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  • Today we are going to go to a small Ikea.

  • If you have ever been to an Ikea, you know how huge they are, but this on is in Shinjuku

  • And it's tiny, so what are they gonna have, how's it going to be different. We're gonna check all of that out. It should be a lot of fun to see.

  • [Life in Japan theme music]

  • Whoa, here they come! What a troop.

  • What? McDonalds? Right there. McDonalds? Really?

  • There's our train. Ok.

  • Gonna go. Gonna see Shinjuku right out the window. Once it goes. Oh, here we go. Can you look?

  • Here, look and see.

  • Oh, yep, there it is. Look. That's where we're going.

  • Where all those tall buildings are? Yep.

  • It's humongous. Can you see it?

  • It's a hamburger. Ok, a nice burger place? It's this way.

  • Before we can check out this really small Ikea, the kids just have to eat. And guess where they want to go?

  • So, when we go out together, it's kids choice today where we get to eat. Of all the places we could eat, what was decided?

  • McDonalds. McDonalds, huh?

  • McDonalds it is.

  • Daddy, sit right here. Sit right there?

  • Yeah, sit by me. Ok, I'll sit right over here.

  • So, we are very curious, what are we going to find at this Ikea, how's it gonna be, huh guys?

  • I know, do they deliver, do they have a warehouse? Probably not.

  • Well, it doesn't even look like an Ikea, does it?

  • It does not look like an Ikea.

  • Right when we walk in, what do we got?

  • We have foods. It's food! Oh, and all the self-checkouts. All the checkouts are down here, cool.

  • Looks like we need to go up, huh? Yeah. Ok.

  • What are we gonna find Becca? I don't know. Oh! That scared me.

  • You scared yourself? Yes I did. Oh, here we go. Ok, the first look at things.

  • Here's decoration, lighting, workspace, dining, living room storage & organizers and living room.

  • Then upstairs is children's accessories/bathroom, wardrobe and small storage...

  • You know what? I bet they have all stuff for small spaces. They have nothing for full size houses. Makes sense.

  • Joshua, what did you find? I think its a drone. A drone?

  • Sure enough. It's just for decoration though, they're not real drones.

  • So I guess you could put it in your house if you wanted to decorate it with drones.

  • There's the sofas. And they are all small. Yep.

  • It's kinda cool. They mix a bunch of stuff together. It's how they do it.

  • What's that? Yeah, you can sit on it. Just don't put your shoes on it.

  • Oh, very comfortable? I like the smell. Yeah?!

  • It seems fancier here than it does in the big warehouse.

  • It does because they kinda of like match everything, don't they.

  • You can check out on each level. Yeah?

  • Kids like the organizers, huh? Everything looks so organized.

  • They found the desks, huh? You guys all want your own desks.

  • No, I want my own computer. Your own computer? Oh.

  • Oh, nice dude. Check that out, huh? Is it a nice computer?

  • Very cool. And a kinda cool seat too, huh?

  • Here's the Ikea colors we know and love.

  • Oh look, they do have some of their rooms set up.

  • Nice and small.

  • That becomes a bed?! Nice.

  • I think. Probably.

  • Girls, you like this room? Yes, this is my dream room. Your dream room?

  • It just shows how you can control the room with your phone. What?? How?

  • So, if you buy that controller there, through your smart phone you can control the lights of the room.

  • Probably the music too. Probably the music.

  • Give me it! Hey, take turns and be nice about it.

  • Can I try?

  • Here we go. Third floor.

  • Whoa, cool view when you come up.

  • Lets see. Whoa, what do we have here then, bedding?

  • Oh, you found a cute little bed? Oh, that's how you can use it, right?

  • This is cool, huh?

  • Who's down... Oh! Joshua!

  • Anna's got a shark.

  • The shark bites. Ah!

  • Awe....

  • This is my favorite.

  • That's your favorite? Do you know what it's called? Orangutan.

  • Uh! Joshua, they have dinosaurs. Oh, that's cool Becca.

  • He likes me. Oh yeah, I can see why.

  • I like climbing up trees too. Oh, yeah.

  • I'm a monkey. I don't like bananas but its ok. I don't like bananas.

  • You love bananas. Actually, this might be the T-Rex.

  • Well, a couple of beds. Just everything in a really small amount of area.

  • There, that's the mattress we got for you girls.

  • How about that, huh?

  • I'm glad we don't have to carry it home on the train!

  • It's so soft? That's the cushion for the top.

  • It can dance.

  • A randoseru. A randoseru? You're right!

  • Daddy, come and see! Oh my goodness. And the shark is on the...

  • Hey, what are you doing in my room? Hey, what's the dog doing over there?

  • He's just hanging out. Just hanging out.

  • This is a fun little room. How do you think a shark types on a keyboard?

  • I don't know.

  • I think he probably needs some help to do that, huh?

  • I don't need help. Oh, he doesn't need help? He's got it, wow, cool.

  • How's he going to be alive if he's not in the water. That's a good question.

  • Ok...

  • Let's go down?

  • Let's see what's on the 1st floor. Actually, the basement, below the 1st floor. Cool?

  • We came in right there. We came in right there, how many floors are there Ruth? Total.

  • Basement, 1st, 2nd, 3rd - 4 floors. 4 floors.

  • But so tiny on each floor.

  • Oh, I wonder if this is like the 1st floor at most Ikeas. Right?

  • They have all the different goods and housewares and stuff.

  • Are you a drummer dude?

  • You drumming? Oh my goodness.

  • I lost Becca. There she is.

  • That's interesting, they sell food stuff too.

  • Did we get a big hug with cousin Joey? That's nice.

  • Well, I think we are done. But we would like to go to the sketchers store.

  • Here we go. It's funny to look out and see Shinjuku crossing.

  • Sketchers. One of the favorites, huh?

  • Oh, we like the sketchers store.

  • Oh my! That laugh reminds me of when you guys were little babies. Huh Luiza?

  • So, are these the shoes you are gonna get or wanna get? Yes.

  • Oh, they are good for running you said? Yes, it's for running. It's for running.

  • Whoa, hey dude! Cool.

  • Ok Anna. My goodness!

  • How heavy is it?

  • You have some shoes in there? Oh, not that heavy. Here. Not that heavy? You want me to hold it?

  • You so thirsty dude? Huh?

  • Oh, you're all done? Yea. Ok.

  • Nate, if you walk a little bit on it then stop, it feels like you are on a moving walkway.

  • Oh, that's interesting.

  • Wakaranai in Shinjuku.

  • We too much box! Oh my goodness, more boxes.

  • What could be in all these boxes?

  • Camera. What is it dude?

  • Look how big these boxes is? Oh my goodness. [boxes are] Look how big these boxes are. Can you say it again?

  • Look how big these boxes are.

  • Yeah, huh? Ok we can take off your mask now, we are back home. Go put it away in the right place!

  • Everybody is back home and they are like "water"! Water please!

  • So hot! So hot.

  • Turn on that air. Turn it on.

  • Cheers.

  • So, what did we think there? Ikea, in the city.

  • So the idea is super cool, but I personally did not care for it.

  • It's awfully small and tight. Like I just felt crowded and squished the entire time.

  • And there are very few options and the options they do have are for tiny houses.

  • Or, just one or two people things, so..

  • For my family, it wasn't very impressive but if you live alone or just 2 people living in a house, that would probably be ideal, but otherwise, not for me.

  • So.

  • What? Is it Mario time?

  • Wow, sure enough!

Today we are going to go to a small Ikea.

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