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  • Hi, I'm Vanessa from

  • Which English skill is the most important?

  • Let's talk about it.

  • Which is the most important English skill?

  • Speaking, listening, pronunciation, reading, writing?

  • Well, I'm not gonna make you wait until the end of this lesson to tell you, I'm not gonna make you wait five minutes.

  • I'm gonna tell you right now that speaking is the most important English skill, in my opinion.

  • Why is speaking the most important?

  • But Vanessa, what about writing business emails?

  • I need to write professional emails.

  • Okay, okay, I understand.

  • In specific situations, you need to write well, but, you know, you can learn with a few quick tips how to write a decent business email.

  • You can watch my lesson about how to improve your writing skills, here.

  • So, why is speaking the most important English skill?

  • Let's take a look at the top three situations where you're most likely to use English.

  • Number one: traveling to another country.

  • If you go to New York City, or even to Berlin in Germany,

  • you're gonna need to communicate with the hotel staff, the airport crew, your tour guide.

  • You're not gonna to write down, excuse me, my flight was delayed, can you help me book another flight?

  • No, no, no, you're not gonna write it down, you're gonna say it.

  • You need to speak with those people.

  • If you don't know what to say in those situations, you can watch my travel playlist up here for some essential travel expressions.

  • Number two is: you go on a business meeting internationally

  • or maybe you have an American client or representative from the American branch come to visit you in your country.

  • In this situation, it's even more important to speak English,

  • because, yes, you'll have some business meetings, you'll have some business conversations,

  • but you'll probably also take the clients or take the representatives to dinner.

  • In these casual situations you're gonna need to speak the whole time together, so speaking is essential.

  • Number three: you want to make friends around the world--

  • and really, who doesn't want to make friends around the world.

  • This is truly how we can have more peace in the world.

  • I know it seems idealistic and like a fantasy,

  • but really when we see other people and talk with other people from other cultures, we can connect more directly,

  • and we can more directly see what other people are like, and we often learn that people are people everywhere.

  • Now that I've explained why speaking is the most important English skill,

  • I'd like to tell you that the second most important skill in English is listening.

  • Why?

  • Well, conversations are two way.

  • You speak, they listen. They speak, you listen.

  • You have to understand the other person in order to have a conversation.

  • But how can you understand fast, natural English conversations?

  • Well, I have some good news.

  • You can click on the video up here or in the description and this lesson will help you a lot.

  • It will increase your listening skills, and you'll be on the path to understanding native speakers

  • so that you can speak and have a conversation.

  • We've talked about speaking, and listening and writing, but what about pronunciation?

  • Well, of course you want other people to understand you,

  • you want your accent to be good enough so that other people can understand you,

  • but how can you improve your accent?

  • Well, you have to speak.

  • You have to practice speaking.

  • So, everything goes back to speaking.

  • Speaking is that key point to help you improve your pronunciation, improve your listening skills, improve your vocabulary and everything.

  • What about reading?

  • When you're reading, it's a great way to increase your vocabulary and feel more comfortable with natural sentence structure,

  • but with reading you can take your time.

  • If you're reading a medical article for your studies or you're reading a business email,

  • or maybe you're reading one of the books that I recommended in last week's video,

  • you can take your time and review and go over the vocabulary.

  • With speaking, someone else is standing right there, waiting for you to create a sentence, so it's more urgent to improve your speaking.

  • I hope that I've convinced you that speaking and listening are the most important skills in English.

  • So now you might have a question: Vanessa, how do I get started?

  • I believe that speaking is the most important skill, so what do I do now?

  • Well, I have some good news.

  • This is the Speak English with Vanessa YouTube channel, so the goal of this whole channel is to help you improve your speaking skills.

  • So, I'm gonna post a link up here, and also at the end of this video that is to my video that is to my video, "How to Start Speaking Today."

  • And I hope that you will watch that video, take those tips and start today.

  • Don't waste any time.

  • And now it's your turn.

  • I want to know which English skill do you think is the most important,

  • speaking, listening, pronunciation, reading, writing?

  • Let me know in the comments, and I'll see you again next Friday for a new lesson here on my YouTube channel!

  • Bye.

Hi, I'm Vanessa from

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