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  • Climate change is 'code red for humanity', says the United Nations. Hi, I'm Tom. Joining me this morning is Catherine. Hi, Catherine.

    聯合國表示,氣候變化是「人類的紅色警戒」。 嗨,我是 Tom,今天早上和我一起回顧新聞的是 Catherine 。 嗨,Catherine。

  • Hello, Tom. Hello everybody, and if you'd like to do a quiz on today's vocabulary, just go to our website Now, let's hear more on this story from this BBC News report:

    你好,Tom。大家好。如果你想對今天的詞彙進行測驗,請到我們的網站。 現在,讓我們從 BBC 新聞報導中聽到更多關於以下這個故事的資訊:

  • United Nations researchers are set to make their strongest statement yet on the impact of climate change. In a key report setting out how the world's oceans, ice caps, and land could change in the next decades. Researchers confirmed that if global temperature increase is limited to 1.5 Celsius above pre-industrial levels, the worst catastrophes can still be avoided.

    聯合國研究人員將就氣候變化的影響發表迄今為止最強而有力的聲明。在一份重要報告中,闡述了未來幾十年世界海洋、冰蓋和陸地可能發生的變化。研究人員證實,如果全球溫度上升限制在比工業化前的溫度高 1.5 攝氏度以內,仍然可以避免最嚴重的災難。

  • So, the UN is set to release a new report on the effects of climate change. It's going to contain details about the impact of climate change on the natural world. It's expected to be the strongest warning yet, and it warns about what might happen if global temperature rises are not kept to 1.5° Celsius above pre-industrial levels. So, serious news there from the UN.

    聯合國將發布一份關於氣候變化影響的新報告。它將包含有關氣候變化對自然世界影響的詳細信息,預計這將是迄今為止最強烈的警告,它警告說如果全球氣溫上升超過工業化前的溫度的攝氏 1.5 度以上,可能會發生什麼樣的後果。 以上是來自聯合國嚴重的消息。

  • Serious indeed. Thank you, Catherine. Now, you have three words and expressions picked out from the media to describe today's story, right?


  • Yes, we are looking at: 'stark', 'a wake-up call' and 'dire'.

    沒錯,我們看到:「明顯的;粗陋的」、「警鐘」和 「可怕的」。

  • 'Stark', 'a wake-up call' and 'dire'. Catherine, let's have a look at your first headline please.

    「明顯的;粗陋的」、「警鐘」和 「可怕」。Catherine,我們來看看今天第一個新聞標題吧。

  • Sure. We are starting today in Scotland with The Nationalthe headline "COP26: UN issues stark warning on state of climate crisis"

    當然,我們從蘇格蘭的《國家報》開始,該頭條為「COP26 聯合國氣候峰會:聯合國就氣候危機狀況發出嚴厲警告」。

  • 'Stark' – clear and unpleasant. Catherine, what can you tell us about 'stark'?


  • Well, 'stark', Tom, is an adjective. The spelling is: S-T-A-R-K. And as you said, it means clear and unpleasant. So, the warning that the UN has given about climate change is a clear warning, it's an unpleasant warning. It's really, kind of... the idea is shocking and something that's very difficult to ignore.

    「Stark」是一個形容詞,拼寫方式是 S-T-A-R-K。而且正如你所說,它的意思是清楚和令人不快的。 所以,聯合國發出關於氣候變化的警示是一個明確的警告,是一個令人不快的警告。有點像是在說... 這個想法是令人震驚的,是很難忽視的東西。

  • So, we're talking about 'stark' in the context of climate change, which is obviously a hugely important global issue. When could we use this word in more everyday speech, or an everyday context?

    所以,我們正在談論氣候變化背景下出現的 「stark」這個詞。這顯然是一個極為重要的全球問題,我們什麼時候可以在更日常的對話或日常語境中使用這個詞呢?

  • Yeah, we get 'stark' warnings all the time and in our personal lifeyou imagine a child at school and this child is misbehaving, and the first couple of times the teacher, kind of... you know, just checks them quite gently, but maybe the third or fourth time of bad behaviour, they're going to get a 'stark' warning from the teacher.


  • - Maybe a kind of... you know, a threat of punishment or they might raise their voice a little bit. And then the child will be really, really clear about the possible consequences if they don't change their behaviour. - Yeah, they could get a letter home or something like that. Yeah. - Yeah.

    - 也許是一種...... 一種懲罰的威脅,或者他們可能會提高一點音量,然後孩子就會非常非常清楚地知道,如果他們不改變自己的行為,可能會有什麼後果。 - 沒錯,像是他們可能會被留校查看之類的。- 沒錯,沒錯。

  • So, we could have a 'stark warning'. Are there any other collocations that go with this adjective 'stark'?

    所以,我們可能會收到「嚴厲的警告」。還有其他與「stark 」這個形容詞搭配的詞嗎?

  • Yes, we can talk... it means, in the sense of claritythings being very clearyou can talk about a 'stark contrast': two things are very, very differentthere's a 'stark contrast'.

    有的,我們可以說... 這意味著,在清晰的意義上——事情非常清晰——你可以說「鮮明的對比」:兩件事非常非常不同——有一種「鮮明的對比」。

  • So, we could say that black is a 'stark contrast' to white, right? As a basic example. Now, I know that there's one other collocation, which is quite common in British English, which is 'stark naked', right?

    所以,我們可以說,黑色是白色的 「鮮明對比」,對嗎?作為一個基礎的例子。我知道還有一種搭配,這在英式英語中是很常見的,就是「一絲不掛的」,對嗎?

  • 'Stark naked', yes. You... you use that especially if somebody sort of.... if you surprise somebody when they're getting changed, for example. You might say, 'Ooh, they were stark naked!'


  • They were clearly and unpleasantly naked, you could almost say! OK. Thank you for that Catherine. Thanks for the examples. Let's take a look at our summary slide please:

    可以說,他們很顯然是一絲不掛,且令人不快的!很好, Catherine,謝謝你的解講還有例子。 讓我們看看我們的簡報。

  • OK. Today we're talking about a 'stark' warning from the UN on climate change. The UN, in 2019, also delivered a 'stark' warning from a report on nature loss and we did a News Review about this. Catherine, how can the audience find this?

    好的。 今天我們談論的是聯合國對氣候變化的「嚴厲」警告。 聯合國在 2019 年也從一份關於自然損失的報告中發出了「嚴厲」警告,我們對此進行了新聞評論。 Catherine,觀眾如何能得到該資訊?

  • You just have to click the link.


  • Just click the link in the description. Great! Catherine, let's have a look at your second headline please.


  • Yes, we're here with the BBC News and the headline "Stark warning over climate (change) a 'wake-up call"

    好的,接下來這個是 BBC 新聞,頭條為「對氣候變化的嚴厲警告是「警鐘」

  • 'A wake-up call' – a shocking event, which can cause changes in behaviour or attitude. Catherine, over to you.

    敲響了警鐘'--一個令人震驚的事件。這可能導致行為或態度的改變。 凱瑟琳,交給你了。

  • Yes. Now, we start with 'a'. Then the second word: 'wake' – W-A-K-E. Third word is 'up' – U-P. Butthose two words, 'wake' and 'up', are joined with a hyphen when you write them. And the final word is 'call' – C-A-L-L. So, you have 'a wake-up call'. Now, Tom, I'm sure you've had 'a wake-up call' in a hotel, haven't you, at some point in your life?

    是的。現在,我們以'a'開頭。然後是第二個詞:'wake' - W-A-K-E。第三個詞是'向上'--U-P。但是--這兩個詞。 'wake'和'up',在書寫時要用連字元連接。 而最後一個詞是'呼叫'--C-A-L-L。 所以,你有 "一個警鐘"。現在,湯姆。 我相信你在酒店裡也有過 "被叫醒 "的經歷。 難道你沒有,在你生命中的某個時刻?

  • I have, yeah. 'A wake-up call' in a hotel is when someone gives you a phone call to wake you up, or stop you from sleeping.


  • Yes, and it's a bit of a shock, isn't it? When you're lying... you wake up in a strange bed with the phone ringing and you're, like, 'Where am I? What's happening?' It sort of makes you jump a bit, doesn't it?

    是的,這讓人有點吃驚,不是嗎?當你撒謊的時候...你在一張陌生的床上醒來,電話響起。 而你,就像,'我在哪裡?發生了什麼事? 這有點讓你跳起來,不是嗎?

  • It's... it's alarming, yeah. And you could say it causes alarm, yeah.


  • Yes. Which is why we call it an 'alarm call' sometimes. So, that's the kind of idea of 'a wake-up call' originally. Now, in this context, we're not talking about hotels and making you wake up in the morning, but we are talking about a shock: something that, kind of, jolts you into reality and makes you pay attention and take action.

    是的。這就是為什麼我們有時稱它為 "報警電話"。所以,這就是'喚醒'的那種想法,原來是這樣的。 現在,在這種情況下。 我們不是在談論酒店和讓你在早上醒來。 但我們談論的是一種衝擊:某種東西,有點。 讓你進入現實,讓你注意並採取行動。

  • OK. So, we're talking about 'wake-up call', again in this serious context of climate change. Could you give us an example of when we can use 'wake-up call' in a more everyday context?

    好的。所以,我們正在談論 "喚醒"。在這個氣候變化的嚴重背景下,再次提出。 你能舉個例子說明我們什麼時候可以使用 "喚醒 "嗎? 在更日常的背景下?

  • - Yes. Well, if you think about those lazy students, Tom. I'm sure you weren't one but, you know, there's always that time at university when you get fed up of working really hard and the grades slip a bit and it's a bit... - Yeah, I heard... I heard about that timeNever happened to me, obviously. - Yes... I'm sure, I'm sure.

    是的。嗯,如果你想想那些懶惰的學生,湯姆。我確信你不是一個人,但是,你知道,總是有那麼一段時間 在大學裡,當你厭倦了真正的努力工作時,就會發現 和成績滑落了一點,而且有點... 是的,我聽說...我聽說過那個時候--顯然,從未發生在我身上。

  • And then one day you get a grade, which is really quite low: it's a D, maybe an E even, and you go, 'Ugh... oh, no! Right, party time's over. I'm going to have to start working, because if I don't I'm gonna fail this course.'

    是的...我確定,我確定。然後有一天你得到了一個成績。這真的很低:它是一個D,甚至可能是一個E,然後你去。 '唉......哦,不!對了,聚會時間結束了。 我得開始工作了。 因為如果我不這樣做,我將無法通過這個課程。

  • So, that bad gradethat D or that E – was a 'wake-up call' because it makes you get back to reality, work harder. So, a serious warning that makes you change your behaviour is 'a wake-up call'.

    是以,那個糟糕的成績--那個D或E--是一個 "警鐘"。因為它使你回到現實,更加努力工作。 是以,一個嚴重的警告,使你改變你的行為 是 "一記警鐘"。

  • - So, low grades are 'a wake-up call' to lazy students and of course... - Should be.

    是以,低成績是對懶惰學生的 "警鐘"。當然還有...應該是。

  • And of course, anyone watching this is taking ownership of their education and will not need that 'wake-up call'. Great! Let's have our summary slide please:

    ......當然,任何人在看這個的時候是對自己的教育的所有權 並且不需要那個 "喚醒電話"。很好! 讓我們來看看我們的總結幻燈片,請。

  • OK. Talking about waking up, we have another News Review on people who can't sleep during lockdown. Catherine, where can they find this?

    好的。談到醒來,我們有另一個新聞回顧關於在封鎖期間無法入睡的人。 凱瑟琳,他們在哪裡可以找到這個?

  • Just click that link.


  • Click that link in the description. Great! Catherine, let's have a look at our next headline for today please.


  • And we're in Ireland now: RTEthe headline "UN report set to dire climate change warnings"

    而我們現在在愛爾蘭。RTE - 頭條新聞。

  • 'Dire' – very serious; bad. Catherine, what can you tell us about this word?


  • It has four letters, Tom: D-I-R-E. It's pronounced 'dire' and yes, it means very, very serious or very, very bad.

    它有四個字母,湯姆。D-I-R-E。它的發音是'dire',是的。它意味著非常、非常嚴重或非常、非常糟糕。 是以,在 "可怕的氣候變化警告 "的標題下--我們也已經

  • So, in the headline 'dire climate change warnings' – we've also spoken about 'stark warnings' today. What's the difference between these two adjectives 'dire' and 'stark'?

    今天談到了'嚴厲的警告'。這兩個形容詞 "可怕的 "和 "鮮明的 "之間有什麼區別?

  • Yes, they're very closely related. They talked about 'dire warnings' and 'stark warnings'. 'Stark' means it's really, really clear: if something's 'stark', it's obvious, it's very difficult to ignore. If something's bad... sorry! If something's 'dire', it's really, really bad.

    是的,它們的關係非常密切。他們談到了 "可怕的警告 "和 "嚴峻的警告"。 '鮮明'意味著它真的非常清楚:如果某件事情是'鮮明的'。 這是顯而易見的,它很難被忽視。 如果事情很糟糕......對不起!如果有什麼東西是'可怕的'。 這真的非常非常糟糕。

  • So, both of those words, 'stark' and 'dire', relate to something being serious, but 'stark' is clear – 'dire' is bad.

    是以,這兩個詞,'嚴酷'和'可怕'。與某件事情的嚴重性有關,但 "stark "是明確的,"dire "是不好的。

  • And this word 'dire', when we talk about 'dire climate change warnings' – obviously warnings about climate changethings could get very bad: big, serious context. Again, can we use it in more everyday speech?

    而這個詞'可怕',當我們談到'可怕的氣候變化警告'時- 顯然,關於氣候變化的警告--事情可能變得非常糟糕。 大的,嚴肅的背景。同樣,我們可以在更多的日常講話中使用它嗎?

  • Absolutely. Anything that is really, really badlike, really, really bad can be 'dire'. Anything from a film, to a song, to a party, to a pizzayou can get a terrible, really, really bad teacher... pizza! You can say, 'That pizza was absolutely dire!' It means the worst pizza you've ever eaten.

    絕對的。任何非常、非常糟糕的事情--比如,真的。真正的壞可以是 "可怕的"。從一部電影,到一首歌,再到一個聚會,任何事情都可以。 到一個比薩餅--你可以得到一個可怕的,真的,真的很糟糕的老師......比薩餅! 你可以說,'那個比薩餅絕對是可怕的!' 這意味著你所吃過的最糟糕的比薩餅。

  • Yeah. It's, kind of, very disappointing, isn't it?


  • - Terrible... just terrible ... - If something's 'dire'.


  • Anyway, hopefully no one's gonna be thinking that our News Review is 'dire' today, so on... on that funny joke, let's cut to the slide please.


  • OK. Catherine, can you recap today's vocabulary for the audience, please?


  • Yes. We had 'stark' – clear and unpleasant; we had 'a wake-up call' – a shocking event which can cause changes to attitude or behaviour, and 'dire', which means very serious and bad.

    是的。我們有'stark'--清晰而不愉快的。我們有 "一記警鐘"--一個令人震驚的事件 這可能導致態度或行為的改變。 還有 "可怕的",意思是非常嚴重和糟糕。

  • Thank you, Catherine. Don't forget we have a quiz on today's vocabulary: is the website, and of course we're all over social media as well. That's it from us today. Thank you for being here and goodbye.

    謝謝你,凱瑟琳。不要忘記--我們有一個關於今天的詞彙的測驗。bbclearningenglish.com是該網站。 當然,我們在社交媒體上也都是如此。 我們今天就講到這裡。感謝你們的到來,再見。

  • Goodbye!


Climate change is 'code red for humanity', says the United Nations. Hi, I'm Tom. Joining me this morning is Catherine. Hi, Catherine.

聯合國表示,氣候變化是「人類的紅色警戒」。 嗨,我是 Tom,今天早上和我一起回顧新聞的是 Catherine 。 嗨,Catherine。

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