day one today.
And then, of course, follow me on LinkedIn and Facebook.
The links are below so that I can remind you to do your activities each day.
And we're gonna jumpstart your English habits this week, and I'm looking forward to it.
I'll see you next time.