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  • The averege cat is 30cm, so that's about 1m50cm Cats have the ability to jump up to 5 times their height.

  • How high can you jump?

  • A cat, if can't jump higher,

  • is nothing but a kitty

  • Warning!! that's jump too far.

  • The end

The averege cat is 30cm, so that's about 1m50cm Cats have the ability to jump up to 5 times their height.

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沒有什麼能比得上跳貓的垂直跳躍。 沒有什麼能比得上跳跳貓! (けしからん猫の垂直跳びには敵わない。 NOTHING CAN RIVAL THE JUMPING CAT!)

  • 1063 35
    nkflt posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary