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  • Hello. This is 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. I'm Georgina.

    大家好,歡迎收聽 BBC 六分鐘學英語節目。我是喬吉娜。

  • And I'm Neil.


  • In this programme, we're going to be talking about the world of work.


  • Ah, yes, travelling to an office five days a week, sitting at a desk all day, and then going home.


  • Neil, it's not always like that.


  • Office work doesn't have to be such a routinethe usual, fixed way of doing things; it is much more flexible these days.

    辦公室工作並不總是這樣的例行公事 (routine):做一件事情時慣常的、固定的做法。 最近工作的形態越來越有彈性了。

  • That's true. During the pandemic, we've all had to have a more flexible approach to work.


  • Yes, we have. And it has, perhaps, changed our attitude to working flexibly.


  • But even before coronavirus, there was an opportunity to work flexibly, and we'll be discussing that soon.


  • But there's one thing that can't be changed, and that's you setting a quiz question!


  • Ah, yes, I hadn't forgotten.


  • So, Neil, I know you work very hard.


  • But according to data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Developmentthe OECDworkers from which country work the longest hours?

    但根據經濟合作暨發展組織 (OECD) 的數據,世界上哪個國家的勞工工時最長?

  • Is it... a, South Korea, b, Germany, or c, Mexico?

    請問是 A)韓國、b) 德國,或 c) 墨西哥?

  • Mmm, well, as I'm not on the list, let's go for c, Mexico.

    這個嘛,既然我不在列表中,我猜是 c) 墨西哥。

  • OK, Neil, we'll find out if that's right at the end of the programme.


  • But let's talk more about flexible working now.


  • Different countries have different laws about working flexibly, but here in the UK, for the last 14 years, employeesworkershave had the right to request flexible working.

    不同的國家對於彈性工作有不同的法律規範。但在英國這裡的過去 14 年間,雇員,也就是勞工,有能向雇主要求彈性工作的權利。

  • But what does it mean to work flexibly?


  • Sarah Jackson is a workplace consultant and visiting professor at Cranfield University School of Management.

    莎拉·傑克遜 (Sarah Jackson) 是一位職場顧問,也是克蘭菲爾德大學管理學院的客座教授。

  • She spoke to BBC Radio 4's Woman's Hour programme about what it means exactly.

    他在接受 BBC 廣播四台《女性時間》節目採訪時,解釋了這個詞的準確意涵。

  • Because of the pandemic, now everybody thinks that flexible working means working from homeit doesn't, it's about common sense.


  • What does the job need in terms of when, where, how long, and what do you need and what does your family needand how do the two match?


  • So, flexibility really means having some choice and control over when, where, and how long you work, and agreeing that with your manager.


  • So, flexible working is not just working from homesomething we've got used to during the pandemic.


  • It is about common senseusing our judgement to make sensible decisions.

    它的關鍵其實在於常識 (common sense):也就是利用我們的判斷力來做出合理的選擇。

  • So, requesting to work for two hours a day is not sensible, but being able to work from 12 until 8 instead of 9 to 5 might be.

    也就是說,要求一天只工作兩小時不怎麼合理,但要求從中午 12 點工作到晚上 8 點,取代原本從早上 9 點到下午 5 點的工作時段,則可能是較為合理的要求。

  • Of course, this depends on the needs of the business.


  • And, as Sarah said, you need to match your needs with that of the business.

    而正如莎拉所說,你需要將你自己的需求與公司的需求相互匹配 (match)。

  • Match here means to work equally on both sides.

    這裡的匹配 (match) 指的是對雙方都公平以待。

  • Getting the working conditions that suit you does require some negotiation with your manager.


  • You need agreement from him or her, and that can be difficult if your manager is inflexiblenot willing to change.


  • But of course, in the UK at least, an employee has a right to request flexible working, and this must be considered by the employer.


  • This law initially was just for parents with a child younger than 6 years old or a disabled child less than 18.

    這項法律最初只是為家裡有年紀小於 6 歲的兒女,或是年紀小於 18 歲殘障兒女的家長所設計的法律。

  • But since 2014, everyone has the right to request flexible working.

    但在 2014 年之後,每個人都有權要求彈性工作。

  • And that includes men.


  • Which is an important point, as Sarah Jackson explains.


  • Fewer men seem to have their requests for flexible working accepted. Let's find out why.


  • Men, when they do ask, are more likely to be turned down, so there's a real bias there in the system.


  • And so whatthe... the most important thing that needs to happen here, I think, is for... for employers to really actively start saying to their men:


  • "We know you want to be active fathers," because there's a whole generation of young men who do want to be active fathers.


  • Please use the right to request flexible working. Work... work flexibly if you can because until men are enabled to be active fathers, we won't get equality at home and we certainly won't get equality in the workplace, either.


  • OK, so men are more likely to have their request turned downor rejected.


  • And Sarah says there is a bias in the systemunfairness, treating one group of people more favourably than another.

    而薩拉說體制中有偏見 (bias)。偏見就是不公平,以更好的待遇來對待另一群人。

  • And this is unfair because it can prevent some men being active fathersactually being involved with childcare.


  • But having more active fathers can lead to equalityor fairnessat home and in the workplace.


  • It sounds like something that needs to be looked at.


  • But now, Neil, let's get the answer to my question:


  • According to official data, in which country do workers work the longest hours?


  • And I said Mexico.


  • Which is correct, well done!


  • According to the OECD, the average Mexican spends 2,255 hours at work per yearthe equivalent of around 43 hours per week.

    根據經合組織,墨西哥人每年平均花了 2255 小時在工作上,相當於每星期約 43 小時的工時。

  • Germans, on the other hand, clock up the fewest hours.


  • Well, my working day is nearly over, so let's just recap some of the vocabulary we've discussed.


  • Starting with routinethe usual, fixed way of doing things.

    從例行公事 (routine) 開始:也就是做事的慣常、固定的方式。

  • Common sense is our judgement to make sensible decisions.

    常識 (common sense) 是我們根據判斷所做出的合理決定。

  • When you need something to match, it has to work equally on both sides.

    當你需要匹配 (match) 兩件事情時,雙方都必須是相等的。

  • And when someone is inflexible, they are unwilling to changesometimes we say they won't budge!

    而當某人的思考沒有彈性 (inflexible) 時,代表他們不願意改變。我們有時會說他們不懂讓步!

  • Bias is unfairnesstreating one group of people more favourably than another.

    偏見 (bias) 就是不公平,用更好的待遇對待另一群人。

  • And being active with something means being involved with it.

    而積極參與 (being active with sth.) 的意思是投身於某事之中。

  • Well, there's no flexibility in our 6 minutes, so we're out of time.

    呃,我們節目 6 分鐘的時間限制可沒有彈性,所以我們已經超時了。

  • We have plenty more 6 Minute English programmes to enjoy on our website at

    但在我們的 網站上,還有更多的 6 分鐘學英文節目。

  • And check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

    歡迎追蹤我們的 Facebook、Twitter 和 Instagram。

  • Don't forget that we have an app, too, which you can download for free from the app stores.


  • We help you learn English on the move!


  • Grammar, vocabulary, and interesting topicswe have them all!


  • Bye for now.


  • Goodbye.


Hello. This is 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. I'm Georgina.

大家好,歡迎收聽 BBC 六分鐘學英語節目。我是喬吉娜。

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