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Have you ever been in a scalding hot shower with a bar of soap slipping through your fingers and shampoo stinging your eyes, and wondered what would happen if I never took another shower?
Let's find out on today's episode of Colossal Questions.
Here's what would happen if you decided today that you were never going to shower again.
Well, for starters, you'd stink.
This one's pretty obvious, right?
Dead skin, dirt, and all kinds of bacteria would slowly build up all over your body, causing an obnoxious odor.
Is that not gross enough to get you in the shower?
Well, how about brown clumps that would start growing on your skin?
That's right: dirt, dust, or other disgusting microbes would slowly start to collect on your skin, causing brown growths.
It's most likely to happen on parts of the body that produce the most natural oils.
Your armpits, neck, head, and behind the ears.
Dead skin wouldn't just build up on your body, your scalp would have all sorts of problems too.
We call dead skin that collects on the scalp "dandruff."
It's a pretty common problem, even for people who shower regularly.
And it causes your head to itch.
But if you stopped showering altogether, well, your dandruff would go into overdrive.
Your hair would get oily and dirty and would start to look matted and full of knots, like unintentional dreadlocks.
As if that wasn't bad enough, the skin on your face would have the worst acne attack of all time, giving you terrible pimples and pus bumps from all the oil buildup.
But if just being really, really gross isn't enough to keep you showering, what about the effect it has on your health.
That's right, showers don't just keep you looking and smelling nice, they also keep you healthy.
We're all taught that if you get a little scrape or cut, it's best to wash it off.
That's because dirt and bacteria can cause an infection.
But if you never showered, getting a small cut is way more likely to get infected because of all the extra bacteria crawling around on your skin.
So, while it might be annoying to have a bath or shower regularly, it's way less annoying than losing a limb to infection.
And now you know what would happen if you never showered again.
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