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  • So what is the best morning routine for energy, productivity, and happiness?


  • I've studied some of the world's top achievers and figured out the seven things that they do to set their days up for success and combine those into an easy-to-follow morning routine.


  • I'm gonna share with you right now.



    [產品評論 | 生活技巧 | 影片部落格]

  • Hey, how's it going?


  • Thank you so much for checking out this video! if you are new here, my name is Sean Kennel and I'm a full-time online entrepreneur, and this YouTube channel is all about helping you experience abundance in every area of your life.

    非常感謝你觀看這個影片!如果你是第一次來到這裡,我的名字是 Sean Kennel。我是一名全職的線上企業家,這個 YouTube 頻道的宗旨是幫助你在人生的各個層面都能盡情享受豐富生活。

  • And today, we're talking about morning routines, because the key to a successful day is a successful morning.


  • You know, if I think back not too long ago, I can think of times when I've been stressed, feeling like I'm always rushed and behind, feeling depressed, feeling discouraged and overwhelmed, and I found that a solid morning routine can turn around a lot of those things.


  • So I did reading; I've been studying some of the greats and achievers around the world and what are the things they do during their morning routine.


  • And I've come up with something that I've been tweaking and working on for a little while and I want to share that with you now.


  • Let's jump into it.


  • I always start my day out with water first, because when you wake up, you are usually dehydrated.


  • So I try to drink at least 30 ounces, and then I make a cup of coffee and some Organifi green juice to give my body and mind a boost throughout the rest of my morning routine.

    因此我會盡量至少喝 30 盎司 (約 887 毫升) 的水,然後泡一杯咖啡和一些 Organifi 蔬菜汁,為我的身體與精神在進行接下來的早晨例行活動前做好準備。

  • Then I like to spend a few minutes in silence and reflection, thanking God for a new day and giving myself a few peaceful moments to wake up.


  • Next, I read my purpose statement and my yearly goals out loud.


  • This helps me set the right intention for the day, and keeps me focused on the things that matter most.


  • After that, I take a few minutes to pray and then I do 20 minutes of exercise.

    之後我會花幾分鐘的時間禱告,然後做 20 分鐘的運動。

  • I like to do a yoga DVD that I stole from my wife because it's easy to do inside, and it's great for breathing and stretching first thing in the morning.

    我喜歡看著我從老婆那偷來的瑜伽 DVD 跟著做運動,因為它能夠輕易地在室內進行,而且在一大早做呼吸和伸展運動是非常棒的。

  • Then I like to read for 10 to 20 minutes to ensure that my personal growth is a priority every day before things get busy.

    然後我喜歡閱讀 10-20 分鐘,以確保在一天忙碌起來之前,我能先把個人的成長作為優先事項處理完畢。

  • Finally, I journal for a few moments, capturing thoughts, ideas, and reflections.


  • And then I finish with planning out the tasks and the action items for the day.


  • So that routine takes about an hour, but you might be saying, "I don't have an hour to do a morning routine."


  • Two quick thoughts. Number one, you can consolidate all those stepsand I'll do it in like 10 minutesread quick, stretch a little bit, go through, you know, journal just a little bit, and literally do those steps, but in a consolidated time format.


  • But the other tip and tool that I've heard is just getting up earlier.


  • What I found was that, even when I wasn't working from home and I maybe had to get up early and be somewhere, that taking the time to really put in a solid morning routine revolutionized my entire day.


  • So consider getting up a little bit earlier so that you could stack the power of a solid morning routine.


  • And, hey, here are a couple (of) resources that I mentioned in this video.


  • The first is Organifi, and I'm actually super pumped to be partnering with them to bring you this video. I've been drinking Organifi for a few months now and I absolutely love it.

    第一個是 Organifi。我很興奮能與他們一同合作,並為各位帶來了這個影片。我已經連續喝了 Organifi 好幾個月,並且完全愛上了它。

  • It's my favorite green juice supplement, and one of the great things about it is, when you're in a rush, you can just get up, mix it with water, no shopping for produce, no blending, no clean-up.


  • And you get your micro nutrients, you get your thinking going, you get the nutrition going, and it really is a boost every single day.


  • And so if you want to check out and try Organifi, you can actually grab 15% off using the promo code "SEANTHINKS".

    所以如果你想瞭解和嘗試 Organifi 的話,你可以使用促銷代碼 "SEANTHINKS" 來獲得八五折優惠。

  • So I'll link up all the details in the YouTube description below, make sure to use the promo code "SEANTHINKS", and then you can grab 15% off.

    我會在下面的 YouTube 影片資訊欄中附上所有相關細節的連結。記得要使用 "SEANTHINKS" 促銷代碼來獲得八五折優惠。

  • And then secondly, I will summarize all the steps in this morning routine in the YouTube description below, so you can check that out for your reference as well as a few other cool resources to set your day up for success.

    另外我也會在下面的 YouTube 影片資訊欄中總結這套早晨例行活動的所有步驟供你參考,以及其他一些能為你一天的成功做足準備的實用資源。

  • Now, one final tip that I've learned from my mentorsand this might be one of the most important things of all


  • Try to avoid, at all costs, checking your phone and email first thing in the morning.


  • The problem with checking your phone is that you start your day in reaction instead of in intention.


  • If you can set it aside so you're not responding to anybody's positive or negative on social media, emailspart good or badother people's requests, all of the busyness and the stress of your day really is gonna be transmitted through your phone and through email.


  • So, stay dark, stay off of your phone and email to go through a morning routine like this where you can concentrate on your goals, your priorities, your focus, your passion, your mission, and then after that, attack your day.


  • Question of the day: What are the essential things that you do for your morning routine? Let me know in the comments section below!


  • And definitely connect with other people from this YouTube community down there, 'cause some of the best tipsand really, ideascome from you in this community, so I can't wait to see you in the comments section.

    並且請務必和下面我們 YouTube 社群中的其他人互動,因為我們的社群總是能提供最棒的提示和想法。我很期待在評論區中看到你的留言。

  • So thanks so much for checking out this video; definitely subscribe on YouTube for more videos just like this.

    非常感謝你觀看這個影片,並請一定要訂閱我的 YouTube 頻道來收看類似的影片。

  • And if you haven't downloaded my free High Performance Life Hacks guideit goes through seven simple and easy things that you can do to reduce stress and increase energy and productivity every single day.


  • So you can grab that for free; I'll link it up on the YouTube cardthat will be in the description as well.


  • If you have any future video ideas you want to see, let me know in the comments section below, and until next time, keep crushing it and I'll see you in the next video.


  • Annnnd. So thanks so much for checking out!


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  • Chair skills. Skills.


So what is the best morning routine for energy, productivity, and happiness?


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