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  • Just the feeling of like being in firefight

  • and hearing the click of the gun

  • throwing it down, grabbing one off the wall.

  • My gunner's upside down,

  • and he's like laying in;

  • I see kill assist,

  • kill assist, kill assist.

  • Any pistol across

  • any of the games, whatever gun

  • allows me to feel the most

  • like John Wick, I am there.

  • Remember how excited I was

  • with like this big combat with vehicles

  • going all over the place.

  • Halo means something different

  • for everyone, right?

  • I think that's what makes Halo great.

  • What is Halo multiplayer?

  • And for me it boils down to this tight

  • arena style combat and big team battle;

  • this wide open vehicle

  • infused kind of combat.

  • We're taking that awesome

  • legacy or classic Halo combat experience

  • and modernizing it in

  • ways that will feel

  • fresh to old players

  • and really exciting to new players.

  • We're going to give you great ways

  • to customize your Spartan,

  • really make your super soldier your own

  • and we're kicking off

  • a journey and experience

  • that's going to involve month

  • to month, season to season,

  • year after year.

  • For me working through the

  • multiplayer off this game,

  • and the toughest challenge

  • I think is really about

  • how do we respect the legacy

  • of what came before us but

  • still build something that feels new.

  • We've tried to bring

  • all these elements of legacy

  • and really inject

  • them into Halo Infinite,

  • not just like in a in a way

  • where you won't notice it

  • where you feel like,

  • oh, they really designed this

  • to be a celebration of previous Halo

  • as well as an iteration

  • of where Halo can go next.

  • The vision of arena was all about

  • a tight experience, is all about being fair,

  • it was all about earning

  • everything on the map, earning

  • everything every kill you get.

  • Going back to like

  • what is the core foundation of what made

  • the great Halo multiplayer

  • arena matches great.

  • Halo it's really about fair

  • and balanced starts

  • so everybody is on equal footing

  • when they come off the rip

  • and then once they start running around

  • it's about scavenging, it's about finding

  • new toys and kind of

  • developing your play style

  • as you run through the match.

  • What makes Halo feel like Halo?

  • I feel like the answer to that question is

  • is the sandbox. The sandbox is Halo.

  • When we set out to look at Halo

  • Infinite from a high level

  • and the direction of what it is, there's

  • lots of exciting things there

  • 'cause we really wanted to push.

  • One of the things that are true to Halo,

  • but one of the things that fans

  • haven't seen yet?

  • Equipment is back,

  • but equipment is kind of

  • has the has a bigger voice

  • than ever before.

  • We ask questions to ourselves of

  • if you could go after

  • you know a power weapon

  • to get a bunch of kills,

  • would you do that

  • or could you go and get

  • grapple to make sure

  • that you swing yourself

  • to the other side of the map to back

  • cap a stronghold.

  • We saw that as like another avenue

  • of not just skill expression,

  • but tactics for teams

  • to coordinate around.

  • The exciting combinatory

  • nature of this toy

  • plus this toy and how those interact with

  • objectives is super amazing.

  • Looking at how the powerups play

  • like your classic powerups

  • like the overshield,

  • the active camouflage,

  • for this title, what we're looking

  • at, we're excited for is you

  • pick that up and you choose

  • when you activate it,

  • it goes into your inventory.

  • If you haven't used it

  • and someone kills you in multiplayer,

  • you drop that overshield

  • and then they could take it.

  • Use it for themselves.

  • That, to me, is very legacy,

  • but we took the equipment side of it

  • and modernized it.

  • When it comes to vehicles,

  • we went in and decided

  • to invest a lot in the systems.

  • When I take damage in my warthog,

  • my wheels can get blown off.

  • I hope you get blown off.

  • There's different aspects.

  • Of the vehicle that change

  • how my vehicle handles now,

  • and that's something that's brand new.

  • Everything we added to

  • that is like this doomsday

  • mechanic, so when you hit this threshold,

  • the vehicle catches fire

  • and it's very much

  • you've got a certain amount of health

  • or a certain amount of time

  • and you choose what you want to do

  • with the last minutes

  • of this vehicle.

  • We've got a cousin to the Warthog,

  • which is the Razorback. The back

  • has this like multi storage compartment

  • that you can put a lot of stuff into.

  • So if you want to put like detached

  • turrets, power weapons,

  • fusion coils, objectives.

  • And that is what really

  • making the Razorback kick a lot of butt

  • in MP and Campaign.

  • The levels define pace for the game,

  • how frantic it is, and they define

  • that iconic fantasy

  • for players as they are

  • entering that match.

  • What do they want to do?

  • What type of experience

  • are they hoping to have?

  • What kind of combat?

  • What kind of dance floor

  • is there available

  • to have that combat in?

  • For me, BTB is all about experiencing

  • the full extent of the sandbox of Halo

  • in just one match, right?

  • Like you see, the vehicles

  • the weapons, the equipment.

  • We really want to take

  • that kind of concept.

  • Those fields you had, you know,

  • playing the playing the previous games

  • and just turn the volume up.

  • Vehicles are no longer

  • just spawning at bases anymore.

  • We have Pelicans delivering them

  • and we have a Commander in your ear

  • telling you that.

  • Pelicans are going to be

  • dropping off these vehicles.

  • Being tank is inbound.

  • We have Halo two style delta Halo mission

  • weapon pods that fall from the sky

  • to resupply the field.

  • That's where it makes it

  • feel like, like a real

  • battlefield and is very exciting.

  • This is not just more players,

  • this is just the certain

  • beautiful slice of sci-fi chaos.

  • The announcer is

  • your big game playing moments.

  • Your game modes

  • just like the way it was before.

  • Play chat.

  • Personal AI is really a reflection

  • and information for the players.

  • So if a player grabs

  • the flag, your personal

  • AI is going to tell you to get

  • that thing back to base

  • and give you some like moment

  • to moment updates.

  • What if we can let

  • players choose their own AI

  • and each one of those

  • are different voices

  • so that players can find

  • the one that fits their personality

  • and their mood the best.

  • They add to the sense of like me

  • as a Spartan, being

  • more important than for us.

  • and in multiplayer

  • it is really about becoming a Spartan.

  • Your Spartan, you are

  • you inside of the Halo universe?

  • The body of customization

  • content that we have on day

  • one ensures that there will be millions

  • of customization combinations

  • for Spartans on the battlefield.

  • Includes things like armor coatings,

  • armor emblems, various armor effects

  • down to the individual armor pieces,

  • so your shoulders,

  • your gloves, your kneepads, your helmet,

  • your visor, your helmet attachments.

  • Then you look at weapons

  • and we've got a whole slew

  • of customization offerings there.

  • Vehicles have a

  • a huge pool of customizations too.

  • We support customization in the game.

  • Players can do the same thing

  • on

  • as well as the Halo Waypoint app.

  • The player also customizes

  • the Spartan, the soldier inside the suit.

  • We want the Spartan to represent

  • the player as much as possible.

  • They can change their body type

  • and their voice, as well as choose

  • prosthetics for the first time.

  • Coatings offer us a unique opportunity

  • to craft some hyper polished looks

  • and let you express yourselves in ways

  • you have never been able to before.

  • So we're coming at this

  • from a player first mentality.

  • So what that means is that

  • there's no random loot in this.

  • There's no loot boxes.

  • It's very important to us

  • that everyone understands

  • exactly how they unlock

  • customization content,

  • and we have a variety of places

  • where they can do that.

  • First off, is the Battle Pass.

  • The Halo Battle Pass

  • will never be taken away from you.

  • What do I mean by

  • that is once you buy it, it's yours

  • and does not expire. In future seasons,

  • you can purchase old Battle Passes

  • as well as the current

  • Battle Pass and choose

  • which Battle Pass to put

  • your progression towards.

  • All of these rewards are single source

  • so you're never going to be confused

  • about where things come from.

  • If you can unlock something in the Battle

  • Pass, we're not going to let

  • any other players circumvent that by

  • purchasing it out of the storefront.

  • Alot of our stuff

  • is unlocked through playing the game.

  • and only through playing the game.

  • All customization is just cosmetic.

  • Every season will have its

  • own theme and introduce new components,

  • new looks and gameplay for players.

  • New opportunities to earn

  • and collect cool rewards.

  • We've seen the samurai already.

  • That's one of our event armor cores,

  • and that's going to be

  • something that players can earn

  • through game play for free.

  • With us going free

  • to play for the multiplayer

  • part of the game like that was a big goal

  • because you know how do we have a way

  • -we can always bring players in, right?

  • When we have a new update

  • they'll just dip there toes in

  • even if they just want to see it.

  • Not only we free to play,

  • but we're free to play on PC

  • as well as console and what that means is

  • we were able to get the biggest

  • audience we've ever had.

  • Everybody gets to play with no barriers

  • and even better,

  • your progression carries from one

  • platform to the next.

  • Getting our game to be on

  • PC and console at the same time,

  • Is an amazing chance for us to really

  • just kind of excite

  • new players about the game.

  • and how can we do things

  • like make crossplay interesting

  • and like even just customs

  • being able to play with your friends

  • that like some people have PC's

  • and some people have consoles and like

  • let them talk to each other.

  • Let them be friends.

  • Commander: Why are you here?

  • Spartan: To be a Spartan.

  • Academy is a place

  • that you can go within MP

  • to kind of on board into the experience.

  • It's great for newer players

  • who are still picking up

  • the controls and also people

  • who want to warm up

  • before they head into matchmaking.

  • It's a series of experiences,

  • both a tutorial to get started

  • for the first time,

  • weapon drills to practice

  • with specific items,

  • and also training mode

  • that you can use to just

  • get warm, explore the game as you want to

  • For players who are new to Halo,

  • let's help them learn

  • what this universe is about.

  • Some of these characters,

  • what are they about?

  • And help them kind of know

  • the vocabulary that people

  • have been speaking for

  • now almost 20 years

  • so that we may come in there,

  • They don't feel like

  • they're behind everyone else.

  • They can kind of come in on even footing.

  • I mean I'm super jazzed about bots,

  • I think they're awesome.

  • Our goal with bots has been to have

  • a variety of difficulties

  • that kind of provide

  • a good training partner for wherever

  • you're at in the experience.

  • Partnering with our players

  • on the road to launch and after launch

  • is absolutely critical, right?

  • I mean Halo has always been

  • about the community conversation.

  • We want to make sure we hear our players

  • make changes where we can

  • based on that feedback,

  • make sure the game is ready for launch

  • and then even beyond launch.

  • What I'm genuinely excited about

  • is taking the game out of our hands

  • and putting it into

  • the community's hands.

  • Whether it's seeing

  • what people make in Forge

  • or the content that they're able

  • to create with theater,

  • watching streamers go after the game.

  • To get involved,

  • you go to,

  • put in your info with your gamertag

  • and we should be able to reach out to you

  • if we want to invite you to a

  • Halo Infinite Flight.

  • We feel like we've got a

  • pretty good selection at launch

  • and what's going to be there for our fans

  • and this isn't going to be something

  • that is just a static set of items.

  • We have some new stuff

  • in the works already

  • and just can't wait

  • to really get into that.

  • As soon as this game comes out.

  • New maps, new modes, new ways

  • to customize your Spartan launches.

  • Just the beginning.

  • Now we're just going to be able

  • to talk, interact more frequently,

  • and that's just going to be great.

  • That is the future of Halo

  • Infinite multiplayer.

  • Thank you to the community

  • for all their feedback

  • over the years so far,

  • and I'm looking forward

  • to the road to launch, launch

  • itself and beyond.

  • [MUSIC]


  • Play it day one with Xbox Game Pass


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