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Apple is one of the most iconic brands in the world, with an instantly recognizable logo, that's included on almost every product they make.
Apple 是世界上最具標誌性的品牌之一,其 logo 幾乎可以識別他們生產的每一款產品。
But one thing people have always wondered is why there's a bite in the logo, and that's what I'll explain right now.
但人們一直想知道的一件事是為什麼其 logo 被咬一口,這就是我現在要解釋的內容。
So back in 1977, Steve Jobs turned to an ad agency to design a simple logo that could be printed on their computers.
早在 1977 年,史蒂夫賈伯斯就向廣告公司求助,設計了一個可以印在他們的電腦上的簡單 logo。
Since the original hand-drawn logo of Issac Newton under an apple tree was a little to complicated.
Rob Janoff was assigned to the project, and Jobs gave him just one request, saying, "Don't make it cute."
羅布·賈諾夫被分配到這個項目,喬布斯只給了他一個要求,說:「不要可愛的 logo。」
With that in mind, Janoff began working on the logo.
考慮到這一點,賈諾夫開始設計 logo。
He decided to focus on the imagery of an Apple instead of the typography, which was a different approach than other computer companies like IBM and Hewlett Packard, whose logos were primarily text-based.
他決定把重點放在蘋果的圖像上,而不是排版上,這與 IBM 和惠普等其他電腦公司的做法不同,後者的標誌主要基於文字。
Janoff started with a simple silhouette of an apple with a leaf on top.
But this imagery was pretty ambiguous, since there are several fruits that have a round shape with leaves stemming off.
Janoff pointed out that several people mistook the apple logo for a cherry, since there was no clear context for how large or small the fruit might be.
So to solve these problems, Janoff added a bite, which allowed people to immediately identify the logo as an apple, while still retaining a simplistic design.
因此,為了解決這些問題,賈諾夫讓 logo 被咬了一口,使人們能夠立即識別出該標誌是一個蘋果,同時仍然保留了簡單的設計。
Finally, six colorful stripes were added to symbolize the Apple computer's ability to display color images, something no other machine could do at the time.
When Janoff presented the logo, Jobs simply said, "Okay, that's nice."
當賈諾夫展示這個 logo 時,賈伯斯只是說:「好,那很好。」
And made it the official logo of the company.
並將其作為公司的官方 logo。
But there's a myth that persists to this day that the bite taken out of Apple's logo was a play on words.
但有一個流傳至今的神話,認為蘋果 logo 上的咬痕是在玩文字遊戲。
Since the term byte, spelt b-y-t-e, is used in the tech industry as a unit of memory size.
由於術語「位元組」(拼寫為 b-y-t-e)在科技行業中用作內存大小的單位。
Although Janoff himself admitted the rumor wasn't true, saying, "I'm afraid it didn't have a thing to do with it. It's just a small happy coincidence."
This is Greg with Apple Explained, thanks for watching till the end, and I'll see you in the next video.
我是 Greg 的《Apple 解說》,感謝你觀看到最後,我們將在下一個影片中與您見面。