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I thought that was quite the experience.
That 30 minute ferry ride.
I didn't know this before.
You know, remember.
All right.
Uh huh.
Oh well well well well well welcome come to Aishwarya.
We started Welcome yet.
I don't think so.
Welcome to the end of the world, End of the world.
Oh my gosh!
We're so excited to be here.
This is basically basically the one destination that we both just couldn't stop thinking about on this trip and we knew it would be ready at the end of the trip.
And yeah, we are here.
Made it happen, we made it happen, made it happen.
So guys, what we should do is basically recap the whole day.
We didn't really do speaking clips.
There just wasn't the time or the opportunity but it was a very action packed date.
Mhm mm mm.
Good morning.
It is very early.
Far far too early.
Had about three hours, four hours sleep maybe maybe Right now.
It is 7:15 a.m. But we were up at five to finish packing.
Get organized.
Now we're at the bus terminal, we're catching the bus to.
Yeah sure we're we've got 11.5 hour day on the bus.
I'm very on the bus crossing the border heading down to the end of the earth End of Patagonia.
It's very exciting.
I think we just have a short drive before were on the ferry.
So I'm really looking forward to that.
That's the part of today's journey that I'm most excited about.
All set for breakfast.
All set for breakfast.
This is actually your hot chocolate, hot cocoa.
I don't blame you for getting hot drink.
It's pretty chilly in the morning we've got ham and cheese sandwich almost of our that's almost a half of it.
There was a gentleman selling muffins so we got three.
Got a good deal breakfast.
second breakfast.
I didn't have it first today.
And why don't we start off with the most basic thing?
The price of the ticket price?
It was 35,000 Chilean pesos which is 47 U.
Dollars that I just say.
Yeah, he told me, he told me 47 per person per person for a full day bus, full day 11.5 hours.
Right, So keep in mind leaving at eight in the morning, arriving here in Argentina at 7 30 in the evening.
It is a long journey But I mean you're going to be covering a long distance.
So basically we started off at 8:00 AM, we left on time onwards to the ferry.
The journey was another another while I think it was close to musicals to an hour or 45 minutes until we reached the ferry.
Yeah, that was quite the experience, wasn't it?
Mhm, mm hmm.
Uh huh.
Okay, mm hmm, mm.
Uh huh.
Yeah, it was a short 30 minute ride.
We got to see some seals, which was really cool weather, weather, weather was gorgeous.
We saw some other some other ships passing by.
I mean, you can, as soon as you get on the ferry you can see where you're going to.
It's really not.
It's a very short, it's a very short distance.
So then we crossed the border, we got stamped out on the Chilly side, stamped in on the Argentine side.
At this point we got a little snack.
The driver came by and gave us some juices and some cookies.
You're forgetting the most important to detail here.
You do not forget kitty cat, the Immigration.
Like we couldn't build this cat no photographic evidence.
But at Immigration, was it on the argentine side Chilean.
Outside there was a cat fully stretched out on top of the theater.
It was the cutest thing ever.
We don't, there's no evidence of it.
We obviously couldn't just like pull out terrorism and take a shot of the cat because it was behind the immigration officer.
But it was the coolest thing.
It was a radiator.
It was sleeping on the radiator on the radio.
It was just like it was a chill cat.
And to be honest, the whole the process of immigration was also chill.
Just very nice and efficient.
We got through really quickly on both sides and then we continued onwards.
We stopped in Rio grande which is actually the biggest city, apparently slightly bigger than usual.
And then both of us like passed out.
I slept through all of this so I cannot tell you what rio grande looks like but I did wake up by the time we reached the town of Doin Wing, which we are going to for a few days at the end of this trip, beautiful little town, we stopped at a bakery, we got some publications, some cheese balls were feeding the local dog.
Super friendly, cute dogs.
Get one.
You get one.
Oh Okay, shut down.
Oh come on buddy.
one more for it.
And the landscape completely changed.
This is the Patagonia that probably is in most people's minds.
The mountains, the lakes, the winding roads and the windswept trees that have been blown to the side.
They're like growing crooked.
Yeah, so the rest of the journey was completely different from the Patagonian steppe.
It's like we were entering into the forest and mountains and it was a very beautiful trip.
Uh We got stuck behind some slow moving vehicles for a while, so it felt like that those last 100 kilometers were quite a bit slower than the rest of the day, but by the time we arrived in Aishwarya, I mean the sun wasn't even close to going down, so yeah, I just jumped in a cab and came here.
So overall, I mean it was it was a good trip.
I mean, the only thing is that when you, when you're doing something that long by day, you kind of arrive a little groggy I find and with swollen feet it was swollen feet to it wasn't the most spacious bus, that's for sure, especially where we're sitting, we're sitting right at the wall of the front, great for filming.
Absolutely great for filming, but not great for leg space and now we're kind of hungry.
Now we're gonna take you out for some better than we're having pizza for dinner, doing a second take because apparently I was telling you, I do not recall, we were this morning we were in chile, I just have a fog over my head after speaking 11 hours, we actually, we realized that the long bus journeys, like the ones that are not overnight, are actually more difficult because you don't sleep as much, it's just a lot of anyways, we're feeling that, but we're hoping that a good bottle of wine over here and some pizza is going to cheer us up.
So what have we got?
We got what you chose, which is my olympic, yep, we're having seen it in it and we've got some pizza to go along with the wine.
Yes, we do four seasons pizza, so I'm just digging right into the napolitano loading with raw garlic.
We do love our garlic, Good.
Anything with raw garlic and cute, we've got wine.
One pizza a good times here in Mishawaka, we've got 12 nights.
My friends so much selection here.
I don't even know which one to go for.
Whoa actually slipped off the, the lifter.
So this one appears to have a giant slice of ham, red pepper, a couple of different olives.
Guys, the wine is great, loving it, so nice to be having more back again.
It's been a we didn't have that while we were in chile so about 10 days without it.
And something else I should mention too is that uh the wine glass is from bodega ellis deco we did visit, got to visit there and Salta, it's a great place to do something underrated wine popping.
It's not as famous as famous as Mendoza, but a great area.
Alright, let's try that pizza.
It's really good call that the pizza man, we're hungry.
We've just been nibbling on snacks all day.
So this is the first substantial thing we've been eating apartment now that we are all settled in, we thought we would give you guys a little apartment to us so you can see where we are staying here in yushu Waya Heads up, we are outside like the downtown core.
So it is about a 30-40 minute walk to get to the main area.
Places really book up here during high season, so december january february with that in mind.
Don't book last minute, absolute peak season, not just for international travel but also for domestic travel.
And we've really noticed that in the restaurants, like we've been going into big restaurants and packed, there's been restaurants we haven't been able to eat at because the lineup is insane.
Also all the tables are full so you have to be willing to wait in line half an hour at least.
So yeah, it's a popular destination for sure.
But anyways, getting back to the apartment, this is our living slash dining area slash office.
We're all set up mess to be expected from us.
Always, always.
Then we have the kitchen, it's a small kitchen for like one person to be working on food prep slash washing.
Yeah, we have a small fridge over here.
We went to the supermarket, did some groceries, got some fresh produce.
Also we bought fresh pasta, so we're gonna be making that sometime.
Um and if you come this way down this hall, we have the bathroom, pretty standard toilet and a shower That we hate to test this shower.
Oh my gosh.
To be honest, it's the worst shower we've had.
Well I don't remember the last time we had a shower.
That was really bad.
The problem is there's something wrong with the water pressure.
It's very weak which means the water tank, like the heat doesn't kick in.
So half the time you're having cold showers which isn't fun.
And we've tried fiddling were scolding hot.
There's no there's no that's not pleasant.
Also the shower, it's such a small shower that the shower current touch clings to your body.
This is kind of falling apart.
So yeah that could be improved the bathroom situation and tiny sink.
You can't do much here won't be doing laundry there.
No, no I really like this place except for the bathroom only downside the achilles heel for sure.
Especially the bed.
The bed is great.
That is great, nice for mattress and yeah that's kind of it.
It's just a small apartment, but it's perfect for a couple or if you come with like a friend or some kids, the couch that I show you guys in the living area that converts into a bed.
And there's another pull out there as well.
There you go.
So guys, thanks so much for watching our journey to use Waya.
And now that we're here for a nice long time, we'll be making quite a few videos.
So stay tuned for those.
Most of you there.
Bye bye.
Yeah, better.