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  • well good morning guys from our hotel room  here in rio gallegos today is a travel day  


  • and full confession we are pretty bad planners  sometimes like we just forget to check details  


  • like departure times and things like that so  today we were absolutely convinced that we  


  • had until 4 p.m to kind of like you know stay in  the hotel get some work done we even asked for a  


  • late check out because we thought that's when our  bus was leaving the city and we thought we were  


  • arriving in el calafate santa cruz argentina at  8pm well no it turns out our bus leaves four hours  


  • earlier at 12. so yeah it's a good thing we  decided to check the departure times on our  


  • tickets this morning because now we are basically  running around trying to finish work sam's trying  


  • to finish uploading some videos i have to clean  up this mess we have behind us i need to take  


  • care of the packing and yeah we need to get  organized we thought we were gonna have a bit  


  • of a chill work day because this hotel has such  a nice lounge area but no we need to get going  


  • which is fine because we are off to el calafate  argentina which is probably one of the most  


  • beautiful destinations in all of argentina  patagonia it is known for the majestic glacier  

    阿根廷巴塔哥尼亞的美麗目的地 它以雄偉的冰川而聞名。

  • perito moreno which we do plan to visit so we're  actually super pumped to be heading back inland  

    佩裡託-莫雷諾(Perito Moreno)是我們計劃要去的地方,所以我們實際上對回到內陸地區感到非常興奮。

  • here we've been in coastal patagonia argentina  now we're going to be heading back inland it's  


  • a relatively short bus ride four hours so yeah  we're feeling pumped we just need to get started


  • so some of you are probably going to find this  really weird but when i leave a hotel room  


  • i have to make the bed and leave the hotel room  looking tidy i think maybe it's because as a  


  • child my parents used to run a hotel and i heard  the horror stories of like how messy people were  


  • and like the disasters the bedrooms were when  some people checked out so i just like to be  


  • a good guest leave things looking good  so that's what i'm doing right now i'm  


  • making the bed perhaps a little weird let me know  if you have any quirks with hotel rooms as well


  • so


  • voila room is clean and tidy  sam's packing up the camera  


  • the laptop would given the lack of time we  had this morning we got so much done got a  


  • video up so look happy for that i didn't think  it was almost like a bit of a mission impossible  


  • now we just gotta hopefully do you got  your bus on time please fingers crossed


  • made it to the bus terminal and sam likes a good  map there's a fantastic map here so we can give  


  • you kind of a visual of where we've been in the  last few weeks so we started off in barloche we  


  • did earlier right here went all the way to elbow  zone where we hung out with valentin then we had  


  • the asado in a scale yeah goodbye to valentine now  you gotta zoom out here zoom out so then we went  


  • all the way down to commodore spent a few days  there loved it then all the way down to here  


  • overnight bus again to rio gallegos now we're  going to el calafate as you can see there's the  


  • there's going to be glaciers to visit right here  then el chalten and then from there we're heading  

    這裡將有冰川可供參觀,然後是el chalten,然後從那裡我們將前往

  • into chile to visit torres del paine and then  we're going to punto arenas our last stop in chile  

    進入智利參觀Torres del paine,然後我們將去Punto arenas,這是我們在智利的最後一站。

  • ferry to the chilean side of tierra del fuego yeah  and then we take the bus all the way to ushuaia  

    乘坐渡輪到火地島的智利一側 是的,然後我們乘坐巴士一直到烏斯懷亞。

  • and then we're going to be heading to tohuin  and then back to buenos aires that is the rest  


  • of our trip guys you have revealed the  rest i've revealed the secret my oh my


  • all right guys so we are on the bus we scored  some amazing seats once again that's the beauty  


  • of booking your travels in advance on like last  trip yeah um we were able to get seats one and  


  • two right at the front um and this is meant to  be one of the most beautiful drives ever like the  


  • mountains yeah seriously once we get back to the  west side you're gonna be you're gonna be pulling  

    山 是的,說真的,一旦我們回到西邊,你就會你就會被拉走。

  • out of the the zoom camera too yes double camera  action and before i forget to mention the prices  


  • because i usually do this was hundred and eighty  pesos per person twenty dollars twenty us dollars  


  • it's a four hour bus ride and yeah sam also got  us a little picnic lunch we have some sandwiches  


  • i'll do a little show and tell with that all  set for this journey i'll put my passports away  


  • they're so chill here they didn't even ask for  my passport they're like yeah yeah okay yeah i  


  • i love the relaxed um way of just life down here  yeah especially people are very friendly once you  

    我喜歡這裡輕鬆的生活方式 是的,特別是人們非常友好,一旦你

  • get into like the smaller cities and like towns  yeah it's it's got a easy going small town vibe i  

    進入小城市和小鎮 是的,它有一種輕鬆的小鎮氛圍,我

  • love it love it he loves it lunch time check this  out guys this is the ultimate argentine fast lunch  


  • it's you get your um flavored water which is  a pear flavored water yeah okay pear juice  

    這是你得到你的嗯味水,這是一個梨味水 是的,好的梨汁

  • phantom shay alva one of my favorites also one of  the most sugary yeah it's coated in meringue yeah  

    幻影Shay Alva是我的最愛之一,也是最有糖分的之一 是的,它被塗在蛋白糖上 是的

  • and then the sandwich de miga trible which is  basically a sandwich ham and cheese it's gonna  


  • be perfect because we won't be having dinner  until until later arriving at 4 5 checking  


  • in and then wonder like pounding the pavement  in search of tours yes search of tours for the  


  • for the following days so i don't see us eating  dinner until probably close to eight and so this


  • hello guys we have arrived in home sweet home in  il oh so nice to be here this is the part of the  


  • our of our trip to argentina that i've been most  looking forward to starting from here onward i  


  • can't wait i'm so excited to be here landscapes  seriously oh and it was a good bus ride it was  


  • so we started off we left like maybe 10 minutes  late and then there was a special event going on  


  • oh yeah it's like the day of the virgin and there  was a procession happening on the highway and a  


  • pilgrimage kind of right yeah it was a pilgrimage  so they had closed the highway down to one lane  


  • for traffic and then on the other side people were  walking biking riding horses yeah just getting  


  • to the cross and to the virgin any way they could  it was a long way let me tell you yeah there were  


  • people i could you could tell they were struggling  on their journey they were kind of hobbling a bit  


  • other people took their dogs and then as as it  was getting closer to the to the site there were  


  • a set of stairs that led up a hill yeah i was  actually eavesdropping on the conversation next  

    一組通往山上的樓梯 是的,我實際上是在偷聽下一個對話。

  • to me because the guy was saying that he  had done the pilgrimage he was telling his  


  • girlfriend who's not from around there um and  he said he would go drinking with his buddies  


  • stay out till five in the morning and then  when they were all drunk at like 5 a.m they  


  • would start like stumbling down the highway  start their pilgrimage towards the virgin and  


  • they would get there at like 11 in the morning so  that's a lot of walking and yeah exactly and then  


  • to to make us a little bit more late we  were randomly picked for a police and a  


  • police and military check yeah the whole bus was  checked the whole bus was checked so we ended up  

    警察和軍隊的檢查 是的,整輛車都被檢查了,所以我們最後被檢查了

  • arriving half an hour late we're at our place  closer to five now we arrived at about 4 30  


  • but it's still still a good time um it'll be it's  a perfect time actually to go organize our tours  

    但這仍然是一個好時機 嗯,這將是一個完美的時間,實際上是去組織我們的旅遊。

  • yeah siesta hour is over and there may be  some restaurants that have gringo hours  


  • because normally dinner's at eight but i think we  can eat a little bit before then and also we need  


  • to give you guys a little cottage tour because  this is our first a-frame like alpine style  


  • cozy chalet so i think it's gonna be nice i mean  we can hear the wind howling and like rattling but  

    舒適的小木屋,所以我想它會很好 我的意思是我們可以聽到風的呼嘯聲,像嘎嘎聲,但

  • you know what's also really nice is that  sunset isn't going to be till like 10 p.m  


  • so we can go eat and get our tours booked and  then we'll show you the tour at the very end  


  • okay i think someone's hungry i i get it soget the hint all right let's go eat let's go


  • well guys welcome to el calafate it is time to  eat lunch so we found a pretty cool restaurant  


  • it's called isabel and they specialize in  comida disco that's food cooked in like this  


  • round pan i don't know if there's a word for it  in english in the menu they've translated it as  

    圓盤 我不知道在英文中是否有這個詞,在菜單中他們將其翻譯為

  • plow but that somehow doesn't sound right  in my head so yeah we ordered the trout with  


  • a blue cheese cream sauce and we also added pasta  to it ravioli and i'm so pumped for this like sam  


  • is pumped for this sam also went into the cellar  yeah and picked out a really nice wine for us  


  • yeah miguel mini we haven't  tried this one cheers malbec 2017


  • it's really smooth oh i love it it has a rich  violet color yeah and like um like a berry aroma  


  • like it makes me think of morris blackberries and  plums i don't know maybe maybe it's just me but  


  • it feels a little smoother than some some mobilelike it i love it try the bread tell us how it is  


  • bread with butter it's fresh out of the oven it's  so warm oh man i'm so ready to eat bread i love  


  • how in argentina they don't make you wait they  know you're hungry they give you your bread and  


  • your wine here's your bread here's your wine get  at it i love that my friends my friends my friends  


  • what has arrived this beautiful pot this  beautiful disco as they call it locally  


  • yes there's the fish which we sprinkled  cheese on top look at that dude the trout  


  • beaut what a beautiful thing look at  that stringy cheese so that comes with  


  • um some parmesan cheese sprinkled on top but  also blue cheese that's what's in it so much and  


  • we have the papa's fritos the potatoes oh my  gosh there's so much there's so much trout  

    我們有papa's fritos和洋芋,哦,我的天哪,有這麼多,有這麼多鱒魚。

  • that it's actually encroaching on the  on the potato portion rustic potatoes  


  • rustic potatoes and guys we we paid a little  extra to get some raviolis all on the plate  


  • looking delicious you know what i'm gonna put  a little more cheese on there why not right


  • you never have enough cheese can  you not when you're samuel jeffrey

    你永遠不會有足夠的奶酪,當你是Samuel jeffrey時,你就不會有足夠的奶酪。

  • oh my goodness very strong blue cheese in  a good way in a great way in a great way um  


  • lingering aftertaste oh look at this ravioli  is loaded with spinach spinach and ricotta  

    揮之不去的回味 哦,看看這個餛飩,裡面有菠菜菠菜和意大利乳酪

  • this is delicious this is the high calorie  food you need for all the hikes you're  


  • gonna do while you're here we're gonna be  outside exploring all day so we need some  

    你在這裡要做什麼? 我們要在外面探索一整天,所以我們需要一些

  • hearty food in the evening to sustain  us for the next day's adventure okay


  • you nobody likes them though this is terrible


  • no oh my god


  • hello people greetings from the field the future  new outfits new day yeah exactly um sorry we  


  • didn't uh we we didn't update you guys after after  dinner such a good dinner we kind of just bottled  


  • back here and then went out for a little quick  beer we should tell you about the price point yes  


  • so what was it it was it was a pretty affordable  meal honestly so the fish dish the comida al  

    所以它是什麼,它是一個相當實惠的飯菜,說實話,所以魚菜,COMIDA AL。

  • it was 23 total yes and it's a dish for two  people yeah keep in mind i think that was  

    總共是23個,是的,這是兩個人的菜 是的,請記住,我想這是

  • one of the more expensive ones that you could get  yeah yeah so aside from fish they also had chicken  


  • beef lamb like you can really find all sorts  of different what a vegetarian one yeah so  


  • all sorts of different comida al disco and then  we got a wine that was eight dollars it was a  


  • really nice wine it was so smooth and i still  i still can't stop thinking about the bread  


  • oh yeah that was nice with lots of butter yeah  we really picked out it was such a good meal  

    哦,是的,這很好,有很多黃油 是的,我們真的很挑剔,這是很好的一餐。

  • i i could go back there again there wascouple items there was one called the bondiola  


  • which is pork and it was done napolitano style  so i would have had a tomato sauce and cheese and  


  • bacon yeah oh my goodness one thing i did notice  like some first impressions of walking through the  


  • town was that there are a lot of restaurants  that the center is beautifully maintained  


  • reminds me a little bit of vijaya langustura  also banff in canada yeah just very very well  

    讓我想起了Vijaya Langustura,還有加拿大的Banff,是的,非常非常好。

  • kept beautiful buildings lots of restaurants  lots of shops lots of interior agencies so  


  • it's great we also went and organized some tours  as well we sure did so we've booked two tours so  


  • far we're honestly playing it a little bit by  ear because the weather here changes constantly  


  • and like even the tour agencies told us you know  what it's better to just book like a day or two in  


  • advance so that you are getting good weather and  it's not like raining as a great example of that  


  • already within a day the weather has changed  for tomorrow yes so it looked like tomorrow  


  • was gonna be windy and rainy and i was going  to be beautiful and so what i ended up doing  


  • is i ran back to the tour agency to book a tour  for us tomorrow because it is one of the one of  


  • the sunny days that we're going to get we're  going to be on a boat tour um we're go tonight  

    陽光明媚的日子,我們要去乘船遊覽 嗯,我們今晚就去

  • we're going to an estancia and we also want to  do some ice tracking while we're here so those  


  • are the three mosques and then there's alsoviewing deck but you can go to there any day  


  • and apparently you get you get the glacier views  no matter what the weather is so i'm not so i'm  


  • not so concerned about that but for the boat ride  and for the ice trekking we do want to have nice  


  • weather yeah so those are the three main tourists  we want to do the boat trip to see the glacier and  


  • then a little bit of ice trekking on the glacier  and then the estancia which is happening today so  


  • we're super pumped for that i'm doing that  in a few hours yeah we'll be another start  

    我們非常高興,我在幾個小時內就能做到這一點 是的,我們將是另一個起點

  • getting ready for that we'll take you along for  that journey but right now we wanted to give you  


  • the cabin tour that we promised you yesterday so  we'll do it got some daylight let's make it happen  


  • oh sam's going to be behind the camera you ready  yeah well this is home sweet home for the week  

    哦,Sam要在攝影機後面,你準備好了麼? 好吧,這就是本週甜蜜的家。

  • we rented a cute little a-frame a little alpine  style cottage i've got to tell you for me  


  • personally like this is a very basic cottage andwould say it's like one step up from camping just  


  • because this is kind of like plywood and thenhope they have some insulation and then like a tin  


  • roof but it's been so windy like abnormally windy  that it feels like the roof is going to fly off we  


  • had to we were sleeping upstairs but it was just  it was unbelievably loud it felt like we were out  


  • and out and see with the storm so we had to come  down here there's a there's a pull-up mattress i  


  • slept on there yeah this is our sofa but it turns  into a bed and there's another mattress down here  


  • so that's where we slept last night because it was  so loud everything was rattling and shaking that  


  • we were like we're not gonna get any sleep um so  that was our first night's experience here in this  

    我們就像我們不會得到任何睡眠 嗯,這是我們在這裡的第一個晚上的經驗,在這個

  • cottage um apparently the wind is gonna die down  over these next few days so we'll see how this  


  • cottage holds up but i just kept thinking  of the story of the three little piggies  


  • you know the one that built his home with straw  with wood the wolves did the wolves didn't come to  


  • blow it down but the patagonian winds yes yeah yes  um so yeah well this is kind of like the living  


  • slash dining area which you know we've converted  it into our little office for the time being  


  • and then we've got a little kitchen so yesterday  after we ate our delicious meal we also went to  


  • the supermarket to la anonymous and we stocked  up on some fruits yeah here we got some avocados  


  • trying to eat a little healthy pears apples  bananas in between our high calorie traditional  


  • argentine meals well there's also cheese and  salami like hiding in the fridge so not that  


  • healthy um but yeah they left us like a little  kettle with some tea bags some coffee hot cocoa  

    健康 嗯,但他們給我們留下了一個小水壺,裡面有一些茶包、咖啡和熱可可。

  • um we don't actually have a stove here but we do  have one of those like electric elements that you  


  • plug in and you can cook right here there's this  little microwave a microwave it's like a toaster  


  • oven that's a big toaster oven yeah yeah so  we do have a toaster oven and a microwave  

    那是一個大的烤爐 是的,所以我們有一個烤爐和一個微波爐。

  • but i have a feeling we'll also be eating in town  because we've just seen too many places that are  


  • tempting us yeah and at least half of the days  we're here we're gonna be out on tour anyways  

    誘惑我們 是的,至少有一半的時間我們在這裡,無論如何我們都要出去旅遊。

  • yeah so yeah so yeah and then just off the kitchen  we've got a little bathroom it's tiny so i don't  


  • think you're gonna fit in here i mean this is an  a-frame so we've got our toilet no bidet you can  


  • see the a-frame uh against the shower there  it's got a shower a little sink oh no there  

    看到A-frame了嗎? 呃,靠著淋浴的地方有一個淋浴器和一個小水槽,哦,不,那裡有。

  • is a bidet what am i saying this is argentina of  course there would be a hair dryer a hair dryer  


  • i didn't notice this i was looking for a hair  dryer upstairs although you mentioned this place  


  • is like camping it has everything you need it  has a good wi-fi yeah that's true it doesn't work  

    就像露營一樣,它有你需要的一切,有一個很好的無線網絡 是的,這是真的,它不工作。

  • it just doesn't have uh it doesn't have a good  soundproofing system yeah the winds which is  

    它只是沒有... ...它沒有一個好的隔音系統... ...是的,風向是...

  • problematic at night when the winds are howling  all right all right and now i'll take you upstairs  

    問題在晚上,當風在呼嘯的時候 好吧好吧,現在我帶你到樓上去

  • to the bedroom this is the first sleeping quarter  these stairs are very steep they are they really  


  • are i'm gonna try not to chill myself coming up  here i'm gonna hand you the camera audrey okay


  • it's like climbing into an attic yeah so i suppose  i'll finish things off here yeah um if you look  

    就像爬到了閣樓上 是的,所以我想我要在這裡把事情做完 是的,嗯,如果你看的話

  • behind me there's a little shelf in front of you  the front of me i should say in front of me this  


  • is himself there's extra bedding which we ended  up taking downstairs yeah an electric heater which  


  • would obviously come in very handy in the winter  months we're here in the late spring almost summer  


  • so we don't need it but then yeah we have a bed  enough perfect for it's good enough for two people  


  • and uh you really see the a-frame portion like  as soon as you get out of bed you're at risk for  


  • bumping your head you are unfortunate i haven't  done that yet but i'm sure it'll happen before  


  • the end of the trip and then you have we havetv this is going to be our place for for a week  


  • and uh it's gonna be great i mean we have good  internet which is what we need we have a good work  


  • desk honestly we're gonna be this is a destination  where we're gonna be out and about almost all the  


  • time i don't see us spending too much time here  a little bit of work and sleeping and that's  


  • it and so this will be this will be just just good  enough for for what we need it for so yeah guys  


  • thanks for watching this episode and we're gonna  have some very exciting episodes from here we're  


  • gonna be visiting glaciers and yeah this is one of  the most epic places in argentina patagonia by far  


  • so please stay tuned for those  episodes and we will see you soon


  • you

well good morning guys from our hotel room  here in rio gallegos today is a travel day  


Subtitles and vocabulary

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B1 阿根廷 奶酪 冰川 旅遊 酒店 巴士

旅行到EL CALAFATE:藍奶酪鱒魚和小鎮的第一印象(阿根廷巴塔哥尼亞)。 (Travelling to EL CALAFATE: Trout with Blue Cheese & First Impressions of Town (Patagonia, Argentina))

  • 7 0
    Summer posted on 2021/05/29
Video vocabulary