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Answer me this question: why are you watching this video now? And why are
you using all the media like...all the time? Let's find out, with people also ask.
Hi, I am Shao, Welcome to what people also ask, where I search
something seemingly obvious on Google
and share with you some of its PAAs, aka People Also Ask,
並與你分享一些它的 PAA,又名「別人Google了什麼」
which is a feature telling you what people are searching on Google that relates to your query.
Today's keyword is Use and Gratification Theory. We will talk about what is Use and
Gratification Theory, when did it started, and some examples of UGT in PR and Social Media.
滿足理論(UGT),其理論是什麼時候成形的,以及公關和社交媒體中 UGT 的一些例子。
So the first PAA is What is uses and gratification theory?
那麼第一個 PAA 是:什麼是使用和滿足理論?
The answer is extracted from an article titled "Uses and Gratifications Theory"
答案 摘自 Businesstopia 發表
published by Businesstopia, which is a website about business and communication.
的一篇題為“使用和滿足理論”的 文章,該網站是一個關於商業和傳播學的網站。
This article explained that uses and gratification theory is an opposing theory to the magic bullet
theory aka hypodermic needle model because UGT assumes that the public is active,
相對立的理論, 因為 UGT 假設公眾是主動的,
while the magic bullet theory assumes that the audience is passive and helpless.
According to UGT, the audience is said to have full control over the effect of
根據 UGT 的說法,據說觀眾可以完全控制媒體對他們
media on them as the media can be chosen by the audience themselves,
的影響, 因為媒體可以由觀眾自己選擇
and there are five basic areas of human gratifications. They are as follows:
1.Affective needs
1. 情感需求
Affective needs refer to the emotional satisfaction and pleasure people
情感需求是指人們 從使用媒體中獲得
derive from using media. People identify with the characters in
的情感滿足和愉悅 。人們認同並同理媒體中
the media and empathize with the emotions they display.
的人物, 並同情他們所表現出的情緒。
2.Cognitive needs
People use media to get information and fulfill their mental and intellectual needs. Like People
人們使用媒體來獲取信息並滿足他們的精神和智力需求。 舉例來說,人們
utilize both analog and digital media to learn about news and keep up with current events.
They also use the media like online courses to learn a variety of subjects.
3.Social integrative needs
Social integrative need is a person's need to interact with others,
such as family and friends. People utilize social networking sites like Facebook,
如家人和朋友。人們利用 Facebook、
MySpace, and Twitter to mingle and interact with others. People also use media to improve their
MySpace 和 Twitter 等社交網站 與他人交流和互動。人們還使用媒體
social relationships by searching subjects to discuss with their friends and family.
4.Personal integrative needs
Believe it or not, media consumption help humans in the formation and consolidation of
their identity. Like you might watch advertising and learn about current trends in order to adapt
your lifestyle and blend in with others. During media consumption, we also tend to see characters
with characteristics that appeal to us as role models, and we begin to emulate their actions.
5.Tension-free needs
People may have many tensions in their lives they do not want to face,
so they turn to the media for relief.
As a person who lives in modern society, you might think this theory is just stating the obvious,
but you know what, back to 1940s it was Not that obvious. Let's talk about our next PAA:
事情,但你知道嗎,回到 1940 年代,它並不那麼明顯。讓我們談談我們的下一個 PAA:
When did the Uses and gratification theory start?
The answer is extracted from an article titled "What Is Uses
答案 摘自 ThoughtCo 發表的
and Gratifications Theory? Definition and Examples" published by ThoughtCo,
題為“什麼是使用 和滿足理論?定義和示例”的文章,
which is a website providing information about science, math, and humanities.
According to this article, Uses and gratifications was first introduced in the 1940s as researchers
根據這篇文章,使用和滿足是在 1940 年代首次開始的,當時研究人員開始研究
looked into why people choose to consume different types of media.
Then, in the 1970s, researchers turned their attention to the outcomes of media
然後,在 1970 年代,研究人員將注意力轉向媒體
use and the social and psychological needs that media gratified. Today, the theory is
often credited to communications professor Jay Blumler and sociologist Elihu Katz's work in 1974.
通常歸功於傳播學教授 Jay Blumler 和社會學家 Elihu Katz 在 1974 年的研究與整理。
Another interesting thing this article mentioned is a 2004 study published in
本文提到的另一個有趣的事情是 2004 年發表在
the journal CyberPsychology & Behavior on uses and gratifications of the internet.
CyberPsychology & Behavior 雜誌上的一項關於互聯網使用和滿足的研究。
This research found seven gratifications for media use ,which are different from the traditional five
本研究發現了媒體使用的七種滿足,不同於 以往研究人員定義
basic areas of media gratifications defined by previous researchers, these 7 areas are:
1.information seeking
2.aesthetic experience 3.monetary compensation
2.審美體驗 3.金錢利益
4.diversion 5.personal status
4.消遣 5.個人狀態發布
6.relationship maintenance, and 7.virtual community.
The virtual community need is especially interesting because it could be considered
a new gratification as it can only be done using relatively new technology and media.
We know nowadays because of the emergence of social media and
search engine, UGT actually has become even more relevant than before, but
What are some examples of use and gratification theory in public relations and social media?
This question was answered by an article titled "Analyzing the Theory:
這個問題 由 Elizabeth Molek
Uses and Gratifications in Public Relations" written by Elizabeth
和 Hannah Morrissey 在賓夕法尼亞州立大學網站上發表
Molek and Hannah Morrissey published on Penn State University's website.
的一篇題為“分析理論: 公共關係中的使用和滿足 ”的文章回答 。
Since this study was published in 2020,
由於這項研究於 2020 年發表,
it has provided numerous real-world and current examples of how uses and
gratification theory might be utilized in social media and public relations today.
One example is GoPro's social media campaigns on Instagram. GoPro is a
一個例子是 GoPro 在 Instagram 上的社交媒體動態。 GoPro 是
camera firm selling cameras specializing in capturing moments in sports and adventurous
situations. GoPro's Instagram features daily “photos of the day and videos of the day”.
GoPro 的 Instagram 每天都有“今日最佳照片和今日最佳視頻”。
Here's how it work, GoPro chooses one user submission of content like a photo of
以下是是它實際的作法:GoPro 選擇一個用戶提交的內容,例如
skydiving or video of snorkeling to share on their Instagram account – and the caption will
跳傘的照片或浮潛的視頻在他們的 Instagram 帳戶上分享 - 標題將
tag the user who sent in the submission while also mentioning the model of the GoPro camera in use.
標記提交內容的用戶,同時提到用戶使用的 GoPro 相機的型號用。
By republishing user's photos and tagging them in these posts , GoPro is able to satisfy user's
通過重新發布用戶的照片並在這些帖子中添加標籤,GoPro 能夠
personal integrative needs at the same time satisfy the audience's tension-free needs,
by providing exciting contents. Everyone wins!
個人整合需求,同時滿足觀眾的壓力紓解需求 。三贏局面對吧!
It is just one example analyzed by this article, I highly recommend reading the whole paper yourself.
All right, let's recap:
Today we learned the concept of Uses and Gratification Theory,
five basic areas of human gratifications,
A little history about UGT and seven gratifications for media use defined by a 2004
關於 UGT 的一點歷史和 2004 年 一項研究定義的媒體使用的七種滿足
research, and we also learned how UGT might be useful in today's world of social media and public relations.
If you made it to the end of the video, chances are that you enjoy learning what people also
ask on Google. But let's face it, reading PAA yourself will be a pain. So here's the deal,
但是讓我們面對現實,自己閱讀 PAA 會很痛苦。所以不如這樣吧,
I will do the reading for you and upload a video compiling some fun PAAs once a week,
我會為你閱讀並上傳一個視頻,每週一次編譯一些有趣的 PAA ,
all you have to do is to hit the subscribe button and the bell icon
so you won't miss any PAA report that I compile. So just do it right now. Bye!
這樣你就不會錯過我的任何 PAA 報告編譯。所以現在就去做。再見!