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  • Vanessa: Hi, I'm Vanessa from  

  • Do you like chocolate chip cookies?  I hope so. Let's talk about it

  • Today, I'd like to invite you to join me onspecial baking adventure. My three-year-old son  

  • Theo and I are going to be baking chocolate chip  cookies, mixing the ingredients, putting them in  

  • the oven, eating them, dunking them in milk. It  will be a long journey. I hope you will enjoy it.  

  • But along the way, I'm going to be using a lot of  phrasal verbs for daily conversation that we often  

  • use for baking, cooking, eating, and drinking. So  you can use these phrasal verbs in the kitchen,  

  • but also in a lot of other situations. I hope  that this natural setting will be a great way  

  • for you to remember the phrasal verbs and also be  able to use them yourself. So make sure you check  

  • out all the phrasal verbs that I put up here on  the screen and enjoy this wonderful baking time

  • All right, we're going to make chocolate  chip cookies. Do you remember the first  

  • thing we got to do? Theo: What

  • Vanessa: We got to suit up. You got  to put your apron on. Can I help you

  • Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Vanessa: All right. All right. Turn around.  

  • I'm going to tie it on. There we goMake sure you don't trip on it. What  

  • about me? Should I wear mine too? Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative). 

  • Vanessa: Okay. All right. The first thing  we got to do is check out our recipe.  

  • What kind of things do you think we need  on here? Can you tell me what it says

  • Theo: We need these, these, these Vanessa: Yeah? We need flour. We need  

  • cornstarch. I forgot to get that. I'll have to  get it off the shelf. We need baking powder,  

  • baking soda, salt, butter, eggs, brown sugarregular sugar, vanilla, and chocolate chips

  • Theo: Whoa. Vanessa: That's a lot  

  • of stuff. Isn't it? Now I already got out the  butter. We had to soften it up first, and I got  

  • out all of the ingredients, except I forgot to  get the corn starch. Do you know where it is

  • Theo: Where? Vanessa: I'm  

  • going to have to take it off the shelf. All rightBefore we do anything, we got to look at the  

  • first step. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees  and line a cookie sheet with parchment paper

  • Theo: The parchment paper. Vanessa: Where's the parchment paper

  • Theo: Down here. Vanessa: All right. Well, why don't you  

  • get that out while I heat up the oven? Theo: This one

  • Vanessa: Yes, that's right. Can  you bring it up to the counter

  • Theo: Is it this big? This big? Vanessa: Why don't we try to  

  • measure it out? Can you set it up here please

  • Theo: In these? Vanessa:  

  • That's right. All right. Climb on up. Let's  measure it out. Is that a good length

  • Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Vanessa: All right. I got to tear it off.  

  • Okay. Theo: That's a really good length

  • Vanessa: That's good. All rightWe're going to set that aside

  • Theo: Then we're going to open the thing? Vanessa:  

  • Now, we got to see what the next step  is. Sift together the flour, cornstarch,  

  • baking powder, baking soda and salt. All  right. We're going to put that in here.  

  • The first thing is the flour. That's a nice loud  sound. Isn't it? It says we need three cups.  

  • Wow. These are going to be a lot of cookiesYep. Scoop it up. And you know we got to do?  

  • Level it off. Okay. Dump it in. Good. You want  to pat it a little bit to make sure that you've  

  • got it all out. Great work. Okay. Scoop it outRemember what the next thing is? Level it off.  

  • That's right. How's that feel? Theo: Good

  • Vanessa: Okay. Make another scoop. Theo: We got to do

  • Vanessa: Make sure it's all full otherwise  it's not going to make good cookies.  

  • There you go. Okay. Level it off. An important  part about leveling it off is that you don't want  

  • to pat it down. You just want to push it. There  you go. Otherwise, you might get too much flour.  

  • Okay. Dump it in. Okay. The next thing we need is  the corn starch. How much corn starch do we need?  

  • Two tablespoons. All rightCan you scoop this one? Oh,  

  • we got lots of that. Let's put  a little extra bonus flour.  

  • All right. This is very important that we don't  take too much. Do you remember what to do? Scoop  

  • it and then try to level it off in there. Theo: Like the flour

  • Vanessa: That's right. Okay. Dump it in. That's  one. This is going to help make them extra fluffy.  

  • All right. Level it off. There you go. Theo: I leveled off when I scoop it

  • Vanessa: That's right. Okay. Let's see what the  next thing says. Baking powder. We need one and a  

  • half teaspoons. All right. This is one teaspoonand we're going to do baking powder first.  

  • Now, do you know what this one has? It has  a little piece of metal here to help you  

  • level it off. Why don't you get a good  scoop, then I'll show you how it works.  

  • Almost. Let's get a bigger scoop so  that it's all full. There you go

  • Theo: I think we almost taked all of it. Vanessa: You did it.  

  • Yeah. You're right. There's not much leftAll right. Now, we need a half scoop

  • Theo: Of this? Vanessa: Yeah. How can we get just a half?  

  • Let's try to drop half of it back. Theo: There

  • Vanessa: That's good. All rightLevel it off. How is that

  • Theo: Good. Vanessa: Okay. Now we  

  • have baking soda. We're going to only get halfteaspoon. Can you do a half of one of those again

  • Theo: Use this? Vanessa:  

  • Yeah, the small ones, but this time... Oh, it  doesn't fit in there. You know what we can do?  

  • We have another one that's thinSo why don't you stick it in,  

  • scoop and then you can level it off, but we only  need half. Oh, that's great. Great. Good work

  • Theo: I'm flattening... Vanessa: All right. Now we need a little salt

  • Theo: I'm flattening it out with this. Vanessa: We're going to do this the scientific way  

  • and just do a couple twists. You want to help  me twist it? Squeeze and turn really hard.  

  • There you go. One more time. There we go. Don't  want them to be too salty, huh? All right. Now  

  • I have an important job for you. I need you to mix  it up. Stir it very gently and put your hands here  

  • to hold it steady. There you go. Mix, mix, mix. Theo: When are we going to do the chocolate chips?  

  • Is that the last thing? Vanessa:  

  • Yep. The chocolate chips are the last thingAll right. I'm going to clean off some of this

  • Theo: Now we need this. Vanessa: Bonus. Okay. Next,  

  • we're going to set this aside. Theo: And then we're going to do this bowl

  • Vanessa: Yeah. Do you know what goes in this bowl? Theo: What

  • Vanessa: The wet ingredientsYou know what was in that bowl

  • Theo: Dry. Vanessa:  

  • That's right. The dry ingredientsSo it says in a separate bowl

  • Theo: We can put the eggs in here? Vanessa: Yeah. Do you want to help me crack them

  • Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Vanessa: All right

  • Theo: I'm going to get this one. Vanessa: But first we have to do the butter first.  

  • Can you feel this butter? Does it feel hard? Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative). 

  • Vanessa: It's a little hard. We need to squish it  in our hands. You think you can do that? Because  

  • it said it needed to soften up a little bit, but  I don't think I let it soften up enough. So let's  

  • do this. Oh yes. Squeeze it. Theo: To make it melt

  • Vanessa: That's right. To make it melt a little  bit so that it's not too hard. All right. That's  

  • probably good. It's just going to be really  hard to mix it. This is a lot of butter.  

  • Good for fattening you up. Theo:  

  • Wow. Vanessa: Wow

  • Theo: Let me take it [inaudible 00:08:16]. Vanessa: All right. You want to take it out?  

  • Can you take off the wrapperHold the wrapper and shake it in.  

  • Flop it in. There you go. Theo: Next. The eggs

  • Vanessa: Next, we have sugar. There's  two different types of sugar. We have  

  • brown sugar, which is just regular sugar  with a little bit of molasses in it. Yum.  

  • And the sugar. Which one should we do first? Theo: That

  • Vanessa: The brown one? Okay. Let's see. It  says one third cup. Can you give me that big  

  • cup over there? Theo: This one

  • Vanessa: The big white one. Theo: This one

  • Vanessa: No. Theo: This one

  • Vanessa: That's right. Theo: Can I do that

  • Vanessa: All right. I'm going to dump it in thereand what I want you to do is to pack it down

  • Theo: No, you pat it down.  I'm going to dump it in

  • Vanessa: You want to dump it in while I hold this? Theo: No, I'm going to hold it

  • Vanessa: You're going to hold it? Okay. Theo: And I'm going to dump it in too

  • Vanessa: Really? Here, why  don't you help me with it?  

  • There we go. Whoa. Okay. Now what I want you  to do is use your fingers and pack it down.  

  • That's the thing about brown sugar. When it  says three fourths of a cup, it always means  

  • packed down really hard. Push it really hard. This  is different than the flour. That's a good amount.  

  • All right. Let's try to wipe it off your fingers. Theo: Dump it on the butter

  • Vanessa: Dump it on the butter. That's rightHold on tight to this. I'm going to pour it  

  • in. Are you ready? You got a little  bit of stuff on your face. Ready?  

  • Okay. Dump it in. Theo: And then... 

  • Vanessa: This one we don't need to  pack down. You can just dump it in

  • Theo: And the sugar? Vanessa: That's right

  • Theo: And the other sugar? Vanessa: Yep. I'm going to put this butter  

  • in here. We're not professional chefsIt's okay. I'm going to throw it in the  

  • microwave for a couple of seconds and  then it will be nice and soft for us

  • Theo: We're good chefs. Vanessa: We're what

  • Theo: We're good chefs. Vanessa: We're good chefs. Wow. All right. Now our  

  • butter is a little bit soft. Maybe a little too  soft. So they might not be super fluffy cookies,  

  • but it's still going to be a little bit easier. Theo: Is it going to be really good still

  • Vanessa: It is going to be really good still. And  when you're baking together, sometimes you just  

  • have to make concessions. All right. I'm going to  pour this in and it can be your job to mix them  

  • together. You think you can do it? Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative). 

  • Vanessa: Okay. Theo:  

  • Maybe we should make banana cookies with it in it. Vanessa: Banana cookies. How do  

  • you make banana cookies? Theo: You put bananas in it

  • Vanessa: Well, of course. That makes  sense. I'm going to scrape out the  

  • last little bits of butter. And now can you  use that spatula or the fork to mix it up

  • Theo: I'm going to do this. Now- Vanessa: We're going to still mix that in

  • Theo: Will you mix it a little bit? Vanessa: You want me to mix it a little bit

  • Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Vanessa: Okay.  

  • Do you want to put a hand on mine while I do it

  • Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Vanessa: Okay. We'll do it really fast.  

  • How is that? Theo: Good

  • Vanessa: Do you know what that is? Theo: What

  • Vanessa: The oven is ready. It's heated up enoughbut we have to finish making our cookie batter  

  • first. All right. The next thing is we got to  put in our eggs. Crack the eggs. Can you help  

  • me with it? All right. You want to put your  hand on mine? Three, two, one. Break. Whoa.  

  • That was a pretty big crack. Wasn't it? Theo: I'll get the other egg

  • Vanessa: Here. All right. Thank you. We're going  to do a big crack this time. Whoa. Watch out. I  

  • got to do it first. Ready? Three, two, one. Ohyou did it. Wow. That was a kind of good crack.  

  • All right. Theo: Can I mix

  • Vanessa: There's one other thing we have  to add and that's some vanilla. I never

  • Theo: Quick, quick, quick. Vanessa: I never measure out  

  • vanilla. I always just eyeball it. Theo: When are we ready

  • Vanessa: Well, it's going to be ready in  just a moment because remember that other  

  • bowl with the dry ingredients? We got to mix them  together. Now I'm going to scrape down the sides.  

  • Everything looks mixed together really wellBlend until smooth and fluffy. Does it look  

  • smooth and fluffy to you? Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative). 

  • Vanessa: Good. Okay. The next thing is  to add the flour mixture to the butter  

  • mixture. You think you can help with that? Theo: Oh, I'll dump it right by myself

  • Vanessa: See, it says a little at a time. You  think you can dump a little bit at a time

  • Theo: I dump it. Vanessa: Okay. Well, the recipe says a little at  

  • a time. That will probably help it to not be too  hard. Okay. Let's mix this in and then we'll do it  

  • again. Thank you. Okay. You want to do it? Theo: No, you do it

  • Vanessa: You want me to do it? Theo: My job is to scrape the batter off with  

  • the fork. Vanessa: Okay. You can do it when  

  • I have it on the spatula. All right. Theo:  

  • We're good chefs. Vanessa: We are good chefs.  

  • Thank you for scraping that off. Ready, mix. Theo: Really fast

  • Vanessa: Well, I want to make sure that the  flour is incorporated before I go too fast.  

  • So it doesn't fly away into the air. Theo: Fly away to North Carolina

  • Vanessa: Yeah. I mean, we are in North Carolinabut I know what you mean. All right. Let's pour  

  • in the rest. Do you want to dump the rest in? Good  work. We bought two different kinds of chocolate  

  • chips. So which one do you think we should use? Theo: First,  

  • we're going to make two of them. We're going to  put two the of the kinds of chocolate chips in

  • Vanessa: Oh, okay. Two different types of  chocolate chips in? Oh, that's one way to open it.  

  • Let's see how many it says to put in. Two cupsThat's so many. What if we do one cup of this  

  • kind and one cup of that kind? Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative). 

  • Vanessa: Okay. Can you put them in  this cup first so we can measure it

  • Theo: First one I scoop it out. Vanessa: Okay. That's the exciting part.  

  • You want to gobble up a couple? Theo: This many

  • Vanessa: Whoa. Okay. That's going  to be your secret stash. Okay

  • Theo: And yellow bag, this one too. Vanessa: Okay

  • Theo: A little bit of each. Vanessa: You can eat a little  

  • bit of each. All right. Let's try to measure  out one cup of that. I'll eat a couple too.  

  • Let's pour them in. Theo: A little bit. Those are better

  • Vanessa: Those are better? Which one do you  think is best? These ones or those ones

  • Theo: Those ones. Vanessa: Those ones? They're both chocolate

  • Theo: Now I have to get another one. Vanessa: Oh, because I took some  

  • from your pile. That's fair. Theo: Now I need some water

  • Vanessa: I agree. That was reallylot. The recipe says that we can't  

  • just mix the chocolate chips in here. We have  to fold them in. Do you know what that means

  • Theo: What? Vanessa: Is it like folding your clothes?  

  • We got to fold this like our clothes? Theo: No

  • Vanessa: No, you're right. We're not going  to fold it like clothes, but we have to do  

  • it gently. That's the idea. We have to mix it  gently kind of like you fold your clothes gently.  

  • I'm going to fold this, scraping the outside, and  carefully, tenderly our precious little chocolate  

  • chips. Are you okay in there? Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative). 

  • Vanessa: Isn't that what they said? They said yes. Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative). 

  • Vanessa: Wow. I didn't even know they could  talk. What else do chocolate chips say

  • Theo: Eat the chocolate chips that are right here. Vanessa: Oh, they're telling us to eat more?  

  • Oh my goodness. That's a silly chocolate  chip. All right. Now that we've added in  

  • all the ingredients, next we got to use our  tray. We need to line them up on the tray 

  • Theo: And what's that? Vanessa: And what

  • Theo: And with that? Vanessa: Oh, they scoop them out with that. You  

  • know what, I was just thinking we could use this. Theo: No

  • Vanessa: Because this will make gigantic  cookies that might not cook very well.  

  • They might be kind of raw on the insideSo it's good to use one little spoon

  • Theo: No, do this one. Vanessa: That giant... This one

  • Theo: No, this one. Vanessa: That one. Okay.  

  • That's a great idea. Why don't I put thislittle bit closer so you can get it over there

  • Theo: Wow. Look at how big mine's gonna be! Vanessa: Oh  

  • no. It says to keep them two inches apart  because these are going to kind of fluff up

  • Theo: I'm going to make that big one. Vanessa: That's going to be yours

  • Theo: I am making lots of big ones. Vanessa: Are you going to eat that one too? I bet

  • Theo: Wow. Vanessa: Wow. That might be a little big bud

  • Theo: No. Vanessa: Let's tone it down just a bit

  • Theo: Just smash it down with my thing. Vanessa: Well, I was thinking you could  

  • break off a little piece. Theo: No, smash

  • Vanessa: Just smash it down. Well, let's see  what happens. Usually the first batch is kind  

  • of an experiment anyway. All right. Theo: I'm going to watch

  • Vanessa: You going to watch? All  right. It's a good idea to stand  

  • back like that because the oven's really  hot. Thank you for doing that. All right.  

  • Okay. Now I got to turn on the timer. Theo: I need some more wrapping paper

  • Vanessa: Wrapping paper? Ohyou mean the parchment paper

  • Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Vanessa: Okay. Let's do that

  • Theo: Now I'm making little fingerprints  in there to make a fingerprint

  • Vanessa: Fingerprint cookies. Wow. I don't want  you to smush down all of these because the more  

  • you touch it, probably the flatter and the harder  and the crispier they're going to be, and these  

  • are supposed to be fluffy and light cookies. Theo: Look at this. I'm poking a hole in that one

  • Vanessa: Is that a volcano cookie? Theo: Mm-hmm  

  • (affirmative). This is a volcano one too. Vanessa: All right. Well, something we need  

  • to get ready so that when the cookies are done, we  can eat. We can drink some milk with the cookies.  

  • That's kind of a classic combination is you get  your chocolate chip cookie and you dunk it in  

  • the milk. Have you ever done that before? Theo: No. We can put some milk in a bowl

  • Vanessa: In a bowl. Oh. Not a cup? Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative). 

  • Vanessa: Oh, we could do that too. All  right. I could put some in a bowl and  

  • then we can share it together. Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative). 

  • Vanessa: Okay. Usually you put it  in a cup, but I'm up for a bowl.  

  • Do you have a bowl on your shelf that we can use? Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative). There's certainly lots  

  • of bowls. You got those two bowls. Vanessa:  

  • There are certainly lots of bowls. Theo: Look, there's two bowls

  • Vanessa: Two bowls. Certainly lots  of bowls. What was I thinking?  

  • You know what that is? Theo: Cookies

  • Vanessa: Cookies. All right. I got to clean  out the drying rack or the cooling rack.  

  • All right. I'm going to take them out of the ovenYou want to take a look and see if they're ready?  

  • All right, Theo. You know what? I think these  are not done. They need to be brown and crispy  

  • on the edges. So let's put them in for two more  minutes. All right. I heard the timer go off.  

  • Let's check on our cookies. Theo: And put these ones in

  • Vanessa: Yep. You know what? Our cookies are  kind of bigger than what they called for,  

  • so let's just give it a try. I need you to step  back for a second. And can you pick up your book?  

  • Because I'm going to put  these cookies on this tray.  

  • I'm sure there are better ways to do this, but... Theo: But mine are really big

  • Vanessa: Your cookies are ginormous. We're going  to get a bowl of milk. We're going to give them a  

  • try. Are you trying them with your fork? Can  you go get a bowl from your shelf, please

  • Theo: I'm going to use that fork and a spoon. Vanessa: Wow. Have you ever met a three-year-old  

  • who eats chocolate chip cookies withfork and a spoon? I guess that's you

  • Theo: And I just got it. Vanessa: Oh, I got the milk right here

  • Theo: Why? Did you get it already? Vanessa: I got it ready.  

  • All right. Usually you dunk them incup of milk, but you want to use a bowl

  • Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative). For these. Vanessa: That's fine. We can  

  • share it together. All right. Can you choose  one cookie? Choose which one you want

  • Theo: This one. Vanessa:  

  • That one? All right. I'm going to choose this one. Theo: It's really big

  • Vanessa: It is big. Oh, it's meltingChocolate chips melting on my fingers.  

  • All right. I've poured in the  milk. Now, it's time to dunk them

  • Theo: But we can't eat them here. Vanessa: They are so fluffy

  • Theo: Wow. Vanessa: Wow. So that's your last cookie

  • Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Vanessa: Okay. All right.  

  • I'm going to eat your little mini cookieUh-oh. Whoa. It just jumped into the milk

  • Theo: I can eat it. Vanessa:  

  • Wow. How's it taste? Theo: Good

  • Vanessa: I'm going to dip  this little mini cookie in.  

  • That is great. Do you want to cheers our cookies? Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative). 

  • Vanessa: Cheers. Theo: Cookies and milk. That's the best

  • Vanessa: Cookies and milk. That's the bestThat is right. Thank you so much for joining  

  • us on this baking adventure, all of the  ups and downs of baking with a toddler.  

  • And now I have a question for you. What kind of  cookies or desserts do you like? I hope you have  

  • a chance to try out baking these cookies sometime  soon. It is extremely simple and fun and tasty.  

  • Well, thank you so much for learning English with  me and I'll see you again next Friday for a new  

  • lesson here on my YouTube channel. Bye. Theo: I'm just touching it with my fork.  

  • This is really punching in with my fork. Vanessa:  

  • Yeah, does that feel good? Theo: I'm trying to see  

  • what the temperature is and see if it's done. Vanessa:  

  • Wow. What's the temperature

  • Theo: It's good. Vanessa: It's good? Okay

  • The next step is to download my free ebook Five  Steps to Becoming a Confident English Speaker.  

  • You'll learn what you need to do  to speak confidently and fluently.  

  • Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel  for more free lessons. Thanks so much. Bye.

Vanessa: Hi, I'm Vanessa from  

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56 個吃和喝的重要片語動詞(56 Important Phrasal Verbs for Eating and Drinking)

  • 18 5
    Justin Ho posted on 2021/07/12
Video vocabulary