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our second day in comodoro rivadavia chubut argentina didn't quite go to plan
我們在comodoro rivadavia chubut阿根廷的第二天不是很計劃,
we woke up to torrential rains that pretty much lasted the whole day this was just a
day of misadventure in which really nothing went according to plan i mean we still went
out there to explore a bit unaware of the fact that the weather had shut down most of the city
but basically everywhere we went was closed so let's fast forward to
the next day when we tried it all over again this time with a bit of sunshine
第二天 , 這次我們在陽光明媚的 早晨世界中 再次嘗試了一下
good morning world good morning guys greetings again from comodoro rivadavia patagonia and it is
a sunny day so i am feeling very happy what what a difference a day makes it felt like armageddon
晴天,所以我感到非常高興, 昨天的一天與今天的 世界末日相比有什麼不同
yesterday and now is gorgeous outside sunshine the warmth has come back look at look at how we're
dressed t-shirts and shorts at least for me you've got a t-shirt jeans so we're gonna have a second
attempt on visiting the petroleum museum today i actually i phoned them this morning are you open
今天參觀石油館 第二次 嘗試其實我今天早上我打電話給他們,你打開
they said yes we're gonna take a cab out there the more i think about it it's understandable
that it's closed yesterday like it was really the weather was quite severe like there was a
昨天倒閉是可以 理解的 ,就像天氣真的很惡劣,像是
bit of flooding there was severe winds and rains like a lot of things were shut down i just think
it's funny that we didn't realize the weather was bad enough that maybe sightseeing wouldn't
be a good idea we're like walking around comodoro rivadavia cameras we were committed to the cause
一個好主意,就像我們漫步在comodoro rivadavia相機上一樣,我們致力於
of making a video um we're also going to head back to our favorite restaurants where we had
製作視頻,我們也回到我們最喜歡的餐廳, 第一次約會 我們吃
seafood on the first date the place is phenomenal yeah and they specialize in paella for two people
海鮮,這個地方 很棒, 而且他們專門為兩個人準備海鮮飯,
yes you can also get a single portion but of course we'll get enough yeah
so that's the plan that's gonna be lunch and also we've got the lookout point to visit so
uh yeah basically everything that we were kind of hoping to do yesterday we'll get to do today
嗯,是的,基本上,我們昨天希望做的所有事情,今天 我們都 要做
and we've got a great lunch and i think we'll also make some time to visit a famous um ice
cream shop it's called chocolate i believe yes it is we'll have a little bit of ice cream so um
yeah a really fun day planned and gorgeous weather it's very inviting let's just go outside and enjoy
this what's this all about and this is a really interesting monument it's
right nearby the beach by the boardwalk this is a monument tango you can't have
tango music without that little accordion indeed key instrument right right here
,沒有小手風琴 就不能擁有 探戈音樂,這確實是關鍵樂器,在這裡
also what a huge difference it makes here between low tide and high tide because on
our first day we arrived at high tide and the waves were just like crashing into the beach
into the walls that are kind of like protecting the coastline
it was insane like we cannot believe the size of the waves just like smashing and
一樣瘋狂,就像我們不敢相信海浪的大小就像砸碎 一樣 ,
like jumping up in the air it was crazy um and now by comparison it looks so calm like
just little rolling waves not even big enough to surf on or anything it just looks inviting almost
that day we had lunch at cadoco del mar yes again when we like something we're the kind
著我們那天在cadoco del mar吃午飯,當我們喜歡è的東西,我們是
of people to go back for more and that's exactly how we felt about this restaurant
那種 人回去更多,這正是我們如何看待這家餐廳
this time around we tried some different seafood dishes that had piqued our interest
i got vaidam we were here a few days ago and i had their seafood casuela which is kind of like a soup
seafood stew yeah and we noticed they had on their menu
so we were like we need to come back for this and today was the day today is that day
所以我們好像要回來了,今天是今天,這一天 是令人愉快的
it's delightful it's definitely a different twist on fire like in spain it would be drier here it's
一天 ,這肯定是另一回事就像在西班牙,這裡會比較乾,但是
more soupy but it is very good and we have mussels we have shrimp there's um calamari a bit of
everything put everything in there huh and over here the seafood good times keep on rolling so
over here we've got pan-fried shrimp and a tomato-based sauce with garlic oh my goodness
look at all the shrimp delicious plum shrimp that's very very good i'm calling the sharing
rule into effect because this looks delightful and you have roasted potatoes yeah time to try those
those are really good i'm gonna throw a little bit of salt on there and they'll be even better
真的很好,我要 在上面撒些鹽 ,那天下午 他們會更好 ,我們開始步行去國家石油博物館,該博物館 距離里奧那海岸的市中心 約三
that afternoon we began the walk over to the national petroleum museum which is about three
kilometers from the center of town in comodoro rivadavia argentina since it was sunny we were
in the mood for a long stroll but just as a heads up you are basically walking
是在高速公路的一側 行走
on the side of a highway so if you visit you might be better off taking a taxi our plan had
been to stop halfway at a park overlooking the ocean but that was close for renovation sadly
it was a long walk but we eventually arrived at the national petroleum museum where we
had a guided tour we got to see where they first struck oil and learn how this event
gave birth to the city but more on that a bit later
this museum has an indoor and outdoor component so after touring the exterior and viewing some of
the machinery we went indoors to take part in a simulation where you can experience
what it would be like to travel to the depths of an oil well
and while it kind of felt a bit like an earthquake technically this activity is
geared more for kids and school groups but that didn't stop us from trying it
well guys i have just learned something new petroleum does not come in black alone it can be
all sorts of different colors as you can see here it says that it really all varies on the chemical
composition viscosity and density so some rather pretty tones which is kind of surprising i thought
成分的粘度和密度 都在變化, 因此有些相當漂亮的色調令人驚訝,我認為
this was basically it so that's kind of cool still learning fascinating stuff about petroleum here
um i'll translate this for you guys but it's basically saying that 5 000 years
ago the egyptians were already using petroleum to embalm their mummies what then 4 000 years
年前埃及人已經在使用石油來防腐木乃伊 ,而在 4000 年前, 石油已經
ago it was being used in construction to like stick bricks together kind of like the glue
被用於建築業,粘磚樣在一起像 在中世紀,這是你
then 900 years ago during the middle ages it was you it was being used as a medicinal
的膠水 ,然後900年前它被用作藥用
product probably not a good idea guys and then just a few decades ago they
were just extracting the kerosene from the petroleum use it in lamps to eliminate rooms
during our visit we also learned that every year comodoro rivadavia patagonia crowns the
national petroleum queen so they had some photos from the early days of that pageant
全國石油女王,所以他們從選美初期就 拍 了一些照片,
all right guys so we are visiting the national petroleum museum and today has been quite
好吧,我們是參觀國家石油博物館,今天 真是 讓人大
eye-opening because it turns out the history we thought we knew of the city isn't maybe quite as
accurate as we thought it was so basically we had read that they were looking for water when they
found oil that they were drilling to you know make a well and boom there's oil but apparently
that is not so that was just a cover-up because as soon as we got to the museum we were visiting the
the site with the second perforation hole it's right here in front of the museum and they have
帶著第二個穿孔洞 參觀了 該地點。就在博物館前,那裡有
two telegrams with a little bit of history the first telegram was sent when they first
discovered oil and the telegram was sent by a german expert in petroleum and then another man
who was also working alongside him and it said we have drilled over 500 meters and we finally struck
也在他旁邊工作時,他說我們已經鑽了500多米,我們終於把 油
oil here are the details they were getting in touch with the president of argentina
打了, 這是他們與阿根廷總統聯繫的細節
and our guide here at the museum was telling us if they had been looking for water they would
have been drilling like 50 to 100 meters max they wouldn't have been going down 500 meters because
you can find water a lot sooner than that so that's super fishy yeah and then the second
clue we have is the second telegram that was sent in response to the first telegram
我們得到的第二 個 線索是第二個電報是為回應第一封電報
and it was basically the president of the nation saying like okay within five leagues of where
而 發送的, 基本上是國家總統說,在 發現這種石油的
this oil has been found no one is allowed to come here and make any claims on natural resources and
五個聯盟中,沒關係, 不允許任何人來這裡,對自然資源提出任何要求,
blah blah blah so they are basically trying to keep everyone away we have found oil it is ours
and the guide was telling us that this whole water story was just a bit of a cover-up
get people talking like oh they're drilling for water but really it was all oil um so
that was yeah that's so fascinating that um the origin story of this of this city is uh
is incorrect it's especially in our travel guide book yes the wrong information yeah
that afternoon we went to chocolates which is an ice cream and chocolate shop
here we happen to meet a family that watches our videos so we sat down for a chat
我們在這裡的一家 巧克力店和
and then we sampled some of the delicious artisanal ice cream flavors
一個碰巧的家庭碰面,他們觀看了我們的視頻,所以我們坐下來聊天 ,然後我們 在阿根廷品嚐了
ice cream ice cream time in argentina probably probably our favorite country for ice cream
一些美味的手工冰淇淋口味的 冰淇淋,可能是我們最喜歡的冰淇淋國家,
maybe italy's clothes but it's gelato but i think argentina does a little better
truth be told yeah this is a cool little local spot we've come to a place called chocolate
是的,這是一個很酷的地方,我們到了一個叫做巧克力 巧克力
chocolate and yeah it's just a fun little place just like an arcade there's
的地方 ,是的,這是一個有趣的小地方,就像一個街機
games for kids there's a carrot there's a carousel we've got ice cream over here
we've got chocolate over there we've got pastries um yeah just a fun family place
and we've got two flavors of ice cream to try so which one did you order well i went for my
childhood favorite strawberry strawberry i'm gonna try yours first and then we'll move on to mine
oh that's good yeah very natural flavor yeah it's artisanal ice cream
and over here guys i am whenever i get the chance of dulce de leche i i do
,在這裡,只要有機會,我就在這裡杜爾塞·德萊希二世(dulce de leche ii)做
and so we're getting coconut with dulce de leche it's a bit of a running joke that i always have
,所以我們和杜爾塞·德萊希(dulce de leche)在一起是個玩笑,我一直都對 杜爾塞·德萊希(Dulce de leche)
dulce de leche we've even had some locals come up to him and be like dolce de leche
笑話, 我們甚至有一些當地人走近他,就像dolce de leche
yeah i'm mr dulce de leche also mr perato so i've got a couple nicknames here let's try this
耶, dulce de leche先生和perato先生,所以我在這裡有兩個暱稱,讓我們嘗試一下吧,
my gosh it tasted real coconut in there a little bit of dulce de leche
我的天哪,那裡有真正的椰子味,有點dulce de leche
this is delicious it's just the perfect this is our marienda before we go for pizza later tonight
oh my god this is perfect just a little bit we don't want to ruin our appetite for pizza
and for dinner you won't be surprised to hear that sam found a pizzeria two nights in a row who would
believe it this place was called puerto mitre oh hider pizza monster i am the pizza monster
oh my gosh we went to the museum this afternoon and the the staff there were super nice they
gave us a brochure of different restaurants we could get out of the city we saw a photo
給了我們一張我們可以從城市出來的不同餐館的小冊子,我們看到了 來自這個地方的披薩
of the pizzas from this place it's called puerto mitre and it's only three blocks from our hotel
的照片 ,它被稱為波多黎各斜接器,它只有三個街區從我們的酒店
like we gotta come and try their specialty the seafood pizza a patagonia and specialty pizza
and it comes with shrimp uh green pepper and uh black olive sorry red pepper oh my green red
pepper it's not green yeah so eight slices have santa julia malbec wine an old familiar favorite
青椒不是綠色,是的,所以有八片有聖朱莉亞馬爾貝克 我們在加拿大可以買到的 一種古老的老酒,
we've we can buy this in canada we've also had in argentina it's a really nice table wine and
time for me to try the first bite here with a giant shrimp and a copious amount of cheese
were you missing pizza
the pizza in argentina is excellent and in fact we've had a chance now to try some seafood pizza
阿根廷的比薩非常好,事實上,我們現在有機會 在沿海
along the coast i remember we had it in puerto madrid and it's always been good especially the
嘗試一些海鮮比薩 ,我記得我們在馬德里港吃過,這一直很好,尤其是
shrimp pizza you get the giant shrimps so juicy it goes so well with the cheese delicious guys salute
hello hey guys we're back devouring devoured pizza that was really good that was absolutely
delicious incredible price too about 16 17 yes huge pizza medium-sized bottle of wine and uh
價格也 絕對 可口,令人難以置信。16 17是的
flavored water for you sam ate three quarters of the pizza fyi i only have fruit for breakfast guys
actually it's still a little bit greedy anyways like a great day though love i've just i've really
enjoyed being here i probably keep saying the same things but getting caught up on work having fast
喜歡在這裡,我可能一直說同樣的話,但是被抓住了。 忙著 工作,有一個快速的
internet having delicious food and then having a beautiful day after like armageddon yesterday
it was really nice and we've also we've also met a lot of people who've watched our videos here yeah
so we've really appreciated uh everyone coming up to us and saying hi and we've done uh we've had a
所以我們真的非常感謝大家來找我們打招呼,我們做 得很愉快,
really good time connecting with uh with locals here and tomorrow is another day we're actually
我們在 這裡與當地人打交道非常愉快,明天是另一天,我們實際上
leaving tomorrow night on a bus to rio gallegos but it's not until late yeah that's not until the
明天明天晚上乘公共汽車去了里約加里戈斯,但這是直到我吃了,直到 晚上
evening so we're gonna do some sightseeing during the day yeah we're planning to go to a nearby
才吃, 所以我們要在白天做些觀光,是的,我們打算去附近的
town called ratatilly supposed to be a beautiful beach some delicious sushi we've noticed and um
yeah we're just gonna have a chill day there kind of we got a lot of time to kill our bus doesn't
leave until close to 9 p.m and we're expected to check out of here by 10 a.m so you know 11 hours
直到晚上9點 才 離開,我們希望在上午10點之前離開這裡,所以您知道11個小時就
to kill almost 10 11 hours and so we'll spend the day there and uh yeah we'll be catching
a bus and heading further south new province will be in san diego a new province and um from
there we're going to be visiting two of the most famous places el calafate and el chalten exactly
and so uh yeah we couldn't be more pumped about about our upcoming travels and we hope you'll uh
是 著名的卡拉法特和查爾滕
you'll stay tuned for those and yeah thanks again for watching ciao from comodoro rivadavia
,所以對我們即將到來的旅行 不容錯過 ,我們希望您 對這些保持關注,對,再次感謝您收看comodoro rivadavia
chubut patagonia argentina
chubut patagonia的節目阿根廷