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  • A massive skyscraper shakes

  • Bitcoin prices plummet

  • And China expands its nuclear arsenal

  • That and more on this week's China news headlines

  • Welcome to China Uncensored, I'm Chris Chappell.

  • And these are this week's China news headlines

  • The Chinese Communist Party has prided itself on how it's transformed China into a land

  • of glittery skyscrapers.

  • The problem is all those skyscrapers are made in China.

  • This video shows people in Shenzhen fleeing in panic as a skyscraper, almost 1000 feet

  • tall, starts wobbling and swaying, even though there was no earthquake or bad weather.

  • People inside the building were evacuated, and an investigation is ongoing intowhy

  • a giant skyscraper just randomly started wobbling.

  • But expertsfound no safety abnormalities in the main structure and surrounding environment

  • of the building”.

  • Other than the fact the building wobbles!

  • These have been a bad couple of weeks for the public image of Chinese construction.

  • Last week, a man was left dangling from one of China's infamous glass bridges, after

  • the glass shattered in strong wind.

  • There's a big problem in China of construction corruption.

  • Officials or contractors often siphon money from construction, during each phase of the

  • project.

  • So the end result can be dangerously unstable buildings.

  • It's such a common problem, Chinese people have a name for itTofu Dreg Construction.

  • Because it's like the buildings are made of the scraps left behind from making tofu.

  • That's right, not even tofu.

  • Tofu scraps.

  • So in a way, it's appropriate that a Titanic replica is now under construction in China.

  • If that falls apart, it's just being historically accurate.

  • Speaking of things collapsingthe price of Bitcoin.

  • We partly have a Chinese government crackdown to thank.

  • Chinese authorities said the crypto market was too volatile so restricted trading, which

  • caused a volatile drop in the price of crypto, including BitCoin.

  • But if you've lost a bunch of money, don't worry, China is helping out.

  • With over half a million dollars in counterfeit currency.

  • This is one of the tactics of the Chinese Communist Party's economic warfare against

  • the US.

  • China is flooding the US with fake goods.

  • In 2019, Customs and Border Patrol made almost 28,000 seizures.

  • Those goods would have been worth $1.5 billion dollars if they were genuine.

  • And almost half of those fake goods came from China.

  • So considering the economic warfare China is waging against the US, you'll probably

  • be wanting to invest in Chinese stocks with ties to the Chinese military.

  • Well fear not, a Trump era ban on doing just that has been postponed!

  • But you'd better move quick.

  • You only have until June 11.

  • Buy now!

  • A former American university professor has been sentenced to 37 months in prison for

  • lying on grant applications.

  • He was trying to get millions of dollars in federal grant money to do research in China.

  • As part of his sentence, he was alsoordered to pay more than $3.4 million in restitution

  • to the National Institute of Health and approximately $413,000 to The Ohio State University.”

  • If he's having a hard time raising the money, maybe he could invest in Dogecoin?

  • And after the break, the US may be falling behind China on science.

  • But there's a plan to change that.

  • Welcome back.

  • Some fear the US is falling behind China in the sciences.

  • So the Senate is considering a $120 billion dollar investment to counter China.

  • It's a bipartisan bill.

  • It is led by Democratic Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer and Republican Senator Todd

  • Young.

  • You see, the US kind of realized the problem of having China dominate things like the medical

  • equipment supply chain when the coronavirus hit.

  • China is rapidly expanding its nuclear weapons arsenal.

  • That's a concern for the US and Russiawho have a regular nuclear dialogue to make sure

  • things don't go Duke Nukem.

  • However, China doesn't seem to be willing to join these nuclear arms talks.

  • According to U.S. disarmament Ambassador Robert WoodDespite the PRC's dramatic build-up

  • of its nuclear arsenal, unfortunately it continues to resist discussing nuclear risk reduction

  • bilaterally with the United States.”

  • But as world-ending catastrophes go, China is willing to work with the US on climate

  • change.

  • Working to fight climate change can actually be good for business.

  • Especially the business of ethnic slave labor.

  • A new report this week found China is using Uyghur forced labor to make parts for solar

  • panels.

  • And China makes about 70% of the world's solar panels.

  • The Chinese Communist Party has been in propaganda overdrive to cover up their genocide of the

  • Uyghurs in Xinjiang.

  • I talked about that in a previous episode.

  • One of the Party's propaganda tools is releasing videos from Uyghurs.

  • Chinese state media have published dozens of the videos praising the Communist Party

  • and showing Uyghurs angrily denouncing former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo for declaring

  • a genocide in the far west Xinjiang region.”

  • The Party has been claiming that people made these videos totally spontaneously and out

  • of their own free will.

  • Because they're just so, so angry at Mike Pompeo.

  • But in a very shocking twist, it turns out the Chinese regime ordered Uyghurs to make

  • these videos.

  • The Associated Press obtained a screenshot of a text message sent to government officials

  • in Xinjiang, telling them to find Uyghurs to make these videos.

  • And the text even spelled out what these Uyghurs should say in their totally spontaneous videos:

  • Express a clear position on Pompeo's remarks, for example: I firmly oppose Pompeo's

  • anti-Chinese remarks, and I am very angry about them...Express your feelings of loving

  • the party, the country and Xinjiang (I am Chinese, I love my motherland, I am happy

  • at work and in life, and so on).”

  • Very convincing.

  • You know, after years of bending Hollywood to its will, you'd think the Communist Party

  • could get some better screenwriters.

  • Unfortunately, the man who leaked this government text to the AP has now been detained forinstigating

  • splittism”.

  • At least until he makes a video about how much he loves the Chinese Communist Party.

  • Totally spontaneously and out of his own free will.

  • The genocide of Uyghur Muslims in China is part of the reason there's a growing call

  • for a Boycott of the 2022 Beijing Olympic games.

  • This week, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi joined that call.

  • Specifically she's calling for a diplomatic boycott.

  • That's where individual athletes would be allowed to go and compete.

  • But US officials would not attend the games.

  • There's a new job in Chinaorgan donation coordinators.

  • You see, China has been rapidly expanding its organ transplant industry.

  • Lots of money to be made there.

  • Most of those organs come from religious and ethnic minorities, like Falun Gong practitioners

  • or Uyghur Muslims, who are killed for their organs.

  • China didn't have any voluntary organ donation system until 2011.

  • Unless you count the system where the PartyvolunteeredUyghurs and Falun Gong.

  • But even after the Party started a separate system for people to actually voluntarily

  • donate their organs, not many people used it.

  • So that's where organ donation coordinators come in.

  • Their role is to convince families of dying patients to agree to donate their loved one's

  • organs.”

  • Except according to a former organ donation coordinator, that usually means screwing poor

  • people.

  • “[He] recounted one case involving a very poor family.

  • Their dying family member could still have been saved with proper medical treatment.

  • But the family decided not to proceed with this.

  • Instead, they chose to starve himand cash out.”

  • Yeah, don't get an organ transplant in China.

  • And a Chinese propaganda ploy in Turkey backfired badly.

  • China hosted a drawing contest for highschoolers called China in My Dreams.

  • Students were supposed to submit artwork that best described the ties between China and

  • Turkey.

  • And boy did they ever.

  • Here are some examples.

  • Xi Jinping surrounded by Uyghurs skulls, and another that shows a man dressed in clothing

  • made of the PRC flga putting his hand over a Uyghurs mouth, expressing the idea that

  • uyghurs have no freedom of speech.

  • Yet other social media users have shared drawings on various themes: uyghurs hanged by nooses

  • made from China's flag; uyghurs who were killed by a sword while china and Turkey carried

  • on their 'friendship;' and the Chinese state representatives demolishing mosques, impressioning

  • uyghurs.

  • I so love it when the Communist Party's propaganda initiatives blow up in their face.

  • And now it's time to answer a question from a member of the China Uncensored 50 Cent Army,

  • fans who support us and our efforts to expose the truth about the Chinese Communist Party

  • on the crowd funding website Patreon.

  • Nikolay asks: “Chris, In a case of war, what do you think will happen with US companies

  • that pander to CCP, like YouTube and Twitter?”

  • Well Nikolay, I'd hate to see an actual boots on the ground war between the US and

  • China, but if something like that were to happen, many Western companies, not just the

  • tech companies like YouTube and Twitter, would be screwed.

  • In fact, one of the first things the Communist Party would do is to seize the factories and

  • assets of any American companies that are operating inside China.

  • Right now, these companies think the China market means big business and big bucks.

  • Of course it never works out that way.

  • But if the American public decided they wouldn't give their business to companies with ties

  • to China, those companies would change how they do things.

  • And the great news is it doesn't need to take a war for that to happen.

  • Right now, you can start buying from competitors who don't invest in China, or boycott companies

  • that turn a blind eye to the Chinese Communist Party.

  • Hit 'em where it hurtsin the wallet.

  • Thanks for your question Nikolay and your support.

  • And a big thank you to everyone who supports China Uncensored on Patreon.

  • We could not do this show without you.

  • So thank you for joining us in the fight to expose the Chinese Communist Party to the

  • world.

  • If you're interested in joining, head over to

  • You'll get a bunch of cool perks, including the chance to have me answer your question

  • on the show!

  • Once again I'm Chris Chappell, see you next time.

A massive skyscraper shakes

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當中國摩天大樓搖晃時驚慌失措!(Panic As Chinese Skyscraper Wobbles!)

  • 13 0
    zijun su posted on 2021/05/22
Video vocabulary