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  • Simon: In our videos we are trying to guide you

  • into the magical world of Ramen.

  • We've already showed you Tonkatsu Ramen- (yes sir)

  • we've also shown you Chuka Soba (yes we have)

  • Today we are going to show you probably one of MY favorite ramens out there-

  • Tsuke Soba, also known as: Tsukemen.

  • Martina: So today we're at Tsuke Soba: Katsumto Kanda-

  • Simon: youre gonna love it !

  • Oh man- Let me tell you, it is Complicated to film At A Ramen Shop!

  • This is a very small amount of space,

  • look at-

  • Gigantic Martina Out Front,

  • and Tiny Simon ! [unintelligible] I've lost a lot of weight

  • Yeah- this is what I'm-

  • Let me Just tell you, I've lost a lot of weight-

  • supposed to-

  • Martinaaah-

  • Ma-a-an! Are you trying to make me look like in The Lord of The Rings,

  • when you have like, Gandalf and the...

  • There's literally other way for us to film this-

  • No, sorry guys.

  • We both went for the 'Tokusei'

  • which is a supreme-

  • -wouldn't even just say Tokusei, I think that's really weird-

  • So we went for the Tokusei Chuka Soba- not Chuka,

  • we went for the Tokusei Tsuke- (Both: laughing) I'm so hungry!

  • It's just so-

  • we went for the Tokusei Shoyu Tsukesoba!

  • it comes with an egg, it comes with char siu, it comes with nori,

  • it comes with All the little toppings, bits and bobs-

  • and we even get

  • TWO different kinds of noodles.

  • so this is gonna be very unique for a tsukemen shop

  • because you usually just get One Kind of noodle

  • but here they're giving you two,

  • they're giving you the 'hoso-men'

  • which is a skinny noodle,

  • and the 'hira-men' which is a flat noodle

  • so you could-

  • try two different kinds of noodles

  • and appreciate both!

  • it's finally here !

  • I'll let you have it first because I love you the most-

  • -I accidentally pressed record this is... recording into my crotch... *chicken noise*

  • Tha-a-ank Go-o-od

  • See, for you only 20 seconds have passed,

  • but for us,

  • we've been shooting B-cam shots for the past hour and a half-

  • like this one:

  • ["sexy" voiceover]: Ooh~, pour that broth all over my BODY~

  • I KNOW IT WOULD BURN, but it'd be worth it~

  • and this one:

  • ["sexy" voice]: OOOH that [???] -perfect, tender MEAT


  • -and this one:

  • ["sexy" voice]: look at the precision!

  • LOOK at that Citrus Brush!


  • Simon: well that's a terrible angle of you,

  • why did I even do that one-

  • But now it's finally time...

  • for us to eat

  • Itadakima-a-asu

  • Oh mercy,

  • hoh,

  • all this patience,

  • OHH-

  • my god, that was...

  • mmm

  • Worth the wait!

  • MMM!

  • this bowl is far too hot for me to hold-

  • wait-

  • wait-

  • I'll be honest, I dumped a bit of that in my lap.

  • the broth has like a,

  • a fattiness, yet a citrus-

  • yea-a-ah! The yuzu's really cutting through nicely-

  • most tsukemen that I've had

  • has been [???]-based

  • which is a really really thick,

  • almost like a gravy?

  • Right!

  • really really rich,

  • but this one's more of like uh, shoyu-based?

  • so it feels a lot lighter, but it still has a bit of like a

  • buttery, oiliness to it

  • I really like

  • being able to go back and forth between the noodles,

  • because the thin noodles are VERY al dente,

  • they have a very nice bite to them,

  • they have, they what? They're:

  • the thicker noodles

  • have such a great bounce to it,

  • kind of like my favorite udon shops

  • when you bite into the udon-

  • it really bounces back.

  • I originally thought the fat noodles

  • were going to be really dense and kind of like,

  • much heavier?

  • but they're not,

  • they're REALLY light,

  • they have a nice, kind of like,

  • bounce to them

  • and they really pick up, you can FEEL the broth

  • all over your lips when you're slurping up the noodles

  • the big ones are a LOT denser

  • now you might notice-


  • notice- A-U-U-U-GH!

  • (laughing) -nothing happened!

  • nothing ha- nothing happened!

  • I was like,

  • 'O-oh, my god! My food is so good...'

  • LOOK at this, sexy egg~

  • that you have going on there,

  • I LOVE Japanese eggs.

  • If i ever leave Japan

  • I'm gonna miss the eggs-

  • Martina: I'm gonna bring the eggs with me

  • Simon: I need to bring Japanese chickens with me! [*chicken sound*]

  • you know what's a really important part

  • that we haven't explained yet to people?

  • what?

  • how to EAT tsukemen.

  • you might be tempted to take this bowl of broth,

  • and to dump it all over your noodles

  • DO NOT!

  • that would be the wrong thing to do

  • that's the WRONG way to do-

  • you're actually just taking it

  • and you are

  • putting it into the broth

  • you're not letting it sit there to get all bloated

  • pushing it around a bit,

  • letting it coat on top of it,

  • and then you're scooping it back up again

  • and you're slurping it in a totally,

  • unladylike fashion-

  • this is what it's all about

  • mmm

  • mmm!

  • the difference between this

  • and the regular ramen

  • is that a regular ramen

  • you should finish within six or seven minutes,

  • because, the broth is gonna bloat the noodles

  • so you have to eat that really quickly

  • here,

  • the broth and the noodles are separate

  • so you can take your time a little bit more

  • this is meant to be,

  • a summer dish. Kind of rereshing and cool

  • but I'll be honest,

  • I only learned that fact half an hour before coming here

  • and we've been eating tsukemen

  • All year round!

  • regardless of the season

  • it's perfect all times of year

  • we just need a little slogan underneath Simon when he says that

  • LOOK

  • at my beautiful meat.

  • I don't even need to use my teeth to eat it

  • Simon: you might notice how the broth on its own is very salty,

  • it's not meant to be a soup that you drink by itself,

  • think of it more as just like, a dipping sauce or kind of a gravy

  • you don't drink gravy on your own, or at least,

  • you shouldn't be drinking gravy on its own.

  • the noodles themselves, are really gonna balance out the flavor

  • of the saltiness of the broth.

  • you wanna think about the fatty side, the sweet side, the fishy side

  • it has so many different flavors in it

  • Before coming to japan, I liked noodle soups

  • but I never really focused on the noodles themself-

  • because usually the broth takes over, especially with like

  • a Pho for example,

  • but if you have tsukemen-

  • -but if you have tsukemen, you CANNOT

  • get the noodles wrong.

  • I'll tell you that I really noticed how much I like wrapping my noodles in nori

  • yeah!

  • normally I'm not a fan of seaweed in my ramen, because

  • I find it really overpowering. But if you wrap it in the noodles

  • and then you eat it as a little package, it almost tastes like a little maki roll

  • I think it's fantastic

  • are you gonna finish all your noodles?

  • Umm, I AM gonna finish all my noodles, so-

  • cause I'm almost done my noodles, and I still have many things I want to say

  • why didn't you order the bigger noodles then? (laughs)

  • why- why are you ordering the same amount as me I'm smaller than you

  • *SIGH* fine

  • you can have some of my noodles

  • if you wanna give me all of them I'm totally okay with that-

  • that's too much.

  • sumimasen- soup wari[?], Kudasai.

  • at the end of your meal you can ask for extra soup

  • it's not gonna be the same as before because it's not salty

  • they're just kind of like, taking the soup itself

  • without all the soy sauce in it.

  • true love is when you share your, end broth... stuff

  • name that I cant remember, with the person sitting beside you-

  • I just taught everyone, did you learn as well?

  • no. I didn't listen to you, I zone you out a lot. (laughs)

  • this is what 11 years of marriage does,

  • I listen to everything she says

  • that's a filthy lie-

  • I listen to you all the time girl

  • no, you don't !

  • what was I telling you this morning?

  • no. doesn't recall-

  • you were telling me abou-u-ut, your dream.

  • which was about?

  • I don't want this soup to get cold!

  • o-o-oh, I see.

  • - you can have some, love.

  • I remember Simon's dream! He told me his dream but he doesn't remember my dream!

  • I had a dream that, I was Mexican (laughing) and Donald Trump had erected a wall

  • -and, Martina was on the other side of the wall in a prison

  • and I tried to jump the fence, and I couldn't jump the fence!

  • and like, how am I gonna get to my wife? This is a terrible dream!

  • and then I woke up pretty upset about it.

  • "Martina, Martina we were mexican!" and I'm like, "what is happening right now?"

  • mmm! oh it is refreshing!

  • thank you so much to Katsumoto for sponsoring this video- If you

  • recall we did a video about chuka soba a while ago that was

  • also Katsumoto- they make INCREDIBLE

  • ramen (yup), we've enjoyed both of them, I hope you open up a

  • third shop and try something else because they (yes) know what they're doing.

  • and I feel like this is just, a dream scenario for us (yeah-)

  • because we ate here before we actually filmed this video (mhm)

  • and we absolutely loved the tsuke soba, and so for them to be like

  • "hey could you film here for a sponsored video?" we were both like:

  • YUP!

  • If you wanna try this out, and I highly recommend you do-

  • make sure you click on the info box below, we're gonna have directions,

  • we're gonna have a blog post-

  • and I'm gonna give you a heads up! Umm,

  • we are not the only people that know about how awesome this shop is-

  • they normally have a queue- give yourself a 20-minute buffer

  • if you're starving because you're gonna be waiting outside with everybody else

  • and you're just gonna smell it, and it's gonna TORTURE YOUR SOUL

  • well I believe we're just about out of steam ! (laughing) so-

  • I'm gonna go fall asleep on the train ride home.

  • ok this is it,

  • I'm going !

  • goodbye everyone!

  • thanks for watching!

Simon: In our videos we are trying to guide you

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